56 Results for : clapp

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    Healthcare costs are always a source of worry.Learn what resources are available to you for covering your care and how to plan for the unexpected.Insurance companies have failed you. Congress has failed you. Hospitals and doctors and pharmaceutical companies have all failed you.Why? Because we all spend too much on healthcare.Healthcare costs in the form of premiums, hospital bills, and drug co-pays have all gone up dramatically over the past 10 years and will continue to do so. We are all one illness away from bankruptcy. So, what can you - as a financially conscious healthcare consumer - do to protect yourself?This book will help you understand the resources available to help you pay for care. It will also look at options for minimizing costs and advocating for yourself in the event that billing errors are made. Being an educated, proactive customer of the healthcare market will ease some of the stress and worry of seeking care and enable you to concentrate on your health.It's time for you to take control of your healthcare costs. Don't wait, order NOW and start saving. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sam Clapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/210822/bk_acx0_210822_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This newly launched report argues that development policies based on new insights into how people actually think and make decisions will help governments and civil society more readily tackle such challenges as increasing productivity, breaking the cycle of poverty from one generation to the next, and acting on climate change. Drawing from a wealth of research that suggests ways of diagnosing and solving the psychological and social constraints to development, the World Development Report identifies new policy tools that complement standard economic instruments. To inspire a fresh look at how development work is done, the report outlines three principles of human decision making: thinking automatically, thinking socially, and thinking with mental models. Much of human thinking is automatic and depends on whatever comes to mind most effortlessly. People are deeply social and are influenced by social networks and norms. Finally, most people do not invent new concepts; rather they use mental models drawn from their societies and shared histories to interpret their experiences. Because the factors affecting decisions are local and contextual, it is hard to predict in advance which aspects of program design and implementation will drive the choices people will make. Interventions therefore need to take account of the insights found in this report and be designed through a "learning by doing" approach. This report applies the three principles to multiple areas, including early childhood development, productivity, household finance, health and health care, climate change, and more. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Derek Perkins, Helen Clapp, Lisa HammGreenawalt, Michael Pearl. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/brok/000028/bk_brok_000028_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    American railroad executives of the 20th century ab 26.49 € als Taschenbuch: James Jerome Hill Henry Huttleston Rogers William Nelson Page William Averell Harriman Harold Winthrop Clapp Henry Morrison Flagler Fairfax Harrison Samuel Insull William Gibbs McAdoo Frank Barbour Alfred Holland Smith. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Ratgeber,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 26.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Caregiving is the most stressful job in the world, but you are not alone. Despite the fact that millions are caregivers, it is still hard to get the emotional support you need. Listen to this audiobook and follow the simple checklists to learn how to: Cope with a diagnosis of dementia and prepare emotionally for the changes that will follow.Avoid caregiver burnout with strategies for maintaining emotional health.Identify risk factors and prevent or treat anxiety, depression, stress, anger, frustration, guilt, and other emotional effects of caregivingEffectively communicate with loved ones who have dementia.Tailor your caregiving strategies to your loved ones emotional needs.If you have been diagnosed with dementia or are providing care to someone with dementia, you are not alone, although you often may feel that way when confronting this terrible illness. Don’t give up hope. Use the checklists in Coping with Dementia to protect yourself from the emotional effects of dealing with dementia and maintain your personal well-being in spite of everything. About the authorsLaura Town is a professional medical writer, but more importantly, is a caregiver to her father who was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's at the age of 62. Laura is former President of the Indiana chapter of the American Medical Writers Association and has been published by Pearson Education, and John Wiley and Sons.Karen Hoffman, PhD, has received fellowships from the PhRMA Foundation and the American Heart Association, respectively. She has published research in the American Journal of Pathology, Journal of Biological Chemistry, and Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sam Clapp. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/171258/bk_acx0_171258_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Einzigartiger Erfahrungsschatz der führenden Experten aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und AgenturenBest-Practice-Beispiele illustrieren den State-of-the-Art in der PraxisGanzheitliche Betrachtung von der Strategie über die Omni-Channel-Ausspielung bis zu Prozessen, Organisationsformen und ROI-MessungIn diesem Buch berichten Deutschlands Content-Marketing-Experten über Ihre Erfahrungen, Lernkurven und Erfolgsfaktoren in diesem sich etablierenden Marketing-Ansatz - leicht verständlich und praxisnah geschrieben und mit aktuellen Fallbeispielen illustriert.Der Kunde ist König galt zwar schon immer, wurde aber in der Vergangenheit im Marketing nur selten gelebt. Unternehmen haben die Kommunikationskanäle genutzt, um zu erzählen was sie alles können und Kunden sollten aussuchen, was ihnen gefällt. Das funktioniert im Zeitalter der Informationsüberflutung nicht mehr. Es braucht Marketing "the other way round" - aus Push- wird Pull-Kommunikation. Um relevant und erfolgreich zu sein,braucht es Inhalte, die von potentiellen Kunden im individuellen Moment der Aufmerksamkeit gesucht, gefunden sowie wertgeschätzt werden und gleichzeitig eine aufs Unternehmensziel einzahlende Aktion auslösen. Das stellt völlig neue Anforderungen an die Marketing-Arbeit, deren Organisation, die Orchestrierung der gesamten Kommunikation sowie die Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter. Und es braucht ein neues Verständnis in der Unternehmensführung von dem was Marketingkommunikation zum Unternehmenserfolg beitragen kann und welche Konsequenzen daraus intern folgen müssen.Aus dem InhaltWie Content Marketing gesehen wird - von Kunden und im UnternehmenWelche Voraussetzungen Content Marketing brauchtWie Content Marketing die Konsumenten erreichtWie Content Marketing entsteht - in B2C und B2BWelche Content-Marketing-Formate existierenWelche Verbreitungskanäle Content Marketing nutztWie der ROI von Content Marketing sich messen lässtPraxis-Beispiele - so gelingt esDer HerausgeberMatthias Wesselmann ist Vorstandsmitglied der international renommierten Kommunikations-Agentur fischerAppelt, ein profunder Kenner der globalen Marketinglandschaft und Verbinder der Agentur- und Unternehmenswelt. In diesem Buch hat er die führenden Experten des deutschsprachigen und internationalen Content Marketing vereint.Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Sepita Ansari Pir Seraei, Szyzygy PerformanceDr. Marc Calmbach, SINUS-InstitutChristian Clawien, fischerAppeltDr. James Edwards, SINUS-InstitutDr. Sabine Fischer, idea economyPhD Tim Gohmann, Behavioral Science LabChristian Goy ,Behavioral Science LabAnne Griep, fischerAppeltOle Grönwoldt, Ole Grönwoldt Spatial DesignDr. Angela Harre, University of Applied Sciences EuropeMarkusHartmann, Pricing für AgenturenSarah Helm, Coca-ColaDr. RolfIllenberger, VRdirectIngo Kahnt Temel Kahyaoglu, The Group of Analysts Lena Kapp, eologyDr. Christian Kortmann, fischerAppeltLeif Lewinski, fischerAppeltCarmela Melone, The Group of AnalystsKatrin Menne, MerckJanine Michel, AccorHotels DeutschlandSibylle Milka-Böhm, AccorHotels DeutschlandJulia Niebergall, Universität MünsterHeiko Packwitz, Lufthansa Industry SolutionsDietrich Pflüger, fischerAppeltDirk U. Proff, blueforte Isabel Rehmer, fischerAppeltCarl-Jochen Reinhard, Fork Unstable MediaProf. Dr. Ulrike Röttger, Westfälische Wilhelms Universität MünsterHeiko Scherer, clapp mobile
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 51.39 EUR excl. shipping
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    Description: How can we speak about God without assuming that God is nothing but our own speaking, nothing but our culture's effort to name what cannot be named? How can we deny that our speaking of God is always culturally located? To answer these questions, we need to pay close attention to what we mean by culture, and how we use this very complex term both in our everyday language and especially in the language of faith. Culture is an exceedingly complex term that nearly everyone uses, but no one is sure what it means. This work examines various uses of the term culture in theology today. Endorsements: ""Modernity, Steve Long tells us with his patented acerbity, is a broken record that never stops repeating its supposed novelty. If broken records require sharp, swift smacks to be knocked out of their tiresome grooves, Long's palm-sized book delivers a salutary slap that gets us back on track--and out of confused modern conceptualities that pit theology against culture. An excellent, masterly introduction to its topic."" --Rodney Clapp, author of A Peculiar People and Border Crossings ""Too many 'guides' pretend to a kind of theological neutrality that leads us nowhere. Steve Long's wonderful little book is a noted exception: here is a guide to the theological terrain that doesn't apologize for working with a compass. Providing a helpful survey of various schools of thought, the book also constitutes an argument for a particular theological understanding of culture. Long not only charts the territory, he also shows students how to plot a path through it. I've already been commending it to my students."" --James K. A. Smith, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Calvin College ""Long's book is filled with deep insight and strategic provocation, both of which ought to push the theology and culture conversation beyond its unexamined truisms and self-satisfied dogmas. This is a book for people who take their theology without cream or sugar."" --Brent Laytham, Associate Professor of Theology and Ethics, North Park Theological Seminary ""This work, as the title suggests, offers a bird's eye view of the state of play between theology and culture. It provides a valuable summary of the contribution of Richard Niebuhr to the subject, but also suggests there is a need to revise Niebuhr's classifications in the wake of the rising influence of the theology of Henri de Lubac common to both the Radical Orthodoxy and Communio Catholic scholars. From de Lubac's perspective, Christ transforms cultures, rather than standing aloof outside them. The dynamics of this transformation is now a pressing theological concern which flows over confessional boundaries."" --Tracey Rowland, author of Culture and the Thomist Tradition: After Vatican II (Radical Orthodoxy) About the Contributor(s): D. Stephen Long is professor of theology at Marquette University. He has published a number of works, including Divine Economy: Theology and the Market (2000), The Goodness of God: Theology, Church, and the Social Order (2001), John Wesley's Moral Theology: The Quest for God and Goodness (2005), and Calculated Future: Theology, Ethics, and Economics (2007).
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping

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