42 Results for : koja

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    Erscheinungsdatum: 03/2020, Medium: Taschenbuch, Einband: Kartoniert / Broschiert, Titel: Skulpturensammlung bis 1800, Titelzusatz: Museumsführer, Redaktion: Koja, Stephan, Verlag: Sandstein Kommunikation, Sprache: Deutsch, Schlagworte: Sechzehntes Jahrhundert // Siebzehntes Jahrhundert // Achtzehntes Jahrhundert // Plastik // künstlerisch // Skulptur // Ausstellungskatalog // Ägypten // klassische Antike // 332 v. Chr. bis 630 n. Chr // 15. Jahrhundert // 1400 bis 1499 n. Chr // 16. Jahrhundert // 1500 bis 1599 n. Chr // 17. Jahrhundert // 1600 bis 1699 n. Chr // 18. Jahrhundert // 1700 bis 1799 n. Chr // Ausstellungskataloge // Museumskataloge und Sammlungen // Kunst // allgemein, Rubrik: Bildende Kunst, Seiten: 168, Abbildungen: 162 meist farbige Abbildungen, Herkunft: TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK (CZ), Gewicht: 391 gr, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 12.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Erscheinungsdatum: 03/2020, Medium: Buch, Einband: Gebunden, Titel: The Model of Antiquity, Titelzusatz: Anton Raphael Mengs and His Cast Collection, Autor: Johannsen, Rolf H., Redaktion: Koja, Stephan, Verlag: Sandstein Kommunikation // Sandstein Kommunikation GmbH, Sprache: Englisch, Schlagworte: Achtzehntes Jahrhundert // Plastik // künstlerisch // Skulptur // Ausstellungskatalog // ca. 332 v. Chr. bis ca. 630 n. Chr // ägyptisch-griechisch-römische Zeit // 18. Jahrhundert // 1700 bis 1799 n. Chr // Ausstellungskataloge // Museumskataloge und Sammlungen // Kunst // allgemein // ca. 800 v. Chr. bis ca. 500 n. Chr // Antike und Klassische Periode // Deutschland // Mittel // und Osteuropa, Rubrik: Bildende Kunst, Seiten: 144, Abbildungen: 120 meist farbige Abbildungen, Herkunft: TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK (CZ), Informationen: PAP, Gewicht: 831 gr, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 19.80 EUR excl. shipping
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    Erscheinungsdatum: 03/2020, Medium: Buch, Einband: Gebunden, Titel: Glanzstücke, Titelzusatz: Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister | Skulpturensammlung bis 1800, Redaktion: Koja, Stephan, Verlag: Sandstein Kommunikation // Sandstein Kommunikation GmbH, Sprache: Deutsch, Schlagworte: Sechzehntes Jahrhundert // Siebzehntes Jahrhundert // Achtzehntes Jahrhundert // Malerei // Kunst // Plastik // künstlerisch // Skulptur // Ausstellungskatalog // Deutschland: Antike // 800 v. Chr. bis 500 n. Chr // 15. Jahrhundert // 1400 bis 1499 n. Chr // 16. Jahrhundert // 1500 bis 1599 n. Chr // 17. Jahrhundert // 1600 bis 1699 n. Chr // 18. Jahrhundert // 1700 bis 1799 n. Chr // Malerei und Gemälde // Ausstellungskataloge // Museumskataloge und Sammlungen // allgemein, Rubrik: Bildende Kunst, Seiten: 312, Abbildungen: 152 farbige Abbildungen, Herkunft: TSCHECHISCHE REPUBLIK (CZ), Informationen: LEI, Gewicht: 2562 gr, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 49.90 EUR excl. shipping
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    Studija slu¿aja bavi se klijenticom koja je na psihoterapiju döla sa simptomima anksioznog poreme¿aja. U studiji je prikazan psihoterapijski rad s klijenticom iz gestalt perspektive I prikazani su osnovni teorijski koncepti gestalt psihoterapije.Taköer studija pokazuje I psihoterapijski rad koji se bavi traumatskim gubitkom oca za vrijeme rata kao I procesom ¿alovanja, kroz koje klijentica nikad nije pröla. U studiji slu¿aja prikazan je transcript dijelova seanse izme¿u psihoterapeutkinje I klijentice.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 23.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Amazing grace|The last rose of summer|Greensleeves|Drink to me only with thine eyes|My Bonnie is over the ocean|A LONG TIME AGO|Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot|LOCH LOMOND|EARLY ONE MORNING|Scarborough fair|A londonderry air|Molly Malone|IRISH BLESSING|Sally gardens|Swanee river|Careless love|Aura lee|VIVE L'AMOUR|Waltzing Matilda|OH SHENANDOAH|I NEBBER SEE DE LIKE|FAREWELL AND ADIEU|Ik ging op enen morgen|DIE WINTER IS VERGANGEN|Wel Anne Marieke|DE VASTENAVOND DIE KOMT AAN NIEDERLANDE|DAAR WAS EEN SNEEUWIT VOGELTJE|OM SOMMAREN SKOENA|I SOMMARENS SOLIGA DAGAR|UTI VAR HAGE|VINDEN DRAR SKEPPET FAR|VEM KAN SEGLA FOERUTAN VIND|LIMU LIMU LIMA|TUOLL' ON MUN KULTANI|MINUN KULTANI KAUNIS ON (JA MEIN SCHATZ IST WUNDERSCHOEN)|J'AI FAIT UNE MAITRESSE FRANKREICH|Au clair de la lune|DANS LE JARDIN D'MON PERE|L'AMOUR DE MOI|Sur le pont D'Avignon|J'ai un longe voyage|L'inverno e passato|Cielito lindo|AL LADO DE MI CABANA|TOCADORA DE PANDEIRO|Te voli do una|CON EL VITO|Ya me voy para Laredo|VO POLJE BERJOSA STOJALA|Ja vecor mlada|Kalinka|Sel sedlak|PRIDI TY SUHAJKO|Bay mayn Rebn iz gewezn|KAD SI BILA MALA MARE|ERIK A ROPOGOS CSERESZNYNE|SUNCE JARKO|Ah je li gdje koja|JERAKINA|M'AGAPAS GARUFALITZA GRIECHENLAND|Hava Nagila|Dona dona|HEVENU SHALOM ALEYCHEM|TZENA TZENA TZENA|Kol dodi|UESKUEDARA GIDERIKEN|La cucaracha|Adios mi chaparita|La Bamba / Valens Ritchie|Jamaica farewell / Belafonte Harry|Nenita uno|Un Poquito Cantas|June come you no married|Play for ma dogoma|LIMBO|Guantanamera|ANNA|SUCU SUCU|Alecrim dourado|El condor pasa|PALOMITA CALLEJERA|SIMAMA KAA|Ev'rybody Loves Saturday Night|AYA NGENA|SAKURA
    • Shop: Notenbuch
    • Price: 23.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Picking up from where Dragonwall left off, the book sheds light on the Cormyrean king, masterminding and then leading the crusade in the defense of the entire continent following the invasion of eastern Faerun, Ashanath, Rashemen, and Thesk, by Khahan Yamun and the Tuigan horsemen. Whereas Horselords looks at the story from the point of view of Koja and the Tuigan, and Dragonwall looks at the continuation of the same story from the point of view of General Batu and the Shou Lung, Crusade is written from King Azoun's and subsequently the West's perspective. In addition, there are two parallel stories running: the king's relations with Alusair, his estranged daughter, and the adventures of John Razor, a fletcher from Suzail, as he takes part in the Crusade. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Robin Bloodworth. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/006695/bk_adbl_006695_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    These are not your mother's fairy tales... Did you ever wonder how the dwarves felt after Snow White ditched them for the prince? Do you sometimes wish Cinderella hadn't been so helpless and petite? Are you ready to hear the Giant's point of view on Jack and his beanstalk? Then this is the book for you.  Thirteen award-winning fantasy and science fiction writers offer up their versions of these classic fairy tales as well as other favorites, including The Ugly Duckling, Ali Baba, Hansel and Gretel, and more. Some of the stories are funny, some are strange, and others are dark and disturbing - but each offers something as unexpected as a wolf at the door. Introduction copyright 2000 by Terri Windling; “The Months of Manhattan” copyright 2000 by Delia Sherman; “Cinder Elephant” copyright 2000 by Jane Yolen; “Instructions” copyright 2000 by Neil Gaiman; “Mrs. Big” copyright 2000 by Michael Cadnum; “Falada” copyright 2000 by Nancy Farmer; “A Wolf at the Door” copyright 2000 by Tanith Lee; “Ali Baba and the Forty Aliens” copyright 2000 by Janeen Webb; “Swans” copyright 2000 by Kelly Link; “The Kingdom of Melting Glances” copyright 2000 by Katherine Vaz; “Hansel’s Eyes” copyright 2000 by Garth Nix; “Becoming Charise” copyright 2000 by Kathe Koja; “The Seven Stage a Comeback” copyright 2000 by Gregory Maguire; “The Twelve Dancing Princesses” copyright 2000 by Patricia A. McKillip. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stephanie Willis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/022429/bk_adbl_022429_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In their third critically acclaimed collection of original fairy tales for adults, World Fantasy Award-winning editors Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling present 21 new stories by some of the top names in literature today. Dark, disturbing and delightful, each story was written expressly for this superb collection of distinctly grown-up fantasy - a brilliant companion volume to Datlow and Windling's acclaimed anthologies, Snow White, Blood Red, and Black Thorn, White Rose. "Ruby Slippers" copyright 1995 by Susan Wade; "The Beast" copyright 1995 by Tanith Lee; "Masterpiece" copyright 1995 by Garry Kilworth; "Summer Wind" copyright 1995 by Nancy Kress; "This Century of Sleep or, Briar Rose Beneath the Sea" copyright 1995 by Farida S.T. Shapiro; "The Crossing" copyright 1995 by The Ontario Review, Inc.; "Roach in Loafers" copyright 1995 by Roberta Lannes; "Naked Little Men" copyright 1995 by Michael Cadnum; "Brother Bear" copyright 1995 by Lisa Goldstein; "The Emperor Who Had Never Seen a Dragon" copyright 1995 by John Brunner; "Billy Fearless" copyright 1995 by Nancy A. Collins; "The Death of Koshchei the Deathless" copyright 1995 by Gene Wolfe; "The Real Princess" copyright 1995 by Susan Palwick; "The Huntsman's Story" copyright 1995 by Milbre Burch; "After Push Comes to Shove" copyright 1995 by Milbre Burch; "Hansel and Grettel" copyright 1995 by Gahan Wilson; "Match Girl" copyright 1995 by Anne Bishop; "Waking the Prince" copyright 1995 by Kathe Koja; "The Fox Wife" copyright 1995 by Ellen Steiber; "The White Road" copyright 1995 by Neil Gaiman; "The Traveler and the Tale" copyright 1995 by Jane Yolen; "The Printer's Daughter" copyright 1995 by Delia Sherman. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Carolyn Cook. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/022437/bk_adbl_022437_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Nicholas, ein Möchtegern-Dichter, und Nakota, seine animalische Geliebte, entdecken ein merkwürdiges Loch in einer Abstellkammer am Ende des Gangs: »Reines Schwarz und etwas Pulsierendes, besonders, wenn man zu genau hinsieht, das Gefühl, dass dort etwas nicht lebt, aber dennoch lebendig ist...« Es beginnt mit Neugier, mit einem Spaß - das Geisterloch am Ende des Gangs. Aber dann beginnt - das Experiment: »Wäre es nicht absolut geil, dort hinabzusteigen?«, fragt Nakota. Und Nicholas antwortet: »Ja, aber wir werden's nicht tun...« Doch vom ersten Moment an haben sie keinerlei Kontrolle über dieses Experiment - und Experimente dieser Art führen zu Obsessionen, zu Gewalt und zur unumkehrbaren Veränderung eines jeden, der dem Geisterloch zu nahe kommt. So gerät Nicholas immer stärker in den Sog des schwarzen Abgrunds, der alles zu verschlingen droht...THE CIPHER wurde im Jahr 1991 mit dem Bram Stoker-Award ausgezeichnet und erst kürzlich als einer der Top-Ten-Debüt-Romane bezeichnet,welche die Welt im Sturm erobert haben (io9.com). Der Apex-Verlag veröffentlicht THE CIPHER als neu übersetzte Ausgabe, ergänzt um ein Vorwort der Autorin.»Ein gewaltiger Erstlingsroman - ebenso erregend wie erschreckend.«(Publishers Weekly)»Von Anfang bis Ende eine ätherische Achterbahnfahrt.«(The Detroit Press)»The Cipher... verbindet unerbittliche poetische Sprache mit dem Verschwenderisch-Groteskem.«(BoingBoing)»Kathe Koja ist eine Poetin - von jener Art, die es vorzieht, in heruntergekommenen Bars statt in Universitäten zu lesen, aber zweifellos eine Poetin.«(The New York Review Of Science Fiction)
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Why do we crave that which is killing us? Addiction is the perpetual epidemic, where swarms of human moths flutter to the flames of hell. Because that warm blanket of a heroin high, that joyful intoxication of a pint of vodka, that electric energy from a line of cocaine, over time leaves you with a cold loneliness and a bitter heart. Relationships destroyed, bodies deteriorate, loved ones lost, yet the craving continues for that which is killing us-living, as the title suggests, like an Orphan of Bliss. Welcome to the third and final fix of addiction horror and the follow up to the Shirley Jackson Award Finalist, Lullabies For Suffering. A diverse table of contents has been brought together for an explosive grand finale-an unflinching look at the insidious nature of addiction, told with searing honesty but compassion for those who suffer. The table of contents includes: KEALAN PATRICK BURKE-You Wait For It, Like It Waits For You Bram Stoker Award winning author of Turtle Boy, Kin, and Sour Candy. Kealan's work is the lead story in all three anthologies, each existing within the same universe. He's done nothing less than create an addiction-fueled, fever dream mythos. SA COSBY-One Last Blast The New York Times best-selling author of Razorblade Tears and Blacktop Wasteland. His unmistakable, powerful voice, tells a story of a powerful new blend of meth that overruns a rural town. CASSANDRA KHAW-What We Name Our Dead USA Today Best-Selling writer of Nothing But Blackened Teeth. Khaw's amazing prose is on full display in her story about an adult child haunted by the ghost of her substance abusing father. JOHN FD TAFF-Huddled Masses, Yearning to Breathe free Two-time Bram Stoker Award finalist, Taff has been the backbone for the addiction horror series. In Huddled Masses, a heroin addict puts down the needles but his character defects pile high in his cellar. You've never seen a hoarder's episode like this. CHRISTA CARMEN-Through the Looking Glass and Straight Into Hell Carmen's debut story collection won the Indie Horror Book Award for Best Debut Collection. Readers are in for a shock when they follow an addict down the rabbit hole in a treatment center. One of the best stories of the series. GABINO IGLESIAS-Holding On Author of Coyote Songs and nominated for a Bram Stoker award for his work in Lullabies for Suffering. This time, he's created a dystopian world where a drug called Gravedust impacts the most disenfranchised. A super-charged story that only Gabino could write. SAMANTHA KOLESNIK-Buyer's Remorse Splatterpunk Award-winning author of the novel True Crime which took readers by storm. Her tale is about a character who constantly craving a new identity with perpetual consumption to fill her empty spaces. JOSH MALERMAN-A Solid Black Lighthouse on a Pier in the Cryptic New York Times Best Selling writer of Bird Box. His story is a King Midas type tale for those who can never seem to drink enough. KATHE KOJA-Singularity Author of the legendary novel, The Cipher. Koja's short, mystical, piece captures the obsessive nature of addiction in her trademark shocking, speculative style MARK MATTHEWS-My Soul's Bliss The editor of all three anthologies, his story is the funeral of sorts to this addiction horror theme-but then again, in horror, nothing stays dead forever.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 5.49 EUR excl. shipping

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