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Foreshadowed47 Results for : foreshadow
St. Tropez, Frejus, St. Raphael & the Western Cote d'Azur , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 357min
Starting just east of la Ciotat, the great sweep of Mediterranean coast, all the way to the Italian border, is referred to as the Côte d'Azur or the Riviera. It is a large area with dozens of beaches and, despite the coast's reputation for toney glamor alternating with brash vulgarity, it's a great location for watersports, boating, parascending, climbing, hiking, and gliding. The Western Côte d'Azur is a deeply indented coast, characterized by many small towns, miles of sandy beaches, and three great mountainous headlands, called massifs. The Massif des Maures, Massif de l'Estérel, and Massif de Tanneron foreshadow the march of the Alps to the sea farther east along the Riviera. They offer stunning long distance views and provide miles of good walking. For years, French vacationers kept the region their secret, staying in their holiday homes or with friends and family. As a result, the massifs remain largely undiscovered territory for foreign visitors, who usually race around and between them on motorways for the coast. If you stop to enjoy this region, you'll find it has its own personality and surprises. Covered in depth are the Mauresque Coast, including St. Tropez, Le Lavandou, Grimaud, Ste Maxime, then on to Fréjus, Saint Raphael, the Massif du Tanneron, and the Esterel. All the places to stay are described, as well as the places to eat, the history, sights to see, plus adventures on foot, on horseback, and on water. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sally Martin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/021895/bk_acx0_021895_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Summary, Review & Analysis: George Orwell's Animal Farm , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 44min
*Note: Our summary is an accompaniment to Animal Farm and not the novel itself. While it will greatly enhance your enjoyment and understanding of the book, it is not intended to stand in its place.* Talking animals might be a favorite characteristic of children’s fables, but in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, the story isn’t child’s play. A dystopian tale about what happens when a group of barnyard animals rebels against the humans; this mid-century book is today considered a literary classic. This summary was made for the listener who has a deep curiosity about classic literature, especially Animal Farm. It is the ideal guide to help you get a grasp on Orwell’s story, which has been viewed as an allegory for 20th Century politics. In quick chapter breakdowns and analyses, this summary explains how Orwell’s book was a cautionary tale against dictatorship, Communism, and the Soviet Union. Read this guide to get an overview and understanding of Animal Farm's themes, motifs, and symbols. Gain insight into how idealism becomes corrupted. Become aware of how anthems and rituals on "Animal Farm" are used as tools for mass control. At a key point in the book, discover Orwell’s “Seven Commandments” of Animal Farm, which foreshadow tragedies to come. This summary offers other valuable features to help you tame Animal Farm, including a detailed character list and analysis, expert criticism on the pros and cons of the book, and a full synopsis of George Orwell’s biography, including information about his other major works. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Lee Strayer. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/017186/bk_acx0_017186_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1066min
From the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning Gulag and the National Book Award finalist Iron Curtain, a revelatory history of one of Stalin's greatest crimes - the consequences of which still resonate today. In 1929 Stalin launched his policy of agricultural collectivization - in effect a second Russian Revolution - which forced millions of peasants off their land and onto collective farms. The result was a catastrophic famine, the most lethal in European history. At least five million people died between 1931 and 1933 in the USSR. But instead of sending relief, the Soviet state made use of the catastrophe to rid itself of a political problem. In Red Famine, Anne Applebaum argues that more than three million of those dead were Ukrainians who perished not because they were accidental victims of a bad policy but because the state deliberately set out to kill them. Applebaum proves what has long been suspected: After a series of rebellions unsettled the province, Stalin set out to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry. The state sealed the republic's borders and seized all available food. Starvation set in rapidly, and people ate anything: grass, tree bark, dogs, corpses. In some cases they killed one another for food. Devastating and definitive, Red Famine captures the horror of ordinary people struggling to survive extraordinary evil. Today, Russia, the successor to the Soviet Union, has placed Ukrainian independence in its sights once more. Applebaum's compulsive narrative recalls one of the worst crimes of the 20th century and shows how it may foreshadow a new threat to the political order in the 21st. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Suzanne Toren. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/005251/bk_rand_005251_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Bitcoin: The Most Comprehensive Handbook Ever on Bitcoin, Blockchain Technology, Cryptocurrency, Mining, Investing and Smart Contracts , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 219min
Bitcoin can better be interpreted as a distributed software that uses a currency safe from unpredictable inflation without relying on trusted third parties to pass value. In other words, Bitcoin automates a modern central bank's functions and makes them transparent and practically unchangeable by programming them into decentralized code among thousands of network users, none of whom can change the code without the consent of the rest. It makes Bitcoin the first demonstrably accurate example of digital cash and digital hard currency in service. While Bitcoin is a modern development of the digital era, the problems that it purports to solve — namely having a form of money that is under its owner's full command and likely to retain its value in the long run— are as old as human society. The book provides a conception of these issues based on years of researching the technology and the economic challenges it addresses, and how communities have historically found solutions across history for themselves. My argument can shock those who mark Bitcoin a speculators and promoters’ fraud or ruse to make a fast buck. In fact, Bitcoin is improving on earlier "value store" solutions, and the suitability of Bitcoin as the sound money of a digital age may surprise naysayers.History can foreshadow what's to come, particularly when closely examined. And time will tell how sound this book is about the subject (I can assure you that the secrets and details in this book are second to none). The first part of the book describes money, its purpose and its property, as it must. As an economist with an engineering background, I have always tried to understand a technology in terms of the problems it aims to solve, allowing its practical nature to be defined and its isolation from incidental, decorative, and insignificant characteristics. Through understanding the problems that money is attempting to solve, it is possible to elucidate what makes sound and unsound money and apply ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kevin McAlister. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/217075/bk_acx0_217075_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Einstein's Wastebasket: The Future of Philosophy , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 130min
This book is a collection of distinct essays that explore the future of philosophy by critically examining 10 key texts on consciousness and artificial intelligence. These reviews, several of which were published as stand-alone pieces on Integral World in Europe, explore the ins and outs of what self-reflective awareness is and what it means to be human in an increasingly digitized world. What is perhaps most telling in these various books is not where they will be right, but where they will be wrong and what they didn't foresee. It is always illustrative and deeply informative to look back at what previous prognosticators had envisioned 20 to 30 years hence. Nicholas Negroponte's prophetic tome, Being Digital, published back in the early days of the World Wide Web (1995), was right on the mark on many of his predictions, but what he didn't foreshadow (at least not as clearly and cleanly) was how certain companies would monopolize the Internet. Today, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft dominate the navigation habits of large chunks of the population. Moreover, few predictors realized how powerful Google search would become or how addicting smart phones would become to the general populace. So, books dealing with the future of philosophy and where we are heading technologically should come with a warning for readers/listeners: look to what is not being said and take what is being prophesized with some necessary grains of intellectual skepticism. Having been on the Internet since 1984 when I was getting my undergraduate degree at the University of California, San Diego, I am keenly aware of the amazing strides that have been made in the past three decades. I never would have imagined then how powerful our personal computers would become or how almost everyone would connect to each other hourly, if not minute-by-minute. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jennifer Dorr. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/062038/bk_acx0_062038_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Major Prophets, Hörbuch, Digital, 1707min
The Hebrew Scriptures contain three major figures: the priest, the prophet, and the king. The priest stands between the people and God, and he speaks to God on behalf of the people; the prophet stands between God and the people, and he speaks to the people on behalf of God; and the king represents God in the affairs of the nation. Prophets are emphatically not seers who gaze into the future and predict far-off events; they are God's spokesmen who always speak into their own historical context. Sometimes what they say may foreshadow messianic or "end time" events, but they always have an immediate historical reference. Consequently, understanding a prophet's historical context is essential to understanding his message. In this series, biblical scholar and master teacher, Dr. Bill Creasy, explores in-depth the major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah (who also writes Lamentations), Ezekiel, and Daniel. Isaiah functions as a prophet from 740-686 BC, during the time that Assyria defeats the northern kingdom of Israel; Jeremiah serves as a prophet from 626-586 BC, during the time Babylon attacks the southern kingdom of Judah and sacks Jerusalem (Lamentations is Jeremiah's eye-witness account of the siege of Jerusalem, 588-586 BC; he is in the city during the siege); Ezekiel serves as a prophet from 593-573 BC, while living as a captive in Babylon; and Daniel serves as a prophet from 605-539 BC, while he, too, is living as a captive in Babylon. All four major prophets are brilliant literary works, each written within distinct genres, and each crafted in distinctive styles. There are many misconceptions about prophets and biblical prophecy, and in this series Dr. Bill Creasy sets the record straight with the penetrating insight of a seasoned literary and biblical scholar and masterful teaching that both instructs and delights! Language: English. Narrator: Dr. Bill Creasy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/lgos/000724/bk_lgos_000724_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Abyss , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1045min
Have you ever asked yourself why human beings are compelled to agree? Is it in our organic human nature to gather in like-minded groups and segregate ourselves from others with dissimilar opinions? Why do we feel the need to call ourselves good or right, believing only we have a firm grasp of the truth, while we label those not like us as bad or wrong? Is it possible that our compulsion to agree is an elaborate man-made control mechanism, rooted in fear? James Beyor points out in The Abyss, the second book in his Guarded Hearts trilogy, that we live in a dangerous time, where our agreements are causing us great mental and biological harm. Humankind is suffering from a bio-mental decrepitude. We have been duped into living out a symbolic replica of our human life potential. Beyor points to an urgent need we must all address, which, if we do not, will bring about anther period of inquisition far more insane and destructive than has been suffered by men in the past. This inquisition will require secular obedience as defined by a government out of control. He points to many fundamental elements that foreshadow unparalleled atrocities inflicted on the mentally and biologically impaired human species. This is not just another doomsday tale; it is a message of hope that we can, if we act now, reestablish our innate inner directed sense of all knowing built and begin again to live an authentic life. The people of the world watch helplessly as our institutions falter in their insatiable struggle for dominance over the human race. We must reclaim individual clarity and wean ourselves from our dependency on agreements of symbols and words. In the Beyor Journals, you will come face to face with yourself and become aware of your own innate clarity; a genesis gift available to all those who have the courage to join then the great awakening; who claim their right to a living truth. You will never again wonder what is behind your success ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Thom Bowers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/064507/bk_acx0_064507_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Systemic Collapse and Renewal
Systemic Collapse and Renewal - How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression: ab 42 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 42.00 EUR excl. shipping
Systemic Collapse and Renewal
Systemic Collapse and Renewal - How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression: ab 109.4 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 109.40 EUR excl. shipping
Systemic Collapse and Renewal
Systemic Collapse and Renewal - How Race and Capital Came to Destroy Meaning and Civility in America and Foreshadow the Coming Economic Depression: ab 47.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 47.99 EUR excl. shipping