43 Results for : ramadi

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    Die Mörderische Dinnerparty ist ein Krimidinner für Zuhause. Ein Abend unter Freunden, Verwandten und Bekannten. Doch das Idyll trügt: Ein Mörder sitzt mit Ihnen zu Tisch! Jetzt gilt es, den Täter zu entlarven. Dabei helfen Dialogszenen, verborgene Indizien, verräterische Briefe, schockierende Fotos und geheime Dokumente. Und eine Stimme, die weitere Überraschungen parat hält. Ganz einfach wird die Sache nicht, denn jeder der Gäste hat ein dunkles Geheimnis ...Großbritannien 1972. Die Queen besucht mit dem Schah von Persien die Rennen von Ascot. Zum allgemeinen Entsetzen stürzt Prestige, der Favorit des Hauptrennens. Die Queen ist „not amused“! Wenig später stirbt der Jockey. Schnell wird klar, dass es kein Unfall war. Wollte die Konkurrenz den Favoriten ausschalten? Oder hatte es jemand auf den Jockey abgesehen?Eines ist sicher: Nur acht Personen kommen als Täter in Frage.Die RollenLord Edward Hackney, der Besitzer von PrestigeLady Virginia Hackney, die Gattin des Lords.Bella Morgan, eine gefeierte Schauspielerin.Amir Ramadi, ein charismatischer persischer Geschäftsmann.Elizabeth „Lizzie” Hackney, die Tochter von Lord und Lady Hackney. Peggy Palomino, Reporterin bei „Horse &amp, Hound“, der Zeitschrift für Reitsport.Henry Tinker, der Trainer des Favoriten Prestige.Tom Trotter, der gutmütige Stallbursche von Prestige.
    • Shop: Milan-Spiele
    • Price: 33.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    Kevin Lacz diente im Irakkrieg der legendären Navy-Elitetruppe SEAL Team THREE. Schulter an Schulter mit »American Sniper« Chris Kyle kämpfte er in der Schlacht von Ramadi. Er und sein Team waren maßgeblich für die Absicherung der Schlüsselregionen verantwortlich.Der letzte Sniper ist ein schonungsloser und bewegender Bericht über Lacz' Zeit im Dienst und seine Einsätze an der Front. Er nimmt den Leser mit in die Welt eines Navy SEALs und lässt ihn die harte Realität des Krieges spüren.Fesselnd bis zum Schluss enthüllt Lacz Details aus seiner Mission in Ramadi. Er liefert Einblicke in das hitzige Gefecht unter Extrembedingungen und die erschreckenden Erfahrungen, die das Team dort tagtäglich machte. Reflektiert beleuchtet Lacz aber auch den Schrecken des Krieges, erzählt von seinen Gefühlen, als er den ersten tödlichen Schuss abgegeben hat, und zeigt auf, wie ihn diese Erfahrungen bis heute prägen und wie er daran gewachsen ist.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    In August 2006, many senior U.S. officials thought America had lost the war in Iraq, as the senior U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer there wrote that control of al Anbar Province, the seat of the raging Sunni insurgency, was irrevocably lost to the insurgents. During that time, there were over 100 attacks per day against U.S. military and Iraqi forces in al Anbar, and al Qaeda in Iraq had planted their flag in the provincial capital, Ramadi, declaring it the capital of their new "Islamic State of Iraq". In January 2007, as a spearhead of the newly decided "Surge", the 3rd Battalion, 69th Armored Regiment deployed to Ramadi as part of the 3rd Infantry Division, the first regular Army unit to deploy to Iraq for a third time. The battalion and its parent brigade went to work in a campaign that will be seen as the D-Day of the Global War on Terror. Starting by clearing al Qaeda from the city of Ramadi and replacing them with legitimate locally raised and trained Iraqi police - while simultaneously fostering the tribal movement known as the "Awakening Councils" - the brigade began to have tremendous success. By April 2007, attacks within Ramadi went from 20 per day to one or two per week. By mid-summer 2007, attacks in the entire province were down 90 percent from 2006. Furthermore, the "Awakening" had swept through the rest of Iraq, leading to the best security situation seen since 2003. The 3rd Battalion, 69th Armored, was the only battalion to participate in this campaign from start to finish. Moreover, many of the U.S. successes came directly from this unit’s work. Awakening Victory tells the story of this incredible campaign through the eyes of the commander of the 3rd Battalion, who was right in the thick of the fight. The book also provides a description of the Iraqi insurgency - particularly al Qaeda in Iraq - that offers the depth and texture that are currently lacking in most Americans' perceptions of the war. It ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Brian Holsopple. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/010077/bk_adbl_010077_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Zachary Cannon joined the Navy to get trained as a radiology tech, a skill he could use to get a job and support his family after his enlistment. But the needs of the Navy take priority, and much to his surprise, he was given orders to the Fleet Marine Force as a corpsman to an infantry battalion deploying to Iraq. As part of a rifle squad in Ramadi, Zach joins the Marines on patrol, in assaults, and on security duty, facing the same dangers and hardships. Ramadi is a hotbed of insurgent activity in 2006, and Zach's medical skills are put to the test as he witnesses death and injuries. Faced with snipers, full insurgent attacks, IEDs, rockets and mortars, and the never-ending heat, he cannot be a simple observer, there to treat his Marines. Navy or not, he quickly realizes that he is expected to be a full member of his squad, a combat corpsman. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Seth Paul. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/065842/bk_acx0_065842_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In this hour, a look back at one momentous day during the war in Iraq: April 6, 2004 saw the birth of the Iraqi insurgency and the heaviest fighting the U.S. Marines had encountered since Vietnam. Donovan Campbell commanded a platoon of Marines in Ramadi. He tells Steve Paulson that to understand the events of April 6, you have to know what went on the night before. He also tells the story in his memoir, Joker One. Next, Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez served as Commander of Coalition Forces in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004. He shared power with Paul Bremer, the Administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority. Sanchez commanded Coalition Forces during the capture of Saddam Hussein, the revelation about Abu Ghraib and on April 6, 2004. His memoir is called Wiser in Battle: A Soldier's Story. General Sanchez recalled his service in this candid discussion with Steve Paulson. Finally, journalist David Swanson was embedded in ar-Ramadi with Ryan Jerabek's unit the day Ryan died. He tells Jim Fleming the Marines knew that location was dangerous and resented having to patrol there every day at the same time. David Swanson is a staff photographer at the Philadelphia Inquirer. [Broadcast Date: May 7, 2010] Language: English. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/rt/tbon/100507/rt_tbon_100507_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    One Marine's gripping story of the bloody battles, the Surge, and the Awakening of Sunni tribes that changed the tide in Iraq's Anbar province.Seven minutes into the first patrol a firefight erupts. Quickly, the Marines of Rage Company became acquainted with the nature of counterinsurgency. Every day, more IEDs were planted than the Marines could clear. They avoided taking the same route twice, they never walked out in the open, and they steered clear of roads that hadn't been "swept" in the last hour. They were in Ramadi, the capital of Anbar province and one of the deadliest cities in Iraq. In November 2006, then First Lieutenant Thomas Daly arrived as part of the "surge" in Ramadi, to take part in Operation Squeeze Play, a division-size effort to remove al Qaeda from Anbar province. In this powerful memoir, he describes the successful clearing of southern Ramadi's Second Officer's district, the Qatana, and the uprising of local citizens against al Qaeda on the eastern edge of the city (the result of an unlikely alliance between Daly's company and Thawar al Anbar). From the first patrol to the last in the spring of 2007, he takes you inside the daily successes and struggles of the operation and the stressful challenge of trying to discern who was a terrorist and who was a civilian. He tells the powerful and very human story of a people who want to free their country, yet have no basis on which to trust the American forces in helping them succeed. A Marine's personal story of fighting an insurgency and overcoming a siege mentality to work with Iraqis to rout a common enemy, Al Qaeda Captain Daly's unique perception of the battlefield has been shaped while operating with units of the United States Army, Navy SEALs, ANGLICO (Air, Naval Gunfire Liaison Company), Iraqi Army and Police Units, and anti-Al Qaeda guerrillas. Filled with on-the-ground details and insights on military operations and strategy, Rage Company cements th ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Rob Shapiro. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/001967/bk_acx0_001967_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der letzte Sniper ab 15.99 € als epub eBook: Ein Navy-SEAL-Scharfschütze berichtet über die Schlacht von Ramadi. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Fachthemen & Wissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 15.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    From Afghanistan's Hindu Kush peaks and sunbaked Helmand Valley to Baghdad, Mosul and Ramadi in Iraq, American snipers have braved heart-pounding situations to hit their human targets dead-on. Few military feats stir the imagination like the image of a pair of riflemen waiting quietly in a building, a bomb crater, or a mountain pass for a Taliban or Al Qaeda fighter to walk into their crosshairs. Sniper presents real-life tales from the military's frontline snipers---their hits and their misses, the anguish of loss, and the anxiety of the first kill. Authors Gina Cavallaro and Matt Larsen provide riveting accounts of American soldiers and marines on the battlefield, and take a rare look at how Rangers and Special Forces snipers train and operate, and how the war on terror has changed the role of military snipers. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jo Anna Perrin, Johnny Heller. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/tant/002031/bk_tant_002031_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Noah Lindt heard the call of duty after the tragic events of 9/11. Despite a hampering medical condition that kept him on the outskirts of his high school class, he was accepted into the Marines where he found out he had a singular skill. He could outshoot almost anyone. Marksmanship alone is not enough to be a successful scout sniper. Teamwork and mental discipline are paramount, and the self-professed loner has problems adjusting to his spotter as well as the rest of his platoon when they deploy to Ramadi, "the most dangerous city on earth". As a HOG, a "Hunter of Gunmen", Corporal Lindt has to break through his personal barriers and become not only a marksman, but an NCO of Marines, if his team will make it through numerous engagements with an enemy who has put a bounty on all American snipers. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Seth Paul. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/082880/bk_acx0_082880_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Applied Computing to Support Industry: Innovation and Technology ab 96.49 € als pdf eBook: First International Conference ACRIT 2019 Ramadi Iraq September 15-16 2019 Revised Selected Papers. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Sachthemen & Ratgeber, Computer & Internet,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 96.49 EUR excl. shipping

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