52 Results for : becka

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    In The Spell, book three of the Forbidden Doors series, best-selling author Bill Myers presents a showdown between the occult and the powers of God when a group of teens called the Society begins to physically and emotionally threaten Becka Williams. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill Myers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/000535/bk_zond_000535_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Summary of Everybody's Fool by Richard Russo | Includes Analysis Everybody's Fool, a novel by Richard Russo, is set in the fictional town of North Bath in upstate New York. There, over the course of one weekend, a crew of local eccentrics juggle long-standing grudges, acute crises, and surreal weather events to the best of their limited abilities. Along the way, listeners learn about their troubled pasts. At Hilldale Cemetery, Douglas Raymer, chief of police, arrives late for the interment of a local judge. The service is long, and between the heat and his emotional distress, Raymer's feeling poorly. The setting is stirring up feelings about his late wife, Becka, who died in a freak accident the previous year. Raymer carries an object in his pocket: a garage-door opener that was found in Becka's car. He thinks he can use it to track down the mystery man Becka had been seeing behind his back before she died. Suddenly, the ground quakes.... PLEASE NOTE: This is summary and analysis of the book and not the original book. Inside this Instaread summary of Everybody's Fool: Summary of the book Important people Character analysis Analysis of the themes and author's style ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sam Scholl. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/062260/bk_acx0_062260_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some doors are better left unopened. Some doors, you don’t want to find out what lies behind them. In the Forbidden Doors series by best-selling author Bill Myers, teenager Rebecca “Becka” Williams, her younger brother Scott, and her friend Ryan Riordan are swept into heart-stopping encounters with an all-too-real invisible world - a world fraught with deception and spiritual adversaries that promise goodness and enlightenment but will stop at nothing to destroy life, sanity, and human souls. Witchcraft. Reincarnation. Ouija Boards. UFOs. Shamanism. Counterfeit spiritualities are widespread and popular with spiritually searching young adults such as Becka’s peers. What’s the harm? Find out. Join Becka, Scott, and Ryan as they head for mind-bending clashes between the forces of darkness and the kingdom of God. Combining meticulous research, realistic settings, and masterful storytelling, the Forbidden Doors novels take you from the mountains of New Mexico to the inner workings of a secret society - and into the truth of God’s Word, which exposes lies and reveals the reality of spiritual warfare. Each volume in the series contains three books that center around a particular kind of Forbidden Door. Book One: Dark Powers contains The Society, The Deceived, and The Spell; Book Two: Invisible Terror contains The Haunting, The Guardian, and The Encounter; Book Three: Deadly Loyalty contains The Curse, The Undead, and The Scream; Book Four: Ancient Forces contains The Ancients, The Wiccan, and The Cards. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill Myers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/002942/bk_zond_002942_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some doors are better left unopened. Some doors, you don’t want to find out what lies behind them. In the Forbidden Doors series by best-selling author Bill Myers, teenager Rebecca “Becka” Williams, her younger brother Scott, and her friend Ryan Riordan are swept into heart-stopping encounters with an all-too-real invisible world - a world fraught with deception and spiritual adversaries that promise goodness and enlightenment but will stop at nothing to destroy life, sanity, and human souls. Witchcraft. Reincarnation. Ouija Boards. UFOs. Shamanism. Counterfeit spiritualities are widespread and popular with spiritually searching young adults such as Becka’s peers. What’s the harm? Find out. Join Becka, Scott, and Ryan as they head for mind-bending clashes between the forces of darkness and the kingdom of God. Combining meticulous research, realistic settings, and masterful storytelling, the Forbidden Doors novels take you from the mountains of New Mexico to the inner workings of a secret society - and into the truth of God’s Word, which exposes lies and reveals the reality of spiritual warfare. Each volume in the series contains three books that center around a particular kind of Forbidden Door. Book One: Dark Powers contains The Society, The Deceived, and The Spell; Book Two: Invisible Terror contains The Haunting, The Guardian, and The Encounter; Book Three: Deadly Loyalty contains The Curse, The Undead, and The Scream: Book Four: Ancient Forces contains The Ancients, The Wiccan, and The Cards.  ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill Myers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/002945/bk_zond_002945_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some doors are better left unopened. Some doors, you don’t want to find out what lies behind them. In the Forbidden Doors series by best-selling author Bill Myers, teenager Rebecca “Becka” Williams, her younger brother Scott, and her friend Ryan Riordan are swept into heart-stopping encounters with an all-too-real invisible world - a world fraught with deception and spiritual adversaries that promise goodness and enlightenment but will stop at nothing to destroy life, sanity, and human souls. Witchcraft. Reincarnation. Ouija Boards. UFOs. Shamanism. Counterfeit spiritualities are widespread and popular with spiritually searching young adults such as Becka’s peers. What’s the harm? Find out. Join Becka, Scott, and Ryan as they head for mind-bending clashes between the forces of darkness and the kingdom of God. Combining meticulous research, realistic settings, and masterful storytelling, the Forbidden Doors novels take you from the mountains of New Mexico to the inner workings of a secret society - and into the truth of God’s Word, which exposes lies and reveals the reality of spiritual warfare. Each volume in the series contains three books that center around a particular kind of Forbidden Door. Book One: Dark Powers contains The Society, The Deceived, and The Spell; Book Two: Invisible Terror contains The Haunting, The Guardian, and The Encounter; Book Three: Deadly Loyalty contains The Curse, The Undead, and The Scream: Book Four: Ancient Forces contains The Ancients, The Wiccan, and The Cards.  ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill Myers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/002944/bk_zond_002944_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Some doors are better left unopened. Some doors, you don’t want to find out what lies behind them. In the Forbidden Doors series by best-selling author Bill Myers, teenager Rebecca “Becka” Williams, her younger brother Scott, and her friend Ryan Riordan are swept into heart-stopping encounters with an all-too-real invisible world - a world fraught with deception and spiritual adversaries that promise goodness and enlightenment but will stop at nothing to destroy life, sanity, and human souls. Witchcraft. Reincarnation. Ouija Boards. UFOs. Shamanism. Counterfeit spiritualities are widespread and popular with spiritually searching young adults such as Becka’s peers. What’s the harm? Find out. Join Becka, Scott, and Ryan as they head for mind-bending clashes between the forces of darkness and the kingdom of God. Combining meticulous research, realistic settings, and masterful storytelling, the Forbidden Doors novels take you from the mountains of New Mexico to the inner workings of a secret society - and into the truth of God’s Word, which exposes lies and reveals the reality of spiritual warfare. Each volume in the series contains three books that center around a particular kind of Forbidden Door. Book One: Dark Powers contains The Society, The Deceived, and The Spell; Book Two: Invisible Terror contains The Haunting, The Guardian, and The Encounter; Book Three: Deadly Loyalty contains The Curse, The Undead, and The Scream: Book Four: Ancient Forces contains The Ancients, The Wiccan, and The Cards. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Bill Myers. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/zond/002943/bk_zond_002943_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Portals continue to open faster and faster, spewing more and more aggressive dinosaurs across the world, and the situation has gone from bad to worse. Cities are out of supplies, small towns are being wiped out by the vicious reptiles, and it's taking everything they have for the military to maintain any semblance of order.Amid all the carnage and chaos, Jason, Becka, and Hae-won must journey north to rescue Becka’s mother. Navigating safely through bloodthirsty dinosaurs and the worst humanity has to offer will be no easy task.  ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Alex Perone, Marissa Parness. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/226371/bk_acx0_226371_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Napisana z epickim rozmachem, trzymajaca w napieciu saga rodzinna! Julia Kunis, prawnuczka Wernera von Becka, postanawia przesledzic dzieje rodu von Becków. W trakcie swoich wedrówek poznaje historyczke Marte Landowska, spadkobierce zydowskich jubilerów - Dawida Halperna i cynicznego poszukiwacza drogocennych pamiatek III Rzeszy - Toma Andersa. Odkrywajac historie swojej rodziny i osób z nia zwiazanych, Julia wkracza na niebezpieczna sciezke, która moze zakonczyc sie dla niej tragicznie. Skrzywdzona przez ostatniego partnera nie chce wchodzic w kolejne zwiazki, ale glos serca nie pozwala jej zapomniec o sile uczuc. W trakcie sentymentalnej podrózy do kraju przodków na jej drodze staja milosc i namietnosc, które kolejny raz wygrywaja ze zdrowym rozsadkiem. Jednak pietrzace sie przeszkody i strach przed kolejnym zranieniem wydaja sie nie do pokonania... Please note: This audiobook is in Polish. Language: English. Narrator: Elzbieta Kijowska. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/hrcl/000358/bk_hrcl_000358_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Introducing The Famous Five to younger readers with this NEWLY-CREATED story for children aged 5 and up!While helping to clear up the beach, the Five find a dog's collar by the sea and are soon searching for the missing dog. And when they come to the new bakery, it's not just the smell of cinnamon buns that catches Timmy's attention ...Set in the world of Enid Blyton's best-loved series, this newly created story follows Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog on a special new adventure. The story is broken down into short chapters with vibrant, full-colour illustrations on every page - perfect for shared reading or for newly confident readers to enjoy independently.Also look out for: The Birthday Adventure, Five to the Rescue! and Timmy and the Treasure, illustrated by Becka Moor.Enid Blyton's eight original short stories about the Famous Five are also available as early readers illustrated by Jamie Littler. Collect them all!A Lazy AfternoonGeorge's Hair Is Too LongWell Done, Famous FiveFive and a Half-Term AdventureWhen Timmy Chased the CatFive Have a Puzzling TimeGood Old TimmyHappy Christmas, Five!***The Famous Five®, Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton's signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Tim Farnsworth ist ein attraktiver Mann im besten Alter. Seine Frau Jane liebt ihn, trotz mancher Krisen, auch nach all den Jahren noch. Obwohl er meist bis spätabends in seinem Büro in einer angesehenen Anwaltskanzlei in Manhattan arbeitet, mag er seinen Job. Und auch wenn sich seine pubertierende Tochter Becka immer mehr hinter ihrer Gitarre, ihren Rastalocken und einem Polster überschüssiger Pfunde versteckt, bleibt sie für ihn das schönste Mädchen auf der Welt. Er liebt seine Familie, sein Haus und seine Arbeit wie nichts sonst auf der Welt. Und doch steht er eines Tages auf und geht fort. Nicht weil er möchte, sondern weil er muß. Weil ihn nichts mehr halten kann. Er macht sich auf den Weg, hinaus ins Freie. Doch es wird kein Aufbruch hin zu neuen Horizonten. Es wird ein Abstieg in die Hölle, und so sehr seine Frau auch versucht, ihm dabei beizustehen, ist es am Ende doch ein Weg, den er ganz alleine gehen muss. Gesellschaftsroman, Eheroman, Psychodrama: "Ins Freie" ist ein ebenso beeindruckendes wie verstörendes Buch über die Zwänge der Gesellschaft und die apokalyptischen Kräfte in uns selbst. Es ist ein Buch über eine dunkle Obsession, die einen Menschen am Ende dazu bringt, das zu zerstören, was er liebt. Es ist die bewegende Geschichte eines Paares, das sein glückliches Leben als Selbstverständlichkeit betrachtet, bis von einem Tag auf den anderen alles unwiederbringlich auseinanderbricht. deutsch. Matthias Brandt. https://samples.audible.de/bk/rhde/001222/bk_rhde_001222_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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