66 Results for : virl
Subattraction Attract Wealth: Using Hypnosis & The Law Of Attraction , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 35min
Many people have read books such as The Secret or the classic Think And Grow Rich and set about trying the Law Of Attraction for themselves. The Law Of Attraction states whatever you give your attention to is what you attract into your life. Readers are advised to think more about what they want in life in order to bring those things closer using an automatic law of the universe. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of people trying the system will fail to achieve the life of abundance they dream of. As a built in protection system against the fallibility of the human ego the Law Of Attraction only works at a subconscious level... essentially you get what you believe you deserve and not what you think you deserve! All problems & issues of scarcity in your life are simply the result of bad programming or erroneous beliefs in your subconscious. You can never be wealthy until you erase the internal programming that is preventing you from achieving your goal: Attract unlimited streams of income Change to a wealth based mentality Subconscious reprogramming audio tracks A short, relaxing audio track cleans your subconscious Written & produced to attract wealth. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000009/bk_virl_000009_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Hypnotic Salesman: Subliminal Sales Techniques, Hörbuch, Digital, 33min
The Hypnotic Salesman is the culmination of over a decade of research into why some people seem to be able to sell anything to anyone and in doing so attract into their lives absolutely anything they desire. On this short audio course you will learn truly amazing persuasion skills and techniques to get what you want, everyday and with anyone. You'll learn about the power of emotional trigger words, and how you can make people feel not just listen. In this introduction to subliminal sales training you will learn that you cannot just get anything and everything you want, but using these techniques in advanced subliminal communication you can have other people go get them for you! You will find that when you use the energy of other people to achieve your goals, things really start to happen. Included: How to trigger an emotion How to ensure you are NOT interrupted The power of the sub-conscious mind How create instant trust How to become super confident as a speaker Understanding basic body language How to get people ready to say yes How to sell more than you ever have before How to use the secrets of a master hypnotist! Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000005/bk_virl_000005_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Hypnotic Salesman II: The World’s Most Powerful Sales Persuasion Techniques, Hörbuch, Digital, 170min
Over a decade ago came the Hypnotic Salesman: seven key principles of subliminal communication that teach anyone to sell directly to the subconscious, bypassing the part of the mind responsible for judging and evaluating. Originally designed to give the sales executives of a major national commercial radio group the edge over their competitors, twelve years later the Hypnotic Salesman II drills down on the seven most powerful sales persuasion techniques in the world today. The secrets in this book will explode your closure rates, smash your targets and give you valuable insight into human motivation and persuasion. Craig Beck will explain each principle in detail and then show you how if you follow it directly with another you will create an unbreakable chain of events. Willpower and even a stubborn personality are no defence against these amazing but easy-to-learn techniques. What you will discover in this book will potentially change and improve your interaction with everyone in your life. Not just with sales prospects but with your friends, family, and partners too. People have used these techniques to blast their targets, improve their careers, understand their children better, and even find and attract the man or woman of their dreams. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000034/bk_virl_000034_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
New Emotional Intelligence: Body Language & Lie Detection , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 100min
Everybody lies. (Gregory House) It’s true…while nobody likes to be called a liar; the reality is we all lie! We are taught to lie by the very people who end up being most offended by the practice. Our parents tell us to 'wipe that expression off our face', when we turn our nose up at food we don’t like - they would apparently prefer us to pretend we do like it rather than admit the truth. Occasionally we are told to use a different tone of voice - a nice one - that doesn’t reflect how we really feel. This is how we begin to learn that sometimes a lie can benefit us in the short term. As such the ability to lie becomes an important part of our communication toolbox. What we are not taught is how to detect a lie - possibly the most powerful skill you can have. As part of the New Emotional Intelligence series, in this book human behaviour and communication expert Craig Beck reveals the lie detection secrets of the F.B.I. and behavioural analysis unit (B.A.U). Using these little known skills you, too, can become a master of reading the truth behind another person's story. The knowledge in this book will have practical applications in all areas of your life: Interviewing prospective employees Price negotiation Dating & relationships Effective parenting Career negotiations And much more… ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000065/bk_virl_000065_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The God Enigma: Answers to the BIG Questions , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 157min
Between 1998 and 2008, a million people stopped going to church on a Sunday. More recently, the much publicized abuse scandals within the Roman Catholic Church have forced even the most devout follows to ask some serious questions of their own faith. In the 21st century, increasing numbers of people are becoming less and less willing to blindly accept the word of traditional religion as an unquestionable truth. Despite the dramatic increase in shared agnosticism the appetite for answers to the long-standing questions of mankind remains as strong as ever. Questions such as: If God exists, how can he stand back and allow people to suffer so? Why doesn’t God intervene in natural disasters? If God loves us, why is he so ready to punish us for our mistakes Why doesn’t God answer our prayers? What happens when we die? How do I get the life I dream about? After two decades of searching for the answers to these and many more of man’s deepest questions, Craig Beck discovered something amazing and life changing. It took a complete loss of faith and disillusionment with religion to force a dramatic change in his path that revealed not only the answers to those burning questions but also the secrets to life as we dream it to be - full of abundance, happiness and love. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000004/bk_virl_000004_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Enough Is Enough: Lose Weight for the Final Time, Hörbuch, Digital, 143min
Enough Is Enough is an amazingly frank story of how master hypnotherapist and personal-development expert Craig Beck discovered you can harness the ‘pain’ of how you feel about your body in the present moment to change your future relationship with food. Using this unique system, he lost over 40 pounds and changed his life forever. The reason every diet you have ever tried has failed in the long run is simply because you hated every single minute of doing it. Your brain is the most powerful super computer in the world. And you tried to use will power to beat its primary command, which is ‘above everything else, keep me alive’. When you cut the food supply, your body doesn’t know what you are doing. It sees your reduction in calorie consumption as a sign something is wrong, it assumes there is a severe lack of food. This apparent famine is seen as an emergency that threatens your primary driving desire - to stay alive! Your mind and body goes into survival mode, and they will give you varying amounts of pain to get you to stop doing what you’re doing. Enough Is Enough promises: You will never be hungry on this weight loss system.Lycra free! NO running or aerobics. You will be amazed at how easy it is to lose weight. You will enjoy the entire process, no pain or mood swings. Within three months, you can lose over 10% of your body weight! Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000003/bk_virl_000003_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Alkohol Hat Mich Belogen: Der intelligente Ausstieg aus der Alkoholabhängigkeit , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 245min
Craig Beck ist ein angesehener Familienmensch mit zwei Kindern, einem wunderschönen Zuhause und einer erfolgreichen Medienkarriere; er ist Geschäftsführer in zahlreichen Gesellschaften und leitete in der Vergangenheit zudem eine große Wohlfahrtsorganisation für Kinder. Craig war trotz seiner Angewohnheit, zwei Flaschen Wein jeden Abend zu trinken, ein erfolgreicher und funktionierender Geschäftsmann. 20 lange Jahre kämpfte er mit dem Problemtrinken und lehnte es stets ab, sich als Alkoholiker zu bezeichnen, da er fest davon überzeugt war, dem klischeehaften Bild nicht zu entsprechen, welches diese Bezeichnung suggeriert. Er unternahm unzählige Versuche, seinen Alkoholkonsum einzuschränken; er probierte „trockene Monate“, verbat sich harte Getränke, nahm sich vor, nur an Wochenenden oder zu speziellen Anlässen zu trinken (und fand es dabei erstaunlich, wie der belangloseste Anlass plötzlich speziell werden kann). All diese auf Willenskraft aufgebauten Versuche, mit dem Trinken aufzuhören, schlugen fehl (genauso, wie es zu erwarten war). Allmählich kam er der Wahrheit hinter der Alkoholabhängigkeit auf die Spur und langsam brach eine Lüge nach der anderen in sich zusammen, an welche er so lange geglaubt hatte. Zum allerersten Mal hatte er das aufrichtige und echte Bedürfnis, nicht mehr zu trinken. In diesem Buch wird Sie Craig Beck durch genau diesen bemerkenswerten Prozess führen. Die Craig Beck Methode ist einzigartig... Es gibt keine Notwendigkeit, sich als Alkoholiker zu bezeichnen. Dauerhafte Heilung anstelle eines lebenslangen Kampfes. Keine Gruppensitzungen oder teure Entzugskliniken. Keine Demütigungen, kein Schmerz und es ist hundertprozentig keine Willenskraft erforderlich. Es wird die Ursache des Problems behandelt und nicht dessen Symptome. Please note: this audiobook is in German ungekürzt. deutsch. Robert Boukal. https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000041/bk_virl_000041_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Astral Projection: Hypnosis Induced Astral Travel Techniques , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 95min
Astral projection occurs when you consciously separate your soul or astral body from your physical body. Your consciousness goes with the astral body. The difference between this and an out-of body experience is that astral projection leaves the body with a conscious intent and can last as long as you want it to. When you astral travel, your body is left behind in the physical world, functioning as normally as it would otherwise. A silver cord (which attaches your physical body to the astral body) keeps you connected. At the point of death, the silver cord is severed, you die and your soul continues to its next destination. Astral projection is not the same as dreaming. Everything appears to be in real life and real time - that is, you are in your room or wherever you lay down to do it. Any beings you encounter are also real and simply living on the astral plane, as opposed to the earthly prime material plane, as it’s called. There are so many things to do or experience while astral projecting, including: Accelerated spiritual growth Finding peace of mind, knowing there is more to life than most assume Improved psychic powers and awareness Super-effective problem solving Encountering lucid dream architecture, ie, experiencing dreams as you never have before Travelling and exploring the universe In Astral Projection, featuring hypnosis-induced astral travel techniques, number-one best-selling spiritual author Craig Beck reveals the secrets behind achieving possibly the most profound events of your life. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000024/bk_virl_000024_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Subattraction Find Your Soulmate: Using Hypnosis & The Law of Attraction, Hörbuch, Digital, 46min
Many people have read books such as The Secret or the classic Think and Grow Rich and set about trying the Law of Attraction for themselves. The Law of Attraction states that whatever you give your attention to is what you attract into your life. Readers are advised to think more about what they want in life in order to bring those things closer using an automatic law of the universe. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of people trying the system will fail to achieve the life of abundance they dream of. As a built-in protection system (against the fallibility of the human ego), the Law pf Attraction only works at a subconscious level... essentially, you get what you believe you deserve and not what you think you deserve! All problems and issues of scarcity in your life are simply the result of bad programming or erroneous beliefs in your subconscious. You can never find the relationship of your dreams until you erase the internal programming that is preventing you from achieving your goal. Using powerful speed hypnosis, Craig Beck subliminally reprograms your subconscious beliefs around your egoic propensity to attract the wrong people by combining this unique technique with the ancient Hawaiian healing method of Hooponopono, which allows you to experience amazing results in an incredibly short period of time. Quickly and easily attract the perfect person for you Remove the need to use ineffective will-power Allow your soulmate to find you Reprogram your subconscious 'Clean' your subconscious via a short, relaxing audio track Automatically deliver a perfect relationship for you Language: English. Narrator: uncredited. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000017/bk_virl_000017_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Subattraction Weight Loss: Using Hypnosis & The Law of Attraction, Hörbuch, Digital, 39min
Subattraction Weight Loss: Many people have read books such as The Secret or the classic Think And Grow Rich and set about trying the Law of Attraction for themselves. The Law of Attraction states whatever you give your attention to, is what you attract into your life. Listeners are advised to think more about what they want in life in order to bring those things closer using an automatic law of the universe. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of people trying the system will fail to achieve the life of abundance they dream of. As a built in protection system (against the fallibility of the human ego) the Law Of Attraction only works at a subconscious level... essentially you get what you believe you deserve and not what you think you deserve! All problems and issues of scarcity in your life are simply the result of bad programming or erroneous beliefs in your subconscious. You can never have the perfect body until you erase the internal programming that is preventing you from achieving your goal. Using powerful speed hypnosis Craig Beck subliminally reprograms your subconscious beliefs around food, weight and health. Combing this unique technique with the ancient Hawaiian healing method of Honoponopono allows you to experience amazing results in an incredibly short period of time. Makes losing weight ‘pain free’, removes the need to use ineffective will-power, change to a healthy eating based mentality , subconscious reprogramming audio tracks. A short, relaxing audio track cleans your subconscious. Written & produced to automatically deliver the body you desire. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000012/bk_virl_000012_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping