351 Results for : dixieland
Ticket für das 50. Internationale Dixieland Festival im Mai in Dresden (bis zu 43% sparen)
50 Jahre Dixieland Festival auf dem „Riverboat-Shuffle”, der Jubiläumsgala, „Blues, Boogie & Swing” oder der Open-Air-Gala feiern- Shop: Groupon
- Price: 29.90 EUR excl. shipping
Riverboat Nostalgie Dixie Trail - Kig Dixieland Festival 2022
Sonnabend, den 21.05.2022, 19.45 bis 22.30 UhrDresden, Terrassenufer, Personenschaufelraddampfer ?Stadt Wehlen?19.15 Uhr ZustiegRiverboat Nostalgie Dixie TrailZur Fahrt auf der Elbe schippert der 1879 in Dienst gestellte Schaufelraddampfer ?Stadt Wehlen? mit Dixieland-Musik in Richtung Meißen und zurück. Zur traditionellen Ambiente des Raddampfers mit seiner Dampfmaschine passt auch der Rhythmus der Musik, dargeboten von Bands, die sich den nostalgischen Jazz der 20er und 30er Jahre verpflichtet fühlen.Auf Höhe der ?Lindenschänke? in Altuebigau stellt sich der Dampfer in den Strom für ein besonderes Spektakel, ein BrassBandBattle der Dampferbands mit der TC Jazzband im BiergartenDie stilvoll beleuchteten Villen am Ufer und die hell erstrahlende Silhouette von der Dresdner Altstadt geben dem Nostalgie-Event den perfekten Rahmen. Die Gäste dürfen in stilechter Bekleidung der 20er Jahre erscheinen.- Shop: Konzertkasse
- Price: 59.80 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping
It's Time for Dixieland
It's time for Dixieland|New orleans|Brooklyn Bridge|Just a closer walk with thee|My new red car|Oh when the saints|Glory hallelujah|Down by the riverside|Trumpet Rag|Maple leaf Rag / Joplin Scott|Sunshine rag|Friends|The entertainer / Joplin Scott|The animals went two by two|Habanera (aus Carmen) / Bizet Georges|Washington Post / Sousa John Philip- Shop: Notenbuch
- Price: 17.90 EUR excl. shipping