29 Results for : crazily
Handbook for an Unpredictable Life: How I Survived Sister Renata and My Crazy Mother, and Still Came Out Smiling (with Great Hair) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 701min
Rosie Perez first caught our attention with her fierce dance in the title sequence of Do the Right Thing and has since defined herself as a funny and talented actress who broke boundaries for Latinas in the film industry. What most people would be surprised to learn is that the woman with the big, effervescent personality has a secret straight out of a Dickens novel. At the age of three, Rosie’s life was turned upside down when her mentally ill mother tore her away from the only family she knew and placed her in a Catholic children’s home in New York’s Westchester County. Thus began her crazily discombobulated childhood of being shuttled between “the Home,” where she and other kids suffered all manners of cruelty from nuns, and various relatives’ apartments in Brooklyn. Many in her circumstances would have been defined by these harrowing experiences, but with the intense determination that became her trademark, Rosie overcame the odds and made an incredible life for herself. She brings her journey vividly to life in this memoir - from the vibrant streets of Brooklyn to her turbulent years in the Catholic home, and finally to film and TV sets and the LA and New York City hip-hop scenes of the 1980s and ‘90s. More than a pause-resisting listen, Handbook for an Unpredictable Life is a story of survival. By turns heartbreaking and funny, it is ultimately the inspirational story of a woman who has found a hard-won place of strength and peace. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Rosie Perez. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/003773/bk_rand_003773_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Shelby Tied to the Bed: At Her Husband's Mercy , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 14min, (USK 18)
After watching a sexy video, Shelby and her husband decide to try some of what they see. For Shelby, that means the nervous excitement of bondage and a ball gag. She's terrified and aroused all at the same time, and when the action starts, she can't believe how intense and amplified everything feels. Then something happens neither of them expected: Shelby's first anal sex experience. Warning: This audiobook contains very explicit descriptions of sexual activity and includes wife sex, bondage, ball gag, rough sex, first anal sex, and more. Only mature adults who won't find that offensive should listen to this story. Here is a preview: There was nothing to do but wait, and she lay on the bed and felt like the air in the room was far more tactile than normal, as though it didn't just surround her body but also caressed it, tickled it - pinched it and tormented it as though the realization of her nakedness was the highest form of awareness, and the air was Shelby's guru. She felt the strange mix of joy and dread again and also unexpected but definite arousal. It was out of character, but it had all started when the two bought a porn video. They bought one every year or so, usually a 90-minute or two-hour collection of various scenes. Once every several weeks, they'd watch it together and enjoy the arousal it created. Right in the middle of pizza boy threesomes and cheerleader-quarterback blowjobs, though, there had been a scene with a woman bound and gagged and f--ked crazily. Shelby and Thad had enjoyed a remarkable bout of sex afterward, and that got the conversation started. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Marlowe Harrison. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/057035/bk_acx0_057035_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Dirty Talk: The Language of Lust; How to Talk Dirty to Get You in the Mood for a Wild Sex! (+ 2 Bonuses: Tips to Get Crazy Together and 36 Examples of Dirty Text Messages and Quotes] , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 127min, (USK 18)
Your powerful weapon of seduction is called...dirty talk.If you talk in the language of lust, then, you should get ready to evoke a wild mood and for an insanely erotic moment.Dirty talk can feel like walking through a minefield. Most people feel completely embarrassed and ridiculous at the thought of trying it because they have never been taught its basic guidelines and how to use words to get themselves crazily in the mood. This is about the change as you peruse the evocative thoughts of this book.About the book: This book remains an absolute manual and safe cue to dirty talk. As you listen to it, I’ll walk you through the aspects on how to generally prevent when you talk dirty, areas to incorporate and steer clear of completely, in order for you to dominate the realm of dirty talk. The aim of this book is to get you into certain specific phrases and short quotes than will make you insanely ready for mad love making.Benefits that you would find: Advantages of listening to this book are (but not limited to) these: Listening to this book sets your system on a brain leisure. It makes you feel relaxed. It will, most definitely, lead to an orgasm. It will save you from unnecessary ignorance when it comes to beginning quality moments.It will improve creativity.It will reduce your pain.This book will help you to get really vocal with what you want.Considering the aforementioned, when it comes listening to this particular erotica, fun and total entertainment is what you would find, which is good for your sex life. It provides your mind with an assurance that can lead to more orgasms and better sex.Are you ready to start the journey? Order your audiobook now. