60 Results for : argosy
The Cure of Silver Cañon , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 429min
Max Brand (real name: Frederick Faust) wrote hundreds of stories, books, films, and TV shows. His output was so voluminous that though he died in WWII, posthumous books have been published approximately every four months since. This book collects three stories from his early work in Western pulps. “Señor Coyote” was first published under Frederick Faust’s pen name, John Frederick, in two installments in Argosy (6/18/38-6/25/38). It was the last Western short novel Faust wrote. It was fitting that the story was published in Argosy, since Faust’s earliest Western fiction had been sold to All-Story Weekly and the Argosy owned by The Frank A. Munsey Company, which merged the two magazines on 7/24/20. In this story, Frank Pollard, a small-time rancher down on his luck and owing the bank $500, looks to his legendary friend, Slip Liddell, to give him the money before the banker, Foster, forecloses on his ranch. Liddell refuses to pay Foster even for his friend. Pollard threatens to do something about it, and then the bank is robbed and Foster shot. Will Liddell help when his friend is accused of the crime? Only two years into his publishing relationship with Street & Smith, which was almost exclusive between 1921 and 1932, Faust was asked to contribute two Christmas stories to magazines the company published. The first was to Detective Story Magazine - “A Christmas Encounter” (12/23/22), under his Nicholas Silver pseudonym - and the other was the story that follows, which he titled “The Power of Prayer”. It appeared under the John Frederick byline in Western Story Magazine (12/23/22). In it Gerald Kern embodies many of those same qualities of a figure found in several of Faust’s Western stories: a gunman who is also a gentleman. “The Cure of Silver Cañon”, by John Frederick, was the second short novel by Faust to appear in Western Story Magazine (1/15/21). In Faust’s Western fiction the mountain dese ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Lloyd James. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/011382/bk_blak_011382_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Deep Range , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 21min
The Deep Range was first published in the April 1954 issue of Argosy (UK). It was later expanded into the novel of the same name. Sir Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) is regarded as one of the most-influential science fiction writers of all time. He was named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Ray Porter. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/027697/bk_adbl_027697_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Candlestickmaker , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 744min
Aboard the spy ship U.S.S. Argosy in the war-tossed waters off the coast of Vietnam, three young American sailors form an unlikely bond. Each has fled an America they were raised to love but somehow no longer understand. When forced to choose whether to face combat or stay and fight the war in the streets, they sign up for a war that reflects the conflict that raged inside each of them. The one thing of which they were certain was that the only people in the world they could depend on were each other. As their friendship deepens in the bars and brothels from Hong Kong to Subic Bay, Ernie Brigham and his companions slowly become aware of a dark secret aboard the U.S.S. Argosy. Upon their return to the America they left behind, they are changed at best, lost and damaged at worst, but ultimately sobered by a war that never should have been fought. In the tradition of Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried, Denis Johnson's Tree of Smoke, and Philip Caputo's A Rumor of War, The Candlestickmaker recalls a Vietnam that seared disenchantment into a post-World War II generation who learned to question authority at all levels. A coming-of-age story bookended by revelations that shatter readers' illusions about patriotism, government, and the nature of modern warfare, The Candlestickmaker takes listeners on a voyage that will guarantee they never read the Mother Goose nursery rhyme to their children in quite the same way again. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Michael Meenan. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/012107/bk_acx0_012107_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Bagombo Snuff Box, Hörbuch, Digital, 333min
In the 1950s and early 1960s, before television reigned preeminent, Kurt Vonnegut's short stories appeared frequently in popular magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post, Collier's, and Argosy. Filled with unforgettable characters, humor, and satire, these stories offer a rare glimpse into a developing master of fiction. Vonnegut himself selected the very best of his early stories for this audio release, and he reads the preface and the afterword. Collection includes: "Thanasphere," "Souvenir," "Bagombo Snuff Box," "The Boy Who Hated Girls," "Lovers Anonymous," and eight other miniature masterpieces. Language: English. Narrator: Alexander Marshall. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/high/000005/bk_high_000005_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
King of Trucks Staffel 2 Folge 3
Die Brandenburger Lkw-Experten verkaufen ihren Show-Truck. Der 388er Peterbilt kommt zukünftig auf Baustellen zum Einsatz. Und bei der Abholung verliebt sich der Cousin des Kunden auf den ersten Blick in einen tonnenschweren Freightliner Argosy. Marco Barkanowitz und seine Jungs können ihr Glück kaum fassen. Die Truppe besiegelt zwei Deals auf einen Schlag und bringt mit dem Argosy obendrein einen Ladenhüter an den Mann. Aber die Freude währt nur kurz. Denn der US-amerikanische Frontlenker hat die "Dieselpest". Mikroorganismen legen den Motor lahm.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
Das Abenteuer in Pellucidar geht weiter!Leutnant Wilhelm von Horst ist ein Gestrandeter in einer wilden Welt voller Urzeitmenschen und Dinosaurier. Auf der Suche nach dem Rest seiner Expedition wird er von Flugsauriern verschleppt, muss sich aus den Fängen eines unheimlichen Kannibalen-Stamms befreien und trifft schließlich auf die widerspenstige La-ja, die ihm zeigt, dass selbst in der brutalen Welt der Steinzeit Liebe gedeihen kann... ZURÜCK IN DIE STEINZEIT (erstmals im Jahr 1937 als 6teilige Serie im ARGOSY-WEEKLY-Magazin veröffentlicht) ist der fünfte Roman der PELLUCIDAR-Serie.Der Apex-Verlag veröffentlicht ZURÜCK IN DIE STEINZEIT als deutsche Erstveröffentlichung in der Übersetzung von Chris Bucher.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Tarzan wurde betrogen. Betäubt und hilflos fiel er in Hände der grausamen Priester von Opar - einer Stadt, deren Herkunft sich auf das untergegangene Atlantis gründet. Wieder rettet La, die Hohepriesterin des Flammengottes, Tarzan, obwohl dieser ihre Liebe nicht erwidert. Tarzan flieht mit La in das sagenhafte Tal der Diamanten, wohin ihm auch Dschadbalja, der goldene Löwe, folgt. Vor ihnen liegt ein Land, in welchem grausame Gorillas über Sklaven herrschen. Und zur gleichen Zeit schmiedet Estaban Miranda, der Tarzan zum Verwechseln ähnlich sieht, seine verräterischen Pläne.... Der Roman TARZAN UND DER GOLDENE LÖWE erschien erstmals ab Dezember 1922 (unter dem Titel TARZAN AND THE GOLDEN LION) als siebenteilige Serie im Argosy-All-Story-Weekly-Magazin. Eine erste Buchveröffentlichung folgte 1923.Der Apex-Verlag veröffentlicht TARZAN UND DER GOLDENE LÖWE in der deutschen Übersetzung von Eduard Pfeiffer, bearbeitet von Christian Dörge.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
Dancers in Mourning: An Albert Campion Mystery , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 655min
Jimmy Sutane is London's favorite song-and-dance man, headlining at the Argosy Theatre, and beloved by all. Or almost all - someone has taken to playing increasingly nasty pranks. Albert Campion offers to poke around, but what he finds chez Sutane nearly overwhelms him. The far-from traditional household features a clutch of explosive egos, including a brooding 'genius musician,' and a melodramatic young actress who seems to delight in drawing others into her web of carefully groomed tragedy. Someone here is aiming to hang up Sutane's tap shoes on a permanent basis, and if Campion is to keep Jimmy dancing, he'll have to come up with some pretty fancy footwork of his own. Margery Allingham was born in London in 1904. Her first novel was published when she was seventeen. In 1929 she published The Crime at Black Dudley and introduced the character who was to become the hallmark of her writing - Albert Campion. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Thorpe. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/008219/bk_adbl_008219_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Shades of Moloch: Star Borne 2 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 509min
A kidnapping ignites an intergalactic war, as the demon-child comes of age on Earth. Is he the spawn of the evil god Moloch? When the demon-child teams up with a Molocha sorceress and a powerful druid to journey into the Land of Shadows, nobody knows whether the trio will save the kidnapped Brigit, or sacrifice her. Brigit's fate heats up when she is thrown into a dungeon with a dead man walking. The Fomorian giant was resurrected from the dead, but what came back seems almost inhuman. Even his wife is terrified that her now-deranged husband is just a shell for Moloch in the flesh. While shades of Moloch send their icy fingers across Earth, an Algolian warbird approaches Earth from space. The Algolian Admiral Skagg has his finger on the trigger, eager to blast Earth into oblivion. Meanwhile, the Argosy starship Shrike desperately searches for Earth - a planet they know only by name, but not location. War rages, while star-crossed lovers give in to death as they watch the destruction of the Isle of Destiny, ablaze in a pillar of fire. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Elan O'Connor. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/043491/bk_acx0_043491_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Für Carson Napier, den amerikanischen Astronauten, gibt es keine Rückkehr zur Erde mehr. Seine Versuchsrakete, mit der er ursprünglich den Mars ansteuern wollte, ist auf der Venus gestrandet.Er selbst hat den Absturz seines Raumfahrzeugs nur durch einen glücklichen Zufall überlebt. Doch Carson rechnet sich keine großen Chancen aus, den tödlichen Gefahren dieses wilden Planeten, wo jeder gegen jeden zu kämpfen scheint, auf Dauer zu entgehen...Der Amtor- oder Venus-Zyklus von Edgar Rice Burroughs gehört zu den bekanntesten Science-Fiction-Romanen des Tarzan-Autors. Der erste Band, Pirates of Venus (dt. Piraten der Venus) erschien 1932 im Argosy-Weekly-Magazin. 1934 folgte die Buchausgabe. Die erste Geschichte war so erfolgreich, dass der Autor 1933 im gleichen Magazin die Fortsetzung Lost On Venus (dt. Verschollen auf der Venus) folgen ließ. Anfang der 1970er Jahre lagen die ersten vier Bände des Venus-Zyklus auch in deutscher Sprache vor. In seiner Reihe APEX SF-KLASSIKER veröffentlicht der Apex-Verlag diese vier Romane aus durchgesehene Neu-Ausgabe (in der Übersetzung von Thomas Schlück).Der abschließende fünfte Band, The Wizard Of Venus, erscheint unter dem Titel Der Zauberer von der Venus als deutsche Erstveröffentlichung ebenfalls im Apex-Verlag.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping