101 Results for : dermatological

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    The book presents an innovative technology based on injection of a very weak current to trace the quantity of a drug carried immediately after the administration. The book makes the reader familiar with the technology, from the conception through the design of the instrument, up to the preliminary clinical applications. In the first chapter, the method of transdermal drug delivery and the use of impedance spectroscopy in the dermatological field are presented. The second chapter describes a screening measurement campaign aimed at proving the feasibility of the assessment method and identifying the bandwidth of interest. The prototyping, validation and characterization of an instrument to measure the amount of drug delivered (DUSM: Drug Under Skin Meter) are presented in chapter three. In the fourth chapter three experimental campaigns, based on the electrical analysis of the biological tissue behavior due to the drug delivery, are reported: (i) laboratory emulation on eggplants, (ii) ex-vivo tests on pig ears, and finally (iii) in-vivo tests on human volunteers. In the fifth chapter a behavioral model, based on Finite Elements and Partial Differential Equation, of an impedance-based measurement system for assessing the drug released under the skin, during transdermal delivering, is proposed. The last chapter is dedicated to present a campaign in order to prove the suitability for insulin therapy applications. This book is intended for biomedical engineers, biomedical engineering students, operators working in the field of biomedical instrumentation, biotechnologists, and technicians of transdermal vehiculation.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 38.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The book presents an innovative technology based on injection of a very weak current to trace the quantity of a drug carried immediately after the administration. The book makes the reader familiar with the technology, from the conception through the design of the instrument, up to the preliminary clinical applications. In the first chapter, the method of transdermal drug delivery and the use of impedance spectroscopy in the dermatological field are presented. The second chapter describes a screening measurement campaign aimed at proving the feasibility of the assessment method and identifying the bandwidth of interest. The prototyping, validation and characterization of an instrument to measure the amount of drug delivered (DUSM: Drug Under Skin Meter) are presented in chapter three. In the fourth chapter three experimental campaigns, based on the electrical analysis of the biological tissue behavior due to the drug delivery, are reported: (i) laboratory emulation on eggplants, (ii) ex-vivo tests on pig ears, and finally (iii) in-vivo tests on human volunteers. In the fifth chapter a behavioral model, based on Finite Elements and Partial Differential Equation, of an impedance-based measurement system for assessing the drug released under the skin, during transdermal delivering, is proposed. The last chapter is dedicated to present a campaign in order to prove the suitability for insulin therapy applications. This book is intended for biomedical engineers, biomedical engineering students, operators working in the field of biomedical instrumentation, biotechnologists, and technicians of transdermal vehiculation.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 38.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This book is a concise practical guide designed to facilitate the clinical decision-making process in the management of pediatric skin disease in older children. Dermatologists and general pediatricians who offer primary care to children must be knowledgeable in managing dermatological problems, and this title provides insightful reviews of a number of common and rare dermatologic cases. Clinical cases are a key component in modern medical education, assisting the trainee or recertifying clinician work through unusual scenarios using best practice techniques. Pediatric dermatology is a particularly important discipline in this regard since it is a highly visual subject requiring the reader to describe often very subtle differences in the presentation of patients and define accurately the diagnostic and management criteria on which to base their clinical decision-making.Clinical Cases in Middle-Years Pediatric Dermatology concisely covers how to approach diagnosing and managing patients between 6 and 11 years of age. Each chapter focuses on a particular case and emphasizes how to make an appropriate choice when deciding which diagnostic tool or management strategy would be most suitable. Potential complications are detailed and management tips provided to enable the reader to develop a deep understanding of how approach the care of these patients within their day-to-day clinical practice. This book therefore represents an ideal up-to-date resource for all practitioners who encounter the condition as part of their everyday practice.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 58.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Kunst schafft betörende Illusionen für unsere Sinne, die unser Gehirn zu einem erhabenen Glücksgefühl katalysiert. Bei den Gemälden «Grosser Meister» rezipiert der Betrachter das Ganze und übersieht oft Details, die im vorliegenden Buch aus mehreren Tausend Kunstwerken aufgespürt und aus der Perspektive der Dermatologie eingeordnet und vergleichend mit Krankheitsbildern interpretiert werden. Alterungsprozesse, Muttermale, Neubildungen, Veränderungen an Hautanhangsgebilden, Binde- und Fettgewebe, an Gefässen und Nerven stören die Makellosigkeit des Inkarnats und wurden daher -wenn überhaupt- meist unbewusst ohne medizinische Sachkenntnis vom Künstler in der zweidimensionalen Form eines Portraits dargestellt.Hingegen werden bei den dreidimensionalen dermatologischen Wachsmoulagen die krankhaften Veränderungen an der Haut in bester akademischer Absicht bewusst möglichst naturgetreu und wirklichkeitsnah abgebildet.Der Versuch einer Erkundung von Parallelen zwischen Hautdarstellungen einst und heute zeigt, dass sich am Perfektionswahn und dem Streben nach Makellosigkeit des Inkarnates damals wie heute nichts geändert hat und die wirklichkeitsgetreue Darstellung häufig dem vermeintlichen Schönheitsideal geopfert und alles Krankhafte oder Anormale verdeckt wird.Art creates beguiling illusions for our senses, which catalyzes our brain into a sublime feeling of happiness. In the paintings of "Great Masters", the viewer admires the whole painting and often overlooks details that are tracked down in the present book from several thousand works of art, classified from the perspective of dermatology and interpreted comparatively with clinical pictures. Aging processes, moles, neoplasms, changes in skin appendages, connective and fatty tissue, vessels and nerves disturb the flawlessness of the incarnate and were therefore - if at all - usually unconsciously depicted by the artist in the two-dimensional form of a portrait without medical expertise.On the other hand, in the three-dimensional dermatological wax moulages, the pathological changes of the skin are deliberately depicted as realistically as possible with the best academic intentions.The attempt to explore parallels between skin representations then and now shows that nothing has changed in the perfection mania and the striving for flawlessness of the incarnate then as now and that the realistic representation is often sacrificed to the supposed ideal of beauty and everything pathological or abnormal is concealed.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 102.79 EUR excl. shipping
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    Dermatological Diseases and Cumulative Life Course Impairment: ab 196.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 196.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    New Technologies in Dermatological Science and Practice - Intelligence Regeneration Speed and Precision: ab 18.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    New Technologies in Dermatological Science and Practice - Intelligence Regeneration Speed and Precision: ab 18.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 18.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Fifty Dermatological Cases: ab 60.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 60.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Dermatological and Transdermal Formulations: ab 60.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 60.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    Atlas of Dermatological Manifestations of Gastrointestinal Disease: ab 117.49 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 117.49 EUR excl. shipping

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