59 Results for : gohan
Il giovane Son Goku, addestrato dal nonno Gohan alle arti marziali e dotato di una forza straordinaria, parte alla ricerca delle sette sfere del drago, che hanno il potere di donare a chi le possiede un potere immenso. Lo scopo e di impedire che se ne impossessi Piccolo, un demone che si credeva imprigionato da millenni.- Shop: odax
- Price: 11.39 EUR excl. shipping
Toriyama, A: Dragonball Z
In Gestalt des magischen Wesens Boo ist eine Kreatur erschienen, deren Macht jede Vorstellung übersteigt. Während die Z-Kämpfer noch überlegen, was zu tun ist, vernichtet Boo das letzte noch verbliebene Leben auf der Erde. Die Menschheit ist vernichtet. Alles, was jetzt noch bleibt, ist kämpfen, um nicht selbst getötet zu werden. Verzweifelt suchen die Übriggebliebenen nach Mitteln, um Boo beizukommen. Son Goten und Trunks experimentieren mit der so genannten Fusion, Son Gohan wartet ungeduldig darauf, dass seine noch verborgenen Kräfte freigesetzt werden. Doch die Zeit wird immer knapper. Wenn nicht bald etwas geschieht, ist die Welt, wie wir sie kennen, Geschichte …Die Dragonball-Reihe ist eine der erfolgreichsten Manga-Serien aller Zeiten. Zeichner Akira Toriyama hat damit ein Werk geschaffen, das weltweite Bekanntheit erlangt hat. Seit Dragonball Z im Sommer 2001 seinen Siegeszug durch Deutschland angetreten hat, gilt die Serie auch hierzulande als eine der besten und beliebtesten des Genres.- Shop: odax
- Price: 42.57 EUR excl. shipping
Dragonball Z - Movies Box - Vol.3 - DVD (2 DVDs)
Die Serie Dragonball von Schöpfer Akira Toriyama ist einfach mehr – eine liebevoll gehegte Erinnerung, eine Legende, die bei den Fans Kult-Status genießt – kurz: Der Anime! Doch nach dem Spiel ist vor dem Spiel! Mit dieser Dragonball Z-Film-Box wird die Geschichte fortgeschrieben, vier brandneue Abenteuer, die außerhalb der Handlung der Serie stattfinden. Das bedeutet bekannte Helden, neue Feinde, überraschende Stories und gewohnt brillante Action. Multimillionär Excess Money veranstaltet ein Kampfsportturnier, der legendäre Broly kehrt auf die Erde zurück und gentechnisch veränderte Bio-Kämpfer bedrohen den Frieden. Fusion und Drachenfaust, die vollständig in japanischer Originalfassung mit deutschen Untertiteln enthalten sind, runden das Filmvergnügen ab!Diese Box vereint die Kinofilme 9 bis 13 der Dragonball Z-Reihe, einer der beliebtesten Anime-Serien der Welt!- Super-Saiyajin Son Gohan- Brolys Rückkehr- Angriff der Bio-Kämpfer- Fusion (OmU)- Drachenfaust (OmU)- Extra: dt. Zusammenschnitt der Filme Fusion und Drachenfaust- Shop: odax
- Price: 38.99 EUR excl. shipping
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - Part One
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters Part One [Blu-ray] - Seven years have passed since Cell's defeat, and the Z Fighters have returned to normal life. Goku has continued his training in the Other World, Krillin has gotten married, and Gohan has his hands full attempting to navigate the pitfalls of high school. But with the new World Martial Arts Tournament about to begin, it's time for Goku and the Z Fighters to reunite and face off against the greatest warriors on Earth! - Meanwhile, the evil wizard Babidi has traveled across the galaxy on a quest for revenge, hoping to fulfill his father's thwarted dreams of universal domination. The Supreme Kai has come to enlist the aid of the Z Fighters in his effort to prevent Babidi from awakening a monster of unimaginable terror-Majin Buu!- Shop: odax
- Price: 48.80 EUR excl. shipping
Dragon Ball Z: Season Seven
Incl. Great Saiyaman & World Tournament Sagas. Seven years of peace have passed since the defeat of the monstrous Cell, and the Z-Fighters have enjoyed a return to normal life. Goku has eagerly continued his training in Other World, Krillin has gotten married, and Gohan has renewed his scholarly pursuits while attempting to navigate the pitfalls of high school. Two fresh new Saiyan faces have also appeared on the scene - Goku's son Goten, and Vegeta's son Trunks! Now, the time has come for the Z-Fighters to reunite, as the new World Martial Arts Tournament is set to begin. The greatest warriors on Earth have come together for their chance to capture the title of the reigning champion, Mr. Satan but behind the scenes, sinister forces are at work. An evil eye watches the competitors every move, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. The action grows fierce on the tournament floor, but for the Z-Fighters, the real fight is only just beginning!- Shop: odax
- Price: 38.64 EUR excl. shipping
Dragon Ball Z Kai - Season Two
The nonstop action continues with a furious flurry of flying fists that will leave heads spinning! Krillin and Gohan test out their new and improved powers in a throw down with Vegeta, Frieza struggles to unlock the magic of the Dragon Balls, and Goku races through space on a collision course with the Ginyu Force! This installment of Kai has it all: 7 Dragon Balls, 4 epic heroes, and 3 horrifying villains bent on world domination!- Shop: odax
- Price: 42.67 EUR excl. shipping
Dragon Ball Z Kai: Season Four
Cell has finally reached his perfect form, and he won't rest till civilization falls! Only a herculean effort by Earth's heroes can stop Cell's rampage, but a superhuman slugfest of unprecedented brutality leads to Goku's shocking retirement! Young Gohan alone must now battle the monster and his miniature minions. The outlook appears bleak, but somewhere Goku lurks, waiting to lend his strength to Gohan for one final Kamehameha Wave. Will it be enough to save the world!?- Shop: odax
- Price: 43.04 EUR excl. shipping
Dragon Ball Super: Part Seven
In an effort to teach Future Zeno about martial arts, Zeno calls for an exhibition match between the 7th and 9th Universes. Buu, Gohan, and Goku must face off against the Trio of Danger in three one-on-one matches that will decide the official tournament rules! Afterwards, Goku searches for the 7th Universe's 10 best fighters. With only 48 hours until the Tournament of Power officially begins, will he put together a strong enough team in time, or will the Z Fighters be at a major disadvantage from the get-go?!- Shop: odax
- Price: 96.18 EUR excl. shipping