46 Results for : sonica

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    Zuverlässiger Schutz im Fußraum Ihres AutosBesonders im Fußraum eines Pkws ist die Belastung in puncto Verschmutzung und Abnutzung sehr hoch. Vor allem in der Winterzeit, aber auch im Sommer müssen Fußmatten Nässe, Kälte, Wärme und anderen extremen Bedingung standhalten und trotzdem ihre Funktion ohne Ausnahme erfüllen. Die Passform Gummimatten, die punktgenau in Ihr Pkw-Modell passen, bieten hier besonders zuverlässigen und dauerhaften Schutz.Höchste Qualität und SicherheitDie Passformmatten werden aus einem besonders robusten und strapazierfähigen Material hergestellt, welches geruchsneutral und abriebfest ist. Das Produkt wird konstant auf seine Qualität überprüft und überwacht. Darüber hinaus ist die passformgenaue Gummimatte auf der Rückseite mit Spikes versehen. Dadurch passt sich die Matte optimal im Fußraum ein und ist zudem rutschsicher – für höchste Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr.Perfekte PassformDie maßgefertigte und passgenaue Form der Gummimatte ist die ideale Ergänzung, sollten die Originalmatten kaputt werden. Das Produkt wird inklusive der originalen Befestigung oder mit vorgestanzten Löchern zur Befestigung geliefert, um eine sichere Fixierung zu garantieren. Eine Verstärkung im Pedalbereich sorgt zusätzlich für längere Haltbarkeit der Matte. Darüber hinaus hat die Matte einen hohen Rand und ist leicht zu reinigen. Somit bleibt der Fußraum Ihres Autos lange schön und sauber.Passend für folgende Fahrzeuge:HYUNDAI SONATA VI (YF), BJ 01/2009-12/2015HYUNDAI SONATA VII (LF), BJ 06/2014-HYUNDAI SONICA V (NF), BJ 12/2004-11/2012
    • Shop: OTTO
    • Price: 54.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 21.57 EUR excl. shipping
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    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 18.98 EUR excl. shipping
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    Deep Dive Corp. - der Inbegriff für musikalisches Tiefseetauchen. Am Bass noch immer Kraan Basser Hellmut Hattler, als Gastsängerin keine Geringere als Anne Clark!Schon mit der ersten CD Support Your Local Groover, die mit dem Nachfolger Blackmail Recordings mittlerweile zu den wichtigsten Genre Alben zählen, gelang Deep Dive Corp. der Durchbruch. DDC ist gelungen was wenigen Bands aus dem Genre gelungen ist: Eine eigene Identity! Das liegt neben den immer brillanten Gastsängern u.a. auch an Hellmut Hattler (Kraan, TabTwo) der mit seinem Bass der Musik das gewisse extra Groove verpasst. Peter Musebrink, wohnhaft auf Ibiza wo er u.a. im regelmässig im Space oder auch im Pacha bei den DJ Awards auflegt oder in Trendclubs wie Namaste oder Sunset Ashram, gehört er zu den bekannten Grössen der Balearen Insel. Nicht umsonnst wird er u.a. für Privatparties am Privatstrand des Diesel Jeans Besitzers gebucht oder ist Radiomoderator bei einem der bekanntesten Radios Ibiza Sonica! TRACKS: 1. B Jam 2. Pirates 3. Missing & Kissing 4. The Touch 5. Enjoy the Silence - Depeche Mode Coverversion 6. Fragile 7. Shine 8. Paradisi 9. Geeva 10. Unreal 11. Anne Clark-Off Grid (DDC RMX)
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 18.98 EUR excl. shipping
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    GESTIRE LO SPAZIO With only an electric bass... as simple as that A disc like no other: all the beautiful pieces in this album have been composed and played by Tiziano Zanotti on a solo electric bass, with the supplement of a few and quite singular electronic effects and the unexpected and fleeting "injection" of an acoustic piano. All tracks are by the musician himself, except tracks 6-13 by T.Zanotti/N.Ciarmatori. Track 14 is dedicated to Bruno Maderna. --------------------------- EXTRACT FROM PRODUCER'S LINER NOTES: 'This solo bass project had been around for quite a long time, initially just as a live show... It was certainly a big challenge for Tiziano Zanotti to show that the electric bass can be a valuable instrument in it's own right on a whole disc, able to hold the listener's attention with no support other than a few and unobtrusive effects and percussion sounds. Can the bass be a full solo instrument, as powerful and expressive as a piano or a guitar? Well, after listening to this CD, I believe it can. I was transported by it's beautiful melodies, with Jazz, Blues and Classical (even Renaissance!) influences, and was completely amazed by the different sounds and shades produced by a 6-string bass... The musician told me that he first had to structure the basic shape of most of the pieces in writing - just like a classical composer, as he so deeply is, and then improvised to develop his musical ideas, modify balances, explore new harmonies, all the time seeking to exploit the instrument's full potential. In the end, one thing stands out: this inspiring work by Tiziano Zanotti presents us with a new and very personal way of experiencing and playing the electric bass.' (A.B.) --------------------------- THE ARTIST BIO Bassist, double bassist and composer, after completing his classical studies, Tiziano Zanotti has attended several jazz and rock music master classes, becoming also a skilled guitar, piano and cello player. He has studied with: Marc Johnson, Furio di Castri, Palle Danielsson, Bruno Tommaso, Pat Martino, Ubaldo Fioravanti, Trilok Gurtu, Gianluigi Trovesi, Peter Erskine, John Taylor, Giancarlo Gazzani, to name just a few... He has played in several symphony orchestras like Orchestra Filarmonica Antonio Guarnieri of Adria, Orchestra Filarmonica of Udine, Euterpe and Musike groups, collaborating with chamber music groups such as Diapason and Octandre in Bologna (contemporary music), Gruppo Amadeus in Bologna (baroque music), and the Guarnieri Basses Ensemble (double bass quartet). He has also played with outstanding artists like Claudio Lolli, Nicola Piovani's Oracoeli Orchestra, Andrea Bocelli, Franz Campi, Josef Alessi, Andrea Giuffredi, Parto delle Nuvole Pesanti (among many others), and in several jazz and rock bands. His live experiences include the participation to such festivals as Clusone Jazz Festival 2007, Rock in Rho, Primo Tributo a Frank Zappa 2006, 41° Festival Pontino, Disma Music Show, Autunno Musicale Nonantolano, Organi Antichi, Scandellara Rock Festival, Bologna Sogna, Musica Attuale Brescia, Note d'Autore, Summertime in Jazz, Maggio Musicale Massese, Manà Jazz Festival, Eurocreation: progetto Pépinières, IV Festival Nazionale di Ottoni "G Corsini", Percorsi in Villa, Populart Jazz, Eroticamente, Marghera Estate Village, Circoli e Cortili, Sonica, Festival della Letteratura Poliziesca, L'assassino è il Chitarrista, Tam Tam Suoni e Culture dal Mondo, SummerFest in Dresden... He has been involved in several recording productions as a performer, arranger and artistic producer, while as a leader he has published the CDs "Minimized" (CFM 1998), "Tarabuk" (Velut Luna 2006) and 'Influences' (Echoes 2007), acclaimed by both the public and the specialized press. He is also a well-known music educator. He has taught at Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Fondazione Arturo Toscanini in Parma and Idea in Bologna. In 1996 he founded the 'Centro di Formazione Musicale' in Bologna, where he worked as director and teacher of bass and double bass, publishing a number of manuals and multimedia CDs translated into English and French. His latest instructional manual, "Bassista contemporaneo" (Echoes 2006), is now a sales success. His upcoming projects include a disc for voice, double bass and effects, and the development of the Influences duo (double bass and soprano sax), with the production of a new album with original pieces and the collaboration of other instrumentalists.
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 23.72 EUR excl. shipping
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    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 16.44 EUR excl. shipping

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