42 Results for : gerund

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    Wissen für 6 Schuljahre Englisch zum Nachschlagen in nur einem Band! Auf 448 Seiten alles Wichtige zu Grammatik und Landeskunde übersichtlich auf Doppelseiten und mit vielen Beispielen erklärt.Wichtige Themen und Begriffe einfach im Stichwortregister nachschlagenMit Regeln, Erklärungen und Tipps, um typische Fehler zu vermeiden Wissenstest prüfen, ob man alles verstanden hatExtra: Das Allerwichtigste aus allen Schuljahren gibt es als "Spickzettel" zum Ausschneiden! 5. und 6. Klasse: Substantive und Verben: Pluralformen, Genitiv, Possessiv- und Personalpronomen, to be, to have got, to do, Zeiten: Simple present, Present progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Present perfect, Going-to-future, Will-future Satz: Aussagesatz, Fragen, Wortstellung, Aufforderungs- und Bedingungssätze Zahlen, Datum, Uhrzeit Rechtschreibung und Aussprache: Großschreibungen, Veränderungen am Wortende Kommunikation und Gesprächssituationen: sich vorstellen, telefonieren, einkaufen, Bilder beschreiben Methoden: Vokabeln lernen, Hörverstehen Landeskunde: Schulsystem und Lebensverhältnisse in Großbritannien, Häufige Fehlerquellen: Genitiv-Falle, he, she it, das -s muss mit, gleich und ähnlich klingende Wörter, Verneinungen 7. und 8. Klasse: Substantive und Modalverben: Pluralbildung, can/could, must(n't), will/would, shall/should Zeiten und Passiv: Simple present, Present progressive, Present perfect, Present perfect progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Past perfect, Past perfect progressive, Conditional, Conditional perfect, by-agent Infinitiv, Gerund und Partizipien Satz und indirekte Rede: Aussage- und Fragesätze, Relativsätze, if-Sätze, Kommunikation: Präsentieren, erörtern, diskutieren, Interviews und Zeitungsberichte, Briefe Amerikanisches und britisches Englisch Landeskunde: London, New York, Regionen der USA Häufige Fehlerquellen: Plural- und Genitiv-s, if und would, for und since 9. und 10. Klasse: Zeiten: Past perfect, Past perfect progressive, Simple past, Past progressive, Present perfect, Present perfect progressive, Future progressive, Future perfect, Conditional, Conditional perfect Passiv, Infinitiv, Gerund und Partizipien Indirekte Rede und Satz:Relativsätze, if-Sätze, Zeitverschiebung bei indirekter Rede Kommunikation: Erörtern, Diagramme und Karikaturen
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 15.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrase, or transitive verb versus intransitive verb. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less. It is also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think, and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ward Paxton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/039970/bk_acx0_039970_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists and others need to be better senders and receivers, not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon, useless labels, and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrases or transitive verbs versus intransitive verbs. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less. It is also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Albert Caldwell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/040008/bk_acx0_040008_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. (H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956) I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receivers - not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon, useless labels, and distinctions such as participial phrases as opposed to gerund phrases or transitive verbs versus intransitive verbs. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques, your tools, that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives - nothing more, nothing less. It's also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities, professional societies, and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It'll also make your organization more efficient and profitable. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Allyn. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/042468/bk_acx0_042468_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Wer kennt das nicht? Durch Krankheiten, Unterrichtsausfall, Corona, Ferien, Ausflüge oder Klassenfahrten ist die Lernzeit oft sehr kurz. Sie hätten gerne mehr Zeit, um wichtige Themen noch einmal aufzufrischen und mit der Klasse zu wiederholen? Und suchen schnell in verschiedenen Büchern und Heften Arbeitsblätter zusammen, kopieren sie und merken dann, dass manche Lernende lieber andere Themengebiete wiederholen sollten und diese Aufgaben teils überflüssig für sie waren ...Mit unseren 55 Karten bieten wir Ihnen die Lösung für Ihr Problem, denn hier werden die wichtigsten Themen aufgefrischt und wiederholt. Die Schülerinnen können dabei ganz individuell an ihren Defiziten arbeiten.Die Karten sind immer gleich aufgebaut: Auf der Vorderseite steht eine knappe und übersichtliche Erklärung, auf der Rückseite gibt es passende Aufgaben. Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle runden das Angebot ab!Die Karten sind frei im Unterricht einsetzbar: Jeden Tag 10 bis 15 Minuten oder innerhalb einer vorgegebenen Lernzeit - so werden Lernrückstände leicht aufgeholt!Das Kartenst enthält:- 55 Karteikarten mit Erklärseite und Aufgabenseite - Motivierende Aufgaben in ansprechendem Layout -Lösungen zur Selbstkontrolle im digitalen ZusatzmaterialDie Themen:- Grammar - Tenses - The verb "to be" - Adjectives and adverbs - Reflexive Pronouns - Relative Clauses - The Gerund - Reading - Writing - Emails, reports, advices, blog entries and letters - Vocabulary
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. (H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956) I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receivers - not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon. They have useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrases as opposed to gerund phrases or transitive verbs versus intransitive verbs. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short audiobook condenses the habits and techniques, your tools, that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives - nothing more, nothing less. It's also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It'll also make your organization more efficient and profitable. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Wayne Brock. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/042567/bk_acx0_042567_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. H.L. Mencken, 1880-1956 I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receiver's, not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrase, or transitive verb versus intransitive verb. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less . It is also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think, and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it . ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ray Allaire. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/052090/bk_acx0_052090_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. - H.L. Mencken, 1880-1956 I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receivers, not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrase, or transitive verb versus intransitive verb. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less . It is also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think, and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gregory Allen Siders. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/046572/bk_acx0_046572_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. (H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956) I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receivers, not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrase as opposed to gerund phrase or transitive verb versus intransitive verb. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they are not relevant to our needs. This short audiobook condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less . It is also a true and accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It will also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it . ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Albert Caldwell. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/044589/bk_acx0_044589_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
  • Thumbnail
    A bad writer has no rights whatever. Any mercy shown to him is wasted and mistaken. (H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956) I wrote The Power of Writing Well to address everything managers, leaders, engineers, scientists, and others need to be better senders and receivers - not to cover everything they need to know about the language or to be the perfect sender or receiver; nobody is. The many books on writing and communicating that claim to be everything to everybody fail simply because they are overwhelmingly complex, full of jargon and useless labels and distinctions such as participial phrases as opposed to gerund phrases, or transitive verbs versus intransitive verbs. Most of us outside of academe don't care, and we shouldn't since they're not relevant to our needs. This short book condenses the habits and techniques - your tools - that work most of the time for most of the people who write at work and want to be happier in all parts of their lives: nothing more, nothing less. It's also an accurate reflection of my 40 years of writing for business and of teaching writing at two prestigious universities and many professional societies and companies. You can trust that what I'm telling you will improve your abilities to communicate and think and make you more productive, promotable, and happy. It'll also make your organization more efficient and profitable. I guarantee it, and my students attest to it. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Adam Zens. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/043924/bk_acx0_043924_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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