16 Results for : duller

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    My mum always said, a fistful of rings is as good as a knuckleduster.As the Great Smog falls over London in 1952, Florrie Palmer has a choice to make.Will she stay with the Cutters, a gang of female criminals who have terrorised London for years and are led by her own mother? Or leave it all behind to make a safer, duller life with the man she loves? And what will she do if she's too crooked to go straight and too good to go bad?Over the next five days, Florrie will have to find her own path and the courage to stumble along it - in a fog so thick that she can't see her own feet.Following the last days of a crumbling female gang in postwar London, this is a story of family, of love, of finding your way, and of deciphering a route through the greyest areas of morality. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Clare Corbett. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/orio/001878/bk_orio_001878_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Unsere Städte wurden Höllen. Sie kamen über Nacht. Ihr Hunger war unstillbar. Sie fielen wie Heuschreckenschwärme über die Lebenden her. Zerrissen sie, fraßen, machten aus ihnen etwas Entsetzliches. In den Straßen herrscht verwestes Fleisch. Zwischen zerschossenen Häusern und Bombenkratern gibt es kaum noch sichere Verstecke. In Deutschland ist der Tod zu einer seltenen Gnade geworden. Hohe Stahlbetonwände sichern die Grenzen. Jagdflieger und Kampfhubschrauber dröhnen darüber. Es wird auf alles geschossen, was sich (noch) bewegt. Deutschland wurde isoliert - steht unter Quarantäne. Die wenigen Überlebenden haben sich zu Gruppen zusammengeschlossen, oder agieren auf eigene, verzweifelte Faust. Gefangen unter Feinden. Im eigenen Land. Doch ist der Mensch noch des Menschen Freund, wenn die Nahrung knapp wird und ein Pfad aus kaltem Blut in eine Zukunft ohne Hoffnung führt? Die Auftakt-Anthologie zu Deutschlands größter Zombie-Reihe mit 21 Kurzgeschichten von Alin Rys, Britta Ahrens, Carolin Gmyrek, Christian Günther, Daniel Huster, Eberhart Leucht, Fabian Dombrowski, Felix Kreutzmann, Heike Schrapper, Jan Christoph Prüfer, Joshua Lorenz, Kerstin Zegay, Lisbeth Duller, Chris Dante, Marina Heidrich, Markus Cremer, Nora Wanis, Sandra Longerich, Sebastian Braß, Tom Karg und Vincent Voss
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 4.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    When cautious Emma Roberts goes to France to carry out research into 17th-century garden design, she finds a reliable diversion from her studies in her unlikely new friend Francoise Desnoyers, in whose beautiful house she is welcomed as a guest. She is not too dazzled to ignore the tensions that exist between Francoise and her formidable mother, or between Mme. Desnoyers and her other guests. London recedes into the background as life in France becomes more significant in every respect. It is not until the horrifying episode that puts an end to this fascination that Emma is reconciled to her duller but safer life at home and to the compromises that she comes to accept. Anita Brookner was born in south London in 1928, the daughter of a Polish immigrant family. She trained as an art historian, and worked at the Courtauld Institute of Art until her retirement in 1988. She published her first novel, A Start in Life, in 1981 and her 24th, Strangers, in 2009. As well as fiction, Anita Brookner has published a number of volumes of art criticism. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joanna David. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/018531/bk_adbl_018531_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    They've helped orchestrate the perfect day for countless couples. Now 12 new couples will find themselves in the wedding spotlight in the second Year of Weddings novella collection. She's known for her delicious cakes, but there's no recipe for dealing with the new man in her life. Charlotte owns the best bakery in Louisiana, and clients come from near and far for her renowned wedding cakes. And while the wedding scene is Charlotte's place to shine, her own love life is duller than ever. After a string of failed relationships - and men who actually were too good to be true - she has decided to throw herself into her craft and leave love and marriage to her clients. Will is a successful entrepreneur but devotes much of his spare time to caring for his ill mother. He knows he doesn't have much time left with her, so he has done everything he can to guard his heart from relationships. And what girl would understand that he needs to spend all his time with his mother? But when his best friend calls in his help for his September wedding, Will can't refuse. He's always been there for those closest to him. And when he finds out they don't have a wedding cake yet, he knows exactly where to go - the bakery owned by the beautiful, mysterious young woman he buys treats from. Charlotte assumes Will is just another party boy who flirts with all the bridesmaids. But is Will hiding something that explains his behavior? And despite their reservations, will they be able to deny the chemistry between them? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kristy Ragland. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/001583/bk_zond_001583_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Becoming king at the age of just 28 was a huge shock to Edward, and the last six months had been somewhat of a blur, transforming himself from a man who didn’t have to worry too much about the way he acted to one who has the eyes of the world upon him. He had taken it all in stride, but his life had gotten considerably duller, as he’d only just started to sexually explore his inner fantasies, and it was a world which was a lot harder to explore when you’re one of the most famous people on the planet. He’d had the occasional f--k since his coronation, but he had to be a lot more careful than he did in the past. There were girls from all over the land who’d love to have a piece of their king, but strangers could never be trusted to keep quiet. The palace he lived in had many women who worked there, but most of them were quite old or already taken. The social events that he used to frequent had become more formal occasions, and the expectation that he had to marry someone of the right social class always bothered him. As he was walking through back into the palace after one of his boring engagements, he saw a new member of the household he had not seen before. It was hard not to notice as she was leaning over a desk facing him with the top crease of her breasts showing just above her white top and just in between her jacket.... Warning: This audiobook contains adult content and is intended for mature audiences. 18 years of age and older only. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michelle Jones. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/139505/bk_acx0_139505_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Das vielschichtige Thema des Buches wird unter theoretischen sowie praktischen Aspekten dargestellt. Drei Berichte über individuelle Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen bei Schwerhörigkeit bzw. Gehörlosigkeit und die unterschiedlichen Zugänge zur Musik werden durch Beiträge über bedeutende Entwicklungsthemen, eine Standortbestimmung und Einblicke in die Erforschung der Musikwahrnehmung ergänzt. Unterschiedliche pädagogische und therapeutische Ansätze mit Musik und/oder Bewegung, die relevant für die praktische Arbeit mit verschiedenen Altersgruppen sind, werden beschrieben, gefolgt von Berichten aus unterschiedlichen Praxisfeldern - von Vorschulkindern und Familienprojekten bis zu Schulkindern und Teenagern. The theme of this book is presented in chapters covering basic principles in theory and practice. Three individuals with a hearing impairment report on their development, experience and personal approaches to music. These are followed by chapters on developmental topics, an overview of music in education and therapy, and insight into recent research on music perception. Different educational and therapeutic approaches using music and/or movement relevant to different age groups are described and extended in reports on music and movement with various groups - from preschool children and family projects, to school children and teenagers.Aus dem Inhalt:Vorwort von Evelyn GlennieTeil 1: Viva la musica!Helga Wilberg: Mit Hörgeräten bin ich eigentlich ganz normalElke Barthlmä: Viva la musicaPaul Whittaker: MATD Music and the DeafTeil II: Theoretische GrundlagenGeorg Feuser: "Alle Menschen werden Brüder ..." - Zeit und Rhythmizität als Grundprozess des Lebens - und der VerständigungSigrid Köck-Hatzmann: Entwicklung. Über Wirklichkeiten, die Möglichkeiten eröffnen - über Möglichkeiten, die Wirklichkeiten schaffenHelga Neira Zugasti: Entwicklungsdynamische Aspekte der Rhythmik. Die Botschaften in kindlichen Aktivitäten - auch mit Bezug auf Kinder mit eingeschränkten HandlungskompetenzenManuela Prause: Zur interdisziplinären Standortbestimmung musikalisch-heilpädagogischer Konzeptionen.Ulrike Stelzhammer: Zwischen Musikpädagogik und Naturwissenschaft - Einblicke in die Erforschung der Musikwahrnehmung des (hörbeeinträchtigten) MenschenTeil III: Praktische GrundlagenShirley Salmon: Musik als Weg zum DialogSusann Schmid-Giovannini: Musik war immer schon ein Thema - auch als es noch keine Hörgeräte gab Claus Bang: Eine Welt von Klang und Musik - musikalische SprachtherapieGiulia Cremaschi Trovesi: Musiktherapie mit gehörlosen KindernNaomi Benari: Inner Rhythm - der Rhythmus in unsTeil IV: PraxisfelderChristine Kiffman-Duller: Die Bedeutungvon Musik in der FrühförderungRegina Neuhäusel/Ursula Sutter/Insa. Tjarks: "Ich kann jetzt das Gras wachsen hören" - Orff-Musiktherapie mit CI-versorgten KindernUlrike Stelzhammer/Katharina Ferner: Musik und Sprache - ein Impulsprojekt für Familien mit gehörlosen und schwerhörigen KindernWolfgang Friedrich: Lieder in einfacher SpracheShirley Salmon: Die Bedeutung von Spielliedern in inklusiver UnterrichtsgestaltungChristine Rocca: Das auftauchende "musikalische Selbst" - die Rolle des musiktherapeutischen Ansatz nach Nordoff-Robbins mit Teenagern an den Mary Hare-Schulen für Gehörlose
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping

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