63 Results for : kojo
Impressions from Tohoku 1. Miyagi 2. Iwate 3. Fukushima (2012, 2:45, 4:00, 4:45) I have used three folk melodies from Tohoku region in Japan as a base for improvisations going in their style near to rock and jazz. ------------------- Fantasy on 'Sakura sakura' and 'Kojo no tsuki' (2004, 8:00) I did complex chromatic harmonization of those two beautiful Japanese songs, and used their motifs for jazzy improvisation, after which both melodies are combined and sound together. Whole work is based on the improvisation and can have different shape - this is 2012 version. ------------------ Asagao (1989/1995, 7:35) Suite from my incidental music for Japanese kabuki play done in one Czech theatre. ------------------- Prayer to Fudo Myoo (2003, 12:32) This work was created soon after my first visit in Japan, the inspiration was a ceremony I've seen in the temple dedicated to Fudo Myoo. --------------- Kenrokuen - Garden of Six Principles 1. Spaciousness (2:15) 2. Seclusion (1:30) 3. Artifice (2:00) 4. Antiquity (1:15) 5. Abundant Water (3:00) 6. Wide Prospect (2:30) (2004, total duration ???13:41) Work was written for the orchestra of traditional Japanese instruments, this is the electronic version. Inspiration came from European Middle Age, Renaissance, Contemporary music, Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, African, Arabian, Indian, Okinawa, Moravian and jazz music. ------------------ Lament (2012, 8:00) This work, kind of funeral passacaglia, is dedicated to the memory of all victims of Tohoku disaster. -------------------- Ukiyo (2010, 16:26) Variations on Japanese song 'Sakura sakura' and Moravian song 'Ej lásko lásko'. Despite the far distance of those countries both songs express the same feeling of nostalgy and sorrow from passing time and floating world. Version for electronic instruments. -------------------- Daniel Forró, M.A., Ph.D. (composer, synthesizer/piano/organ performer)- Shop: odax
- Price: 44.83 EUR excl. shipping
Strike the Blood - Gesamtausgabe - Bundle - Blu-ray Box (4 Blu-rays)
Fernab vom japanischen Festland liegt eine künstliche Insel – eine Sonderzone, auf der mysteriöse Wesen wie Dämonen, Werwölfe und Vampire leben. Dort wohnt auch Kojo Akatsuki, der zwar wie ein ganz normaler Schüler aussieht, in Wahrheit aber ein Vampir ist. Eines Tages wird er von einem Mädchen namens Yukina Himeragi verfolgt, die von einer geheimnisvollen Organisation damit beauftragt wurde, ihn zu überwachen. Denn was Kojo nicht weiß: Er ist der Vierte Shinso, der mächtigste Vampir seiner Art, und wäre nicht nur in der Lage diese Insel, sondern auch die Menschenwelt ins totale Chaos zu stürzen ...Strike the Blood vereint Action, Fantasy und Erotik – alles was das Vampir-Fanherz begehrt!- Shop: odax
- Price: 112.77 EUR excl. shipping