44 Results for : burkart

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    Der BeraterkommentarDer HK behandelt alle relevanten Gesetze für die Beratung. Er zeigt argumentationssicher die Spielräume für die Umsetzung von Arbeitnehmerpositionen auf und lotet aus, was vor Gericht Bestand hat.Die Reformauflage Die 5. Auflage berücksichtigt alle Neuregelungen der 19. Legislaturperiode, die stark durch die Pandemie-Gesetzgebung geprägt war. Kommentiert sind alle neuen Regelungen in den BereichenKurzarbeit (SGB III)Homeoffice (BGB)Arbeitnehmerentsendung (AEntG)Betriebsrentenstärkung (BetrAVG)Arbeitsschutzkontrolle, insbes. Fleischindustrie (AÜG, ArbSchG)Betriebliche Mitbestimmung und Betriebsratswahlen (BetrVG)Elektronischer Rechtsverkehr (ArbGG)Ausbildungsvergütung und Weiterbildung (BBiG)Gänzlich neu sind die Kommentierungen zu EntgTranspG, BDSG/DS-GVO, GeschGehG, GSA Fleisch. Die neuen Arbeitsbedingungen-RL, die Whistleblower-RL sowie die RL Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben nimmt die Neuauflage bereits in den Blick.Herausgeber, Autorinnen und Autoren RA Ewald Bartl, FAArbR RA Marek Beck, LL.M., FAArbR VRiLAG apl. Prof. Dr. Martin Becker RA Peter Berg Prof. Dr. Ulrich-Arthur Birk Prof. Dr. Burkhard Boemke VRiLAG a.D. Dr. Dietrich Braasch RAin Judith Briegel, FAinArbR RA Andreas Bufalica, FAArbR RAin Sabrina Burkart, FAinArbR Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Däubler RA Simon Dilcher, FAArbR Sebastian Wilhelm Droßel, Ass. Jur. RiArbG Alexander Dubon RA Dr. Ulrich Faber RA Dr. Heiner Fechner, FAArbR VizePräsLAG Thomas Gerretz RA Christoph Gottbehüt, FAArb RA Roland Gross, FAArbR RA Ingo Hamm, FAArbR Michael Hampf, Ass. Jur. Harald Heck, Ass. Jur. Dr. Detlef Hensche RA Gunnar Herget, FAArbR RA Hanno Herrmann, FAArbR u FAVerwR RA Jens Peter Hjort, FAArbR Dr. Daniel Hlava, LL.M. VizePräsLAG Michael Holthaus RA Christopher Kaempf, FAArbR RA Boris Karthaus, FAArbR Micha Klapp, Ass. Jur. RAin Dr. Laurie-Ann Klein, FAinArbR RA, DirArbG a.D. Dr. Bernhard Kraushaar RA Dr. Martin Kraushaar RA (Syndikus) Dr. Thomas Kreuder RA Gerhard Kronisch, FAArbR RiArbG Thomas Lakies RA Dr. Frank Lorenz RA Jürgen Markowski, FAArbR RAin Ursula Matthiessen-Kreuder Prof. Dr. Udo R. Mayer RAin Karin Milkau, FAinArbR VRiLAG a.D. Bernd Pakirnus VRiLAG Gerhard Pfeiffer RA Dr. Julian Richter, FAArbR Prof. Dr. Gerhard Ring VRiLAG Werner Rühl RAin Kathrin Schlegel, FAinArbR Ri'inArbG Dr. Dorothee Schmiegel RiArbG Frank Schmitt Simone Schmitz, Ass. Jur. apl. Prof. Dr. Jens M. Schubert RA Michael Schubert, FAArbR RA Marc-Oliver Schulze, FAArbR RA Dr. Michael Schwegler RA Bernd Spengler, FAArbR VRiLAG Christoph Tillmanns RA Jan Tretow, FAArbR RA PD Dr. Bernhard Ulrici RAin Dr. Silvia Velikova, FAinArbR RA Dr. Martin Wolmerath und Andreas Zimmermann, Dipl.-Verw.-wiss..
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 131.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    Burkart: Kommunikationswissenschaft - Rezension / Zusammenfassung: ab 12.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Schwerste Behinderung - Vergleich der Bücher Individualität und schwerste Behinderung von Marion Wieczorek und Schwerste Behinderung - Anfragen an Förderkonzepte für Menschen mit allumfassenden Hilfebedarf von Harald Burkart - 1. Auflage: ab 12.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    All of the wonderful compositions on this disc have certain features tying them together: they were all written by American composers and they are all scored for flute alone. Beyond those basic similarities, however, these works are each unique in tonal language, character, the innovation of new performance techniques, and use of COLORS. Katherine Hoover (b. 1937) is a celebrated composer for the flute. After the immediate success of her solo flute work Kokopeli, in 1990, she composed several more pieces for unaccompanied flute, including To Greet the Sun from 2004. This new work incorporates the unique sound of a flutter-tongued timbral trill. Of the work, Hoover writes, "To greet the sun is to give thanks for the great richness of the Earth and the gift of life. Various cultures have done this in differing ways, from dawn prayers to dances and ceremonies to researching the sun's awe-inspiring power." Published by Papagena Press. John La Montaine (b. 1920), Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, studied composition with Howard Hanson, Nadia Boulanger, and Bernard Rogers. The movements of his Sonata for Flute Alone have such descriptive and quirky titles, which add to the color of the work for the performer as well as the audience: Questioning, Jaunty, Introspective, and Rakish. Published by Fremont Press. Paul Richards (b. 1969) is an award-winning composer on the faculty at the University of Florida. His colorful compositions and titles are frequently performed by chamber and large ensembles across the world. About this work, Richards writes "The ghostly sound of a solo flute played with airy tones sparked the image of a post-apocalyptic, dusty, windswept and barren field, and a lone musician initiating a ritual of mourning and a fiery expression of loss, tempered by fleeting hints of hope. A flute further fit this conception as it has a lineage that goes back to the earliest musical instruments, and will likely survive in some form as long as we do. Depressing thoughts, I know, but then I got this fortune cookie: Don't worry about the world coming to an end, it's already tomorrow in Australia." This work was composed for Kristen Stoner and includes many extended techniques (glissandos, pitch bends, altered tone color, dictated vibrato, timbral trills, tongue thrusts, and spit tongue) to express feelings of despair, anger, and hope in a post-apocalyptic world. Ingolf Dahl (1912-1970) was a composer of Swedish and German descent, immigrating to America in 1939 and becoming a naturalized American citizen in 1943. He was an active composer and performer in the new music scene in Los Angeles, but also supported himself by working in the entertainment industry. He was a professor at USC from 1945 until the end of his life. In that same year, he composed Variations on a Swedish Folk Tune, seven diverse variations based on the theme "Skänklåt från Leksand." Published by Theodore Presser. Marilyn Bliss (b. 1954) is an active composer for the flute and the Native American flute, as well as for orchestra and chamber ensembles. She studied composition with George Crumb, George Rochberg, Harvey Sollberger, Jacob Druckman, and Jerry Owen. Murali is the name of Krishna's flute, the Indian god. Krishna, according to legend, played his flute under the first full moon and people were drawn from all over to dance to his alluring music. Published by the American Composers Alliance. Robert Muczynski (1929-2005) was trained at the University of Chicago and spent the majority of his career in Arizona. He wrote wildly successful sonatas each for flute, saxophone, and clarinet relatively early in his career, and unfortunately none of his subsequent compositions achieved the same renown. His Three Preludes are contrasting in style. The first movement, Allegro, is bright and joyful. Andante molto, is more contemplative, exploring beautiful arching melodies. The final Allegro molto is manic and rambunctious. Published by G. Schirmer. Lowell Liebermann (b. 1961) earned all three degrees at the Juilliard School, where he studied with Diamond and Persichetti. His colorful compositions for the flute have been remarkably successful, starting with his Sonata, composed when he was only 26 years old. Soliloquy, op. 44, commissioned by Katherine Kemler, is technically challenging, with constantly shifting tonal centers and contrasting tempi. Liebermann teaches at Mannes College in New York City. Published by Theodore Presser. Elizabeth Brown (b. 1953) is a composer and a celebrated performer of flute, shakuhachi, and theremin. Trillium was composed in 1999 for the National Flute Association High School Young Artist Competition. Brown writes, "Trillium is a beautiful early spring woodland wildflower with leaves and white petals in threes. The flute language of Trillium is heavily influenced by Japanese shakuhachi music and birdsong. There are a number of unusual timbres and trills, many involving microtones." Published by Quetzal Music. Kristen Stoner (b. 1973) has composed solely for the flute, several works for solo flute and duets, and she is currently working on a Sonata for Flute and Piano. Variations on an Irish Ballad is based on the traditional song "The Wind that Shakes the Barley." The variations are very different in inspiration, including one influenced by Piazzolla's etudes and one by a Luigi Hugues etude. Cynthia Folio (b. 1954) is an active composer and flutist, serving as professor of theory and composition at Temple University. Born in Virginia, she studied at West Chester University and then earned both graduate degrees at Eastman. The name Arca Sacra is a palindrome, and the composition itself is loosely based on a palindrome as well. Published by Hildegard Press. Daniel Dorff (b. 1956) studied composition at Cornell University and the University of Pennsylvania, studying with George Crumb, George Rochberg, and Karel Husa. He has composed many works for orchestra and particularly for woodwind instruments. He is composer-in-residence for the Symphony in C and also is VP of Publishing at Theodore Presser. August Idyll is a lovely, tonal piece with which to close the CD. Published by Theodore Presser. Kristen Stoner is an active performer and pedagogue. She has taught full-time at the University of Florida since 2002, and she taught at Denison University from 1999-2002. In addition to frequent solo performances in North and South America, she performs as principal flutist in both the Ocala Symphony Orchestra and the Florida Lakes Symphony Orchestra. She has performed at 11 NFA conventions. A graduate of the University of Texas and the University of Cincinnati College- Conservatory of Music, Stoner studied primarily with Karl Kraber, Bradley Garner, and William Montgomery. Dr. Stoner enjoys studying and performing works by women composers and has special interests in Latin American music for flute. She has performed and taught in Chile, Ecuador, Peru, and Brazil. Her first CD, Images for solo flute, was released on the Meyer Media label. In addition to performing flute, Dr. Stoner enjoys raising two beautiful girls, spending time with her family, and making jewelry. Kristen Stoner is thrilled to perform on a 14K Burkart flute.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 21.85 EUR excl. shipping

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