49 Results for : mínimo
O mínimo que você precisa fazer para ser um completo idiota
O mínimo que você precisa fazer para ser um completo idiota: ab 3.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 3.99 EUR excl. shipping
Contrato preliminar
Contrato preliminar - Conteúdo mínimo e execução: ab 8.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 8.49 EUR excl. shipping
Trabalho Decente e Seguridade Social
Trabalho Decente e Seguridade Social - o efeito cliquet e a construção do mínimo existencial beveridgiano: ab 10.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 10.99 EUR excl. shipping
Majestad de lo mínimo La
Majestad de lo mínimo La - Ensayos sobre Ramón López Velarde: ab 10.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 10.99 EUR excl. shipping
Elogio de lo mínimo
Elogio de lo mínimo - Estudios sobre microrrelato y minificción en el siglo XXI: ab 36.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 36.99 EUR excl. shipping
Ingreso mínimo vital
Ingreso mínimo vital: ab 25.99 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 25.99 EUR excl. shipping
Cruce de Caminos
Vembrulé es una banda racial que conjuga con soltura y desparpajo ritmos y melodías flamencas con pinceladas pop-rock. El núcleo principal de la banda está Liderado por José Barahona a la voz principal, Miguel Ramírez al bajo, Ana Díaz a los coros y Ander Barahona a las percusiones. En este 'Cruce de Caminos', su primer trabajo, Vembrulé ha sabido rodearse de un elenco de músicos de primer nivel en el País Vasco para ofrecernos un trabajo de calidad contrastada. Grabado en Bilbao y masterizado por Mario G. Alberni en Kadifornia Studio (Cadiz-Spain). Los directos de Vembrulé son como mínimo espectaculares: 9 músicos en escena, pura energía, ritmo y diversión.- Shop: odax
- Price: 18.59 EUR excl. shipping
Tuyo Soy
TUYO SOY is a long-time dream come true. A beautiful and powerful resource for the missions and ministries working in Spanish-speaking communities. TUYO SOY is available for retail purchase but it's primary purpose is to be available by-the-box for those ministries which will make the most fruitful use of it as part of their evangelism and discipleship efforts. They can be sent to ministries that we are connected with or to specific ministries designated by you. Just contact us. We've known for many years that we would someday record a Spanish album, but Tuyo Soy has gone beyond all our dreams. We teamed up with the Gutierrez Brothers who translated all but one of the songs and were committed to communicating the messages of the songs in a way that the listener would have the least distraction from our accent and just hear the Lord calling them. Tuyo Soy is the silent song of every human's heart. We just want to help make the song audible and the intimacy with Jesus real and transforming. Tuyo Soy Story The work of selecting the songs began in July of 2007. Since the mission is to make a strong invitation toward intimate conversation with Jesus, the first priority was to make sure that the songs which carried that invitation in English actually carried the same message in Spanish. There were 35 songs on our list that over the years have been fruitful, in English, toward this mission. At first we didn't want to overload the Gutierrez Brothers with that many songs and tried to give half to someone else. That didn't work, so they ended up with all of them and what a blessing that was! They almost immediately were able to get to work on thinking through which songs could say the same thing in Spanish. Within a couple of months, even with busy road schedules for all of us, by cell phone we had determined which were real candidates and in a few more days had isolated the 10 songs that would be on the album. The songs weren't the ones we expected. The 'obvious' picks were ruled out quickly in the process. Songs like Let's Worship and Thank You Jesus just didn't pass, the language is too American English and did not convey within the recognizable structure and melody. Once the songs were picked, Jeff Lams who produced this first for all of us, started working out new arrangements and laying out the plans and schedule for the studio time and players. He would do all the piano and keyboards, including his new acquisition, a classic Hammond B3. Dave Owens would play drums and percussion. David Coy on bass and Bob Somma playing guitars completed the best basic tracking team anyone could dream up. That basic track recording had to be done while we were on the road. Just the week before we had done the final mix and mastering for WE'VE COME TO WORSHIP - LIVE. But everything worked like clockwork and it was obvious God was orchestrating every detail and schedule. Tuyo Soy, even in it's raw recorded version confirmed that Jeff Lams was the perfect producer and arranger for this project. It was mind-blowing, beautiful! Those tracks would have been so wonderful to sing to in our vocal sessions, except for the little detail of having to sing in Spanish! We are so grateful that Jose Luis and Arturo were in the studio with us every minute. The agreement was that this couldn't just sound like some gringos doing their best. The distractions from the message of the songs had to be cut to the minimum. Cut is a good word. It was one of the hardest things we've ever done and that goes for the Gutierrez Brothers too, but worth every impossible challenge. Now, I want to share something extremely important to understand. Out motivation for this project is not to become the new Spanish music artist. We believe Jesus wants to penetrate the hearts of the Spanish-speaking people with the powerful drawing of His Spirit and we believe Tuyo Soy is a resource for those ministering in those communities. If you hear that foundational element when you hear these songs, please pray about how you can help get them in those hands that God means them for. That means that the Hispanic and Latino ministries need to have boxes of these in their tool box. As the Gospel is preached, they can send the hearer on their way with a CD that will become a personal tool of the Holy Spirit to start or continue talking to Jesus and surrendering to Him. If you know a ministry like that and you want to help supply them with this tool, make an order today. There are special prices for volume orders. Believe me, we're not finished doing our part, but it will be great to link arms and see what God will do! The text on the inside (Spanish & English) El Alma es algo de valor incalculable Esto llego a ser muy claro cuando mis ojos fueron abiertos. Tome inventario de mi vida y entendí que había vendido mi alma por la primera satisfacción que podía obtener, por el costo mas mínimo. Esa vida parecía tan vacía y humillante que no podía comprenderla. Detestando mi vida, me retire y con mi mente me aleje. Los Doctores comentaban que la psicosis era muy profunda, no había esperanza de recuperación. Pero al tercer día recostado en la cama del hospital, escuche la voz de un amigo de mi niñez. Me dijo, Terry, Yo se como te sientes. "Yo he visto todo lo que el hombre ha hecho y también estoy descontento por ello". Así es que has decidido dejar de ser humano. Quiero que sepas que Yo escogí hacerme humano por ti...En ese momento el amor que se hizo humano por mí, me lavo por completo y lleno mi alma vacía con su razón de ser humano "con su gran amor". Me dio una mente nueva e inmediatamente el nuevo diagnostico fue y todavía es, "recuperación satisfactoria" Yo malbarate mi alma, pero El pago el precio completo para hacerme libre. Su Vida y su amor por los seres humanos. Salmo 95:7 Dice, "Hoy, si escuchas Su voz no endurezcas tu Corazón" Te invito, a escuchar estas canciones y que oigas Su voz que te esta llamando.. El llenara el vacio que hay en ti, El te quiere dar esperanza y propósito. Como lo ha hecho por mí. En Juan10:10 Jesús nos dice, " El ladrón no viene sino a robar, matar y destruir, Yo he venido para que tengan vida y para que la tengan en abundancia. Jesucristo es el único que te puede dar vida eterna. Y El te la ofrece hoy. De tal manera amo Dios al Mundo que dio a su hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en El crea no se pierda mas tenga vida eterna-. Juan 3:16 Si confesamos nuestros pecados El es fiel y justo para perdonar nuestros pecados y limpiarnos de toda maldad- 1 de Juan 1:9 ......................... A soul is a priceless thing. That became clear to me on the night my eyes were opened. I took inventory of the life I had lived and I realized that I had sold my soul for the quickest, cheapest satisfaction I could get. My life was too empty and humiliating to comprehend. Abhorring my life, I left it there in a heap and, in my mind, walked away. The doctors said the psychosis was too deep, there was no hope of recovery. But on the third day lying in the hospital, I heard my childhood friend's voice. He said, 'Terry, I know how you feel. I've seen everything Man has ever done and I'm horrified by that, too. For that reason, you have decided not to be a human being. For the same reason, I chose to become one.' Then the Love that made that choice, washed over me and filled my empty soul with His reason for being human. He gave me a new mind. Immediately the new diagnosis was, and is still, Recovering Satisfactorily. I had sold my soul cheaply, but He came and paid full price for my freedom to be what He made me for - His life and His love. 'Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your heart.' Psalm 95:7(b) I invite you, as you listen to these songs, to listen for His voice. If you hear it, Jesus will be calling you to Himself. He allows you to freely make the choice to turn and come to Him. In exchange for your emptiness, He will give you hope and purpose. In John 10:10, Jesus reveals: 'The thief does- Shop: odax
- Price: 20.80 EUR excl. shipping