36 Results for : kooning
Saul Steinberg: A Biography , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1772min
From National Book Award winner Deirdre Bair, the definitive biography of Saul Steinberg, one of The New Yorker's most iconic artists.The issue date was March 29, 1976. The New Yorker cost 75 cents. And on the cover unfolded Saul Steinberg's vision of the world: New York City, the Hudson River, and then...well, it's really just a bunch of stuff you needn't concern yourself with. Steinberg's brilliant depiction of the world according to self-satisfied New Yorkers placed him squarely in the pantheon of the magazine's - and the era's - most celebrated artists. But if you look beyond the searing wit and stunning artistry, you'll find one of the most fascinating lives of the twentieth century. Born in Romania, Steinberg was educated in Milan andwas already famous for his satirical drawings when World War II forced him to immigrate to the United States. On a single day, Steinberg became a US citizen, a commissioned officer in the US Navy, and a member of the OSS, assigned to spy in China, North Africa, and Italy. After the war ended, he returned to America and to his art. He quickly gained entree into influential circles that included Saul Bellow, Vladimir Nabokov, Willem de Kooning, and Le Corbusier. His wife was the artist Hedda Sterne, from whom heseparated in 1960 but never divorced and with whom he remained in daily contact for the rest ofhis life. This conveniently freed him up to amass a coterie of young mistresses and lovers. But his truly great love was the United States, wherehe traveled extensively by bus, train, and car, drawing, observing, and writing. His body of work is staggering and influential in ways we may not yet even be able to fully grasp, quite possibly because there has not been a full-scale biography of him until now.Deirdre Bair had access to 177 boxes of documents and more than 400 drawings. In addition, she conducted several hundred personal interviews. Steinberg's curious talent for creating myths about h ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gary Dikeos. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/012883/bk_adbl_012883_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Dutch immigrants to the United States
Dutch immigrants to the United States ab 19.99 € als Taschenbuch: Peter Debye Gerard Kuiper Colonel Tom Parker Eddie Van Halen Louis van Amstel Anneliese van der Pol Barthold Fles Bert Blyleven Pete Hoekstra Abraham Pais Daniel De Leon Willem de Kooning Herman Phaff Luc Leestemaker. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 19.99 EUR excl. shipping
Fairfield Porter
The first comprehensive survey of the beloved figurative realist painter Fairfield Porter to be published in more than two decades. A figurative realist in the heyday of abstract expressionism, Fairfield Porter (1907 1975) painted himself, his family, and friends in New York City, in Southampton, Long Island, and on an island off the Maine coast, all depicting a relaxed and comfortable world that seemed to mirror his own affluent, well-connected existence. With virtually all of the artist s previous publications now out of print, this much-anticipated volume is an important addition to the literature on this great American master. Porter graduated from Harvard in 1928 and then studied at the Art Students League in New York with Thomas Hart Benton. Along with months in Maine, Porter lived in New York and from 1948 on, in Southampton where he purchased a large, late Federal-style house for his own expanding family. Porter painted several artist friends, including Elaine de Kooning, Larry Rivers, and Jane Freilicher. He was also close to the modern poets John Ashbery, Frank O Hara, and James Schuyler. With a carefully curated selection of the artist s best works, John Wilmerding, a specialist in American art, gives full consideration to Porter s expressive compositions and a color palette influenced by his coastal surroundings. Karen Wilkin discusses Porter s influences and pictorial creativity. Distinguished poet J. D. McClatchy writes a reflection on one of Porter s paintings.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 49.99 EUR excl. shipping
"Ich will unsterblich werden!"
Klimt und Schiele malen "Fritzi": Das bunte Leben Friederike Beer-MontisFriederike Maria Beer (1891-1980): Wie ein Wirbelwind trifft sie auf die Wiener Künstlerszene der 1920er Jahre. Die Tochter der Besitzerin der berühmten Kaiserbar nimmt Schauspielunterricht, wird zum lebenden Modell für die Kleider der "Wiener Werkstätte". "Fritzi" verliebt sich in den Industriellensohn und Maler Hans Böhler, mit dem sie eine lebenslange innige Freundschaft und Arbeitsbeziehung verbindet. Ihm steht sie als Siebzehnjährige Modell für sein Bild "Stehender weiblicher Akt". In den Jahren 1914 und 1916 malen Egon Schiele und Gustav Klimt Porträts von ihr, ein geplantes Bild Kokoschkas fällt den Kriegsereignissen zum Opfer.Ihr Herz jedoch erobert der italienische Kapitän Emanuele Monti - ihm folgt sie auf die Insel Procida im Golf von Neapel. Doch schnell ist das Eiland zu eng für die junge Frau, die Ehe scheitert. Die Begegnung mit dem amerikanischen Studenten Hugh Stix verändert ihr Leben: Mitte der 1930er Jahre wandert Federica nach New York aus. Dort leitet sie bis 1962 die von Stix gegründete "Artists' Gallery", die u.a. Willem de Kooning, Louise Nevelson, Ad Reinhardt entdeckt und fördert. Und nicht nur das - als Galeristin hilft Beer-Monti österreichischen Künstlern wie Max Oppenheimer, auf der Flucht vor den Nazis in die USA zu emigrieren.Margret Greiner folgt mit Verve den Lebenslinien einer emanzipierten, selbstbewussten Frau auf ihrem Weg vom lebensfrohen Künstler-Groupie zur international angesehenen Galeristin und Förderin avantgardistischer Kunst - eingebettet in die großen Ereignisse des 20. Jahrhunderts.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 24.00 EUR excl. shipping
Joan Mitchell: I Carry My Landscapes Around with Me
I carry my landscapes around with me focuses on American abstract artist Joan Mitchell's large-scale multipanel works from the 1960s through the 1990s.Mitchell's exploration of the possibilities afforded by combining two to five large canvases allowed her to simultaneously create continuity and rupture, while opening up a panoramic expanse referencing landscapes or the memory of landscapes. Mitchell established a singular approach to abstraction over the course of her career. Her inventive reinterpretation of the traditional figure-ground relationship and synesthetic use of color set her apart from her peers, resulting in intuitively constructed and emotionally charged compositions that alternately evoke individuals, observations, places, and points in time. Art critic John Yau lauded her paintings as "one of the towering achievements of the postwar period." Published on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at David Zwirner New York in 2019, this book offers a unique opportunity to explore the range of scale and formal experimentation of this innovative area of Mitchell's extensive body of work. It not only features reproductions of each painting in this selection as a whole, but also numerous details that allow an intimate understanding of the surface texture and brushwork. In the complementing essays, Suzanne Hudson examines boundaries, borders, and edges in Mitchell's multipanel paintings, beginning with her first work of this kind, The Bridge (1956), considering them as both physical and conceptual objects; Robert Slifkin discusses the dynamics of repetition and energy in the artist's paintings, in relation to works by Monet and Willem de Kooning, among others.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 34.99 EUR excl. shipping
Alex Katz
The definitive Alex Katz book, like his iconic paintings, is larger than life. With more than 300 images, many unpublished, and a searching profile by an art historian who has studied the painter for more than half a century, this monograph charts the development of Katz's singular American style.2020 GOLD WINNER OF THE FOREWORD INDIES AWARD IN ARTAlex Katz has found his audience. It's not the first time. Over seven decades, the artist has developed his vision with determination as the tides of avant-garde and academic fashion ebbed and flowed. His first audience was other painters (including de Kooning and Philip Guston), and today, still, he is perhaps best understood by other artists: those who appreciate how difficult it is to make something so simple, so well. Working in a representational style while his classmates celebrated Abstract Expressionism, eschewing slick surfaces for a pared-down view while his peers went glossy with Pop, Katz cleaved to one vision, a few locations, and subjects. Katz's endurance and commitment to developing an original American style is explored in depth, from his boyhood influences to an artistic circle that included John Ashbery, Ted Berrigan, Lois Dodd, Kenneth Koch, Frank O'Hara, Fairfield Porter, Yvonne Rainer, Larry Rivers, and Paul Taylor.Sketches, works on paper, and archival material selected by the artist's son, the poet Vincent Katz, give a fuller picture of the painter and his world. The more than 250 paintings--reproduced at an unprecedented scale--will be the most comprehensive collection available in a single publication.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 85.99 EUR excl. shipping
The Shores of Bohemia (eBook, ePUB)
An intimate portrait of a legendary generation of artists, writers, activists, and dreamers who created a utopia on the shores of Cape Cod during the first half of the twentieth century.Their names are iconic: Eugene O'Neill, Willem de Kooning, Josef and Annie Albers, Emma Goldman, Mary McCarthy, Edward Hopper, Walter Gropius-and the list goes on and on. Scorning the devastation that industrialization had wrought on the nation's economy and culture in the early decades of the twentieth century, they gathered in the streets of Greenwich Village and on the beachfronts of Cape Cod. They began as progressives but soon turned to socialism, then communism. They founded theaters, periodicals, and art schools. They formed editorial boards that met in beach shacks and performed radical new plays in a shanty on the docks where they could see the ocean through cracks in the floor. They welcomed the tremendous wave of talent fleeing Europe in the 1930s. At the end of their era, as the postwar economy boomed, they took shelter in liberalism as the anti-capitalist movement fragmented into other causes in the 1960's.John Taylor "Ike" Williams, who married into the Cape's artistic world and has spent fifty years talking and walking its shores with these cultural and political revolutionaries, gives us the twisting lives and careers of a staggering generation of American thinkers and creators. The Shores of Bohemia records a great set of shifts in American culture, of ideas and arguments fueled by drink, infidelity, and competition that made for a fifty-year conversation among intellectual leaders and creative revolutionaries, who found a community as they created some of the great works of the American century. This is their story. Welcome to the party!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 14.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Shores of Bohemia: A Cape Cod Story, 1910-1960
An intimate portrait of a legendary generation of artists, writers, activists, and dreamers who created a utopia on the shores of Cape Cod during the first half of the twentieth century. Their names are iconic: Eugene O'Neill, Willem de Kooning, Josef and Annie Albers, Emma Goldman, Mary McCarthy, Edward Hopper, Walter Gropius-and the list goes on and on. Scorning the devastation that industrialization had wrought on the nation's economy and culture in the early decades of the twentieth century, they gathered in the streets of Greenwich Village and on the beachfronts of Cape Cod. They began as progressives but soon turned to socialism, then communism. They founded theaters, periodicals, and art schools. They formed editorial boards that met in beach shacks and performed radical new plays in a shanty on the docks where they could see the ocean through cracks in the floor. They welcomed the tremendous wave of talent fleeing Europe in the 1930s. At the end of their era, as the postwar economy boomed, they took shelter in liberalism as the anti-capitalist movement fragmented into other causes in the 1960's. John Taylor "Ike" Williams, who married into the Cape's artistic world and has spent fifty years talking and walking its shores with these cultural and political revolutionaries, gives us the twisting lives and careers of a staggering generation of American thinkers and creators. The Shores of Bohemia records a great set of shifts in American culture, of ideas and arguments fueled by drink, infidelity, and competition that made for a fifty-year conversation among intellectual leaders and creative revolutionaries, who found a community as they created some of the great works of the American century. This is their story. Welcome to the party!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 29.99 EUR excl. shipping
Lyrics Deutsche Ausgabe
PAUL MCCARTNEY - MEIN LEBEN IN 154 SONGS "Unzählige Male wurde ich schon gebeten, eine Autobiografie zu schreiben, aber nie war die richtige Zeit dafür. Meist zog ich Kinder groß oder war auf Tournee - beides ist nicht ideal, wenn man sich über lange Strecken konzentrieren möchte. Das einzige, was immer ging, egal ob zu Hause oder unterwegs, war Songs zu schreiben. Wenn Leute erst mal ein gewisses Alter erreicht haben, greifen sie gerne auf Tagebücher oder Terminkalender zurück, erinnern sich Tag für Tag an vergangene Ereignisse, aber solche Aufzeichnungen habe ich nicht. Was ich habe, sind meine Songs - hunderte - und eigentlich erfüllen sie denselben Zweck. Sie umspannen mein gesamtes Leben, weil ich schon mit vierzehn Jahren zuhause in Liverpool, als ich meine erste Gitarre bekam, instinktiv anfing, Songs zu schreiben. Seither habe ich nicht mehr aufgehört." Paul McCartney In diesem außergewöhnlichen Buch betrachtet Paul McCartney sein Leben und sein Werk im Prisma von 154 eigenen Songs. In alphabetischer Reihenfolge angeordnet, bilden diese Songs von den frühesten musikalischen Gehversuchen über Klassiker der Popgeschichte wie "Hey Jude", "Yesterday" oder "Let it Be" bis hin zu jüngsten Kompositionen ein autobiografisches Kaleidoskop, in dem McCartney die Entstehungsgeschichten seiner Songs schildert, Menschen und Orte, die ihn beeinflusst haben, und was er heute über seine Lieder denkt. Auf diese Weise - ein Leben in Songs - ist ein vollkommen einzigartiges Musiker-Memoir entstanden, das Paul McCartneys Stimme und Persönlichkeit auf jeder Seite spürbar werden lässt. Bislang unbekannte Schätze aus McCartneys Privatarchiv - Skizzen, Briefe und vor allem Fotografien - machen "Lyrics" auch optisch zu einem einmaligen Dokument über einen der erfolgreichsten Musiker des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein Leben in 154 Songs, angereichert mit persönlichen Texten, Geschichten, privaten Fotos und Notizen "Yesterday" ist der meistgespielte Song aller Zeiten McCartney schildert Begegnungen mit den Großen seiner Zeit: Bob Dylan, Andy Warhol, Mick Jagger und Keith Richards, Willem de Kooning, Dustin Hoffmann, Michael Jackson u.v.m.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 80.20 EUR excl. shipping
Écrits et propos de Willem De Kooning
Écrits et propos de Willem De Kooning - Les Fiches de lecture d'Universalis: ab 2.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 2.99 EUR excl. shipping