37 Results for : masochist

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    By definition, a sadist is one who receives sexual gratification from causing pain and degradation to another. That's me, to a T. I only play with those who understand what it means; those who are willing to indulge my devious desires. Any masochist who seeks me out knows that if they trespass, I will gladly shatter them and walk away, leaving them for someone else to put back together.Yet the cowboy and the pretty boy have given themselves to me. They have agreed to play by my rules and there is only one: There are no rules. I have warned them. I'm not looking for companionship or love. I don't want to be their friend, their confidante, or their lover. I'm in it for pleasure only. In the form of pain.I am ruthless. I am a sadist. And I make no excuses for it. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Tor Thom, Charley Ongel. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/126476/bk_acx0_126476_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    There is no frustration like a masochist who lacks a sadist. As much as Maria enjoyed being a top, she craved pain, craved the release of submission. Try as she might, she just couldn’t find a dom that was willing to hurt her as much as she wanted to be hurt. She feared she would spiral into self-harm out of sheer desperation.She had called her friend Misty a fool for summoning a demon to fulfill her desires. Now, that plan sounded less insane, and Maria found herself actually considering it. Yet she knew there was risk in summoning the entity most feared by the Magicians of old, Choronozon, the personification of the formless Abyss. Many had gone mad trying to master this being, but she intended to try a different approach - that of submission. Yet she knew that she, too, risked madness if her plan should fail.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Morgana Rose. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/127735/bk_acx0_127735_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    He always keeps his darkest desires reined in…until he meets her....Nick Kincaid needs a vacation from his non-stop work schedule, and Desire Island is the perfect outlet for his dominant side. When he meets Sophia, he may have finally found his match — a woman without limits, at least when it comes to BDSM. Sophia, a hardcore masochist, is fiercely independent and knows her own mind. She adores the freeing release of intense sensory deprivation and BDSM eroticism, but she’s not looking for a love connection. But then, Nick isn’t like anyone she’s ever scened with.Though neither expects to find more than casual play at the BDSM resort, each new, intensive scene pushes boundaries for them both. When they take their exploration off the island, the passion is no less intense. But conflicts between work and play, and between desire and commitment, force each to confront their priorities. No limits can be scary.... But falling in love can be scarier still.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Claire Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/214629/bk_acx0_214629_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    He always keeps his darkest desires reined in...until he meets her....Nick Kincaid needs a vacation from his non-stop work schedule, and Desire Island is the perfect outlet for his dominant side. When he meets Sophia, he may have finally found his match - a woman without limits, at least when it comes to BDSM.Sophia, a hardcore masochist, is fiercely independent and knows her own mind. She adores the freeing release of intense sensory deprivation and BDSM eroticism, but she’s not looking for a love connection. But then, Nick isn’t like anyone she’s ever scened with.Though neither expects to find more than casual play at the BDSM resort, each new, intensive scene pushes boundaries for them both. When they take their exploration off the island, the passion is no less intense. But conflicts between work and play, and between desire and commitment, force each to confront their priorities. No limits can be scary...but falling in love can be scarier still.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Claire Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/214512/bk_acx0_214512_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Karl Hopf wurde des mehrfachen Giftmordes an Mitgliedern seiner Familie angeklagt. Die infernalische Art und Weise dieser Taten erinnert an die tödlichen Verbrechen einer Lucusta oder der Adelsfamilie Borgia, berüchtigte Giftmischer früherer Zeiten. In einem weltweit aufsehenerregenden Prozess verurteilte am 17. Januar 1914 das Königlich Preußische Landgericht in Frankfurt am Main Karl Hopf zum Tode. Die Vollstreckung dieses Urteils erfolgte am 23. März 1914 im Gefängnis Frankfurt-Preungesheim mit dem Handbeil.Karl Hopf wurde am 26. März 1863 in Frankfurt geboren. Der gelernte Drogist war Artist und Hundezüchter, Lehrer und Weltmeister im Degenfechten, Heirats- und Darlehensvermittler, Masochist und Giftmischer. Von der ausgehenden Frankfurter Gründerzeit führt die Geschichte in das beginnende pulsierende 20. Jahrhundert dieser Stadt. Minutiös recherchiert schildert der Roman lebendig einen vielseitig talentierten Menschen, der mit in jener Zeit wissenschaftlich nicht nachweisbaren Methoden mordete.Dies ist nach den »Heidelberger Mordsteinen« der zweite Roman von Thomas Schnepf, der als ehemaliger Richter der badischen Justiz heute in Mannheim lebt.Weitere Infos: www.der-historische-fall.de
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 15.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Endlich wieder erhältlich, als überarbeitete und inhaltlich aktualisierte 3. Auflage!Tim Sodermanns führt seine Leser ein in die Welt des BDSM.Der submissive Autor und bekennende Masochist liefert Ihnen einen detaillierten, humorvollen und mit eigenen Erlebnissen gespickten Überblick dieser sogenannten "dunklen Seite der Erotik", ohne Klischees zu bedienen oder den Anspruch, jemanden hiermit zum "einzig wahren Sadomasochismus" bekehren zu wollen.Ob erster Studiobesuch, bizarre Spiele in Klubs und Bars, oder in Beziehungen real gelebte Versklavung: DIE BDSM-BIBEL schildert alle Facetten eines Lebensstils, dessen Zerrbild zunehmend in Öffentlichkeit und Medien kursiert.Wie funktioniert das, sich in die Hand eines anderen zu geben, und will ich das überhaupt? Was ist das, Sklavin, Bottom, Herrin und Sub? Was davon bin ich und wie bitte, bringe ich diese neue Seite von mir bloß Familie und Freunden bei?"Tim Sodermanns hat nicht ein neues SM-Handbuch geschrieben, sondern [..] endlich die Lücke gefüllt, die bisher allenfalls Kapitelweise in vergleichbaren Büchern vorkommt." Schlagzeilen, SZ 93
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 14.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Wegen "unnationalsozialistischer Lebensweise" sitzt der Maler Rudolf Schlechter 1938 in Berlin-Erkner in Untersuchungshaft. Der Grund ist sein als skandalös empfundenes Verhalten, das er zusammen mit seiner Frau "Speedy" an den Tag legt. Er nutzt diese Gelegenheit, um sein Leben mit "Speedy" aufzuschreiben. In 260 kurzen Kapiteln steuern all die Abenteuer und Betrachtungen auf eine "andere" Ästhetik des Widerstands zu - strikt individualistisch, sexuell. Schlechter der Masochist, der Mann, der eine Frau sein möchte, wirft einen entwaffnend unverstellten Blick auf die Welt, rechts und links, oben und unten. Skandalös, bohrend und unterhaltend beschreibt und seziert er die anderen - und sich selbst immer mit. Weil "Speedy" mit anderen Männern schlief, wurde Schlechter eingesperrt. Weil sie am Ende gezielt mit den richtigen schläft, kommt er schließlich wieder frei.Der große Roman über eine Liebesbeziehung in den wilden Zwanziger Jahren und in der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus ist inspiriert von der Figur des Malers Rudolf Schlichter (1890-1955), der in Berlins linken wie rechten Zirkeln mit Ernst Jünger, Bertolt Brecht und vielen anderen verkehrte.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 35.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Star-crossed lovers? The mage and her knight? The Fool and the Genius, the world’s oddest couple?Claire and Anthony have a storied and colorful past. Ahem. It took Anthony nearly 1,000 times to ask Claire out on a date, you know? Like, come on. They were adventuring together for years! Maybe he wasn’t the fool.Claire, didn’t notice you there - don’t give me that look! You’re starting to scare me...Uh, okay, so, this world’s greatest love story continues, even though Dena is not a safe place. War is on the horizon as the humans and beast kin mobilize. And they’re not the only group on the move.It’s time that the Guardians returned to Dena.Beware of a Guardian on a mission - especially if one of them is the ex-Guardian Battle Mage, who made even the Drafeng speak her name in fear! Really, Anthony must be a masochist or some - Hey! Claire! Put the fireball down! No - don’t make it bigger! No fireballs in the house! Aah!Check out the 3rd book in the Death Knight series - you know you want to! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Todd Menesses. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/223823/bk_acx0_223823_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Now that you are no longer a newcomer to the BDSM community, you may be convinced that you know your way through your chosen niche. The truth of the matter is, however, that the best members of any kink are those who continue to educate themselves for the betterment of their chosen relationships. The Complete Handbook on BDSM for the Intermediate Player takes a look at some of the more intermediate points that players in the bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism communities should know. Sure, you may have mastered your kink in terms of knowing what you like and what you want, you may even have developed a lasting relationship already, but believe us when we tell you that the learning doesn't stop there! As a responsible member of your kink community, it is up to you to constantly educate yourself not only on methodology, but also on the lesser understood aspects of kink relationships, and that is precisely what this book aims to do! Whether you are a dominant, a submissive, a masochist, or a disciplinarian, there is something inside for you that can take your relationship to a whole new level! Buy it now ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Catherine Carter. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/098454/bk_acx0_098454_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    When trying to save a woman from slavers, Sam screwed up. Royally. Now Linda wants nothing to do with him. Or with BDSM. She won't even admit she's a masochist. As a dominant and sadist, he can give her what she needs, and when an opportunity arises he slips into her life, intending to make amends. She's everything he knew she would be...except for her bullheaded determination to be "normal". Now that the horrible time is past, Linda just wants to return to her small conservative town, pick up her quiet life, and be normal. But how can someone who likes pain be "normal"? To her dismay, when someone spray-paints her home with obscenities, Sam shows up to rescue her. Again. Doesn't he understand that the last thing she needs in her life is a sadist? He's amused by her objections. But his dry sense of humor doesn't disguise that he's tough as nails and dominant and stubborn. He's not going to let her drive him off this time. All too soon she realizes she wants him to stay. When he takes her to the Shadowlands, she finds a new home. Until she hears a voice from out of her nightmares.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Noah Michael Levine, Erin deWard. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/058686/bk_acx0_058686_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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