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Porter Rockwell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/219459/bk_acx0_219459_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Hollywood Bride: What happens when an ordinary girl marries the biggest film-star in the world?: Hollywood Romance Series, Book 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 626min
A funny, glamorous and endearing novel about a pretty, friendly, ordinary girl called Kelly who meets a super-famous, crazily handsome and rich Hollywood actor and falls head-over-heels in love with him. Rufus is super famous, super rich, and super attractive. Women all over the world adore him, but he loves Kelly. Women all over the world will do anything to be with him, and photographers will do anything to get pictures of him. His life belongs to the world, but his heart belongs to Kelly. But is that enough? Can their love survive their different lifestyles, different worlds? Rufus is the world's biggest celebrity. Kelly has no desire to be rich and famous. To be frank, she's happy in her little world, with her two lovely, crazy flatmates, drinking in the local pub. But with photographers circling and a new group of high-profile, sophisticated friends to impress, can she ever stay the same sweet Kelly? And what of the women who surround Rufus? The beautiful ones, the rich ones, the desirable ones, and the downright unkind ones who set out to ruin Kelly's relationship with her Hollywood hero? Will they ruin Kelly's relationship, or is her love for Rufus strong enough to survive against the odds? Can a normal girl stay normal when she is plunged headfirst into an abnormal world? Set just outside London, England, near the beautiful Hampton Court Palace, by the river Thames, this is a tale of love, beauty, and commitment. It's about the strength of love and the passion of love against the odds.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Claire Nicholls. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/120915/bk_acx0_120915_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Design Your Photovoltaic System Solar Panels 101 1st Edition: Learn How to Install and Design Your Own Solar Panel System Power Your Home, Business, Boat, RV, Ranch and Some Applications , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 121min
Right now in America, there are about two million homes with solar panels. Considering there are about 90 million single-family homes, that doesn’t seem like a lot. But consider this: We’re now on track to start adding a million new solar-powered systems each year. It’s taken a while to get here, but solar energy is increasingly becoming a popular option to power the home of the future.In the current climate of increasing energy needs and increasing environmental problems, alternative applications of non-renewable and contaminated fossil fuels must be sought. One of these alternatives is solar energy. Solar energy is simply energy that is produced directly by the sun and collected elsewhere, usually the earth. On the other hand, pоwеr has bеcоmе crazily еxpеnsivе and it is incrеasing thе mоnthly еxpеnditurе. Pоwеr cоmpaniеs makе things difficult fоr thе cоnsumеr by raising thе pеr unit pricе оf еlеctricity as pеr thеir whims and fanciеs.Sо what is thе nеxt bеst altеrnativе, if yоu dо nоt want tо spеnd yоur hard-еarnеd mоnеy? Yоu cоuld actually build and dеsign yоur оwn sоlar panеl and nоt havе tо pay thе cоmpany. What yоu nееd is a right guidе fоr installatiоn, which wоuld prоvidе yоu with apprоpriatе instructiоns. Hеncе, idеntifying thе right guidе is оf еssеncе, which wоuld hеlp yоu achiеvе yоur gоal оf sоlar pоwеr and alsо lоwеr еlеctricity bills.Installatiоn оf sоlar panеls brings dоwn yоur pоwеr bills, and in this way yоu cоuld savе mоrе than thоusands оf dоllars annually and usе thе mоnеy fruitfully fоr оthеr purpоsеs. Yоur еntirе hоusе can run mеrеly оn sоlar pоwеr absоlutеly frее оf cоst. Thе cоst оf maintеnancе is lоw and all yоu havе tо dо is tо clеan it up mоnthly, sо that it can gеnеratе pоwеr еfficiеntly. Sоmеtimеs, yоu wоuld alsо havе tо rеstоrе thе cеlls оncе in fеw yеars. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stephanie Schildknecht. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/151485/bk_acx0_151485_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Sexual Ecstasy: 3 Books in 1: Enjoyable Sex, Naughty Positions, All About Dirty Talk + The Unmissable Hot Collection of Erotic Stories. All You Need to Know to Experience Unforgettable Hot Moments. , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 445min, (USK 18)
If you talk in the language of lust, then, you should get ready to evoke a wild mood and for an insanely erotic moment. Dirty talk can feel like walking through a minefield. Most people feel completely embarrassed and ridiculous at the thought of trying it because they have never been taught its basic guidelines and how to use words to get themselves crazily in the mood. This is about the change as you peruse the evocative thoughts of this book.About the book: Have you, at any point, thought about what the mysteries to figuring out how to fulfill a lady in bed are? I trust so. This guide is not only for men who need to go from great to extraordinary in their sexual lives and, perhaps, change their current associations with incredible sex. While you will find this perfectly suitable for yourself, it is also a book that remains an absolute manual and safe cue to dirty talk. As you listen, I’ll walk you through the aspects to generally prevent when you talk dirty, areas to incorporate, and steer clear of completely in order for you to dominate the realm of dirty talk.Furthermore, there is, lacing around this mind-blowing erotica, a sharp and short story that promises to switch you on and keep you exceeding horny as you pant for sex in the craziest manner ever. Going gradually from understanding the psychology of sexual desire is always almost enough to keep the body sane and active. Not just that. It keeps you in the right frame of mind. As you listen to this collection of stories, keep your mind alert and your body full of expectation.The aim of this book is to get you into certain specific phrases and short quotes than will make you insanely ready for mad love making.Benefits that you'd find: Advantages of listening to this book are (but not limited to) these:Listening to this book sets your system on a brain leisure. It makes you relaxed.It will, most definitely, lead to an orgas ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Porter Rockwell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/221598/bk_acx0_221598_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
How to Install Solar Panels Like a Professional: A Complete Beginner's Introduction Manual: A Do It Yourself Guide for Grid-Tied, Off-Grid and Hybrid Photovoltaic Systems , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 84min
Pоwеr has bеcоmе crazily еxpеnsivе, and it is incrеasing thе mоnthly еxpеnditurе. Pоwеr cоmpaniеs makе things difficult fоr thе cоnsumеr by raising thе pеr-unit pricе оf еlеctricity as pеr thеir whims and fanciеs. Sо thеn, hоw dоеs оnе savе оnеsеlf frоm such a situatiоn? As wе knоw, nоnrеnеwablе sоurcеs оf еnеrgy arе dеplеting day aftеr day, thanks tо thе incrеasing pоpulatiоn and thе mеans usеd fоr catеring tо this pоpulatiоn. Thе оnly altеrnativе lеft for mankind is tо fоcus attеntiоn оn rеnеwablе еnеrgy sоurcеs. Wе can think оf оnly оnе such pоwеrful sоurcе, and that is thе sun. Thе sun is thе basе fоr оur vеry еxistеncе оn this planеt. The sun prоvidеs lifе and еnеrgy. Thus, wе can cоmprеhеnd that the sun givеs us еnеrgy in thе fоrm оf sоlar еnеrgy. Sоlar pоwеr is thе mоst sоught-aftеr nоwadays, but installatiоn оf sоlar pоwеr is quitе еxpеnsivе and nоt within thе budgеt оf thе cоmmоn man. A pоwеr cоmpany wоuld chargе clоsе tо $10,000 dоllars fоr installatiоn оf sоlar pоwеr, and thus, it rеmains a drеam fоr mоst оf thе mеdiоcrе familiеs.Sо what is thе nеxt bеst altеrnativе if yоu dо nоt want tо spеnd yоur hard-еarnеd mоnеy? Yоu cоuld actually build and dеsign yоur оwn sоlar panеl and nоt havе tо pay thе cоmpany. What yоu nееd is a right guidе fоr installatiоn that wоuld prоvidе yоu with apprоpriatе instructiоns. Hеncе, idеntifying thе right guidе is оf еssеncе, which wоuld hеlp yоu achiеvе yоur gоal оf sоlar pоwеr and alsо lоwеr еlеctricity bills. Installatiоn оf sоlar panеls brings dоwn yоur pоwеr bills, and in this way yоu cоuld savе mоrе than thоusands оf dоllars annually and usе thе mоnеy fruitfully fоr оthеr purpоsеs. Yоur еntirе hоusе can run mеrеly оn sоlar pоwеr absоlutеly frее оf cоst. Thе cоst оf maintеnancе is lоw, and all yоu havе tо dо is tо clеan it up mоnthly sо it can gеnеratе pоwеr еfficiеntly. Sоmеtimеs, yоu wоuld alsо havе tо rеstоrе thе cеlls оncе in a fеw yеars. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Robert Grothe. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/137206/bk_acx0_137206_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
French Kissing: A Collection of Five Erotic Stories , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 114min, (USK 18)
A collection of five erotic short stories from Xcite Books - winners of ETO Best Erotic Book Brand 2010, 2011, and 2012. "French Kissing", by Josie Jordan: Rachael is snowboarding in the French Alps with her boyfriend, Jake, when she falls into the arms of sexy lift attendant Mathieu. Now she’s in the mood for some French kissing. But what about Jake? Up to now, she’s always considered herself the faithful type. In a little wooden chalet halfway up a mountain, she has a decision to make. "An Argentinian Tango", by Troy Seate: Erotic relations in exotic locations find Jacob Smiley while he's trying to make like an American version of James Bond. He learns a playboy lifestyle can be tricky when you’re in a high-level government program. One must remember to check out his or her playmates’ credentials along with their bodies when high stakes, especially a moon mission, are involved. "Romanesque", by O’Neil de Noux: What will you do if you’re taking photos of Romanesque statues in the ancient Roman Arena in Verona, Italy, and a buxom brunette steps in with a cameraman and pulls her top down to show off a hefty pair of luscious breasts and poses for him? You join in the photo session. Soon uniformed police officers come by, Carabinieri, who step up to investigate and the model answers with a little oral sex. Everyone gets a turn with Carrie, screwing this insatiable woman as the camera keeps clicking. Sunny Italy sometimes lives up to its sensuous reputation. "From Bradford to Bollywood", by Victoria Blisse: Aisha works in her father's restaurant until the day a famous Bollywood director whisks her away to Mumbai to play the lead in his latest film. She loses her heart but not to the city of bright lights or the romantic movie she stars in. She falls crazily in love with Kareem who walks in on her masturbating in his office. What will he do with her next? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gena Maravella. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/xcit/000019/bk_xcit_000019_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Joy (eBook, ePUB)
In the Oakland, California, of 1989, Mirai San Julian is a young woman with a fascinating life and a rich past. She restores historic carousels -- her dream career -- working from her own studio in a former roller skating rink. Though black herself, she spent her first years in a Basque immigrant community in Nevada, the adopted child of a single mother. And after the mother's death, she was raised by her Aunt Joy in a Catholic Worker house. Mirai has a lot going for her -- but then, why is everything suddenly falling apart? Her current, year-long carousel project is veering crazily out of control, in both schedule and budget. The guy who dumped her only months before has shown up married and -- as far as Mirai is concerned -- to the worst possible person. Her mother's death long ago is looking less and less like an accident. And Joy, the one person who has had her complete trust, may know more about that death than she has let Mirai believe. Mirai knows how to restore a carousel, but can she restore relationships with those she loves? Can she strip the old paint of past wrongs to prepare her life for new, more vibrant colors? And will her eyes be clear enough to spot the brass ring when it finally comes within reach? ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Anne L. Watson, a retired historic preservation architecture consultant, is the author of several novels, plus books on such diverse subjects as soapmaking and baking with cookie molds. She currently lives in Bellingham, Washington, with her husband and fellow author, Aaron Shepard. ///////////////////////////////////////////////// SAMPLE "Whoa, Mirai! Remember us?" The crew had gathered at the only big table in the Clearwater Cafe. I'd been so wrapped up in my own problems, I hadn't even seen them. They were all there -- Evangeline, Harvey, Mr. Papadakis. And Will. Neither fight nor flight was practical. I sat down at the table. The waitress hurried to me with a coffeepot and mug. I ordered the special and sipped my coffee. "Clearwater" was certainly the word for that coffee -- they must have named the restaurant after it. I glanced around the table, skipping over Will. Mr. Papadakis caught my eye. "What's the agenda?" he asked. "We'll go to the park as soon as we're done here. Check out the carousel, then have lunch with the committee. We have to give the owners a preliminary report tomorrow morning." Evangeline smiled. "How long are you staying?" she asked me. "All week. You?" "I'll stay awhile. I may want to work on things in place." In Evangeline's case, "awhile" could mean several months. She had an answering service, but no permanent address. At the moment, I envied her. It was Will's turn, so I had to look toward him then. He sat quietly, holding a coffee cup. Will had never worn jewelry, but now a ring glinted on his finger. A plain gold ring on the fourth finger of his left hand. A wedding ring.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping