93 Results for : groff
Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket
A TIME 'New Books You Should Read'A People magazine 'Book of the Week'A New York Times Editors' ChoiceWith a foreword by Elizabeth Strout 'Electric: with wit, with rage, with grief, with the kind of prose that makes you both laugh and thrill to the darker, spikier emotions just barely visible under the bright surface. What a wonderful collection of stories' Lauren Groff Another day! And then another and another and another. It seemed as if it would all go on forever in that exquisitely boring and beautiful way. But of course it wouldn't; everyone knows that.In this collection, Hilma Wolitzer invites us inside the private world of domestic bliss, seen mostly through the lens of Paulie and Howard's gloriously ordinary marriage.From hasty weddings to meddlesome neighbours, ex-wives who just won't leave, to sleepless nights spent worrying about unanswered chainmail, Wolitzer captures the tensions, contradictions and unexpected detours of daily life with wit, candour and an acutely observant eye.Including stories first published in magazines in the 1960s and 1970s - alongside new writing from Wolitzer, now in her nineties - Today a Woman Went Mad in the Supermarket reintroduces a beloved writer to be embraced by a new generation of readers.'A fascinating time capsule of womanhood, marriage and motherhood over the last century . A fabulous book' Emma Straub 'Immensely gratifying, poignant, funny . Breathtaking' Elizabeth Strout, from the foreword- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
Mud Mountain Truckers Staffel 1 Folge 3
Die Fahrt vom Porcupine Mountain bis zum Sägewerk dauert unter optimalen Bedingungen rund anderthalb Stunden. Vor dem Sonnenaufgang sind die "Mud Mountain Truckers" dort noch auf gefrorenen Pisten unterwegs. Aber in British Columbia steht der Frühling vor der Tür. Und die steigenden Temperaturen stellen die Holzfäller beim Abtransport der Baumstämme in Kanada vor große Probleme. Theron Groff und seine Arbeitskollegen hoffen, dass sie mit ihren tonnenschweren Lkws mindestens zwei Touren schaffen, bevor sich die Straße in eine Schlammwüste verwandelt.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
Named a Most Anticipated Book of 2021 by Time, Entertainment Weekly, Buzzfeed, Elle, Harper's Bazaar, Vulture, The Guardian, and more. One of our best American writers, Lauren Groff returns with her exhilarating first new novel since the groundbreaking Fates and Furies. Cast out of the royal court by Eleanor of Aquitaine, deemed too coarse and rough-hewn for marriage or courtly life, seventeen-year-old Marie de France is sent to England to be the new prioress of an impoverished abbey, its nuns on the brink of starvation and beset by disease. At first taken aback by the severity of her new life, Marie finds focus and love in collective life with her singular and mercurial sisters. In this crucible, Marie steadily supplants her desire for family, for her homeland, for the passions of her youth with something new to her: devotion to her sisters, and a conviction in her own divine visions. Marie, born the last in a long line of women warriors and crusaders, is determined to chart a bold new course for the women she now leads and protects. But in a world that is shifting and corroding in frightening ways, one that can never reconcile itself with her existence, will the sheer force of Marie's vision be bulwark enough? Equally alive to the sacred and the profane, Matrix gathers currents of violence, sensuality, and religious ecstasy in a mesmerizing portrait of consuming passion, aberrant faith, and a woman that history moves both through and around. Lauren Groff's new novel, her first since Fates and Furies, is a defiant and timely exploration of the raw power of female creativity in a corrupted world.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 12.99 EUR excl. shipping
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER SHORTLISTED FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK AWARD 2021 'Lush, gripping and ferocious, MATRIX is animated with sensual detail on every page' MADELINE MILLER 'An audacious piece of storytelling, full of passion, wisdom and magic' SARAH WATERS 'MATRIX is a gorgeous, sensual, addictive read' SARA COLLINS __________________________________ Seventeen-year-old Marie, too wild for courtly life, is thrown to the dogs one winter morning, expelled from the royal court to become the prioress of an abbey. Marie is strange - tall, a giantess, her elbows and knees stick out, ungainly. At first taken aback by life at the abbey, Marie finds purpose and passion among her mercurial sisters. Yet she deeply misses her secret lover Cecily and queen Eleanor. Born last in a long line of women warriors and crusaders, women who flew across the countryside with their sword fighting and dagger work, Marie decides to chart a bold new course for the women she now leads and protects. She will bring herself, and her sisters, out of the darkness, into riches and power. MATRIX is a bold vision of female love, devotion and desire from one of the most adventurous writers at work today. __________________________________ 'A thrillingly vivid, adventurous story about women and power that will blow readers' minds. Left me gasping.' EMMA DONOGHUE 'Both epic and intimate, this sweeping novel explores questions of female ambition, creativity and passion with electrifying prose and sparkling wit. A propulsive, captivating read' BRIT BENNETT 'Visionary leader, queer lover, 12th-century writer ... the life of Marie de France is triumphantly reimagined in an assertively modern novel about female ambition and creativity... a highly distinctive novel of great vigour and boldness. From mystical visions that may or may not be divine, to the earthy business of abbey pigs, diseases and account books, Groff does it all with purpose and panache' Guardian- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.99 EUR excl. shipping
A Tiny Upward Shove (eBook, ePUB)
"Gloriously voiced, the kind of addictive and headlong novel that makes reading into a wild bronco ride." -Lauren Groff, author of MatrixA Tiny Upward Shove is inspired by Melissa Chadburn's Filipino heritage and its folklore, as it traces the too-short life of a young, cast-off woman transformed by death into an agent of justice-or mercy.Marina Salles's life does not end the day she wakes up dead. Instead, in the course of a moment, she is transformed into the stuff of myth, the stuff of her grandmother's old Filipino stories-an aswang, a creature of mystery and vengeance. She spent her time on earth on the margins; shot like a pinball through a childhood of loss, she was a veteran of Child Protective Services and a survivor, but always reacting, watching from a distance, understanding very little of her own life, let alone the lives of others. Death brings her into the hearts and minds of those she has known-even her killer-as she accesses their memories and sees anew the meaning of her own. In her nine days as an aswang, while she considers whether to exact vengeance on her killer, she also traces back, finally able to see what led these two lost souls to a crushingly inevitable conclusion. In A Tiny Upward Shove, the debut novelist Melissa Chadburn charts the heartbreaking journeys of two of society's castoffs as they make their way to each other and their roles as criminal and victim. What does it mean to be on the brink? When are those moments that change not only our lives but our very selves? And how, in this impossible world, full of cruelty and negligence, can we rouse ourselves toward mercy?- Shop: buecher
- Price: 11.95 EUR excl. shipping
A Tiny Upward Shove
"Gloriously voiced, the kind of addictive and headlong novel that makes reading into a wild bronco ride." -Lauren Groff, author of Matrix A Tiny Upward Shove is inspired by Melissa Chadburn's Filipino heritage and its folklore, as it traces the too-short life of a young, cast-off woman transformed by death into an agent of justice-or mercy. Marina Salles's life does not end the day she wakes up dead. Instead, in the course of a moment, she is transformed into the stuff of myth, the stuff of her grandmother's old Filipino stories-an aswang, a creature of mystery and vengeance. She spent her time on earth on the margins; shot like a pinball through a childhood of loss, she was a veteran of Child Protective Services and a survivor, but always reacting, watching from a distance, understanding very little of her own life, let alone the lives of others. Death brings her into the hearts and minds of those she has known-even her killer-as she accesses their memories and sees anew the meaning of her own. In her nine days as an aswang, while she considers whether to exact vengeance on her killer, she also traces back, finally able to see what led these two lost souls to a crushingly inevitable conclusion. In A Tiny Upward Shove, the debut novelist Melissa Chadburn charts the heartbreaking journeys of two of society's castoffs as they make their way to each other and their roles as criminal and victim. What does it mean to be on the brink? When are those moments that change not only our lives but our very selves? And how, in this impossible world, full of cruelty and negligence, can we rouse ourselves toward mercy?- Shop: buecher
- Price: 24.99 EUR excl. shipping
72 Stunden im Geisterhaus Staffel 1 Folge 4
Auf der Suche nach übersinnlichen Phänomenen besuchen Nick Groff und Katrina Weidman in dieser Folge ein ehemaliges Armenheim in Winchester, das 1851 für behinderte Menschen, Waisenkinder, unverheiratete Mütter und verarmte Familien erbaut wurde, dann niederbrannte und wiedererrichtet wurde. Heute steht das Armenhaus von Randolph County leer, doch die ruhelosen Seelen seiner einstigen Bewohner sind geblieben. Katrina und Nick werden die kommenden 72 Stunden an diesem trostlosen, eiskalten Ort verbringen, unter erschwerten Bedingungen forschen und sich sehr zusammennehmen müssen, um gefährlichen Mächten keine Angriffsfläche zu bieten.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
Die Geister von Shepherdstown Staffel 2 Folge 5
Die paranormale Aktivität rund um Shepherdstown wird immer schlimmer. Mittlerweile gehen Geisterjäger Nick Groff und seine Kollegen davon aus, dass negative Energie durch ein System aus Kalksteinhöhlen wandert. Deshalb fahren sie nach Martinsburg zum Adam-Stephen-Museum, unter dem sich ein Zugang zu den Höhlen befindet. Normalerweise untersuchen die Geisterjäger nur Orte, zu denen sie gerufen werden. Doch hier ergreifen sie Eigeninitiative, da diese Kalkhöhlen durch ihren Quarzanteil die paranormale Energie nicht nur speichern, sondern verstärken. Auch Museumsleiter Keith berichtet, dass die übersinnlichen Phänomene stark zugenommen haben.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
72 Stunden im Geisterhaus Staffel 2 Folge 1
Middleborough im Osten von Massachusetts hat eine dunkle Vergangenheit: Jahrhundertelang siedelten hier die Wampanoag-Indianer, bis europäische Siedler kamen, Krankheiten einschleppten und sie auslöschten. Peter Oliver Junior ließ im Jahre 1769 auf diesem Grund ein Anwesen bauen, doch es kam zu mysteriösen Todesfällen. Seit 2016 ist das Oliver Estate für Besucher geöffnet - vom ersten Tag an berichten Besucher von erschreckenden, übernatürlichen Phänomenen. Als erste Geisterjäger überhaupt werden Nick Groff und Katrina Weidman das Haus untersuchen und dort übernachten. Sie haben 72 Stunden Zeit, um herauszufinden, wer oder was hinter den historischen Mauern sein Unwesen treibt.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping
72 Stunden im Geisterhaus Staffel 4 Folge 1
Auf dem Gelände des "Shepton Mallet"-Gefängnisses in Somerset wurden 400 Jahre lang tausende verstorbene Häftlinge begraben. Es heißt, ihre Seelen finden keine Ruhe. Die Zustände waren besonders im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert grausam. Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden hier unter anderem die Kray-Zwillinge, Bosse einer kriminellen Londoner Gang, inhaftiert. Aber nicht sie verbreiteten hinter den massiven Mauern den größten Schrecken: Immer wieder berichten Zeugen von Schattengestalten, gespenstischen Stimmen und geisterhaften Erscheinungen. Nick Groff und Katrina Weidman werden 72 Stunden im "Shepton Mallet" verbringen und die paranormalen Phänomene untersuchen.- Shop: Joyn
- Price: 0.00 EUR excl. shipping