116 Results for : molen
Empathy: Strategies for Understanding People and Managing Your Anxiety , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 214min
This book is a steal. It is filled with useful information and advice from experts for anyone who wants to improve their understanding of empathy.This book includes 2 books:Anxiety Relief: How to Overcome Anxiety, Stop Worrying and Panic Attacks and Empathy: A Guide to Developing Your Social and Emotional Intelligence.Throughout this book, James discusses empathy and overcoming anxiety by describing how they determine our style or success with relationships, business, and life. Learn ways to recognize other people's emotions and yours. Understand the analysis of your anxiety better.The most important thing about these skills is that they can be learned at any stage of life. Everyone wants to become the best version of himself. James Lee King describes methods to learn about emotions and methods to overcome anxiety.You will learn:Why these skills are necessaryBuilding emotionally intelligent relationshipsImportant information and assessments to assist in reading peopleMethods to successfully master your emotions and anxietyAnd much moreThis book is about you and your journey. It's about your personal growth. It's about becoming the best version of yourself ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/132430/bk_acx0_132430_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day: Secrets of a Top Agent Revealed , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1049min
Top-performing mega real estate agent Karen Briscoe's Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day shows that you truly only have to invest five minutes a day to achieve a higher level of success in business and life. Hal Elrod, best-selling author of The Miracle Morning, proclaims, "[R]eaders are leaders, and most top agents read a minimum of 5-10 pages per day. To sell real estate at a high level, start your Miracle Morning with Karen Briscoe's Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day. It's a book that can truly help to accelerate your success and transform you into top producing agent!" "Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day is a must read for your best year in real estate." - Wade Vander Molen, contributor featured at Inman Invest five minutes a day in listening and sharpening your skills. This one habit can put you on the fast track to success in your life and business. Success is achieved by getting into action immediately and applying the principles learned. Applied knowledge leads to success! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Julie Reisler. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/100866/bk_acx0_100866_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Marriage Prayers: Prayers and Encouragement for Every Married Couple: The Bible Study Book, Volume 7 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 140min
God created the concept and institutions of marriage and family, also giving us guidelines for experiencing the maximum benefit from them. He also made sure we had plenty of examples in the Bible of how to do marriage and how not to do marriage. Marriage Prayers: Prayers and Encouragement for Every Married Couple focuses on combining the examples of marriage we have in the Bible with passages of scripture that provide instruction on how to do marriage right and provide a reminder that the best marriages are those that place God in the center of the relationship and keep him there. Marriage Prayers: Prayers and Encouragement for Every Married Couple looks at the various elements of a marriage, asks "food for thought" questions, offers marriage enhancement activities, and makes suggestions on how to pray for your marriage. In other words, this book is a win-win for couples getting ready to say "I do" as well as those who already have but want to be reminded of why they did. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/094440/bk_acx0_094440_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Jesus - Die ersten Jünger, die ersten Wunder: Abenteuer zwischen Himmel und Erde 22, Hörbuch, Digital, 38min
Jesus ruft Menschen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Lebensumständen und Situationen. Da ist Petrus, der als Fischer arbeitet - oder die Brüder Jakobus und Johannes. Selbst einen Zöllner spricht er an mit den Worten: "Folge mir nach". Was die Menschen dazu veranlasste, alles stehen und liegen zu lassen, um Jesus zu folgen, hören Sie in dieser bewegenden Hörspiel-Folge. Die biblische Hörspielreihe für die ganze Familie, nach einem Konzept von Günter Schmitz. Seine Vision war es, Kindern und Erwachsenen auf anschauliche Weise biblische Inhalte näher zu bringen. In diesen Hörspielen berichten "Augenzeugen" über Personen aus dem Neuen Testament - authentisch, spannend und biblisch fundiert! Hörspiel nach den Evangelien. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Jesus: Karl-Rudolf Menke / Satan: Horst Herrmann / Diener: Jörg van der Molen / Petrus: Berth Wesselmann / Maria: Debra C. Schröter / In weiteren Rollen: Hannes Beckert, Gerhard Franz Brucker, Marga Claudy, Max DeNil, Rainer Domke, Dirk-Stefan Greis, Carola Hassel, Kathrin Irion, Henning Kohne, Michael Labatut, Janin Roeder, Harald Schneider, Baldur Seifert, Petra Soltau. Regie: Baldur Seifert, Musik: Jochen Rieger deutsch. Karl-Rudolf Menke, Horst Herrmann, Berth Wesselmann, Debra C. Schröter. https://samples.audible.de/bk/gert/000145/bk_gert_000145_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Passive Income: A Detailed Guide on Making Passive Income on the Internet , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 93min
The passive income author shows listeners how to earn income Online and work smarter, now with more detailed, cutting-edge content.Forget the old concept of working hard and the rest of the deferred-life plan - there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your motivation is escaping the daily grind, experiencing labtop lifestyle, or earning a monthly passive income with little management, Passive Income: A Detailed Guide on Making Passive Income on the Internet is the blueprint. This step-by-step guide to a passive income lifestyle teaches:Setting up passive income sourcesDetailed how to instructions, not just ideasThis new book Passive Income: A Detailed Guide to Making Passive Income on the Internet includes: Six detailed options for making passive income Online for listeners who want to learn about making passive income Online, info on how to overcome common mental blocks, and info on people who reinvented themselves using this book as a starting point. This audiobook also includes updated information and details for living like an entrepreneur or a business owner. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/137262/bk_acx0_137262_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
How to Analyze People: How to Read People Instantly Using Body Language, Facial Expressions, and Emotional Intelligence , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 93min
Think about how special your life could be if you really knew the way to read other people in your life. Be it evaluating prospective business clients, understanding what your co-workers are truly thinking, or just having the ability to analyze the real intentions of people on the street. You will have an advantage in life and gain more from your relationships, particularly whenever you are looking at detecting possible dishonest behavior. However, most individuals do not have the correct verbal and non-verbal skills. Within this audiobook, King gives listeners a firsthand look into body language lessons. In addition, this is a practical real life guidebook on how to: Understand your emotions, to better understand others Use verbal and nonverbal cues to assess any situation Recognize signals people subconsciously give away Understanding the words spoken and why they were chosen Interpret facial expressions and gestures And many more How to Analyze People is a combination of research principles mixed with real life advice on how to read human behavior. The verbal and non-verbal analysis lessons will provide you an advantage, in both personal and business relationships. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/116665/bk_acx0_116665_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Healthy Cookbooks: 130 Healthy Cookbook Recipes Bundle, 4 Manuscripts: Clean Eating Made Simple, Eating Clean, Clean Eating Recipes, and The Clean Eating Cookbook: 4 Healthy Eating Cookbooks in 1 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 267min
Healthy Cookbooks: Your go-to cookbooks for healthy foods when time is the only ingredient you’re missing. Healthy cooking can seem next to impossible to do - but sitting down to the table isn’t just for special occasions. Healthy Cookbooks practically sets the table for you with flavorful meals that won’t break your budget. Whether it’s grocery shopping, figuring out proportions, or just leaving the right amount of leftovers in the fridge, Healthy Cookbooks gives you back the time you need to enjoy nourishing home-cooked meals, even on your busiest days. Healthy Cookbooks includes: Four manuscripts: "Clean Eating Made Simple", "Eating Clean", "Clean Eating Recipes", and "The Clean Eating Cookbook" One hundred thirty deliciously quick recipes: classic recipes complete with detailed information for preparation Healthy eating guidelines: advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle Healthy Cookbooks brings you recipes such as: wild salmon with corn and pepper salsa salad, smoked avocado lime pork chops, crispy honey garlic salmon, nectarine and onion pork chops, and much more! Get cooking with Healthy Cookbooks and learn how easy it can be to coordinate your meals and schedules for a healthy lifestyle. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/109893/bk_acx0_109893_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
A Million Stars to Self Empowerment: A Universal Message for Those Who Seek Empowerment Through Peace and Harmony (History and Habits, Book 1) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 106min
An inspirational message originating from personal past and present experiences, thoughts and ideas aimed to motivate self-development. As authentic motivators, the author describes over 10 scenarios, narrations, and examples from multiple walks of life. They are referred to as stars of empowerment. The literature creates a developing mindset, enabling the listener to discover secret stars of self-empowerment from within. And it provides best star experiences from the author’s perspective, and shares a message with the listener in discovering means of maximizing self-potential. The author uncovers the fact that self-empowerment is best done through pure peace, passion, and harmony. It becomes a common message from one pure heart to another and raises the question: What is the main star that is waiting to be discovered in each of us? Inspirational with a sense of encouragement and a universal message for all ages. There are a million reasons why you are important and must succeed. And you only need one star idea to succeed in whatever you choose to do with your abilities. What those reasons are and how you use them is within you, let’s find the best one now! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/138343/bk_acx0_138343_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Der Angelführer "Dänische Nordseeküste"
Die dänische Nordseeküste ist eines der beliebtesten Angelreviere der Deutschen. Rund 700.00 Deutsche angeln nach Schätzungen der dänischen Angelfachbranche Jahr für Jahr an den Stränden zwischen Skagen und Blåvand. Unendlich lange Sandstrände, über 100 Molen, 3 Fjorde und vielfältige Fangmöglichkeiten an der rund 350 km langen Küste locken die Deutschen in das nahe Nachbarland. Im März 2010 erscheint das erste Buch auf dem deutschen Markt, das den zahlreichen Anglern Informationen rund um das Angeln an der dänischen Küstenregion bietet. In dem neuen Angelführer "Dänische Nordseeküste" werden erstmalig die 75 besten Angelplätze zwischen Skagen und Blåvand vorgestellt. Auf 116 Seiten und mit über 350 Fotos und Grafiken gibt es fangfrische Informationen rund um das Angeln an der Nordseeküste, die aufgrund der Gezeiten und Fischvorkommen ein besonders abenteuerliches Fischrevier ist. Das Buch beschreibt die Besonderheiten des Angelns bei Ebbe und Flut, sowie das Phänomen der "hestehuller" (so nennen die Dänen die Strömungsrinnen zwischen den Sandbänken). Außerdem erwartet den Leser eine Übersicht über die beste Platzwahl, Fangzeiten und Erfolgsköder auf Scholle, Hering, Dorsch, Makrele, Steinbutt und den edlen Wolfsbarsch.Die 75 Angelstellen werden detailliert mit Fotos, Grafiken und Informa-tionen zum Angeln am Platz vorgestellt. So gehört zum Beispiel "Hvide Sande" nicht nur im Frühjahr und Herbst mit seinen fantastischen Heringsfängen zu einem attraktiven Reiseziel für die Angler. Und die Strände um das nördlichste Skagen herum haben sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem erstklassigen Wolfsbarschrevier entwickelt. Und wer am Henne- oder Vejers Strand Urlaub macht, der kann an den breiten Sandstränden bei auflaufendem Wasser richtig gute Flundern und Schollen fangen.- Shop: buecher
- Price: 15.40 EUR excl. shipping
Emotional Intelligence: Discovering Your Inner Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship and Career , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 113min
Having a higher IQ does not ensure good results, pleasure, or even a good quality life, however until emotional intelligence, we were left guessing. James Lee King's book provides insights on our emotional way of thinking and how emotions play a role in who we are. Throughout this book, James discusses the emotional brain and you, and reveals the way they determine our failure or success in employment, relationships, and our overall well-being. Learn ways on recognizing other people's emotions and yours. Get a better understanding of the four skills of emotional intelligence. The most beneficial thing is that emotional intelligence can be learned at any stage. Every human being wants to become the best version of themselves. Emotional Intelligence: Discovering Your Inner Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship and Career, is your guide on improving your emotional intelligence. You'll learn: Exactly why emotional intelligence is necessary Learn the roots of empathy Evaluating and increasing emotional intelligence Building emotionally intelligent relationships Emotionally intelligent leadership Emotional Intelligence: Discovering Your Inner Emotional Intelligence in Your Relationship and Career is about you and your journey. It's about your personal growth. It's about discovering the emotionally intelligent person in you. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: David Van Der Molen. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/096138/bk_acx0_096138_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping