66 Results for : virl
Perfect Abs: The quick way to a sexy six pack , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 55min
Craig Beck is one of the fittest, healthiest and most toned people you will ever meet. So why is he known around the world as ‘Fat Guy Friday’? In truth that’s exactly what he used to be.. a big fat guy! Until one day he said enough is enough and broke the cycle of yo-yo dieting that had plagued his life. Once he had shed the 60lbs of fat that had been eighteen years in the making, he started setting goals way beyond his initial expectations. The thought that he might one day be the proud owner of an impressive six-pack never entered even his wildest dreams. Craig discover that just like all other areas of success in life there is a simple formula that can be applied to generate the designed outcome, in this case a super defined washboard stomach. A perfect six-pack is when your abdominal muscles are so defined that they are clearly identified. There is a common misconception that perfect abs are achieved through countless daily sit-ups or extreme weight loss. Neither of these on their own is likely to give you the result you desire. Best-selling fitness and success author Craig Beck takes you through the secrets he discovered to getting the sexy six-pack of your dreams in super quick time. Discover: Foods that create the perfect six pack, Food to avoid, The killer crunches, what works and what doesn’t, Cardio for perfect abs, Supplements to speed up the process, The psychology of a perfectly fit body. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000023/bk_virl_000023_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Subattraction: Beat Gambling Problems Using Hypnosis & The Law of Attraction, Hörbuch, Digital, 44min
Many people have read such books as The Secret or the classic Think and Grow Rich and have set about trying the Law of Attraction for themselves. The Law of Attraction states that whatever you give your attention to is what you will attract into your life. Readers are advised to think more about what they want in life in order to bring those things closer, using an automatic law of the universe. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of people trying the system will fail to achieve the life of abundance they desire. As a built in protection system (against the fallibility of the human ego) the Law of Attraction only works at a subconscious level... essentially you get what you believe you deserve and not what you think you deserve! All problems and issues of scarcity in your life are simply the result of bad programming or erroneous beliefs in your subconscious. You can never find true happiness in life until you erase the internal programming that is preventing you from achieving your goal. Using powerful speed hypnosis, Craig Beck here subliminally reprograms your subconscious beliefs around your need to compulsively gamble. He combines this unique technique with the ancient Hawaiian healing method of Ho’oponopono, which allows you to experience amazing results in an incredibly short period of time. Quickly and easily remove the need to gamble Remove the need to use ineffective will-power Experience subconscious reprogramming Enjoy a short, relaxing audio track that 'cleans' your subconscious This audio was written and produced to cure all gambling problems. Language: English. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000027/bk_virl_000027_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Alcohol Lied to Me - New Edition: The Intelligent Escape from Alcohol Addiction , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 247min
Craig Beck is a well-regarded family man with two children, a nice home, and a successful media career; a director of several companies and at one time the trustee of a large children’s charity. Outwardly, Craig was a highly successful and functioning professional man in spite of a ‘two-bottles-of-wine-a-night" drinking habit. For 20 years he struggled to control his drinking, all the time refusing to label himself an alcoholic because he didn't believe he met the stereotypical image that the word portrayed. He tried countless ways to cut down; attempting ‘dry months’, banning himself from drinking spirits, only drinking at the weekend and special occasions (and found that it is amazing how even the smallest of event can suddenly become ‘special’). All these 'willpower' based attempts to stop drinking failed (exactly as they were destined to do). Slowly he discovered the truth about alcohol addiction and one by one all the lies he had previously believed started to fall apart. For the first time he noticed that he genuinely didn’t want to drink anymore. In this book he will lead you though the same amazing process. Craig is known around the world as "The Stop Drinking Expert" and many thousands of people just like you have quit drinking using his method. This updated edition of the best-selling Alcohol Lied to Me is new for 2014. No need to declare yourself an alcoholic. A permanent cure, not a lifetime struggle. No group meetings or expensive rehab. No humiliation, no pain, and 100% no ‘will power’ required. Treats the source of the problem not the symptoms. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000063/bk_virl_000063_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Easy Meditation: A beginners guide to meditating, Hörbuch, Digital, 24min
People who meditate understand that it not attainment or attachment to material things that create contentment but rather it is the removal of those things that really creates the peace, happiness and good health we crave. As the ancient Chinese master and author of the Tao De Ching, Lao Tsu says it is the empty space inside the vase that gives the vase a purpose. It doesn’t matter how intricate and beautiful the clay walls of the vase are, without the nothingness inside it is a useless item. One of the most powerful tools you can use to tap into the divine power, peace and healing harmony of the universe is meditation. A process that many assume is simply the act of sitting still and being quiet but there is more of an art to it than that. In this book you will discover how to quiet your over active mind and allow the power and peace of silence to enter and heal your life. Have you attempted meditation to resolve your tension and health issues? If you haven’t done so yet, today might be one of the best times to make that experience a reality. Meditation is among the many sought after forms of tension relief and is even advocated by many physicians. Something that useful is something that you should be endeavouring to learn. If you're somebody that spends your evenings fretting, stressing about all that needs to get finished and even feeling physically bad without being ill, then meditation might be an ideal answer for you. Best-selling success author and spiritual guru Craig Beck guides you through the basics of this amazing and enjoyable process. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000021/bk_virl_000021_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Alcohol Illusion: 7 Secret Reasons to Stop Drinking , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 174min
Alcohol is a drug that has achieved the ultimate illusion. It has managed to convince the western world that it isn’t a drug at all, but rather a harmless social pleasantry. A product that does none of the things that the marketing promises that it does and yet remains unchallenged for such false advertising. A beverage that kills over 63,000 people a year and yet still remains legal in virtually every country around the world. Craig Beck is known as the Stop Drinking Expert because he helps people to see the truth about alcohol, hidden behind the smoke and mirrors of the marketing and our own self-created social conditioning. His book Alcohol Lied to Me has topped best seller charts for many years and has been translated into several different languages."Alcohol is the ultimate wolf in sheep’s clothing, a deeply insidious and dangerous drug packaged into pretty bottles and marketed as a fun, social pleasantry by the drinks manufacturers. The western world is conditioned from birth to believe that good times and alcohol go hand in hand. In reality consuming this drug is like playing a very dangerous game of Buckaroo, the longer you keep playing the more chance you have the mule will kick and destroy your world." (Craig Beck) In The Alcohol Illusion Craig gives away the secrets of the magician and helps you see how the drug traps you and keeps you locked in a never ending loop. Once you see how the trick is done…escape is only a matter of time. If you are worried about your drinking this audiobook can change your life! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000061/bk_virl_000061_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Fat Guy Friday: Weight Loss Secrets of a Former Fatty , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 186min
Craig Beck is one of the fittest, healthiest and most toned people you will ever meet. So why is he known around the world as ‘Fat Guy Friday’? In truth that’s exactly what he used to be.. a big fat guy! Until one day he said enough is enough and broke the cycle of yo-yo dieting that had plagued his life. On Friday 10th September 2010 he stood on the scales at a depressing 252 lbs. He was the heaviest he had ever been, something as simple as walking up a flight of stairs would leave him gasping for air, he struggled to play games with his children and was the most miserable he had ever been. A former hypnotist, Craig knew that problems in life are primarily the result of dysfunctional programmes running in the subconscious mind, which are creating the very things we are unhappy with. Whilst he was building a system to deal with his own ever-expanding waistline he discovered two common traits shared by virtually all-overweight people. By removing these two secret problems he found that no matter who tried his system lost weight. Better than that, at no point did any of them report being hungry, irritable, or unhappy during the process. In Fat Guy Friday, Craig pulls no punches and delivers a wake up call designed to change your life for the better, forever! The two reasons why you are overweight.Why every diet you have ever tried has failed. What the diet industry doesn’t want you to know. The secrets only slim people know. How to lose weight and feel great without feeling hungry, ever! Feel better and more healthy than you ever thought possible. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000020/bk_virl_000020_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Alcohol Lied To Me - Extended Edition: The Intelligent Escape From Alcohol Addiction , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 255min
Craig Beck is a well-regarded family man with two children, a nice home and a successful media career. A director of several companies & at one time the trustee of a large children’s charity. Outwardly, Craig was a highly successful & functioning professional man in spite of a ‘2 bottles of wine a night’ drinking habit. For 20 years he struggled to control his drinking, all the time refusing to label himself an alcoholic because he didn't believe he met the stereotypical image that the word portrayed. He tried countless ways to cut down; attempting ‘dry months’, banning himself from drinking spirits, only drinking at the weekend & special occasions (and found that it is amazing how even the smallest of event can suddenly become ‘special’). All these 'will power' based attempts to stop drinking failed (exactly as they were destined to do). Slowly he discovered the truth about alcohol addiction & one by one all the lies he had previously believed started to fall apart. For the first time he noticed that he genuinely didn’t want to drink anymore. In this book he will lead you though the same amazing process. Thousands of people just like you have quit drinking using this method and their feedback and advice has gone into creating this extended and updated edition. The Craig Beck stop drinking method is unique... No need to declare yourself an alcoholic. A permanent cure, not a lifetime struggle. No group meetings or expensive rehab. No humiliation, no pain and 100% no ‘will power’ required. Treats the source of the problem not the symptoms. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000033/bk_virl_000033_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Fettwanst Freitag Die Wien-Version: Die Geheimnisse zur Gewichtsabnahme eines ehemaligen Schwergewichts , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 267min
Fettwanst Freitag Die Wien-Version: Craig Beck gehört zu den besttrainierten und gesündesten Menschen, die Ihnen jemals über den Weg laufen werden. Also warum ist gerade er weltweit bekannt unter der scherzhaften Bezeichnung Fettwanst Freitag?In Wahrheit ist es deswegen, weil er genau das einmal war...ein kolossaler Fettwanst! Bis er eines Tages sagte Genug ist Genug und den Kreislauf der Jo-Jo Diäten durchbrach, die ihn sein Leben lang plagten. Am Freitag, den 10. September 2010 stand er auf seiner Waage mit einem Gewicht von bedrückenden 114 Kilogramm. So schwer war er bis zu diesem Moment noch nie zuvor gewesen, lediglich das Hochsteigen einer kurzen Treppe verursachte ihm bereits Atemnot. Schon nur ein wenig mit seinen Kindern herumzutollen empfand er als extrem anstrengend, er fühlte sich wirklich elend. Als ehemaliger Hypnosetherapeut wusste Craig, dass die Ursache für die Probleme eines Menschen in den funktionsgestörten Programmen des Unterbewusstseins lag, welche unser Unbehagen erschaffen. Während er ein System entwickelte, um seinen ständig wachsenden Körperumfang in den Griff zu bekommen, entdeckte er zwei Merkmale, die praktisch bei allen übergewichtigen Menschen anzutreffen sind.Indem man diese zwei verdeckten Probleme eliminierte, konnte jedermann, ganz gleich wer das System anwendete, Gewicht verlieren. Und es kam noch besser, zu keinem Zeitpunkt war man während dieses Prozesses hungrig, unglücklich oder gereizt. In Fettwanst Freitag nimmt sich Craig kein Blatt vor den Mund, es ist ein Weckruf, der Ihr Leben für immer zum Besseren wendet.Die zwei Gründe, warum Sie übergewichtig sind. Warum bisher jede Diät versagte.Was Ihnen die Diäten-Industrie verschweigt.Die Geheimnisse, die nur schlanke Menschen kennen. Wie Sie Gewicht verlieren und sich dabei großartig fühlen, ohne jemals hungrig zu sein.Sie fühlen sich besser und gesünder, als Sie jemals für möglich g ungekürzt. deutsch. Robert Boukal. https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000067/bk_virl_000067_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Control Alcohol: Stop Drinking Now, Hörbuch, Digital, 166min
Are you worried about your drinking? Perhaps you have recently tried to cut down and found that you can’t! You are not alone; thousands of people just like you lose control of alcohol every day. That one little drink to help them unwind at the end of a busy day or the quick beer with friends has turned from a ‘like to have’ to a ‘must have’. As with all drink-related problems, this doesn't happen overnight - you don't wake up one morning an alcoholic. These problems develop slowly over five to 20 years, so slowly you don't even see them coming. Such is the viciously deceptive nature of this drug that initially there are no negative symptoms to indicate the beginning of a serious problem. The Now Method is a unique, non-judgmental system to help you better understands common problem relationships with alcohol. In this audiobook by master hypnotherapist and personal development expert Craig Beck you will discover: How to tell if you really do have a problem with alcohol How you got stuck in the trap in the first place The early signs of a problem How to stop wanting/needing a drink How to massively reduce cravings for alcohol without using will power What the drinks industry doesn’t want you to know Alcoholics fall into the trap of lying to themselves as to why alcohol is such a necessary component in their lives. Perhaps you recognise some of their ‘beliefs’: 'I can’t sleep without a drink before bed' 'I need it to relax and cope with stress' 'I am boring without a drink' 'Drinking gives me confidence' 'It helps me chill out after a hard day at work' Language: English. Narrator: Craig Beck. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000002/bk_virl_000002_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Fettwanst Freitag: Die Geheimnisse zur Gewichtsabnahme eines ehemaligen Schwergewichts , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 238min
Craig Beck gehört zu den besttrainierten und gesündesten Menschen, die Ihnen jemals über den Weg laufen werden. Also warum ist gerade er weltweit bekannt unter der scherzhaften Bezeichnung Fettwanst Freitag? In Wahrheit ist es deswegen, weil er genau das einmal war...ein kolossaler Fettwanst! Bis er eines Tages sagte Genug ist Genug und den Kreislauf der Jo-Jo Diäten durchbrach, die ihn sein Leben lang plagten. Am Freitag, den 10. September 2010 stand er auf seiner Waage mit einem Gewicht von bedrückenden 114 Kilogramm. So schwer war er bis zu diesem Moment noch nie zuvor gewesen, lediglich das Hochsteigen einer kurzen Treppe verursachte ihm bereits Atemnot. Schon nur ein wenig mit seinen Kindern herumzutollen empfand er als extrem anstrengend, er fühlte sich wirklich elend. Als ehemaliger Hypnosetherapeut wusste Craig, dass die Ursache für die Probleme eines Menschen in den funktionsgestörten Programmen des Unterbewusstseins lag, welche unser Unbehagen erschaffen. Während er ein System entwickelte, um seinen ständig wachsenden Körperumfang in den Griff zu bekommen, entdeckte er zwei Merkmale, die praktisch bei allen übergewichtigen Menschen anzutreffen sind.Indem man diese zwei verdeckten Probleme eliminierte, konnte jedermann, ganz gleich wer das System anwendete, Gewicht verlieren. Und es kam noch besser, zu keinem Zeitpunkt war man während dieses Prozesses hungrig, unglücklich oder gereizt.In Fettwanst Freitag nimmt sich Craig kein Blatt vor den Mund, es ist ein Weckruf, der Ihr Leben für immer zum Besseren wendet. Die zwei Gründe, warum Sie übergewichtig sind. Warum bisher jede Diät versagte. Was Ihnen die Diäten-Industrie verschweigt. Die Geheimnisse, die nur schlanke Menschen kennen. Wie Sie Gewicht verlieren und sich dabei großartig fühlen, ohne jemals hungrig zu sein. Sie fühlen sich besser und gesünder, als Sie jemals für möglich gehalten haben. ungekürzt. deutsch. Robert Boukal. https://samples.audible.de/bk/virl/000066/bk_virl_000066_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping