70 Results for : fulltime

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    Below a dark and angry sea, men in the submarines of the British Navy prowl. Explosive spherical mines lie silently in wait for their weathered vessels. At any time, the abyssals of the Atlantic can be rocked by the terrifying din of a mine exploding and a boat imploding. Manning these cramped vessels is a fulltime hardship, with myriad risks and sometimes terrifying emergencies. But an even more dangerous vocation can be found on land at the British Navy’s Special Counter-measures - a place where men with either a death wish or nothing left to lose defuse enormous seamines. If any of these subjects stimulate your interest, Douglas Reeman’s Twelve Seconds to Live explores them with zest and tasteful drama in this masterful work of naval fiction. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Steven Crossley. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/reco/005144/bk_reco_005144_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Are you ready to quit your fulltime job and earn at your own time and place? Within a few minutes, you could be taking a giant leap towards earning some healthy income while you sleep. This book describes five of the most common strategies that newbies have a tendency to explore.Affiliate marketing Network marketing Stock market investing Forex investing Property investing You will discover the pros and cons of each strategy, how to get started, and important points to consider. There are literally hundreds of methods to earn passive income but by applying the actionable techniques that are describe in the chapter "Action Time", you will save tons of time and money to master the basic but fundamental skill of being an online entrepreneur. Stop working for money and make your money work for you. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gail L Chaffee. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/089830/bk_acx0_089830_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Humorvolle Kurzgeschichten-Sammlung rund um den Ruhestand als Geschenk zur Rente Für Best Ager ist der Ruhestand ein echter Fulltime-Job, der mitunter seltsame Blüten treibt und so manches Kopfschütteln hervorruft. Davon handeln die humorvollen Kurzgeschichten und Erzählungen in diesem fröhlichen Geschenk zum Ruhestand. Die Kurzgeschichten-Sammlung Keine Zeit! enthält lustige Geschichten und Erzählungen von Ruhestand-erprobten Autorinnen und Autoren wie Renate Bergmann, Monika Bittl, Sky du Mont, Robert Gernhardt, Dora Heldt, Wladimir Kaminer, Maxim Leo/Jochen Gutsch, Jürgen von der Lippe oder Christine Westermann.Humorvolles Geschenk zum Ruhestand mit lustigen KurzgeschichtenVon bekannten Autoren wie u. a. von Dora Heldt, Wladimir Kaminer, Monika Bittl und Robert GernhardtKurzgeschichten-Sammlung mit 128 Seiten (Maße: 11,5 x 16,0 cm)
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 10.30 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ausgezeichnet mit dem Gourmand Cookbook Award 2016 als bestes veganes Kochbuch Deutschlands! Erfolgsautor Jérôme Eckmeier erklärt in diesem Buch, was die vegane Ernährung zu echtem Powerfood macht. Tun Sie sich mit veganer Lebensweise etwas Gutes und probieren Sie es aus - egal ob täglich oder nur hin und wieder mal. Denn Eckmeier zeigt: Man muss kein Fulltime-Veganer sein, um sich energiegeladener und wohlfühlen zu können. In über 80 Rezepten von Frühstück bis Dessert präsentiert der Spitzenkoch die Vielfalt und den Genuss der veganen Küche. Ob Cashew-Ricotta-Käse, Blumenkohl-Kokos-Suppe, geschmorter Rosenkohl oder fruchtiges Beerenbrot - hier finden Sie alles, was es zum veganen Glück braucht. Die kurzen Porträts zu Quinoa, Chiasamen & Co. verraten Ihnen außerdem, was echtes Powerfood ausmacht.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 20.60 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ever wonder how to become a CEO? Or ever wonder what CEOs do? Or have you ever just wondered why this sounds like a bunch of BS being shot to you when you inquire about the job? For those of you who want the unabashed words from a CEO himself, this is the book for you. Unapologetic. Unashamed. Mr. Will Roundtree puts the bullshit to the side to tell you “....the shit they don’t tell you”. Mr. Roundtree gives the inside scoop on the six steps that he applied to his life to make him the effective “Fulltime CEO” he is today. He went from homeless to millionaire on these concepts, and he is living proof that they can transform your business acumen. By applying the six principles in this book into his own life, he was able to reconstruct his life and become the CEO he dreamed he would be. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Othello Lofton. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/185927/bk_acx0_185927_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Book Two in the Skindancer series. Dakota Frost is back, and the ink is about to hit the fan-again. Graffiti comes to life in the dark heart of Atlanta's oldest cemetery, slaying one of the city's best-loved vampires before the eyes of his friend Dakota Frost. Deadly magick is at work on the city's walls, challenging even the amazing power of Dakota's tattoos to contain it. The hungry, graffiti magick loves to kill, and the Edgeworld is no longer safe from its own kind. Dakota begins a harrowing journey to save those she loves and to discover the truth behind the spreading graffiti - even if that truth offends the vampires, alienates the werekin and creates police suspicion of her every action. Saving Atlanta may cost her everything, including custody of her "adopted" weretiger daughter, Cinnamon. But failure is not an option. If the graffiti isn't stopped, Cinnamon could be the next victim. Epic Award-winner Anthony Francis writes the Skindancer series while working fulltime for "that famous search engine whose name begins with a 'G'." Visit him at http://dakotafrost.com. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Traci Odom. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/002844/bk_acx0_002844_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Hausfrau und Mutter: ein Fulltime-Job! Doch was passiert, wenn der Nachwuchs das Nest verlässt? Drillingsmutter Sandra wirft das völlig aus der Bahn. Nach 18 Jahren zu Hause fasst sie einen Entschluss: Ein neuer Job! Diese Entscheidung bringt allerdings neue Probleme mit sich und ihre Ehe gerät ins Wanken.
    • Shop: Joyn
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Honor takes a huge chance and flees her compound one wintry night. A genetically altered woman, she has no memories from before her kin staged a rebellion seven years before. Because of her enhanced physiology, she finds a home working for the CIA alongside four other women just like her. There are still plenty of rules, but they're different, and she's figuring out how to blend in. Milton Reins burns through women and marriages. After the third one implodes, he swears off hunting for a replacement. Running the CIA is a more than fulltime job. There's no time for anything else in his life, which is fine until Honor comes along. Training in the gym throws their bodies together, and makes him remember the feel of a woman in his arms. Milton aches for her, but she's a freak, the CIA term for test tube humans designed by scientists. Honor wants Milton with every bone in her body, but it's a terrible idea, especially after she delves into his head and sees his ambivalence toward her kind. Need drives them together, but their differences create roadblocks every step of the way. Fueled by anger and fear, she shuts him out. So what if the sex was great, she's done. Or is she? ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gregory Salinas. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/083020/bk_acx0_083020_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    If you have ever wanted to start your own Internet business, make money online, or have a new stream of income, or if you are just curious about the Internet phenomenon, then this book is for you. If you are committed to excelling in the 21st century, then an education around how to derive an income from the Internet is a must. It is now very possible for the average person to make a full-time living via the Internet, thanks to the Internet millionaires who have pioneered the way and the success of companies like e-Bay and Google - companies that have allowed many people to make a full-time living working from home.This book will assist those that want to make $4,000 a month or more online by commencing an Internet career without the need for capital or a computing degree. It also highlights the enormous success of not only Google, but also the power of using Google as a business marketing tool that has made many Internet millionaires in recent years, including the author.This book's motto is "Google is your friend" when it comes to making money online. The author has learned many things from Google that have been to his business advantage. However, many of the most powerful things about how to use Google to generate significant wealth by driving traffic to websites he learned by modelling Internet millionaires - strategies he wished he had learned from Google but didn't that would have made his Internet success even greater. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Jamie Nesvold. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/huds/000011/bk_huds_000011_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mindestens 6.500 Athleten alleine in Deutschland betreiben Triathlon mit dem Ziel Mittel- oder Langdistanz. Um sich dieser großen Herausforderung zu stellen, ist ein erfahrener Coach unabdingbar. Mario Schmidt-Wendling lässt seine Erfahrung aus über 1.000 individuell gecoachten Langdistanztriathlons in 15 Jahren als Fulltime-Coach in sein Trainingsbuch einfließen. Triathlon - Erfolg auf der Langdistanz ist ein Buch aus der Praxis für die Praxis mit wirklich verwertbaren Informationen, die jedem Athleten helfen, ein besserer Athlet zu werden. Dabei werden keine pauschal formulierten Trainingspläne vorgegeben, sondern die individuelle Situation des Athleten je nach Typ wird berücksichtigt und der Athlet erhält die wichtigsten Grundlagen an die Hand, um die richtigen Entscheidungen für sein individuelles Training treffen zu können. Auch die Arbeit des Trainers wird beleuchtet und die wichtigsten Aspekte der Trainingslehre im Langdistanztriathlon werden erklärt. Neben umfänglichen Informationen zum Training und Wettkampf, zum Equipment und zur Ernährung werden typische Fehler beim Training in allen drei Disziplinen aufgezeigt. Alle Informationen werden angereichert durch zahlreiche Beispiele aus der Praxis. Testverfahren helfen, die eigenen Fortschritte zu diagnostizieren. Nützliche Informationen zu Themen wie "Verletzungen und Krankheiten", "Training und Wettkampf unter Hitzebedingungen" sowie ein exemplarischer Trainingsplan für 16 Wochen runden das Werk ab.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 30.80 EUR excl. shipping

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