13 Results for : deadlift
How to Deadlift Correctly , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 3min
The deadlift is a great overall development workout. While most of the strain is felt in the legs and back during the lift, all muscles are eventually engaged somewhere throughout the movement. This is my recommended exercise for better posture and overall lower-back development. The deadlift has even been rumored to work more muscle groups than the squat exercise using a barbell. In this short reading I provide the correct way to deadlift using easy tips that can be understood by anyone at any fitness level. I am a certified personal trainer through the National Federation of Professional Trainers, certificate number 45582. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Brian B Dobbs. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/028631/bk_acx0_028631_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Deadlift , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 128min
Deadlift is a weightlifting term that refers to the action of lifting a weight from the floor to a standing position, gripping a bar. David Lowe is currently performing the heaviest unrecorded deadlift, performed outside competition rules, or any rules, by holding the severed cable of a thousand-pound hotel elevator containing his wife and an undetonated bomb, while a killer in a sackcloth mask looks on, and a hit man holds a loaded gun to his head. David is no superhero; he has no special abilities other than mere human strength and the will to save his wife. He's been holding the elevator for one minute and 36 seconds, bloodying his hands, tearing muscle fibers and cracking bones. But push him to his limit and he'll dig deep, find more. Because when everything is on the line, it's not about muscle any more - it's about heart...and never, ever, giving up on what you love. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Lee David Foreman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/084733/bk_acx0_084733_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Olympic Bumper Plate 5KG - 25KG
Für effektives Krafttraining: Die Bumper Plates aus Vollgummi von Gorilla Sports von 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg Die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg von Gorilla Sports wurden als hochwertige Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi speziell für das Gewichtheben entwickelt. Sie sind robust, vielseitig einsetzbar und halten unbeschadet einen Fall aus großer Höhe aus.Die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg von Gorilla Sports im DetailKrafttraining mit Gewichtheben: Die Bumper Plates verfügen als Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi über ein Gewicht von fünf, zehn, fünfzehn, zwanzig bis fünfundzwanzig Kilogramm. Mit ihrer 51 Millimeter-Bohrung passen sie auf alle Stangen mit 50 Millimeter Durchmesser. Sie sind ideal für alle Übungen im Rahmen des Gewichthebens.Alles auf einen Blick - die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg:Sind aus strapazierfähigem Vollgummi gefertigtHärte, nach Shore: A 85 (Medium bis Hart)Sprungverhalten: niedrig bis mittelDämpfung: niedrig bis mittelVerfügen über einen verstärkenden MetallinnenringPassen mit 51 mm-Bohrungen auf alle Stangen mit 50 mm DurchmesserSind mit Gewichtsangaben in Kilogramm versehenSind in Schwarz ausgeführtGewichtheben mit den Bumper PlatesDer stabile, rutsch- und reißfeste Vollgummi der Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg stellt beim Gewichtheben einen wichtigen Sicherheitsfaktor dar. Die Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi mit dem verstärkenden Metallinnenkern verwendest Du zum Beispiel für Übungen wie Squats, Clean &, Jerks, Deadlift oder Snatches. Erhältlich in folgenden Ausführungen::5 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 2 cm)10 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 4,5 cm)15 kg (Durchmesser 45cm, Breite 6 cm)20 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 7,5 cm)25 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 10 cm)- Shop: Gorillasports
- Price: 44.99 EUR excl. shipping
Olympic Bumper Plate 5KG - 25KG
Für effektives Krafttraining: Die Bumper Plates aus Vollgummi von Gorilla Sports von 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg Die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg von Gorilla Sports wurden als hochwertige Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi speziell für das Gewichtheben entwickelt. Sie sind robust, vielseitig einsetzbar und halten unbeschadet einen Fall aus großer Höhe aus.Die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg von Gorilla Sports im DetailKrafttraining mit Gewichtheben: Die Bumper Plates verfügen als Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi über ein Gewicht von fünf, zehn, fünfzehn, zwanzig bis fünfundzwanzig Kilogramm. Mit ihrer 51 Millimeter-Bohrung passen sie auf alle Stangen mit 50 Millimeter Durchmesser. Sie sind ideal für alle Übungen im Rahmen des Gewichthebens.Alles auf einen Blick - die Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg:Sind aus strapazierfähigem Vollgummi gefertigtHärte, nach Shore: A 85 (Medium bis Hart)Sprungverhalten: niedrig bis mittelDämpfung: niedrig bis mittelVerfügen über einen verstärkenden MetallinnenringPassen mit 51 mm-Bohrungen auf alle Stangen mit 50 mm DurchmesserSind mit Gewichtsangaben in Kilogramm versehenSind in Schwarz ausgeführtGewichtheben mit den Bumper PlatesDer stabile, rutsch- und reißfeste Vollgummi der Bumper Plates 5 kg, 10 kg, 15 kg, 20 kg bis 25 kg stellt beim Gewichtheben einen wichtigen Sicherheitsfaktor dar. Die Hantelscheiben aus Vollgummi mit dem verstärkenden Metallinnenkern verwendest Du zum Beispiel für Übungen wie Squats, Clean &, Jerks, Deadlift oder Snatches. Erhältlich in folgenden Ausführungen:5 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 2 cm)10 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 4,5 cm)15 kg (Durchmesser 45cm, Breite 6 cm)20 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 7,5 cm)25 kg (Durchmesser 45 cm, Breite 10 cm)- Shop: Gorillasports
- Price: 89.99 EUR excl. shipping
Insulation , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 86min
Yvonne's sure there's something wrong with her new landlord. She's right. He insulates his apartment against the noise of the outside world, but it's the voices that bother him most, and only a special kind of insulation can give him peace from the ghosts in his head. A horror novella from the author of Masters of Blood and Bone, Cold Fire, and Deadlift. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Molly King. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/085611/bk_acx0_085611_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Sprechen Sie Coach?
Verständliche und präzise Anweisungen zu geben ist eine Kunst, die jeder Coach beherrschen sollte. Denn eine unklare Anleitung im Training führt zu Fehlern in der Ausführung, was Verletzungen verursachen und die Leistung langfristig beeinträchtigen kann. Der Sportwissenschaftler Nick Winkelman zeigt, wie Sie als Coach effektiv und zielführend mit Ihren Athleten kommunizieren. Seine Methode bietet eine neue, psychologisch fundierte Sichtweise darauf, wie Sprache im Training richtig genutzt wird, um Fehler zu vermeiden und zu korrigieren. Indem Sie die Vorstellungskraft des Sportlers adressieren, versteht dieser Ihre Anweisungen nicht nur richtig, sondern verinnerlicht auch deren korrekte Umsetzung dauerhaft. Zahlreiche kreative Beispiele dienen als Inspiration: Lassen Sie Ihren Athleten eine gefährliche Schlucht überwinden, statt einfach nur weit zu springen, oder sich beim Deadlift aus den Fängen einer Riesenkrake befreien. So unterstützen Sie ihn optimal im Lernprozess und holendas Beste aus ihm heraus!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 36.00 EUR excl. shipping
A Weight Lifter's Guide to Alcohol , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 15min
Think you know your alcohol as well as your right bicep muscle, think again and be prepared to have your mind blown. Alcohol and weight training seem to create a popular combination. We have a negative light that always shines on alcohol. What happen if alcohol maybe has gotten a bad reputation in the weight lifting world, when it doesn't really deserve the negative connotation? This articles does into depth and analyzing how alcohol impacts each and every factor specifically consider when one is trying to improve their bodybuilding appurtenance, or their new deadlift max for their recreation weight lifting goal. I am a certified personal trainer by the National Federation of Professional Trainer (accredited by the NCAA), certification number 45582. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chadrick McNeal. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/023872/bk_acx0_023872_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Death by a Mother's Hand: A Mulrones Novella , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 121min
When a young boy dies, his parents turns to an old lady known for fixing things, and sometimes people - but father and mother both are looking for a different kind of vengeance entirely. The old woman is Ma Mulrone. She's just a very, very old woman who knows an awful lot about revenge. She knows, too, that what some folk think of as magic shouldn't ever be quick, and it certainly shouldn't be easy. She sees better than most, whether she's looking close up, or far away...but like all those with power, she can't see inside her own shadow and even old ladies who always look the same can make mistakes... A Mulrones Novella of crime, vengeance,and horror from the author of Deadlift, Flesh and Coin, Hangman and Highwayman. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Molly King. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/085951/bk_acx0_085951_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Burn Fat: Intermittent Fasting & Strength Training: 2-in-1 Bundle , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 176min
Do you want to learn how to lose fat and build strength at the same time? This amazing Burn Fat two-book bundle will help you achieve your weight loss and strength training goals! Burn Fat includes the following audiobooks: Intermittent Fasting Strength Training The first audiobook, Intermittent Fasting, will teach you what intermittent fasting is and how to develop discipline with your eating habits so that you can lose weight and keep it off permanently. This audiobook will teach you different kinds of intermittent fasting schedules and methods as well as fasting tips and strategies that you can use in order to make fasting part of your everyday life. This audiobook will teach you about the importance of nutrition while fasting and goes over simple meal plans that you can prepare in order to help you along your fat-loss journey. The second audiobook, Strength Training, will teach you how to go from a beginner to an advanced strength training athlete. This audiobook will teach you the amazing 5x5 Strength Training Workout Program as well as go over important muscles you will need to exercise for getting stronger. This audiobook goes over important compound exercises for getting stronger such as the squat and deadlift as well as guide you through the process of getting stronger. So, do you want to learn how to lose fat and build strength at the same time? Then get this resourceful Burn Fat two-book bundle now! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: William Bahl. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/104875/bk_acx0_104875_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Strength Training Revolution: Grow Bigger and Stronger with the 4-Step Training System That Redefines Strength for Intermediate-Advanced Barbell, Powerlifting, and Strength Athletes , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 229min
If you’ve encountered plateaus with your current strength training program and you can’t seem to get over this slump no matter what you do, then keep reading....What’s your max squat? How much ya bench? What’s your best deadlift? Can you press your body weight?Today, pushing quantifiable expressions of strength, like your maxes, is becoming increasingly ubiquitous.However, though strength may be specific, real strength is much more than a powerlifting total - it’s about resilience, capability, and adaptability.It’s survival of the fittest after all, not the strongest.But most strength training programs emphasize mastering only one factor of strength - technicality via neuromuscular efficiency, which happens to be the least transferable factor of strength, too.There are other factors of strength that should be trained, which offer more carryover to other sports, as well as to other aspects of life.In fact, your training should be specific to you, and it should be dependent on your training advancement, goals, and weaknesses.Yet I see many strength enthusiasts make the same mistake I once made: Get addicted to the simplicity of beginner linear progression programs and try to run them forever.But proper training doesn’t have to be complicated; you can continue to have simple programming as you enter the intermediate and advanced stages of your lifting career.Using a simple yet revolutionary four-step training system, train all factors of strength at the same time and become a stronger, better, and more confident you.Referencing some of the best powerlifting and strength coaches, discover:What your training advancement is according to a comprehensive classification chart compiled from five different coaches, and how to correct your training so that it matches your real experience levelWhat to prioritize at each training ad ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Benjamin McLean. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/157105/bk_acx0_157105_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping