42 Results for : millimeters

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    Bei dem Rico Design Garn Luxury Super 100 Superfine Wool dk handelt es sich um eine absolute Premium-Qualität. Aus der feinsten Merinowolle, die aus Australien stammt, was für ihre sehr gute Qualität spricht, können extrem hochwertige und langlebige Strickstücke gefertigt werden. „Super 100“ bezeichnet die Feinheit der versponnenen Wolle. Die bedeutet, dass 100 Meter der Garnfaser nur 1 Gramm wiegen. Je feiner die Faser ist, desto höher ist die Qualität des Garns. Die Dicke der Rohfasern wird in der Maßeinheit Mikron gemessen, ein Mikron entspricht einem Tausendstel eines Millimeters. Die Dicke der Faser von Luxury Super 100 Superfine Wool dk beträgt nur 18,5 Mikron und fällt somit in die Kategorie „superfine“. Superfine Merinowolle fühlt sich extrem angenehm auf der Haut an, das Tragegefühl erinnert an Kaschmir. Verstrickt man diese Garnqualität, entsteht eine sehr gleichmäßige Oberfläche. Ein weiteres Qualitätsmerkmal des Garns: es kann hervorragend in der Maschine gewaschen werden, denn die Strickstücke werden mit jedem Waschgang noch weicher und schöner. Deshalb ist diese Wolle prädestiniert für langlebige Strickstücke. Die Farbpalette dieses Merinogarns umfasst klassische Töne und bunte Farben. Zusammensetzung: 100% Schurwolle Lauflänge: 165 m / 50 g Nadelstärke: 4 Maschenprobe: 21 Maschen und 28 Reihen = 10 x 10 cm Verbrauch: Größe 40 = ca. 500 g Pflege: 30°C Wollwäsche
    • Shop: Wolle Rödel
    • Price: 11.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Bei dem Rico Design Garn Luxury Super 100 Superfine Wool dk handelt es sich um eine absolute Premium-Qualität. Aus der feinsten Merinowolle, die aus Australien stammt, was für ihre sehr gute Qualität spricht, können extrem hochwertige und langlebige Strickstücke gefertigt werden. „Super 100“ bezeichnet die Feinheit der versponnenen Wolle. Die bedeutet, dass 100 Meter der Garnfaser nur 1 Gramm wiegen. Je feiner die Faser ist, desto höher ist die Qualität des Garns. Die Dicke der Rohfasern wird in der Maßeinheit Mikron gemessen, ein Mikron entspricht einem Tausendstel eines Millimeters. Die Dicke der Faser von Luxury Super 100 Superfine Wool dk beträgt nur 18,5 Mikron und fällt somit in die Kategorie „superfine“. Superfine Merinowolle fühlt sich extrem angenehm auf der Haut an, das Tragegefühl erinnert an Kaschmir. Verstrickt man diese Garnqualität, entsteht eine sehr gleichmäßige Oberfläche. Ein weiteres Qualitätsmerkmal des Garns: es kann hervorragend in der Maschine gewaschen werden, denn die Strickstücke werden mit jedem Waschgang noch weicher und schöner. Deshalb ist diese Wolle prädestiniert für langlebige Strickstücke. Die Farbpalette dieses Merinogarns umfasst klassische Töne und bunte Farben. Zusammensetzung: 100% Schurwolle Lauflänge: 165 m / 50 g Nadelstärke: 4 Maschenprobe: 21 Maschen und 28 Reihen = 10 x 10 cm Verbrauch: Größe 40 = ca. 500 g Pflege: 30°C Wollwäsche
    • Shop: Wolle Rödel
    • Price: 11.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    [Contains explicit content] Susie looks at Brigham Young University’s treatment of its LGBTQ students. They may have made some progressive changes to the honor code, but progress is measured in millimeters. Next, the Tik-Tok nurse spouting the same old conservative drivel that leads to outbreaks of STI’s in the heartland. And then, new on Audible: Dr. Anne L. Koch’s It Never Goes Away: Gender Transition at a Mature Age takes an unvarnished look at gender transition in later life.  Have a question or news story for Susie? You can send your confidential queries and comments to susie@susiebright.com. [Episode 868, March 13, 2020]  Language: English. Narrator: Susie Bright. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/pf/suzy/190125/pf_suzy_190125_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Guide on red light therapy treatment.Red light treatment, otherwise called photobiomodulation, utilizes explicit wavelengths of light to penetrate the skin and can be absorbed at a profundity of eight to10 millimeters. This implies it can conceivably reach all layers of the skin, veins and lymph system. With this level of entrance, it can therapeutically affect our cells and metabolic system.This book will make you to understand everything you need to known about red light therapy treatment; it provides the various benefit of red light therapy. It explains how red light therapy is used in the treatment of injuries, weight reduction, hair loss and skin related issues. It provides safety tips you need to observe when using red light therapy device.Get yours now. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gene Blake. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/172920/bk_acx0_172920_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Centipedes are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda and the Subphylum Myriapoda. They are elongated metameric animals with one pair of legs per body segment. A key trait uniting this group is a pair of venom claws or forcipules formed from a modified first appendage. This also means that centipedes are an exclusively predatory taxon, which is uncommon. Centipedes normally have a drab coloration combining shades of brown and red. Cavernicolous and subterranean species may lack pigmentation and many tropical Scolopendromorphs have bright aposematic colors. Size can range from a few millimeters in the smaller Lithobiomorphs and Geophilomorphs to about 30 cm in the largest Scolopendromorphs. Centipedes can be found in a wide variety of environments. Worldwide there are estimated to be 8,000 species. Currently there are about 3,000 described species. Geographically, centipedes have a wide range, which reaches beyond the Arctic Circle. Centipedes are found in an array of terrestrial habitats from tropical rainforests to deserts.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 24.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Body doubles, dead bodies, and hot bodies abound.... Wait, what?The Wall Street Journal best-selling author Larissa Reinhart presents the Silver Falchion finalist for best cozy mystery and Reader's Choice awards, the second in the snappy, sassy, and sexy Maizie Albright Star Detective romantic comedy mysteries. "A mixture of adventure, mystery, and romcom. So like Hollywood, you'll never figure out what is real and what is make-believe until you reach the end." (Laura's Interests)#StillAWannabeDetective In continuing her career-makeover quest as a for-real detective, ex-teen and reality star Maizie Albright has a big learning curve to overcome. A sleuthing background starring in a TV show - Julia Pinkerton, Teen Detective - does not cut the real-life mustard. It doesn't even buy her lunch, let alone extra condiments. Her chosen mentor, Wyatt Nash of Nash Security Solutions, is not a willing teacher. He'd rather stick Maizie with a safe desk job and handle the security solution-ing himself. But Maizie's got other plans to help Nash. First, win Nash's trust. Second, his heart.Wait, not his heart. His respect. His hearty respect.So when a major movie producer needs a babysitter for his hot mess starlet, Maizie eagerly takes the job. But when her starlet appears dead and then not dead, Maizie's got more than an actress to watch and a missing corpse to find. Body doubles, dead bodies, and hot bodies abound when the big screen, small screen, and silent screams collide. Maizie's on the job, on the skids, and on thin ice, hunting a killer who may be a celebrity stalker. And Maizie just might be the next celebrity who gets snuffed."I love seeing Maizie grow as a character, and I absolutely adore the behind-the-scenes glimpses into celebrity culture. I encourage readers to delve into this lively, funny, and genuinely satisfying series." (King's River Life Magazine) ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joan Dukore. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/219621/bk_acx0_219621_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    There was a time when “universe” meant all there is. Everything. Yet, in recent years discoveries in physics and cosmology have led a number of scientists to conclude that our universe may be one among many. With crystal-clear prose and inspired use of analogy, Brian Greene shows how a range of different “multiverse” proposals emerges from theories developed to explain the most refined observations of both subatomic particles and the dark depths of space: a multiverse in which you have an infinite number of doppelgängers, each reading this sentence in a distant universe; a multiverse comprising a vast ocean of bubble universes, of which ours is but one; a multiverse that endlessly cycles through time, or one that might be hovering millimeters away yet remains invisible; another in which every possibility allowed by quantum physics is brought to life. Or, perhaps strangest of all, a multiverse made purely of mathematics. Greene, one of our foremost physicists and science writers, takes us on a captivating exploration of these parallel worlds and reveals how much of reality’s true nature may be deeply hidden within them. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Brian Greene. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/002498/bk_rand_002498_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Learn about the history and geography of Antarctica with iMindsJNR audio learning series for younger minds. Antarctica is the fifth biggest continent on Earth. It is also the coldest. The sun shines for only half of the year and stays under the horizon for the other half. Early explorers of Antarctica described it as a mysterious, lonely place. But they also described it as a desert. And a desert it is! For it receives only 50 millimeters of rain and snow per year. That is less precipitation than the Sahara Desert! So, believe it or not, Antarctica is also the driest continent on Earth. Perfect to listen to while commuting, exercising, shopping or cleaning the house.. iMinds brings knowledge to your MP3 with 8 minute information segments to whet your mental appetite and broaden your mind. iMinds offers 12 main categories, become a Generalist by increasing your knowledge of Business, Politics, People, History, Pop Culture, Mystery, Crime, Culture, Religion, Concepts, Science and Sport.. Clean and concise, crisp and engaging, discover what you never knew you were missing. Make your MP3 smarter with iMinds MindTracks, intersperse with music and enjoy learning a little about a lot.. knowledge of your own choice and in your own time. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Todd MacDonald. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/imnd/000159/bk_imnd_000159_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Are you ready to consistently break 90? Get ready to shave off strokes from your game in no time when you grab your copy of 21 Tips & Tricks today! Golf is one of the most difficult sports to master. The difference between a successful drive and a ball that drops straight into the pond is just millimeters. Hitting that perfect spot each and every time you're up can take years of practice and dedication, but don't let that deter you from getting "good enough." Being good enough means having a correct understanding of the fundamentals that you can build on in the correct way, and I teach you that in this book. In fact, I'm so confident in this book that I state right in my introduction that if you apply the 21 tips and tricks within this book, your buddies will be buying the Saturday afternoon beer for losing every single weekend. I guarantee it! How's that for bragging rights? Here is a sneak peek of the tricks I'll teach you: My seven pitch shot techniques for nailing every shot My three sand trap escape tricks The golden rule of chip shots The three rules of putting, chipping, and pitching My two best putting drills for mastering the putt game My three golf swing improvement tips Much, much more! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Murphy. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/063653/bk_acx0_063653_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Jede Sekunde zählt: Ein weltweit renommierter Hirn-Chirurg erzählt von außergewöhnlichen Fällen und seinem Alltag im Operations-Saal - das faszinierende Sachbuch zum Thema Hirnchirurgie und Neuro-Wissenschaft: Prof. Dr. Peter Vajkoczy ist Direktor der Klinik für Neurochirurgie an der Berliner Charité. Bis zu hundert Patienten aus aller Welt betreut er auf seinen zwei Stationen und führt mit seinem Team aus 12 Ober- und 24 Assistenzärzten fünf bis sechs Operationen pro Tag durch - meist geht es um Schlaganfälle, Gehirntumore, Bypässe und Störungen an der Wirbelsäule. In seinem Buch berichtet Prof. Dr. Vajkoczy von außergewöhnlichen Methoden wie dem Operieren bei vollem Bewusstsein und vom unerbittlichen Kampf gegen die Uhr, zum Beispiel wenn er einen Bypass im Gehirn legt - ist die Blutzufuhr im Gehirn zu lang unterbrochen, erleidet der Patient einen Schlaganfall. Es ist das aufrichtige und faszinierende Selbst-Porträt eines Arztes und Wissenschaftlers, dessen Instrumente winzig und dessen Erfolge groß sind. Die Medien nennen ihn "den Mann für das Feine", und seine vorzüglichste Eigenschaft ist die Demut: Er erlebt täglich, dass die Patienten Wunder von ihm erwarten. Und er weiß gleichzeitig, wie groß die Verantwortung ist, die er dabei trägt. Denn der Grat zwischen Leben und Tod ist schmal, wenn er am offenen Gehirn oder an der Wirbelsäule operiert: Bruchteile eines Millimeters entscheiden über Erfolg oder Scheitern.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping

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