60 Results for : natsumi

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    Do you want to know who you truly are? What personality type are you and how you can take massive advantage from knowing your true identity? Well, then keep reading!Many people underestimate the power of really knowing yourself. If you ignore your true identity you will never be happy! Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, areas in which you are naturally better, and your personality type can give you a huge advantage over the majority of people who think they know it all, but in the end they are lost and usually unhappy.We believe that through self-discovery you will be much more successful and, most importantly, so much happier! This is why we crafted this book. This is the very thing that will accompany and guide you step-by-step in your journey inside your true self.In this book you will learn:What is an EnneagramAll nine personality types How you can understand what personality type you are All the features of each personality type in detail The power of knowing your true identity How to choose a career path and a partner based on your personality type How the Enneagram can really improve your life and make you genuinely happierEven if you have tried other books and you felt lost anyway, even if you think you are completely confused, even if you are sad and unfulfilled, this book will take you by the hand and guide you to take your life to the next level.Finally remember: "An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."Now scroll to the top and click "Buy Now". ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/163954/bk_acx0_163954_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    From award-winning author Guy Lozier comes the time-travel, dimensional shifting epic struggle of all the creations. Frank Herbert and J. K. Rowling can agree to just how good this book is. The dimensions are falling one by one. Nothing can stand against Devians. They are the demons beneath the beds, the dark demented ones that are feeding on our souls. The new bodysnatchers, they are here and there's nothing we can do will stop them. The police won’t believe you, your own family will drug and institutionalize you if you tell them. Even though it is hopeless. Even though no one can kill a Devian. Even though they grow more powerful every moment. Even though it is absurd to think about standing against them. One man will. A shaman from thousands of years in the past travels through time to battle them in modern times. Even with his magic and the help of the Faery, Dragons, Dwarves, Darklanders, and Morantians from the higher dimensions and powerful beings from the future, only a one woman's love can save us. She kicked him out of her dimension. Told him not to come back until he changed his ways. But no one treats the King of the Devians that way. Originally published as The Eternal: Guardian of Light & The Morantian, which are books one and two of The Mind Rift Saga. Dimensions and time travel with mysteries and twists beyond most individual’s abilities to comprehend, Guy weaves a complex adventure to life. Called a genius by many for his writing techniques, buy this audiobook and find out why.... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/136488/bk_acx0_136488_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Are you looking for the best ways to get organized and declutter your home fast? Have you ever noticed how distracting, depressing, frustrating, and downright tiring it is living in a cluttered home? Every day, people just like you wake up and realize they have too much clutter and do not know how it came to be. You are not a messy person. You try to keep a nice home. One day, the mess just seemed to be everywhere.   7 Steps for Minimalism Declutter, How to Create a Remarkable Home and Kiss Your Trash Goodbye offers you everything you need to declutter and organize your home, family, and your time. This audiobook will not only provide helpful and practical tips, but it is the ultimate minimalism declutter guide to creating innovative and stylish storage solutions for your living environment.  With this audiobook, you’ll discover the great strategies for reducing clutter and stress in your life. It really doesn't matter how bad your own clutter is, you’ll conquer it and make your home a more inviting place to live.  Inside this audiobook, you’ll learn:The secret of why you feel emotional attachments to physical possessionsHow to detach yourself emotionally from the clutter How to effectively rid your home of garbage and unnecessary clutter How to truly cherish your possessions even when you have less How to rejuvenate your mind while at home and present the best version of yourself to the world And much more!  So, if you struggle with clutter and want to smash through those clutter blocks, use this audiobook to get organized for a less stressful life and spacious home.   ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/139514/bk_acx0_139514_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Author Tosh Baker was inspired to write her first novel, Stranger Within, in the wintry months of 2012-2013. Seven years and five novels later, she decided it was time to share this one with the public.Late 2012, Tosh had received a call from her ex-husband, Dallas - he was distraught as he shared the disheartening news of his recently discovered terminal illness: “I have been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. The doctor said I have about six months to live. Do you mind seeing me through this?” he asked. Tosh and Dallas had been close friends through their marriage of 23 years and remained close friends even after their divorce. They had raised a daughter together, and despite their differences, the pair made their situation work for them. Tosh opened up her home to Dallas that day and invited him to spend his last days, in the comfort of family, who loved him. Dallas enjoyed crime shows, filled with suspense and thrills. While he was restricted to the confinements of his hospital bed, Tosh spent the last three months of his life, caring for him through a hospice program - t24 hours a day. When her cherished friend had become incapacitated and bedridden, Dallas had asked Tosh to tell him a story and she recalled his exact words, as he asked, with a childlike desire: “Tosh, make up a story and tell it to me - something like a Criminal Minds sort of thing. I just want to hear you talk.”Tosh thought about it and knew it would be therapeutic for both of them and considered their restricted confinement. They lived miles out in the secluded country and had been dealing with a blistery winter in the state of Illinois. They both knew that keeping their minds busy during this time was a must, as they faced this certain isolation together. She had hoped it would give them something else to think about, other than the inevitable outcome, of his diagnosis. After setting a rear view mirror up at her desk, she positioned Dallas behind her, prop ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/203433/bk_acx0_203433_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Imagine yourself as an EPA agent on a beautiful autumn morning hiking through the rough mountain terrain of Montana. While bent over, you can hear nothing but the sound of the powerful, flowing river. You are retrieving a water sample from it. In a matter of seconds your life will change. You’ve been snatched up from behind then blindfolded, brutally raped, and left for dead. Your will to survive surpasses anything that you have just experienced that day. But your fear to expose this unfortunate reality to the public would have been a humiliation for you. You chose not to share this nightmare with the world. This is what happened to Carmen, and she decided to take matters into her own hands.Now imagine yourself as a young girl, hiding inside a closet and peeking through the cracks. Your body is trembling with fear. You wet yourself at the sight of your mother being raped and brutalized. You see a loaded gun inside the closet with you and in a hopeful attempt to save her, you shoot her attacker dead. After running to your mother’s aide, you witnessed the life leaving through her eyes. You have carried this guilt with you through your adult life, wondering had you acted quicker, she still might be alive today. Sierra carried this painstaking reality with her, and it’s a feeling most would never want to experience.Sierra found Carmen that day on the cold mountaintop and rescued her. After developing a close relationship, they were able to confide in one another. The test of will and the decisions of right or wrong played a powerful role in this exciting tale of vengeance.Unlike your average suspense thriller, you will enjoy getting to know Carmen. She reveals her strong nature to survive and shall entertain the listener with her witty and humorous personality. Sierra, on the other hand, would be considered the all American cowgirl, who is highly favored by the township in which she grew up. She is outgoing, with a loving but independent personal ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/153361/bk_acx0_153361_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    What My Eyes Could Not See is a memoir. Renee Micklin’s vision was declining from an inherited disorder, but she was totally blindsided by the sheriff’s charisma. Romance seemed unlikely when she met Cooper. However, he was a man of formidable flirtatious charm, and she found herself falling in love. Life became a perpetual adrenaline rush with high-speed motorcycle rides, criminals on drugs, and snitches living on the edge. She felt totally protected by her lawman. Their relationship was long nights of conversations and lovemaking. From the beginning he led her gracefully through public places, helping to conceal the awkwardness that is an unavoidable aspect of being sight-impaired. Tenderly he took her hand and gently led her outside to see the first crocus peek its head through the snow. On the flip side, he was Mr. Hyde threatening to abandon her on country roads when she displeased him. He demanded expensive gifts - guns, a Rolex and a motorcycle - while gifting her with mums from the grocery store. His overriding passion was land, lots of land with her money. After a brief courtship they began living together at his farm. When she moved from suburbia to Green Acres, he introduced her to the beauty of rural life - riding his horse double, enveloped in the warmth of a wood-burning stove and tranquility of the country. What should have been a fairy tale wedding quickly turned to chaos. She did not let this first hint of thorns among the roses dampen her expectations of a happy future with the top cop. A woman progressively blind since childhood can miss the jail being thrown up around her. First to go were family and lifelong friends who stumbled over the sheriff’s unwelcome mat long before she realized it was there. Pressure to spend her assets increased. When an abuser controls family, friends, and money, he’s got it all. Her husband found his dream land, which he expected her to purchase. It was full of clods, stone ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Natsumi Bailey. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/150934/bk_acx0_150934_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mehr Mädchen, mehr Action, mehr Dates! Die Geistermädchen, die Shido Itsuka bisher in seiner Arbeit für die Organisation "Ratatoskr" versiegelt hat, halten ihn ganz schön auf Trab. Verständlich also, dass Shido auch mal eine kleine Pause von den sechs Schönheiten braucht. Da kommt der neue Geist "Natsumi" wie gerufen. Shido beweist einmal mehr sein ganzes Können als Charmeur. Doch irgendwas stimmt da nicht... Hat er sie etwa verärgert? Dafür will sich das aufbrausende Geistermädchen an Shido rächen und zwingt ihn zu einem Spiel um Leben und Tod. Shido soll in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit herausfifinden, in wen Natsumi sich verwandelt hat. Kann Shido dieses Rätsel lösen und so seine Freunde vor Natsumi bewahren? Die Limited Steelcase Edition Vol.1 enthält die Folgen 01-04 mit deutscher Synchronisation sowie japanischer Original-Tonspur mit deutschen Untertiteln und erscheint im hochwertigen Steelcase mit Sammelschuber, PET-O-Card und exklusiver Acrylfigur!
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 51.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mehr Mädchen, mehr Action, mehr Dates! Die Geistermädchen, die Shido Itsuka bisher in seiner Arbeit für die Organisation "Ratatoskr" versiegelt hat, halten ihn ganz schön auf Trab. Verständlich also, dass Shido auch mal eine kleine Pause von den sechs Schönheiten braucht. Da kommt der neue Geist "Natsumi" wie gerufen. Shido beweist einmal mehr sein ganzes Können als Charmeur. Doch irgendwas stimmt da nicht... Hat er sie etwa verärgert? Dafür will sich das aufbrausende Geistermädchen an Shido rächen und zwingt ihn zu einem Spiel um Leben und Tod. Shido soll in einem Wettlauf gegen die Zeit herausfifinden, in wen Natsumi sich verwandelt hat. Kann Shido dieses Rätsel lösen und so seine Freunde vor Natsumi bewahren? Die Limited Steelcase Edition Vol.1 enthält die Folgen 01-04 mit deutscher Synchronisation sowie japanischer Original-Tonspur mit deutschen Untertiteln und erscheint im hochwertigen Steelcase mit Sammelschuber, PET-O-Card und exklusiver Acrylfigur!
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 51.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mehr Mädchen, mehr Action, mehr Dates! Nachdem Natsumi ihre Selbstzweifel überwinden konnte, schafft sie es sogar, Shido und die anderen Geistermädchen zu retten, als zwei DEM-Satelliten drohen, auf Tengu zu stürzen und die Stadt zu zerstören. Doch viel Zeit zum durchatmen bleibt ihnen nicht, denn plötzlich geht Origami auf die Geister los. Nachdem der DEM-Konzern in ihr die Erinnerung an den Tod ihrer Eltern erweckt hat, sucht sie nach Vergeltung. Sie hat es sich zur Mission gemacht, jedes einzelne der Geistermädchen zu vernichten, koste es, was es wolle...Die Limited Steelcase Edition Vol.2 enthält die Folgen 05-08 mit deutscher Synchronisation sowie japanischer Original-Tonspur mit deutschen Untertiteln und erscheint im hochwertigen Steelcase mit Sammelschuber, PET-O-Card und exklusiver Acrylfigur!- Volume 2 der dritten Staffel der erfolgreichen sexy Action-Komodie- Top Platzierung in den Amazon-Charts- Erste und zweite Staffel erfolgreich bei ProSieben MAXX und Netflix- Limited Steelcase Edition mit exklusiver Acrylfigur von Origami
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 48.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mehr Mädchen, mehr Action, mehr Dates! Nachdem Natsumi ihre Selbstzweifel überwinden konnte, schafft sie es sogar, Shido und die anderen Geistermädchen zu retten, als zwei DEM-Satelliten drohen, auf Tengu zu stürzen und die Stadt zu zerstören. Doch viel Zeit zum durchatmen bleibt ihnen nicht, denn plötzlich geht Origami auf die Geister los. Nachdem der DEM-Konzern in ihr die Erinnerung an den Tod ihrer Eltern erweckt hat, sucht sie nach Vergeltung. Sie hat es sich zur Mission gemacht, jedes einzelne der Geistermädchen zu vernichten, koste es, was es wolle...Die Limited Steelcase Edition Vol.2 enthält die Folgen 05-08 mit deutscher Synchronisation sowie japanischer Original-Tonspur mit deutschen Untertiteln und erscheint im hochwertigen Steelcase mit Sammelschuber, PET-O-Card und exklusiver Acrylfigur!- Volume 2 der dritten Staffel der erfolgreichen sexy Action-Komodie- Top Platzierung in den Amazon-Charts- Erste und zweite Staffel erfolgreich bei ProSieben MAXX und Netflix- Limited Steelcase Edition mit exklusiver Acrylfigur von Origami
    • Shop: odax
    • Price: 48.99 EUR excl. shipping

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