20 Results for : 002309

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    Welcome to Westmorland. Perhaps the most scenic county in England! Home of the poets! Land of the great artists! District of the Great lakes! And the scene of a mysterious crime.... Swanton Morley, the People's Professor, once again sets off in his Lagonda to continue his history of England, The County Guides. Stranded in the market town of Appleby after a tragic rail crash, Morley; his daughter, Miriam; and his assistant, Stephen Sefton, find themselves drawn into a world of country fairs, gypsy lore and Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling. When a woman's body is discovered at an archaeological dig, for Morley there's only one possible question: could it be murder? Join Morley, Miriam and Sefton as they journey along the Great North road and the Settle-Carlisle Line into the dark heart of 1930s England. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mike Grady. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hcuk/002309/bk_hcuk_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    From popular TV personality Bob Beckel, a deeply moving, redemptive memoir about his life as a political operative and diplomat, his long struggle with alcohol and drugs, and his unlikely journey to finding faith. Growing up poor in an abusive home, Bob Beckel learned to be a survivor: to avoid conflict, mask his feelings, and lie - all skills that served him well in Washington, where he would become the youngest-ever deputy assistant secretary of State and manage Walter Mondale's 1984 presidential campaign. But Beckel was living a double life. On January 20, 2001 - George W. Bush's first Inauguration Day - he hit rock bottom, waking up in the psych ward. Written with captivating honesty, Beckel chronicles how his addictions nearly killed him until he found help in an unexpected ally, conservative Cal Thomas, who helped him find faith, get sober, and get his life back on track. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bob Beckel, Graham Beckel. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hach/002309/bk_hach_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In his first series, Miles Jupp is in the chair for eight episodes of BBC Radio 4's ever-popular topical comedy show. The News Quiz,'the finest topical comedy panel game known to radio', has been providing headlines, punchlines and a sharply satirical take on the news since it first aired in 1977. In these eight episodes, the players include regulars such as Mark Steel, Susan Calman, Jeremy Hardy, Samira Ahmed and Lucy Porter as well as newer panellists including Danny Finkelstein, Sarah Kendall, Emily Ashton, Elis James and Sara Pascoe. They dissect issues diverse and diverting, including Jeremy Corbyn, Lord Ashcroft's biography of David Cameron, the 5p charge for plastic bags, the Rugby World Cup and Playboy's cover-up. There's also the usual selection of funny cuttings sent in by listeners, read by newsreaders Neil Sleat, Kathy Clugston, Susan Rae and Diana Speed. New boy Miles Jupp is in the chair following the retirement of Sandi Toskvig from the show in June 2015, making him the fifth host in the show's 38-year history. Language: English. Narrator: full cast, Jeremy Hardy, Miles Jupp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rhuk/002309/bk_rhuk_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Fans of A Series of Unfortunate Events and Coraline will devour this dark and creepy, humor-laced tale about four siblings who discover a mysterious world where secrets hide around every corner. When a family disaster forces the four Rothbaum children to live with their aunt Gladys, they immediately know there is something strange about their new home. The crazy, circular house looks like it stepped out of a scary movie. The front entrance is a four-story-tall drawbridge. And the only food in Aunt Gladys' kitchen is an endless supply of Honey Nut Oat Blast Ring-a-Dings cereal. Strangest of all are the doors - there are none. Every doorway is a wide-open passageway - even the bathroom! Who lives in a house with no doors? Their unease only grows when Aunt Gladys disappears for long stretches of time, leaving them alone to explore the strange house. When they discover just what Aunt Gladys has been doing with all her doors, the shocked siblings embark on an adventure that changes everything they believe about their family and the world. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Neilsen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/lili/002309/bk_lili_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Kait Winchester hat von ihren Arapaho-Vorfahren eine besondere Gabe geerbt: Sie kann mit einer Berührung heilen. Und es gibt niemanden, den sie lieber in die Hände bekommen würde als den superheißen SEAL, der die gegenseitige Anziehungskraft jedoch entschlossen ignoriert. Als der verwundete Krieger endlich doch ihre Hilfe sucht, ist sie mehr als bereit, ihn wieder gesund zu pflegen... und ihn in ihr Bett zu bekommen. Navy SEAL Lieutenant Marcus "Cosky" Simcosky war schon öfter in Teufels Küche, aber in letzter Zeit scheint wahrlich die Hölle losgebrochen zu sein. Gegen sein Team wird wegen einer schiefgelaufenen Geiselbefreiung ermittelt, eine verrückte Stalkerin ist ihm auf den Fersen, und die letzten Kugeln, die er sich eingefangen hat, könnten das Ende seiner Karriere bedeuten. Doch das Schlimmste an der ganzen Sache ist, dass es sich bei der Frau, die ihn wieder auf die Beine bringen kann - und die seit Jahren in seinen Träumen herumspukt -, um die Schwester seines Teamkameraden handelt. Bisher hat er sie nur angesehen, aber nie berührt. Doch als seine Stalkerin Kait angreift, hat Cosky keine andere Wahl, als Himmel und Hölle in Bewegung zu setzen, damit ihr nichts geschieht. Diese ungekürzte Hörbuch-Fassung genießt du exklusiv nur bei Audible. ungekürzt. deutsch. Arianne Borbach. https://samples.audible.de/bk/adko/002309/bk_adko_002309_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Heather Holleman used to live a fragile life, a prisoner to fear, anxiety, and despair. Like many younger women, she knew Jesus, but she wasn't strong in Him. Her search for comfort seemed unending. Then, one day, while reading a simple statement in Scripture, "God guards the lives of his faithful ones" (Psalm 97:10), that all began to change. In Guarded by Christ: Knowing the God Who Rescues and Keeps Us, Heather guides women through a series of practical mental shifts that immensely helped her live strong in the Lord. Learn how in Jesus, you are guarded: By righteousness instead of condemnation By peace instead of anxiety By hope instead of despair By the Holy Spirit's power instead of self-effort By a crucified life instead of a self-important one We all need maturity in Christ that prepares us not just to endure anything, but to live from the strength and peace of Jesus in every season. Guarded by Christ will help women cultivate this maturity, reconnecting them with the Savior who rescues, keeps, and holds us with His love. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sarah Zimmerman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hove/002309/bk_hove_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A shattering account of war and disillusionment from a young woman reporter on the front lines of the war on terror.A few weeks after the planes crashed into the World Trade Center on 9/11, journalist Megan K. Stack, a 25-year-old national correspondent for the Los Angeles Times, was thrust into Afghanistan and Pakistan, dodging gunmen and prodding warlords for information. From there, she traveled to war-ravaged Iraq and Lebanon and other countries scarred by violence, including Israel, Egypt, Libya, and Yemen, witnessing the changes that swept the Muslim world and laboring to tell its stories.Every Man in This Village Is a Liar is Megan K. Stack’s riveting account of what she saw in the combat zones and beyond. She relates her initial wild excitement and her slow disillusionment as the cost of violence outweighs the elusive promise of freedom and democracy. She reports from under bombardment in Lebanon; records the raw pain of suicide bombings in Israel and Iraq; and, one by one, marks the deaths and disappearances of those she interviews.Beautiful, savage, and unsettling, Every Man in This Village Is a Liar is a memoir about the wars of the 21st century that listeners will long remember. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Dana Green. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/002309/bk_rand_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Eine Schlacht gegen Bestien - im Krieg gegen das Chaos.In der Milchstraße schreibt man das Jahr 2071 Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung, in der Mitte des sechsten Jahrtausends unserer Zeit. Seit fast einem Vierteljahrhundert erleben die Sternenreiche der Milchstraße eine Phase des Friedens und des Aufbaus. Die Zivilisationen arbeiten zusammen, treiben Handel und forschen gemeinsam. Es scheint, als könnte Perry Rhodans alter Traum von Partnerschaft und Frieden endlich Wirklichkeit werden.Die ermutigende Entwicklung darf allerdings nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass die Milchstraße ihren uralten Mentor verloren hat: die Superintelligenz ES ist seit langer Zeit verschollen. Seitdem ist es an den Terranern, den Arkoniden, Gatasern, Halutern, Posbis und all den anderen Sternenvölkern, ihre Freiheit aus eigener Kraft zu wahren und miteinander zu verteidigen. Wachsamkeit bleibt das Gebot der Stunde.Deswegen sind die Liga Freier Galaktiker und die Lemurische Allianz aufs Höchste alarmiert, als sie erfahren, dass in Cassiopeia, einem Trabanten der Nachbargalaxis Andromeda, ein sogenannter Chaoporter gestrandet sei. Von diesem Konstrukt der Chaotarchen soll eine ungeheure Gefahr für die Milchstraße ausgehen.Perry Rhodan wird zum Allianz-Kommissar ernannt mit dem Auftrag, diese Informationen zu prüfen und die Gefahr zu bannen. Er startet mit der RAS TSCHUBAI, dem größten Fernraumschiff der Terraner, nach Cassiopeia. Dort begegnet er nicht nur Nachfahren der Ersten Menschheit, sondern auch einem uralten Feind. Dessen Lebensraum ist DER EISERNE KONTINENT...In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. Renier Baaken. https://samples.audible.de/bk/eins/002309/bk_eins_002309_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    It's 1944. Physics professor Alfred Mendel and his family are trying to flee Paris when they are caught and forced onto a train along with thousands of other Jewish families. At the other end of the long, torturous train ride, Alfred is separated from his family and sent to the men's camp, where all of his belongings are tossed on a roaring fire. His books, his papers, his life's work. The Nazis have no idea what they have just destroyed. And without that physical record, Alfred is one of only two people in the world with his particular knowledge. Knowledge that could start a war - or end it.Nathan Blum works behind a desk at an intelligence office in Washington, DC, but he longs to contribute to the war effort in a more meaningful way, and he has a particular skill set the US suddenly needs. Nathan is fluent in German and Polish, and he proved his scrappiness at a young age when he escaped from the Krakow ghetto. Now the government wants him to take on the most dangerous assignment of his life: Nathan must sneak into Auschwitz on a mission to find and escape with one man.This historical thriller from New York Times best seller Andrew Gross is a deeply affecting, pause-resisting series of twists and turns through a landscape at times horrifyingly familiar but still completely compelling. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Edoardo Ballerini. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/aren/002309/bk_aren_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Here is a fearless and incisive manifesto that exposes the real causes of President Obama's failure to enact liberal reform, by the former editor of Harper's magazine. Americans find themselves in genuine confusion and dismay concerning the actions of President Obama's administration, especially when it comes to the financial crisis and health care. Obama's reform packages, passed with great fanfare, ignore the most significant perils facing the United States. In The Mendacity of Hope, Roger D. Hodge makes the provocative case that substantive reform was never even on the table. Behind the euphoria of Obama's victory was in fact a business-as-usual corporate machine, a bloc of political investors, campaign contributors, and lobbyists expecting big returns on their investments. And what a return they have received: in one bailout after another, for the health insurance industry as well as for Wall Street, Obama made sure that the Democratic Party's most powerful investors made out like bandits. None of Obama's most important campaign promises - ending the Iraq war, abolishing torture, closing Guantánamo, changing Washington's culture of corruption - have come to pass. Instead, he has escalated the conflict in Afghanistan, bailed out the bankers, and institutionalized the civil rights abuses of the Bush regime. Another president might have played the forces of corporate interest differently, but Hodge argues that the fantasy of American politics is that a different kind of president is possible without a fundamental reform of our political system. Americans bought into the delusion that one man could bring change to Washington, but instead of reform we've seen a continuation of George W. Bush's assault on the Constitution. Obama's presidency has demonstrated that mere hope is never enough, that change will come only when the American people take charge of their own politics. A brilliantly crafted call to arms, The Mendacity ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: James Lurie. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/harp/002309/bk_harp_002309_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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