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    Have you wondered what inflammation is? Have you tried to lay hands on a significant book about the anti-inflammatory diet? Have you wondered about getting to know how to heal your system of inflammation and restore overall health? Or, have you tried your best to find measures to find no-stress anti-inflammation meal recipes?Then, this audiobook is all you need to find the peace of mind you crave, so keep reading... An anti-inflammatory diet centers around battling inflammation through the utilization of foods that lower insulin levels. To effectively diminish inflammation, you ought to eat foods that have a low glycemic load - for example, whole grains, vegetables, and lentils. You must also expend healthy fats - for example, nuts, seeds, fish, extra-virgin olive oil and fish. Flavors - for example, turmeric, ginger, and hot peppers - likewise, reduce inflammation. Additionally, you need to diminish the utilization of foods that cause inflammatory response - for example, red meat, egg yolks, and shellfish. Sugar is a key guilty party in inflammation, and so, you should reduce sugary foods. Inflammation can also be decreased by taking supplements like fish oils, which are high in omega-3 unsaturated fats.It has been found that individuals who followed the anti-inflammatory diet experienced loss of weight, higher vitality, and better mental and physical health. The regular establishment of anti-inflammatory diets is based on the evaluation that inflammation is the forerunner to numerous chronic diseases. When expelled, the body can start mending itself. The philosophical beginning of anti-inflammatory diets goes back to the first healers from back in time who have worked with foods, herbs, teas, and other regular solutions for help the body's very own mending vitality.  In this audiobook, you’ll learn: The benefits of anti-inflammatory foodsInsights on how an anti-inflammatory diet worksFood list of ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Beverley Hill. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/189620/bk_acx0_189620_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Being an introvert does not mean one is shy, socially awkward, or lacking in confidence. Being an introvert simply means you recharge from solitude rather than social situations. Often it is a sign of intelligence. Answer these quick questions to see if you are an introvert: Do you enjoy small talk? Most introverts find small talk uncomfortable. Do you often feel alone in a crowd? Many introverts feel alone, even when they are among a group of friends. Are you easily distracted? Introverts tend to be easily distracted in environments of excess stimulation. Are you in a relationship with, or find yourself surrounding yourself with extroverts? This is a common characteristic of the introvert. Opposites attract! Does downtime make you feel more productive? Introverts need time alone to process information and recharge. Is it easier for you to speak in front of large crowds than to speak to small groups of people or individuals? Most introverts are comfortable with public speaking, but mingling with the crowd afterward and making small talk is often tedious to them. Do you start to shut down after you have been out and about for too long? Being out in public causes the introvert to expend a lot of energy. After a while they start to shut down and need solitude. Do you have a constant inner dialogue? Introverts tend to subconsciously and consciously think continually. Introverts think first and talk later. Do you see the big picture? Introverts have excellent observational skills and tend to look at the big picture and have a mind for more abstract concepts. If you think you may be an introvert and are seeking greater financial success, listen to this book! It is the ultimate guide book for the introvert with an entrepreneurial spirit. It is filled with excellent advice, relevant examples, checklists and self-analysis tools to help today’s introvert crack the code to wealth. Listening to this book w ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tom Taverna. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/083522/bk_acx0_083522_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In a world where we are continually instructed to set goals and then work hard to achieve them, Your Magical Divine Experiment shows you how to achieve more, by doing almost the exact opposite. Because the program helps you achieve your goals from within to without, you can fulfill your heart's desires from the comfort of an overstuffed armchair, on the beach, or in your own sacred place. Dr. Luanne Oakes has researched, refined, and used this distinctive manifestation process for the past 36 years to fulfill her own sacred heart's desires. And she's used various applications of the process to help countless others achieve their unique goals. As you'll soon discover, doing less to accomplish more is a lot more magical and fun than today's "cortisol- and norepinephrine-driven," health-diminishing lifestyles. The program synthesizes ancient scientific wisdom, vibration therapy, and the latest research in quantum physics to assist you in becoming the resonance of what you want to achieve. This enables you to send the appropriate energetic message to the Universe so that it reflects the experiences you desire back to you. In Your Magical Divine Experiment, you'll learn how to: Use "The Law of Least Effort" to fulfill your unique aspirations. Take direct and effective action to achieve any goal... as well as know when you should take action so you'll enjoy more freedom, ease, and fun in the process. Effortlessly let go of old beliefs that drain pleasure and vitality from your cells. Create "Future Memories" to realize immediate positive changes in your life and affect the specific outcomes you want. Expend less Life Force in each moment so you have more energy for creativity, fun, and joy. Biochemically change stress hormones into beta endorphins or "feel-good molecules" so you can more readily attract the things you want into your life. PLEASE NOTE: When you purcha Language: English. Narrator: Luanne Oakes, Ph.D.. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ntgl/000209/bk_ntgl_000209_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Your Ticket to Utopia is a chance to participate in the greatest social experiment of all time, renaming the USA to the UUSA, the United and Utopian States of America. More important than the naming will be form of government that we choose. In the Utopia TV Show on the Fox Channel, the early pioneers immediately adopted a real Democracy and voted directly on the issues of the day. Can we do the same thing in the UUSA? Join to find out and support the movement toward real democracy in America where the people regain control over our country and begin to redirect our fate back to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". We need every thinking American to download this app, give it all the attention in deserves, spread the word about the new version of America that is dedicated to becoming more like a Utopia rather than the state of dictatorship that we now endure. Now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country. At present we suffer a nation that is run by about 200 men in suits who also run the largest multi-national corporations. Even a foreign corporation such as Saudi Arabian Oil has more say over what happens in American than the average citizen or even the Congress whom we elect to office. Because as soon as they arrive, they begin their fundraising activities instead of paying attention to the problems at hand, debating them, and arriving at a solution that is free from the influence of the people who they just partied with at their fundraisers. In the Utopian States of America, every American would have one vote that they would expend online for National Ballot Measures and in that way, everyone would be represented equally, no more lobbyists, no more fundraising, not even any need for Congress or the President to be forced into an "Executive Order". ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Mathiesen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/023862/bk_acx0_023862_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Success is measured not by the size of your brain, but rather by the size of your thinking. This intrigues a lot of people, and if you observe how people behave, you will have a clear understanding of what success really means. Time and time again, history and experience have proved that the degree of our general satisfaction and happiness is dependent on how we think. There is magic in thinking big! Positive thinking helps accomplish so much in our life, but unfortunately not everyone thinks that way. We are all products of our thinking that goes within and around us. There is an environment around us that exerts all sorts of forces on your thinking; some will push you up the ladder while others will pull you down. We have been told many times that opportunities to lead are no longer there; hence we should be content with who we are without having positive aspirations on leadership. The petty environment surrounding us also has its own narrative concerning our lives. It constantly tells us that whatever is destined will eventually happen and we have no control over it. Leaving your fate in the hands of chance can potentially ruin your life and make you miserable. Therefore, before you start giving up your dreams of a finer home or giving a better life for your children, stand firm and resist resigning to fate. Do not lie down and wait to die. Success is worth every effort you expend, and every step you make pays a dividend. Even in an environment where competition is intense, you still can succeed as long as your thinking is in the positive quadrant of your mind frame. The basic concepts and principles that underlie the power of thinking big are drawn from the highest-pedigree sources and the finest thinking minds such as Emerson who said, "Great men are those who see that thoughts rule the world." ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Forris Day Jr. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/038993/bk_acx0_038993_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Tens of millions died during World War II as the warring powers raced to create the best fighter planes, tanks, and guns, and eventually that race extended to bombs which carried enough power to destroy civilization itself. While the war raged in Europe and the Pacific, a dream team of Nobel Laureates was working on the Manhattan Project, a program kept so secret that Vice President Harry Truman didn’t know about it until he took the presidency after FDR’s death in April 1945.The Manhattan Project would ultimately yield the "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" bombs that released more than 100 Terajoules of energy at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but weeks earlier, on July 16, 1945, the first detonation of a nuclear device took place in Alamogordo, New Mexico. The first bomb was nicknamed the "gadget", to avoid espionage attempts to discover that it was, indeed, a bomb. In some sense, the device detonated in July was not really a "bomb" anyway; it was not a deployable device, though it was a detonatable one.With this success, word reached President Truman, who was then attending the Potsdam Conference, and while there, he presented the news to Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. Stalin feigned surprise; in an ironic twist of fate, espionage missions had revealed American nuclear research to the Soviets before it had even reached Vice President Truman.The attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, along with the Cold War-era tests and their accompanying mushroom clouds, would demonstrate the true power and terror of nuclear weapons, but in the late 1930s these bombs were only vaguely being thought through, particularly after the successful first experiment to split the atom by a German scientist. Despite the fact the Nazis’ quest for a nuclear weapon began in earnest in 1939, no one really had a handle on how important nuclear weapons would prove to war and geopolitics, so the Germans were hesitant to expend resources on it. Moreover, they were hampe ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gregory T. Luzitano. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/163278/bk_acx0_163278_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    If there is a person who can teach you how to define and create your personal brand, that person is master marketer Jim Joseph. The best-selling author of The Experience Effect has now turned his attention to building that most precious of all brands - you. In an economy where so many people are struggling, trying to re-create themselves and build new skill sets, the value of a personal brand becomes paramount. As we market ourselves for new careers or take ourselves in new directions, we need to think of ourselves as a brand. What are we projecting? How do those qualities, traits or experiences that we project create a brand that works for us? In other words, how do we create a Personal Experience Effect? Peppered with relevant examples, the book defines what it means to be a brand. The choices we make, their rational and emotional components, the energy we expend toward their projection...all these and more go into creating our personal brands. How do we keep it all conscious and consistent? A personal brand, like any good brand, needs to be consciously managed and controlled. Occasionally, as with corporate brands, a measure of fire-fighting may be required. This book shows us the what, the why, and the how. The Personal Experience Effect is not only about big-picture strategy. Practical details are discussed, too. For example, an entire section is dedicated to creating the perfect elevator pitch. How can a personal brand work not just for today but into the future? Can a personal brand be enhanced over time? What measures of circumspection are required in our digital age, when memories can remain online long after they've been erased in our minds? The author shares this and more, honestly and caringly, narrating personal experiences as well as discussing celebrity brands. PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jay Prichard. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/017134/bk_acx0_017134_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some IT organisations seem to expend all their energy firefighting - dealing with incidents as they arise and fixing, or patching over, the breakage. In organisations like this, restarting computers is seen as a standard method to resolve many issues. Perhaps the best way to identify whether an organisation understands problem management is to ask what they do after they have restarted the computer. If restarting the computer fixes the issue, it is very tempting to say that the incident is over and the job is done. Problem management recognises that things do not improve if such an approach is taken. Such organisations are essentially spending their time running to stay in the same place. Written to help IT organisations move forward, Practical Guide to IT Problem Management presents a combination of methodologies including understanding timelines and failure modes, drill down, 5 whys and divide and conquer. The book also presents an exploration of complexity theory and how automation can assist in the desire to shift left both the complexity of the problem and who can resolve it. The book emphasises that establishing the root cause of a problem is not the end of the process as the resolution options need to be evaluated and then prioritised alongside other improvements. It also explores the role of problem boards and checklists as well as the relationship between problem management and Lean thinking. This practical guide provides both a framework for tackling problems and a toolbox from which to select the right methodology once the type of problem being faced has been identified. In addition to reactive methods, it presents proactive activities designed to reduce the incidence of problems or to reduce their impact and complexity should they arise. Solving problems is often a combination of common sense and methodologies which may either be learnt the hard way or may be taught. This practical guide shows how to use problem solving tools and to understand how and when to apply them while upskilling IT staff and improving IT problem solving processes.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 13.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some IT organisations seem to expend all their energy firefighting - dealing with incidents as they arise and fixing, or patching over, the breakage. In organisations like this, restarting computers is seen as a standard method to resolve many issues. Perhaps the best way to identify whether an organisation understands problem management is to ask what they do after they have restarted the computer. If restarting the computer fixes the issue, it is very tempting to say that the incident is over and the job is done. Problem management recognises that things do not improve if such an approach is taken. Such organisations are essentially spending their time running to stay in the same place. Written to help IT organisations move forward, Practical Guide to IT Problem Management presents a combination of methodologies including understanding timelines and failure modes, drill down, 5 whys and divide and conquer. The book also presents an exploration of complexity theory and how automation can assist in the desire to shift left both the complexity of the problem and who can resolve it. The book emphasises that establishing the root cause of a problem is not the end of the process as the resolution options need to be evaluated and then prioritised alongside other improvements. It also explores the role of problem boards and checklists as well as the relationship between problem management and Lean thinking. This practical guide provides both a framework for tackling problems and a toolbox from which to select the right methodology once the type of problem being faced has been identified. In addition to reactive methods, it presents proactive activities designed to reduce the incidence of problems or to reduce their impact and complexity should they arise. Solving problems is often a combination of common sense and methodologies which may either be learnt the hard way or may be taught. This practical guide shows how to use problem solving tools and to understand how and when to apply them while upskilling IT staff and improving IT problem solving processes.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 13.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    During a 90-minute match, an elite soccer player must cover almost six miles as well as expend almost 1600 kilocalories of energy. To be able to tackle, pass, dribble, shoot and stay mentally sharp without fatigue means that players must follow appropriate fuelling tactics, before and during the match. Recovery starts as soon as a match ends, so nutrition during this time is critical for muscle repair and refuelling. Appropriate food choices and timing are also important to allow a player to train hard, avoid illness, sleep well, maintain appropriate body composition and recuperate from injury. To understand and apply the principles of sports nutrition, this book uses the UEFA 2020 Expert Group Consensus Review on Nutrition in Elite Football to give evidence-based guidelines for optimising soccer performance through appropriate nutrition. It also examines what elite soccer players eat and drink, using current recommendations made by nutrition experts. Also included are some amusing anecdotes about the history of soccer nutrition and some of the obscure and even absurd food and beverage choices that professional players have made over the years. In this book, you will find the very latest comprehensive information on nutrition guidelines for professional players which is highly relevant to the amateur player and, with some modifications, to the needs of junior players. Female players and match officials can read about their specific nutrition needs. Relevant issues such as eating and drinking during travel, food hygiene and the influence of cultural and religious beliefs are also considered. Finally, you will have at your fingertips meal plans and snacks for training, match and recovery days. Soccer is a truly global game which is constantly evolving. Over the past decade there have been substantial increases in the physical and technical demands of match play, meaning teams' training regimens have become more multidimensional to prepare players and address individual player needs. Nutrition can play a valuable, integrated role in optimising the performance of players during training and match play and in maintaining their overall health throughout a long season. An evidence-based approach to nutrition which emphasises a "food first" philosophy, prioritising food over supplements to meet nutrient requirements, is fundamental to ensure effective player support. The science underpinning sports nutrition is evolving at a fast pace, and knowing what the top professional players are doing in terms of their nutrition can help amateur players improve their own performance, recovery and health. "Nutrition for Top Performance in Soccer is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to improve their knowledge and understand the effect that nutrition can have on performance." -Brendan Rodgers, Leicester City FC manager INCLUDES RECIPES FROM ELITE PERFORMANCE CHEFS, R ACHEL MUSE AND BRUNO CIRILLO All
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 19.99 EUR excl. shipping

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