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Takamatsu53 Results for : takemitsu
Entre Senderos
'Entre Senderos', Hector Murrieta's excellent follow up album to his 2007 debut 'De Oriente a Occidente: Musica del Siglo XX'. This new CD includes some of the greatest works ever written for classical guitar: Manuel de Falla (1876-1946) - Homenaje a Debussy Written in 1920 in memory of the composer's friend, C. Debussy. Frank Martin (1890-1974) - Quatre Pieces Breves I.- Prelude II.- Air III.- Plainte IV.- Gigue Written in 1933, the music mixes twelve tone techniques without completely abandoning tonality. Ernst Krenek (1900-1991) - Suite for Guitar Op. 164 I.- Allegro Moderato II.- Andante III.- Larghetto IV.- Allegretto V.- Allegro His only work for guitar, written in 1957, a time when the composer started to experiment with serialism. Francis Poulenc (1899-1963) - Sarabande Written in 1960 in a modal style, 3 years before the composer's death. Toru Takemitsu (1930-1996) - In the Woods I.- Wainscot Pond II.- Rosedale III.- Muir Woods Written in 1995, this work turned out to be the last one he wrote for guitar before losing his battle against cancer, . William Walton (1902-1983) -5 Bagatelles I.- Allegro II.- Lento III.- Alla Cubana IV.- Untitled V.- Con Slancio Written for Julian Bream and dedicated to the composer's close friend Malcom Arnold, the 5 Bagatelles show the composers imagination and orchestral thinking within the limits of the guitar. Plenty of jazz harmonies and "world" rhythms abound in this rather magnificent work, showing us the ample harmonic/rhythmic palette Walton had at his disposal. ------------------------------------------------------------ Héctor Alejandro Murrieta Flores nacio en la Ciudad de México y comenzo sus estudios de guitarra clásica en la escuela 'Ollin Yolitztil' con el maestro Antonio López, continuando en la Escuela Nacional de Música, U.N.A.M., bajo la dirección del maestro Juan Carlos Laguna, llevando al mismo tiempo materias complementarias como Armonía con D. Domínguez, H. Guerrero y G. Noriega, Conjuntos Instrumentales con las clavecinistas Eunice Padilla, Luisa Duron, Conjuntos Corales con J. Ávila y clases particulares de guitarra con Carlos Bernal. Actualmente asiste a clases con Gonzalo Salazar (México). Ha participado en festivales nacionales e internacionales, en donde tomo clases magistrales con: Sante Tursi (Italia) Ignacio Rodes (España) Robert Guthrie (USA) Costas Cotsiolis (Grecia) David Leisner (USA) Manuel Barrueco (Cuba/USA) David Tanenbaum (USA) Thomas Kirchoff (Alemania) Dale Kavanagh (Canada) Ulrich Stacke (Alemania) y Pavel Steidl (Replublica Checa) entre otros. Recibio una beca de The California State University, para asistir al Summer Arts Guitar and Lute Institute, en donde tambien tomo clase con: The L.A. Guitar Quartet, Benjamín Verdery, David Tanenbaum, Richard Savino, Pearl and Grey Duo. Se ha presentado en diversas entrevistas y programas de radio (Radio Educación, Radio UNAM), eventos multidisciplinarios como la Primera Semana del Libro de Poesía.. (con la participación del poeta Jaime Sabines), el ciclo 'La Música vive en la Universidad', etcetc. El compositor venezolano Alfonso Montes comento con respecto a una grabación enviada a el de su obra 'Milonga al sur' : 'Vuestra interpretación de mi pieza me conmovió mucho, sobre todo porque traspasa el efecto con que interpreta esta. Lo que usted hace habla de la no pasividad ante la partitura'. Su versatilidad también le ha permitido incursionar en diversas actividades de la música popular, acompañando a diferentes cantantes solistas, u obteniendo premios en eventos como '1er Concurso Universitario de Rock' con los hermanos Barrera (del grupo de jazz B4) y J. Acosta (creador del grupo de rock 'Tuna' y productor de diversos proyectos). Su primer CD, 'De Oriente a Occidente: Musica del Siglo XX', con musica de C. Chavez, L. Brouwer, T. Takemitsu y H. Villalobos se encuentra disponible en la republica mexicana a traves de librerias Educal y a nivel internacional a traves de la compañia CD Baby. Recientemente participo en el 'Primer Acoplado Interactivo de Arte Mexicano', CD publicado por el directorio de arte en Mexico mas grande en red, Vector Mariachi. En este se encuentran grabaciones de diferentes musicos y el trabajo de artistas plasticos mexicanos, Tambien con musica del CD 'De Oriente a Occidente: Musica del Siglo XX' para el documental 'In the Absence of Men', producido por Reel Futures International, organizacion no lucrativa con base en U.S.A., dedicada a proponer soluciones creativas a problemas globales.- Shop: odax
- Price: 17.95 EUR excl. shipping
De la Noche
ERNESTO GARCIA DE LEON (1952- ) Ernesto Garcia De Leon can be considered as one of the most innovative, creative and imaginative composers alive today. His influences which range from The Beatles to Mahler, nature sounds to Mexican folk songs have shaped his harmonic language to bring to live a language as unique and distinct as those of Debussy and Scriabin. He has unique ability to bring to live music that can be described as otherworldly and totally inspired (not formulaic ), this music on repeated listening easily becomes intoxicating. The Preludes and nocturnes recorded on this CD represent some of Ernesto's most exquisite and inspired writing for the Solo guitar. These pieces draw the listener and the performer into the private secrete and sacred sound world of the composer. Here all is sound, the Gods of music speak the secretes of life and creation to us in gentle sound that seem to ascend and descend in varying degrees of tone colors, until we become a part of that sound itself....sometimes this brings to mind the Scientific discovery of the theory of everything .... "The String Theory" where everything in the universe is sound waves. To enjoy these pieces it is best to suspend all preconceptions of sound and Music and allow the music to speak to you in it's sublime and effulgent language of beauty, joy and timelessness. To enjoy these pieces it is best to suspend all preconceptions of sound and Music and allow the music to speak to you in it's sublime and effulgent language of beauty, joy and timelessness. De La Noche (Nocturnal) -Fantasy No.2, Opus 20 is an extended concert work in four seasons depicting a tropical night. It is an evocation of warm and sonorous nocturnal noises and sensations, luminous nostalgic moonlight, and a brilliant, improvised costal dance. Dos Piezas (Two Pieces), Opus 24 are a prelude and son in a happy and nostalgic mood. It was written in 1987 for the composer's recital in the "Fifteenth International Cervantino Festival" in Guanajuanto, Mexico, where he premiered it. Preludio y Toccata, Opus 25 features two movements- the first poetic and lyrical, the second dramatic and rhythmic. It was commissioned by it's dedicatee, the superb Mexican guitarist Roberto Limon, who had it published in the English magazine "Guitar International." Veinticuatro Preludios (Twenty-four Preludes), Opus 37: Por una Calle de Camaguey (19). In a dream, I was walking down an unknown and unidentified street with someone. I saw it was my Cuban friend Martin Pedreira-composer and guitarist. Therefore, I deduced I was in Cuba, in the city of Camaguey. That day, when I awoke, I composed this piece. Martin is one of my favorite composers. I believe he and I have many things in common. The characteristic features of this piece have a lot to do with the music of Cuba and the Caribbean in general and Martin's music in particular. Observando Sombras (2.Watching Shadows) was composed when I was thinking about an old practice of the ancient Mexican shamans or sorcerers that has lasted until our times- the practice of observing the shadows all around things. This results in an altered state of perception that allows one to see reality in a different way. It is dedicated to my dear friend Alexander Mendez, a fine and open-minded guitarist. Son para Desarmar (8. Dance to Take Apart) has elements and passages of the "Son" in the Prelude and Son No.2, Opus 30 for two guitars that I composed for Roberto Limon and Jaime Marquez, and which is a "son" which can be played as is or by interchanging it's sections as if you were taking it apart. It has a free part in which improvisation is invited. Grupos de Maranones (21. Groups of Cashew Trees) contains themes from the Tropical Suite, Opus 17, especially from the second movement "Maranon." In the jungle, trees growing in groups of the same family unify and beautify their surroundings. This piece is dedicated to the Veracruz guitarist Enrique Salmeron. Observando Distancias (16. Watching Distances) is another development of "2. Watching Clouds." This piece is dedicated to my friend Elben Macari, one of my favorite composers. His music does something special to me. It seems to have a unique freshness and spontaneity. Perhaps it could be catalogued as "New Age" or "Techno-Etno." Un Regalo de Poder (7. A Gift of Power) is dedicated to the Polish guitarist Miroslaw Franczak. This prelude is not about power, not that of western civilization, but instead that of the ancient aboriginal people of our lands, which they conceived of as an entity in the environment capable of manifesting in our favor, giving gifts. Miroslaw lived in Mexico for two years and experienced many good things. I told him he had been given a "gift of power." Preludio para Adriana, Opus 26 This sweet page of music written in 1988 was inspired by and written for Adrianna del Angel who performed a piece by Garcia de Leon in a recital of the students of Alfredo Rovelo. The day after the recital, the composer presented the Prelude to it's dedicatee and later that year he premiered Opus 26 as an encore to a recital he played in the Manuel Maria Ponce Hall in the Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City. MANUEL MARIA PONCE (1882 -1948) Manuel Ponce is one of the major influences in the world of 20th century guitar music. His collaboration with the great Spanish guitar virtuoso Andres Segovia who helped extend the guitar repertoire a great deal, his output included works for solo guitar, duos with harpsichord and even a guitar concerto. We owe much of these works to the prompting by Andres Segovia who himself revolutionalized the Art of playing guitar by moving away from the dry metronomic repetition of written notes into a world of limitless possibilities where technical prowess surrenders to the imagination to create poetry, intimacy and freshness. Sonata III must have been completed about mid 1927, the Segovia edition on which this recording is based was first published by B. Schott in 1928. The first movement has a rather neo-romantic character that is reminiscent of Chopin's op35 sonata for piano. The second movement is a song, very simple and modal, similar to the theme of the Sonata for Harpsichord and Guitar by Ponce. The third movement is caste in the style of the French Harpsichordist where the main theme is repeated after every episode, though French in form the theme used is Spanish in character. In a letter to Ponce Segovia wrote about this Sonata .... ".....All the Sonata is quite beautiful and it is an important work for the Guitar, the Artist and the Musician. I thank you wholeheartedly..." ---Andres Segovia TORU TAKEMITSU (1930- 1996) Maestro Takemitsu, a Tokyo Born self taught musician had this to say about music. " Music is either Sound or Silence. As long as I live I shall choose sound As something to confront a silence. That sound should be a single Strong sound" --Toru Takemitsu (1962) This concept of music is obvious in his compositional output. Very careful and imaginative treatment of sound, silence, color and space. In his music you can almost always perceive a certain spaciousness that flows gently like water. Takemitsu's innate understanding of the guitar is evidence from his many compositions for the instrument and his association and friendship with Leo Brouwer(a living legend of the Guitar). Takemitsu is also known for his ability to properly blend Eastern and Western harmonies to create a new exciting composition. The music on this CD is one such example where Takemitsu transcribed various popular western songs (12 of them)for the Classical guitar. The result is mesmerizing. Secrete Love was original composed by Sammy Fain. This transcription employed the use of harmonics pitted against natural notes on the guitar and special fingering positions for exact timbral effects to create a wonderful sense of nostalgia, simply beautiful. CARLO PEZZIMENTI: Since beginning his study of classical guitar in Florence, Italy at the age of- Shop: odax
- Price: 19.82 EUR excl. shipping
Lyrics - 7 contemporary works for violin and guitar played by two outstanding musicians - that means pure musical poetry: intimate, touching, sensual, intense. Nuccio d'Angelo: Introduzione e Aria - rather traditional, with much beauty in melody and harmony, this is a real treat for the ear. Horst Lohse: Lyrics - short pieces, punctual style, restrained and intense. Thomas Wilson: 3 Pieces - a real classical among the modern pieces: highly concentrated and clear, - guitar solo. René Hirschfeld: Solitude - an very emotional piece for violin solo, lyrical at the beginning, but ending up quite virtuoso, using scordatura technique. Rainer Rubbert: Pilippe's Gone - most poetic music, rather dark, utterly intense. The violin has to be tuned in extreme scordatura. Toru Takemitsu: Equinox - another classic: beautyfull flow of guitar sound, soft and bright, music for dreaming, - guitar solo. C. René Hirschfeld: Nachtstück - a real "Nocturne". changing characters appear out of a magic atmosphere and sink back again. René Hirschfeld and Sebastian Albert have been friends and musical partners for quite a while. I'm 2000 C. René Hirschfelds piece "Nachtstück" for two guitars was awarded in the competition for guitar compositions at the Göttinger Gitarrenfestival. Sebastian Albert then was one of the two musicians who played the work at the final concert of the festival. Since then, Sebastian played the Nachtstück as well as René's work Herbststück for guitar solo in numerous concerts. In 2008 the two musicians launched their first fellow concert program "Sonatas & Meditations" (wich will come out on CD at Ragaprong as well in 2011), in 2009 thei Lyrics came out as concert program. For the future there are planned several new projects as well.- Shop: odax
- Price: 25.39 EUR excl. shipping
At the age of 15, Swiss pianist Romain Nosbaum debuted for the first time with Beethoven's third piano concerto. Since then he has been one of the most sought-after pianists in the French-speaking area and has recorded CDs of various repertoires. His new release Encores includes works by Poulenc, Glass, Debussy, Takemitsu and others.- Shop: odax
- Price: 21.02 EUR excl. shipping
Reflections-Werke für Piano solo
Die junge Pianistin Yukyeong Ji hat bereits eine eindrucksvolle Karriere vorzuweisen. Bei all den Preisgewinnen und Lobeshymnen der Kritik verliert sie jedoch nicht den Boden unter den Füßen. Das beweist auch ihre GENUIN-Debüt-CD mit äußerst rarem Repertoire von Uzong Choe, Toru Takemitsu, Bertold Hummel, Maurice Ravel und Olivier Messiaen.- Shop: odax
- Price: 14.30 EUR excl. shipping