33 Results for : herwald
Laura will zum Ballett / Laura Bd.1, 1 Audio-CD
Die neue Hörspiel-Serie für kleine "Ballettratten" - nach den gleichnamigen Erfolgsbüchern aus dem Carlsen-Verlag! Laura will unbedingt zum Ballett. Immer schon! Auf alles wird sie verzichten, wenn sie nur endlich Ballettunterricht bekommt! Als Laura erfährt, dass ganz in der Nähe eine Tanzschule eröffnet hat, steht ihr Plan fest: Sie will tanzen lernen. Ob es ihr gelingt, ihre Eltern auch davon zu überzeugen? Die u.a. durch die Conni-Romane bekannte Autorin Dagmar Hoßfeld beweist mit Lauras Ballettgeschichten - im Mai erscheint der 5. Band der Laura-Reihe im Carlsen Verlag - wieder viel Einfühlungsvermögen für die junge Mädchenzielgruppe. Ungekünstelt und spannend schildert sie Alltag und Träume der sympathischen kleinen Laura, deren Erlebnisse garantiert viele Mädchenherzen - vor allem die kleiner Tänzerinnen - höher schlagen lassen werden. Die Hörspielumsetzung ist Produzent Hans-Joachim Herwald, der auch alle Conni-Hörspiele produziert, dabei wieder kongenial gelungen: Gute Sprecher, authentische Dialoge und stimmungsvolle Musik lassen die kleinen Hörerinnen sofort in Lauras Welt eintauchen . Gesamt-Spieldauer: ca. 65 Minuten Empfohlen ab 5 Jahren- Shop: buecher
- Price: 8.95 EUR excl. shipping
Des Kaisers neue Kleider / Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern / Das Feuerzeug / Tölpel-Hans: KI.KA Sonntagsmärchen, Hörbuch, Digital, 55min
Die schönsten Hörspiele gibt es endlich auch als attraktive Hörspielbox! Jede Box enthält 3 Originalveröffentlichungen der beliebten Serien und verspricht damit jede Menge Hörspielspaß.Der unvergessene Hans Paetsch erzählt drei der schönsten Märchengeschichten der Brüder Grimm. Durch eingeflochtene Hörspielszenen und klassische Musikuntermalung mit Kompositionen von Vivaldi, Dvorák u.a. erwachen diese großen Märchen zu neuem Leben. Eine zeitlos schöne, hochwertige Produktion, mit der man tief in die zauberhafte Märchenwelt eintauchen kann…Des Kaisers neue Kleider:Einem eitlen Kaiser gehen schöne Kleider über alles. So haben zwei Betrüger leichtes Spiel: Der Kaisers neue Kleider gefielen ihm sehr gut, wenn auch niemand sonst sie sehen kann...Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern:Das kleine Mädchen mit den Schwefelhölzern ist so arm, dass es seine Hölzer auch in der bittersten Kälte verkaufen muss. Dabei hat sie eine wunderschöne Erscheinung...Das Feuerzeug:Zwei gescheite Brüder wollen um die Königstochter freien. Als sie sich auf den Weg machen, kommt ihr Bruder, der Tölpel-Hans, mit ihnen...Tölpel-Hans:Ein Soldat soll für eine Hexe ein Feuerzeug aus dem Baum holen. Das Feuerzeug ist aber ein Wunderding, das aus einem Soldaten einen König machen kann! deutsch. Hans Paetsch, Heiko Herwald, Steffi Kindermann, Heinz Walter, Tomas Kröger, Tim Knauer. https://samples.audible.de/bk/edel/015869/bk_edel_015869_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Tribulation: Kingdom of Darkness, Book 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 372min
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?” (Revelation 6:15-17)Accused of domestic terrorism, Emilio Vega was on his way to a Department of Global Security death camp when the mega-quake hit. The streets beneath his transport vehicle buckled, tossing the van in the air like a toy. He survived the crash, but the world is now in ruins. However, for a condemned man, this disaster may be just the lucky break he needed.Emilio has been left behind!Six detainees were in the van prior to the quake. However, only Emilio and one other prisoner were still around when he regained consciousness. Emilio searched the surrounding area, but to no avail. The missing prisoners believed in an event called the rapture, when Jesus would collect his saints before raining down unbearable wrath on the planet’s remaining inhabitants.Can Emilio and Mackenzie survive the gauntlet of destruction known as the Great Tribulation?Mackenzie Thompson, the other prisoner still present, is convinced that it was the rapture and that they’ve been left behind. She also believes a time of unparalleled torment is about to be poured out upon the earth. Emilio and Mackenzie have a place to go, but it is hundreds of miles away. The roads are unusable, and the two of them are fugitives on the run. If this truly is the Great Tribulation, it’s off to a bad start.Don’t miss this exciting new end-times thriller. Buy your copy of Tribulation today!As with all works by Mark Goodwin, this audiobook contains no profanity and no embarrassing sex scenes. However, if you are offended b UNKNOWN N N ©2020 Mark Goodwin;(P)2020 Mark Goodwin http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MSZNR18?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MSZNR18?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 21.95 AVAILABLE Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation]: The Last Gunfighter, Book 7 Rescue [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona.... full cast, Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 17:59:02 302 1648794726 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/002955de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/002955/bk_grph_002955_sample.mp3 In California, Frank Morgan nearly found a home. But now he’s pulled up stakes and hit the road again, aiming to reach the high desert of Arizona. For Frank, the plan changes when he steps into a saloon in a dusty boom town called Los Angeles. That’s where he learns that his nemesis, Val Dooley, has found a new business: the selling of young women into prostitution, with the victims as young as 12 years old and the survivors ending up drugged and beaten. Frank wastes no time tracking his enemy, traveling from California to New Mexico and West Texas. What he doesn’t know is that Val Dooley has been waiting for him all along: for one last chance to bring the last gunfighter down — in a hail of lead....Performed by Ken Jackson, James Konicek, Tim Carlin, Sherri Simpson, Michael Replogle, James Lewis, David Coyne, Richard Rohan, Michael John Casey, Mort Shelby, Chris Graybill, Dylan Lynch, Tom Simpson, Terence Aselford, Thomas Penny, Karen Carbone, Elliott Dash, Michael Glenn, Tim Getman, Jason Stiles, Scott McCormick, Steven Carpenter, Colleen Delany, Peter Stray, Kelsey Grouge, Johann Dettweiler, Cate Torre, Chris Rohan, Bobby Aselford. 9781648794728 N N ©2003 William W. Johnstone;(P)2009 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648794726?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 21.95 AVAILABLE Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation]: Blood Bond, Book 1 Blood Bond [Dramatized Adaptation] William W. Johnstone Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break.... full cast, Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin GraphicAudio 2020-11-04 19:38:14 352 1648798055 English - Fiction English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/grph/003114de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/grph/003114/bk_grph_003114_sample.mp3 Young Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves became blood brothers on the day the rancher's son saved the half breed's life, forging a bond no one could ever break. Beneath the Montana big sky, Matt learned the ways of the Cheyenne from his friend. And as years passed, a legend grew of the breed and the white man who rode together — and who could jerk killing iron with the best of them....Tensions in the territory are running red hot, what with Lone Dog and his band of renegades scalping settlers by the dozen. Meanwhile, in the town of Cutter, greedy rancher Tom Thomas is recruiting an army of gun hawks to steal Indian land. War is brewing and it seems Bodine and Two Wolves are going to be forced to choose sides. Because General Armstrong Custer and his men are riding fast toward the Little Big Horn River. And there's only going to be two kinds of folk in the bloody battle that's about to begin — the kind that kill...and the kind that die.Performed by Thomas Penny, Dylan Lynch, James Lewis, David Coyne, James Konicek, Nanette Savard, Jeff Baker, Sunny Lasskey, Terence Aselford, Richard Rohan, Tim Carlin, Michael Replogle, Bruce Rauscher, Ken Jackson, Christopher Graybill, Nathanial Perry, Chris Rohan, Mort Shelby. 9781648798054 N N ©1989 William W. Johnstone;(P)2007 Graphic Audio, LLC http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/1648798055?