73 Results for : 000331

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    Chutzpah, says Alan M. Dershowitz, is "boldness, assertiveness, a willingness to demand what is due, to defy tradition, to challenge authority, to raise eyebrows." Assessing his experiences, he brings to bear all the chutzpah for which he is famous in examining such issues as anti-Semitism, assimilation, the Holocaust, Zionism. The changes in Eastern Europe, and the turmoil in the Middle East, as well as what the future will bring-and needs to bring. But Chutzpah is also a personal story, about growing up as an Orthodox Jew in Brooklyn. It's about Yale Law School, to be "the first Jewish Jew at Harvard," and to represent such clients as Claus von Bülow, Leona Helmsley, Jim Bakker, and Natan Sharansky. In Chutzpah, Dershowitz brings together a lifetime of thought and action to provide a fascinating and provocative reflection on his generation of Jews in America. Bold and incisive, his conclusions are sure to surprise and unsettle you. Language: English. Narrator: Alan Dershowitz. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/pnix/000331/bk_pnix_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    In der Milchstraße schreibt man das Jahr 1469 Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung (NGZ) - das entspricht dem Jahr 5056 christlicher Zeitrechnung. Der furchtbare, aber kurze Krieg gegen die Frequenz-Monarchie liegt inzwischen sechs Jahre zurück. Die Hoffnung auf eine lange Zeit des Friedens bleibt leider unerfüllt. Die geheimnisvolle Macht QIN SHI schlägt zu, und es geschieht zweierlei: Perry Rhodan verschlägt es mitsamt der BASIS in die unbekannte Doppelgalaxis Chanda, und auch das gesamte Solsystem wird an einen fremden Ort entführt. Alaska Saedelaere wiederum befindet sich auf der Suche nach der Kosmokratenbeauftragten Samburi Yura, wozu sich ihm deren Raumschiff LEUCHTKRAFT unterstellt hat. Sie, QIN SHI, das Botnetz und das Reich der Harmonie hängen irgendwie zusammen. Als Saedelaere das Reich der Harmonie erreicht, kann er zwar dessen Herzogin retten und Sholoubwa, den Konstruktreur, finden, doch macht er sich zugleich verdächtig und muss fliehen, ehe er weitere Hinweise bekommen kann. Nun folgt DIE ENTSCHEIDUNG DES ANDROIDEN... In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material. deutsch. Andreas Laurenz Maier. https://samples.audible.de/bk/eins/000331/bk_eins_000331_sample.mp3.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Combining personal power, position power, and humility becomes the greatest force on earth. You can move mountains. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt did it, and you can too. The true measure of leadership is your ability to influence others to take new actions, think new thoughts and build a shared sense of purpose. Learn from Bill Pollard, CEO of The Service Master Co., how humility is the trademark of a servant leader. Fill your leadership toolbox with immediately usable ideas and actions from globally acknowledged leadership and change expert Dr. Sheila Murray Bethel, author of A New Breed Of Leader. Some of the topics covered: Myth or reality…the truth about individual position power How to use unofficial position power to support, not undermine, your organization The importance of sharing and giving up power How to be that rare leader, one who purposely builds successors Why the future of collaborative power will be key to your leadership legacy Language: English. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/sp/made/000331/sp_made_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ein wunderschöner Liebesbrief von Gott! Es gibt jede Menge spannender Geschichten in der Bibel, aber eigentlich erzählen sie alle zusammen eine ganz große Geschichte. Sie handelt von Gottes wunderbarem Rettungsplan für seine Kinder. Und dieser Plan dreht sich von vorne bis hinten um Jesus. Jede einzelne Geschichte flüstert seinen Namen... Diese Folge beinhaltet die Geschichten: Flucht aus Ägypten, Mose und das Rote Meer, Die Zehn Gebote, Jericho, Davids Salbung, David und Goliath, Davids Geschichte, Naamans Geschichte, Prophezeiungen: Der Retter kommt!, Daniel in der Löwengrube, Jona. Sie werden von Philipp Schepmann gelesen, der dafür in die Rollen der einzelnen Charaktere schlüpft. Die Erzählung wird atmosphärisch mit Geräuschen und Musik begleitet. Inhalt: 1. Retter in der Not, 2. Gott macht den Weg frei, 3. Die allerwichtigsten Regeln, 4. Der große Lärm, 5. Ein junger König, 6. Der Junge und der Riese, 7. Der gute Hirte, 8. Das Sklavenmädchen und der General, 9. Keine Tränen mehr!, 10. Daniel und die wilden Löwen, 11. Gottes widerspenstiger Bote, 12. Macht euch bereit! deutsch. Philipp Schepmann. https://samples.audible.de/bk/gert/000331/bk_gert_000331_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Be Super Creative: Set Your Creativity on Fire with Subliminal Messages. Seven powerful recordings, each 10 minutes long, containing thousands of embedded subliminal messages designed to help you reach your goal. This recording contains the following subliminal affirmations: I have a powerful imagination Being creative comes naturally to me My mind sizzles with ideas I feel the creative juices coursing through my veins I always look for creative solutions and alternatives I am a wealth of inspiration Every day my creativity increases I am a creative problem solver Ideas come to me easily and naturally I'm always positive and receptive People admire my creative spark I'm a gifted and creative person To use this recording, simply hit "play" and listen. You can also listen on repeat in the background if you desire. For full listening instructions, visit: www.subliminalguru.com/listen To learn more about this audio, look it up in our catalog at subliminalguru.com/catalog To learn how subliminal messages are embedded into this audio, visit www.subliminalguru.com/subliminalanatomy.pdf Language: English. Narrator: Subliminal Guru. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/ispr/000331/bk_ispr_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Book two in the new crime series featuring forensic psychologist Paula McGuire working in the missing persons unit in Northern Ireland: A nail biting story that will keep you up all night. A stolen baby. A murdered woman. A decades-old atrocity. Something connects them all... A month before Christmas, and Ballyterrin on the Irish border lies under a thick pall of snow. When a newborn baby goes missing from hospital, it's all too close to home for forensic psychologist Paula Maguire, who's wrestling with the hardest decision of her life. Then a woman is found in a stone circle with her stomach cut open and it's clear a brutal killer is on the loose. As another child is taken and a pregnant woman goes missing, Paula is caught up in the hunt for a killer no one can trace, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. The Dead Ground will leave you gasping for breath as Paula discovers every decision she makes really is a matter of life and death... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Joanne King. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/head/000331/bk_head_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The mind is the most powerful weapon of all. Imogen Peters knows she's a pawn. She's been abducted from Earth, held prisoner, and abducted again. So when she gets a chance at freedom, she takes it with both hands, not realizing that doing so will turn her from pawn to kingmaker. Captain Camlar Kalor expected to meet an Earth woman on his current mission, he just thought he'd be meeting her on Larga Ways, under the protection of his Battle Center colleague. Instead, he and Imogen are thrown together as prisoners in the hold of a Class 5 battleship. When he works out she's not the woman who sparked his mission, but another abductee, Cam realizes his investigation just got a lot more complicated, and the nations of the United Council just took a step closer to war. Imogen's out of her depth in this crazy mind game playing out all around her, and she begins to understand her actions will have a massive impact on all the players. But she's good at mind games. She's been playing them since she was abducted. Guess they should have left her minding her own business back on Earth. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Christina Delaine. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/podm/000331/bk_podm_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Sie ist hier aufgewachsen, man hat ihr übel mitgespielt, und nun ist sie gekommen, um alte Schulden einzufordern oder zu begleichen. Das tut sie auf die ihre eigene charmante Art, auch unerbittlich und am Ende aufschlussreich für viele. Dabei macht es einen großen Unterschied, ob Therese Giehse wie 1956 auf der Bühne steht oder Christiane Hörbiger vor laufender Kamera. Wenn ein dreiteiliges Bühnenstück auf Zelluloid gebannt wird, bleibt immer etwas auf der Strecke, anderes gesellt sich illustrierend hinzu. Es bekommt dem trocken-hintergründigen Humor des Schweizers ganz gut, ein wenig ausgeschmückt zu werden in zeitgemäßer Adaptierung. Ob Versuche dieser Art notwendigerweise zur Verflachung führen müssen, bleibt strittig, wird doch bei Dürrenmatt nicht immer alles deutlich wie etwa auch in seinem Durcheinandertal. Die alte Dame tritt mit der inzwischen erworbenen Grandezza auf, die ihr als jungem Mädchen von den Dorfbewohnern rundheraus abgesprochen wurde. Sie haben es indes nicht sehr weit gebracht, das Wirtschaften in der Gemeinde steht kurz vor seinem bitteren Ende, sodass man trotz allem, was war, inständig auf Erlösung hofft. Die wird freilich nur gegen einen hohen Preis gewährt, der sie ihren Stolz und manches Zugeständnis kostet. Die allzu gern vom Tisch gewischte Vergangenheit wird noch einmal brühwarm serviert. deutsch. Yannick Esters. https://samples.audible.de/bk/kope/000331/bk_kope_000331_sample.mp3.
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    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The "Yarn Harlot" takes time away from her knitting to offer observations, meditations, reflections, and rants to soothe and delight the knitter's unraveled soul. Like golfing, fishing, and gardening, knitting is an obsession. It's an activity fraught with guilt, frustration, over-optimism, sly deception, and compulsion, along with passionate moments of creative enlightenment - not to mention heaps of yarn you really think you'll knit someday. Stephanie Pearl-McPhee totally understands. In this hilarious collection of tangled reflections, she offers ample reassurance for anyone who has ever wondered, "Am I alone in my mania?" Casting off with some of her favorite quotations, she muses on why it's impossible to knit too much, how many calories knitting burns (about 90 an hour, not counting the extra for retrieving your ball of yarn from under the couch), and when it's alright to stalk a man in the grocery store (not because he's good-looking, but because he's wearing an Aran sweater you want to know how to knit). The first step toward recovery is getting help - and having a good laugh at your compulsion. At Knit's End is a wicked and wickedly funny fix for any knitter. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/high/000331/bk_high_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Anne Rice continues her astonishing Vampire Chronicles with the story of Lestat's passionate quest for redemption, goodness and the love of Rowan Mayfair. Here are all the brilliantly conceived principal characters that make up Anne Rice's world of vampires and witches: Mona Mayfair, who's come to Blackwood Farm to die and is, instead, brought into the realm of the undead; Rowan Mayfair, brilliant neurosurgeon and witch, who finds herself dangerously drawn to Lestat; her husband, Michael Curry, hero of the Mayfair Chronicles, who seeks Lestat's help with the temporary madness of his wife; Patsy, country-western singer, who returns to avenge her death at the hands of her son, Quinn Blackwood. And here is the spirit of Julien Mayfair, guardian of the family, determined to torment Lestat eternally for what he has done to Mona...the riddle of the five-thousand-year-old Taltos involving Mona's child...and, at the book's center, the Vampire Lestat, once the epitome of evil and now, following the transformation set in motion in Memnoch the Devil, struggling with his vampirism and yearning for goodness, purity, and love as he contends with ghosts, legends, secrets, and the mystery of Taltos, and as he wrestles with the face of his beloved Rowan Mayfair. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Pittu. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/rand/000331/bk_rand_000331_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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