68 Results for : petre
Popish Plot
Popish Plot ab 18.49 € als Taschenbuch: Figures of the Popish Plot Victims of the Popish Plot George Jeffreys 1st Baron Jeffreys Thomas Osborne 1st Duke of Leeds Catherine of Braganza Oliver Plunkett William Petre 4th Baron Petre David Lewis Thomas Barlow. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 18.49 EUR excl. shipping
The Rape of the Lock and Other Poems , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 144min
'The Rape of the Lock' was one of Alexander Pope's most popular poems. It was a satirical attempt to reconcile the real -ife warring of two Catholic families whose feud had started with the supposed nicking of a lock of hair from the undeniably beautiful head of Arabella Fermor by her admirer, Lord Petre. The mock-heroic tenor of the poem was supposed to defuse the situation, but, rather like most of Pope's poetry, it served to fan the flames of the feelings of those involved and to bring most of the country in on the story to comment. It is a beautiful bit of pseudo-classical verse, in keeping with Pope's thorough knowledge and love of the classical scholars such as Homer, whose Iliad he would go on to translate to his immense financial profit. But it is also a seriously witty piece of satire, and it is still funny. The truth of the fact that a small wrong can be writ huge in an affair of the heart is as true today as it was in the highly strung years of the early part of the 18th century. The poems included in this collection are mostly those of the young Pope. The 'Ode to Solitude' indeed is claimed to have been written by Pope when he was 12. But they are not the mere scribblings of a child. Pope was remarkably precocious, and these poems are the products of a highly trained mind, with a blissfully vicious turn of phrase. These are the writings of an extraordinary talent before he got too embroiled in the fury of his feelings about the current state of English society and its academics. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Emilia Fox. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/slks/000045/bk_slks_000045_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Petre M. Andreevski (1934-2006) hat mit "Quecke" den großen Roman über das Mazedonien zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts geschrieben, in seiner Heimat ist er längst ein Klassiker und Schullektüre. In der ersten deutschen Übersetzung von Benjamin Langer erfahren nun auch wir vom Schicksal von Jon und Velika, einem Ehepaar aus einem kleinen Dorf in den Bergen, das von den Umbrüchen der mazedonischen Geschichte erfasst wird. Es ist die Zeit der Balkankriege, des Ersten Weltkriegs und der Jahre nach diesen einschneidenden Erfahrungen. Jon und Velika erzählen in immer abwechselnden Kapiteln von ihrem Leben - und zeigen, wie sie zwischen politischen Verwerfungen, Besitzansprüchen und Auseinandersetzungen fast zerrieben werden."Quecke" ist eine Erzählung von tragischem Ausmaß, in ihr nimmt der unablässige Kampf ums Überleben eine eigenartige Schönheit an. Es ist nicht nur die immer neu geschöpfte Hoffnung, die Widerstandskraft und die Fähigkeit, Schläge hinzunehmen und wieder aufzustehen - es ist auch die Schönheit der Einfachheit, der Landschaft, des täglichen Schuftens, die berührt und fasziniert. Andreevski hat in seinem ganz eigenen suggestiven Erzählton, nahe an mündlicher Rede, mit Jon und Velika Figuren geschaffen, die wie die Quecke für das mazedonische Volk stehen und eine tiefe Wahrheit vermitteln. "Quecke" lässt uns Leser viel über die Geschichte Mazedoniens erfahren und auch, dass es etwas gibt, das weit stärker ist als politische Interessen und nationalistische Kleinheit: die Liebe zu den Seinen und die unbändige Sehnsucht nach einem friedlichen Leben.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 24.70 EUR excl. shipping
English solicitors
English solicitors ab 26.49 € als Taschenbuch: William Joynson-Hicks 1st Viscount Brentford Anthony Bennett Arthur Fell Hugh Hickling Geoffrey Vickers Henry Petre Sally Clark Herbert Rowse Armstrong Nick Freeman Sayeeda Warsi Baroness Warsi Alfred St. George Hamersley. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 26.49 EUR excl. shipping
Romanian football midfielder Introduction
Romanian football midfielder Introduction ab 16.49 € als Taschenbuch: Silviu Balace Pavel Badea Ilie Balaci Florentin Petre Dorin Mateut Iosif Rotariu Gabriel Torje Lucian Sânmartean Hristu Chiacu Cristian Daminuta Ion Ionut Lutu Vasile Buhaescu Stefan Onisie Iulian Tames Ilie Iordache. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Ratgeber,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 16.49 EUR excl. shipping
Roman Catholic biographical Introduction
Roman Catholic biographical Introduction ab 27.99 € als Taschenbuch: François de Bar Cuthbert Johnson Michael L. Fitzgerald Maude Petre Joseph Francis Maguire Julius Nieuwland Kinga of Poland Pier Giorgio Frassati Angel Lagdameo Ade Bethune Teresita Castillo Ignatius Rice Humbert de Romans. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 27.99 EUR excl. shipping
People from Dunedin
People from Dunedin ab 26.49 € als Taschenbuch: David Low David Bain Francis Petre John Z. Robinson Alan Dale Rosaleen Norton William Mason Arnold Nordmeyer Bob McKerrow David Benson-Pope Andrew Boyens Robert Wade James K. Baxter George Gair John Cushen Juliet Marillier. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 26.49 EUR excl. shipping
1505 ab 21.49 € als Taschenbuch: 1505 births 1505 deaths 1505 disestablishments 1505 in law 1505 works Conflicts in 1505 Ivan III of Russia William Cavendish Balthasar Behem Codex Guillaume Morel Mary of Austria Queen of Hungary William Petre. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,- Shop: hugendubel
- Price: 21.49 EUR excl. shipping
Biserica Ortodoxa Romana in primul deceniu comunist (eBook, ePUB)
In cartea lui despre Biserica Ortodoxa Romana, Cristian Vasile atinge multe subiecte delicate, in raspar cu modul de abordare al istoriografiei oficiale. Autorul sustine ca puterea (pro)comunista nu a apelat intotdeauna la forta si nu a subordonat Biserica doar prin presiuni, arestari si amenintari, ci si prin specularea unor adanci tensiuni si rivalitati din interiorul clerului. Marea flexibilitate a conducerii PCR in politica religioasa s-a vadit inca din 1945, cand unii preoti si teologi epurati au inceput sa fie "recuperati" si ulterior chiar folositi ca informatori. E o realitate trista ca mai multi preoti au fost arestati sau anchetati din cauza denunturilor altor clerici. In timp ce planul comunist de supunere a Bisericii, care s-a conturat in anii 1947-1948, a fost coerent, dar si flexibil, lumea clerului a fost dezbinata. O firava solidaritate a preotimii din eparhii cu prelatii deveniti indezirabili pentru comunisti (cu mitropolitul Irineu al Moldovei, de pilda) nu a lipsit, dar a fost repede inabusita cu metode politienesti. In final, ajutat si de memoriile lui Petre Pandrea, Cristian Vasile incearca sa desluseasca imprejurarile prigoanei declansate in anii '50 impotriva manastirii Vladimiresti. Personajele luminoase ale cartii sunt doi prelati: patriarhul Nicodim si mitropolitul Irineu; disparitia lor in 1948 - suspecta, dupa unele surse - anunta o noua epoca. Insa cititorul se va intalni si cu personaje secundare, precum Arsenie Boca, Benedict Ghius, mari duhovnici ai ortodoxiei, sau cu ierarhi de azi: PF Sa Teoctist, IPS Antonie, IPS Bartolomeu si altii, care in urma cu 40-50 de ani erau doar tineri calugari sau diaconi. Cristian Vasile este cercetator stiintific la Institutul de Istorie "Nicolae Iorga" (Programul Romania si Europa in secolul XX). A fost secretar stiintific al Comisiei Prezidentiale pentru Analiza Dictaturii Comuniste din Romania (aprilie 2006-aprilie 2007), coordonator al Comisiei Prezidentiale Consultative pentru Analiza Dictaturii Comuniste din Romania (aprilie 2007-decembrie 2009), coeditor, impreuna cu Vladimir Tismaneanu si Dorin Dobrincu, al Raportului Final al Comisiei Prezidentiale pentru Analiza Dictaturii Comuniste din Romania (Humanitas, 2007). A fost director stiintific al Institutului de Investigare a Crimelor Comunismului si Memoria Exilului Romanesc (intre septembrie 2011-mai 2012). Volume publicate: Intre Vatican si Kremlin. Biserica Greco-Catolica in timpul regimului comunist (Curtea Veche, 2003); Istoria Bisericii Greco-Catolice sub regimul comunist 1945-1989. Documente si marturii (Polirom, 2003); Biserica Ortodoxa Romana in primul deceniu comunist (Curtea Veche, 2005); Perfectul acrobat. Leonte Rautu, mastile raului (in colaborare cu Vladimir Tismaneanu, Humanitas, 2008); Literatura si artele in Romania comunista, 1948-1953 (Humanitas, 2010); Politicile culturale comuniste in timpul regimului Gheorghiu-Dej (Humanitas, 2011). A publicat studii, articole si recenzii in periodice academice precum Altarul Banatului, Analele Sighet, Annuario, Anuarul IRIR, Anuarul Institutului de Istorie "A.D. Xenopol", Anuarul Institutului de Istorie Orala, Archiva Moldaviae, Arhivele Securitatii, Arhivele Totalitarismului, East European Quarterly, Etudes Balkaniques, Historical Yearbook, History of Communism in Europe, Quaderni de la Casa Romena di Venezia, Revista Arhivelor/Archives Review, Revista Istorica, Studia Politica. Romanian Political Science Review, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai. Theologia Catholica, Studii si Materiale de Istorie Contemporana si in reviste de cultura: Adevarul Literar si Artistic, Apostrof, Cultura, Idei in Dialog, Lapunkt.ro, Memoria. Revista Gandirii Arestate, 22, Timpul, Vatra, precum si capitole in volume colective: Une repression differenciee: uniates et orthodoxes dans la Roumanie stalinienne, 1948-1965, in Le communisme et les elites en Europe Centrale (sous la direction de Nicolas Bauquet et Francois Bocholier), preface de Francois Fejtö, Presses Universitaires de France, Editions Rue D'Ulm, Paris, 2006; Propaganda and Culture in Romania at the Beginning of the Communist Regime, in Vladimir Tismaneanu (ed.), Stalinism Revisited: The Establishment of Communist Regimes in East-Central Europe, Budapest-New York, Central European University Press, 2009; 1968 Romania: Intellectuals and the Failure of Reform, in Vladimir Tismaneanu (ed.), Promises of 1968: Crisis, Illusions, and Utopia, Budapest-New York, Central European University Press, 2010. A redactat pentru Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice, vol. 3 (editori: Lavinia Stan, Nadya Nedelsky; Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012) articolul despre CPADCR.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 5.81 EUR excl. shipping
Publichnye chtenija o Petre Velikom
Publichnye chtenija o Petre Velikom: ab 1.49 €- Shop: ebook.de
- Price: 1.49 EUR excl. shipping