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Conni geht auf Schatzsuche: Meine Freundin Conni 6.95 AVAILABLE Conni geht auf Schatzsuche: Meine Freundin Conni Conni geht auf Schatzsuche Hans-Joachim Herwald, Ludger Billerbeck, Julia Boehme Oh nein! In letzter Minute streicht Papa die Urlaubsreise! Conni ist ganz unglücklich. Dass es trotzdem tolle Ferien werden, liegt am... Nilz Bessel, Wolf Frass, Christian Rudolf, Lea Sprick, Linda Fölster, Gerlinde Dillge, Marnie Aramruck Karussell 2020-10-02 00:00:00 79 B08MQTGXQ9 Kinder-Hörbücher German 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/edel/020568de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/edel/020568/bk_edel_020568_sample.mp3 Marnie Aramruck, Alina Degener, Lino Kelian, Barbara Fenner, Gregor Schade, Christine Kutschera, Elga Schütz, Achim Schülke, Meine Freundin Conni Oh nein! In letzter Minute streicht Papa die Urlaubsreise! Conni ist ganz unglücklich. Dass es trotzdem tolle Ferien werden, liegt am Sperrmülltag. Da stöbern Conni und Paul herum und finden lauter spannende Sachen. Wie zum Beispiel ein kleines Holzkästchen. Als sie dann auch noch entdecken, dass darin ein Schatz verborgen ist, steht fest: Der muss an seinen Besitzer zurück! Doch wer ist das wohl? Und wie können sie ihn finden? Conni und Paul eröffnen sofort ihr Detektivbüro und machen sich auf die Suche...Ein spannendes Hörspiel für alle Conni-Fans ab ca. 5 Jahren, nach dem gleichnamigen Buch von Julia Boehme (Carlsen Verlag). UNKNOWN N N ©2020 CARLSEN Verlag GmbH, Hamburg;(P)2020 A Karussell release; Universal Music GmbH http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MQTGXQ9?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MQTGXQ9?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Windemere: Archer of the Heathland, Book 5 (Unabridged) 20.95 AVAILABLE Windemere: Archer of the Heathland, Book 5 (Unabridged) Windemere (Unabridged) J.W. Elliot Redmond knows three things about the woman who has imprisoned his archers: She is beautiful. She is cunning. And she cares nothing for their lives.... Brian James Twiddy Bent Bow Publishing, LLC 2020-11-04 16:04:05 584 B08MQSY361 English - Science Fiction & Fantasy English 1.00 9.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/221662de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/221662/bk_acx0_221662_sample.mp3 Reckless courage, desperate loyalty, and the will to survive.Redmond knows three things about the woman who has imprisoned his archers: She is beautiful. She is cunning. And she cares nothing for their lives.When she drugs his men in preparation for enslavement in the deadly salt mines, Redmond embarks on an audacious and impossible plan: steal the castle from her and sell it to the highest bidder.To do that, he and his band of archers must hold the castle against an overwhelming force of men who believe Redmond murdered their relatives and a king more preoccupied with territorial expansion than peace and security in his realm. Failure means a lingering death in the mines, but success might be just as dangerous. UNKNOWN N N ©2019 James E. Wadsworth;(P)2020 James E. Wadsworth http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MQSY361?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true http://www.audible.de/pd/B08MQSY361?source_code=PNHFA145032019009G&ipRedirectOverride=true Det sårbare samliv 7.95 AVAILABLE Det sårbare samliv Det sårbare samliv Elisabeth Dons Christensen Med Det sårbare samliv har biskoppen i Ribe, Elisabeth Dons Christensen, skrevet en smuk, varm og viis bog om ægteskabet. En bog, som... Marie-Louise Grund Petersen Gyldendalske Boghandel, Nordisk Forlag A/S 2020-11-04 14:31:07 275 8702308576 Freizeit & Leben Danish 1.00 4.95 N http://img.audible.de/audiblewords/content/bk/glbh/001766de/lg_image.jpg http://samples.audible.de/bk/glbh/001766/bk_glbh_001766_sample.mp3 Med Det sårbare samliv har biskoppen i Ribe, Elisabeth Dons Christensen, skrevet en smuk, varm og viis bog om ægteskabet. En bog, som kan blive til glæde for erfarne ægtefolk - og for alle dem, der er på vej ind i ægteskabet. Dette har livet og ægteskabet lært mig: Kærligheden er ikke noget, vi mennesker har. Slet ikke noget vi har ret til eller kan sidde på i sikker besiddelse. Heller ikke midt i den store forelskelse. Kærligheden er handling. Kærligheden bliver til. Og ægteskabet og det lange parforhold er et godt sted for to mennesker til at handle og derved lære den at kende. I gensidighed. I solidaritet. I fællesskab." ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Kevin Pierce. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/223717/bk_acx0_223717_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping