66 Results for : birdman
The Revenant - Der Rückkehrer
Inspiriert von einer wahren Geschichte ist THE REVENANT – DER RÜCKKEHRER ein Filmerlebnis, das tief unter die Haut und mitten in die Eingeweide der Zuschauer zielt. Oscar®-Preisträger Alejandro González Iñárritu (Birdman, Babel), der auch mit für das Drehbuch verantwortlich zeichnet, inszeniert das monumentale Survival-Abenteuer eines einzelnen Mannes und eine Geschichte von der außergewöhnlichen Kraft des menschlichen Geistes. Bei einer Expedition tief in der amerikanischen Wildnis wird der legendäre Jäger und Abenteurer Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio) von einem Bären attackiert und von seinen Jagdbegleitern, die überzeugt sind, dass er dem Tod geweiht ist, zurückgelassen. In seinem Überlebenskampf erleidet Glass nicht nur unerträgliche Qualen, er muss auch erleben, dass sein vermeintlicher Beschützer John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) ihn verrät, beraubt und im Stich lässt. Angetrieben von der Liebe zu seiner Familie und einem schier übermenschlichen Willen zu überleben, um diesen Verrat zu rächen, kämpft Glass sich durch einen unerbittlichen Winter und eine feindliche Wildnis zurück ins Leben.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 9.49 EUR excl. shipping
American Assassin
Nach dem tödlichen Attentat auf seine Verlobte sinnt Mitch Rapp (Dylan O'Brien) auf Rache. Beim CIA lässt er sich von dem berüchtigten Kriegs-Veteranen Stan Hurley (Michael Keaton) zum Elite-Agenten ausbilden. Schnell erhalten die beiden ihren ersten, folgenschweren Auftrag: Es gilt, die Hintergründe einer Reihe scheinbar willkürlicher Anschläge auf sowohl militärische als auch zivile Ziele zu überprüfen. Bald entdecken sie, dass alle Attentate Parallelen aufweisen. Gemeinsam mit einer geheimen Spezialeinheit begeben sie sich auf eine hochriskante Mission: Es gilt, den äußerst gefährlichen Drahtzieher (Taylor Kitsch) hinter einer großangelegten Verschwörung zu stoppen. Doch dieser hat nicht vor, sich von seinen todbringenden Plänen abbringen zu lassen und scheint stets einen Schritt voraus. Eine erbarmungslose Jagd beginnt... Der rasante Actionthriller AMERICAN ASSASSIN von Regisseur Michael Cuesta, der schon mit "Homeland" sein ausgezeichnetes Gespür für knallharte und vielschichte Agenten-Stoffe bewies, bildet den explosiven Startschuss eines neuen Spionage-Franchises nach den Weltbestsellern von Vince Flynn, die weltweit über 25 Millionen Mal verkauft wurden. In AMERICAN ASSASSIN glänzen neben Oscar-Preisträger Michael Keaton ("Birdman") die beiden Jungstars Dylan O'Brien ("Maze Runner") und Taylor Kitsch ("Savages") vor der Kamera.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
Alcatraz Screw: My Years as a Guard in America's Most Notorious Prison , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 562min
Alcatraz Screw is a firsthand account from a prison guard’s perspective of some of the most storied years at the infamous U.S. Penitentiary at Alcatraz. George Gregory began his career as a guard for the Federal Bureau of Prisons in 1940. He takes the listener along on a correctional officer’s tour of duty, showing what it was like to pull a lonely, tedious night of sentry duty in the Road Tower, or witness illicit transactions in the clothing room, or forcibly quell a riot in the cell blocks. Gregory provides an insider’s account of the tenures of all four of Alcatraz’s wardens and their sometimes contradictory approaches to administering the institution. He knew and regularly interacted with such legendary inmates as Robert Stroud (the Birdman of Alcatraz) and George “Machine Gun” Kelly.Without glamorizing or demonizing either the staff or the convicts, Alcatraz Screw provides a candid portrayal of corruption, drug abuse, and sexual practices, as well as efforts at reform and unrecorded acts of kindness. Various incidents in the memoir convey the fear, hatred, frustration, boredom, and unavoidable tension of being incarcerated.The book is published by University of Missouri Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks."George Gregory arrived at Alcatraz during a critical juncture in the institution's history...In short, he saw it all - and he remembered it all." (John W. Roberts, from the Introduction) ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Chaz Allen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/195391/bk_acx0_195391_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Lance Star-Sky Ranger, Volume 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 302min
A long-forgotten pulp hero makes his glorious return to action and adventure in this special volume featuring Lance Star and his team of rough-and-ready Sky Rangers. Four brand-new, action-packed tales of highflying thrills await you. "Attack of the Birdman" by Frank Dirscherl. Lance and his wingman-sidekick Buck Tellonger head out to the coast of California where flocks of birds are attacking the populace of a small seaside village. They are said to be guided by a giant bird-man! "Where the Sea Meets the Sky" by Bobby Nash. Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, off the shores of tropical Hawaii, a hidden treasure has been discovered. Now a band of sky pirates is out to steal it, no matter how many innocent lives must be sacrificed in the process. Only Lance and the Sky Rangers can end their bloody assaults! "Shadows Over Kunlun" by Win Scott Eckert. A government agent sends Lance and his team of flyers off to the roof of the world, Tibet, in search of a lost World War One ace and a hidden power source that could change the course of history! "Talons of the Red Condor" by Bill Spangler. Flying rebels have captured the Panama Canal, threatening to destroy it unless their ransom demands are met-Lance and the Sky Rangers soon find themselves fighting an old enemy who's come back from the grave! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stuart Gauffi. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/064912/bk_acx0_064912_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Letters from Alcatraz , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 607min
This special audiobook edition has been completely revised and updated with new content including author interviews with James "Whitey" Bulger and a new chapter on Mickey Cohen. Note: This audiobook contains graphic depictions of crime and prison violence. Alcatraz Island was home to some of the nation's most notorious criminals. Prisoners include Al Capone, Mickey Cohen, James "Whitey" Bulger, George "Machine Gun" Kelly, Robert Stroud - the Birdman of Alcatraz, Alvin Karpis, Henri Young, John and Clarence Anglin, and Roy Gardner. In Michael Esslinger's latest book, Letters from Alcatraz, the prisoners' stories come to life in their own words. With over 20 years of research, Esslinger, author of Alcatraz: Definitive History of the Penitentiary Years, has salvaged and compiled an extraordinary collection of inmates' letters, many never before published. Letters From Alcatraz includes a foreword by former Alcatraz Officer Larry Quilligan and over 125 letters and original correspondence from inmates both on and off the Rock. Letters From Alcatraz is an epic exploration of a secret cloak-and-dagger culture once hidden behind a mythical curtain. This book is much more than a mere exercise in myth busting. Paired with its contextual and intrinsic complexities, Letters From Alcatraz grants listeners privileged access to the formidable confinement conditions endured by these inmates along with their compelling portraits, and a thorough overview of the rich history of Alcatraz Island. The depth of feeling in its story, its setting, its cast, and sheer inimitability, these are their lives in prose and the stories of the forgotten.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emil Nicholas Gallina. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/023435/bk_acx0_023435_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
sein. einfach nur sein. Wie innerer Frieden wirklich möglich ist
Ein Hörbuch, das man seinen Kindern (und besten Freunden) schenken möchte, mit den Worten: 'Hör es Dir an - so wirst Du glücklich!' Trotz des äußeren Wohlstands sind viele Menschen in der westlichen Welt mit ihrem Leben unzufrieden, suchen eine neue innere Ruhe, die mit Konsum und Luxus nicht zu erlangen ist. Noch nie hat jemand aus der westlichen Welt die Botschaft des inneren Friedens so spannend, inspirierend und unterhaltsam erklärt wie der Künstler Hans Langner alias Birdman. Er teilt kurze inspirierende Texte voller Weisheit und Gelassenheit, die uns helfen zu erkennen, worauf es wirklich ankommt. Sein Credo der Einfachheit beginnt bereits im Alltag: im Ernstnehmen des Anderen, im Aufbrechen des Egoismus, in einem Leben aus dem Herzen. Schritt für Schritt zeigt der Autor, wie man sich auf positive menschliche Eigenschaften und Werte wie Einfühlungsvermögen, Gemeinschaftssinn und Aufrichtigkeit zu besinnen lernt und schließlich wieder zu sich und einer neuen Ethik des Handelns findet.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Homebuilt aircraft
Homebuilt aircraft ab 43.99 € als Taschenbuch: Bede BD-5 Birdman Chinook AMD Zodiac Pterodactyl Ascender Seawind 300C Denney Kitfox Ultraflight Lazair Bede BD-10 Spectrum Beaver Titan Tornado Dyke Delta Parker Teenie Two Murphy Renegade Mignet Pou-du-Ciel Berkut 360. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Naturwissenschaft,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 43.99 EUR excl. shipping
Hard Time: The Life of an Incorrigible on Alcatraz , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 521min
The true story of Charlie Hopkins #1186, one of the last surviving inmates of Alcatraz Penitentiary"My friend and fellow alumni Charlie Hopkins and I both graduated from America’s Top Crime School.... Charlie was a better student than I.... He’s still free!" (James “Whitey” Bulger, #1428 AZ)What if one could travel back in time and interview one of the hardened criminals that had served time at Alcatraz Penitentiary before it was permanently closed in 1963? What exactly would one ask a man who had rubbed shoulders with some of the most notorious gangsters, murderers, and thieves of the 1930s, '40s, and '50s? How would the conversation go when speaking to a close friend of "Creepy" Al Karpis, the "Birdman of Alcatraz" Robert Stroud, and Whitey Bulger? Now, thanks to author Don DeNevi, for the first time one does not need a time machine to recapture the first-hand eyewitness accounts of one man's life on Alcatraz.Alcatraz inmate #1186 was Charles Edward Hopkins, and Mr. Hopkins was no ordinary inmate. Not only did he serve time with the Anglin brothers who made the only successful escape from Alcatraz, but he was well-acquainted with notorious crime boss "Bumpy" Johnson, the legendary Italian mafia boss Vito Genevese, and many other infamous Alcatraz inmates.Early in his prison career, Charlie was clinically pronounced "psychotic" and "incorrigible" and was sent to Alcatraz. After serving his time, Hopkins disappeared into history before re-emerging in recent years as the pen pal of notorious Boston gangster James "Whitey" Bulger.Never before has Charlie's full story been captured and shared with the public. Now at 87 years old, Mr. Hopkins is estimated to be one of the last five or six remaining inmates that served hard time in Alcatraz before its closing in 1963. No matter what you have heard or think you know about Alcatraz, you may be certain of one thing, you have never heard a story like this./p ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Christopher Lane. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/163927/bk_acx0_163927_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
I Never Would Have Slept with You If I Had Known You Were a Giant Birdman from Outer Space: Ancient Aliens and Other Mysteries of the Modern Mind , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 502min
This is the second edition, published in 2017, featuring an additional half-dozen chapters, thus completing the entire set of Keel articles in this series. It matches the new Kindle version that has also just been published (2017). Following years of surveillance and harassment from both human and supernatural spooks, intrepid Fortean investigator John A. Keel sat down to compile his thoughts on all he had learned during his 1960s research into UFOs, synchronicity, creature entities, and other unexplained phenomena. The result was a series of concise, thematically related "ancient astronaut" articles, which were published in Saga magazine between 1973 and 1976. In these papers, Keel pulls together many of the threads discussed in his classic books The Mothman Prophecies and The Eighth Tower, which were written at the same time. By looking at ancient lore and applying it to modern UFO cases, Keel reveals that while the "ancient alien" phenomenon is indeed very ancient, it is certainly not alien. Using a wide array of evidence, coming from several different angles, Keel deftly explains why the winged, birdlike "ancient aliens" are bent on controlling the human race and how they do it. Surprisingly, Keel's research into Mothman could play a key role in deciphering the mystery of ancient aliens - whether or not the human race was actually created, genetically, by giant birdmen mating with earth women, and whether or not there was once a worldwide religion that worshiped Mothman-like gods. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Pete Ferrand. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/118771/bk_acx0_118771_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Birdman - (Jack Caffery Book 1): the gruesome and gripping first book in the bestselling Jack Caffery series: ab 6.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping