91 Results for : mindanao

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    State universities and colleges in the Philippines ab 32.49 € als Taschenbuch: University of the Philippines University of the Philippines Diliman Laguna State Polytechnic University University of the Philippines Mindanao Bulacan State University Pangasinan State University. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Wirtschaft & Soziales,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 32.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    As smoke billows skyward from Pearl Harbor, Japan throws its full military might against the outnumbered and under-equipped Filipino forces. Admiral Hart sends his US Asiatic Fleet south, to the safety of Allied waters. When remnants of PBY Patrol Wing 10 depart with the fleet, Charles Beckner, corpsman for Squadron 102, is left behind with no apparent avenue for escape. Under relentless pressure from Japanese forces, American and Filipino troops retreat down the Bataan Peninsula. Sick with malaria and dysentery and out of food and ammunition, surrender is imminent for those who survive. Charles joins Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron 3 as machine gunner and corpsman on PT-34. After two months of fighting along the Bataan coast, Squadron 3 is tasked with a critical, covert mission that once more leaves Charles stranded, this time on the southern Philippine island of Cebu. As the Japanese noose tightens, Charles makes his way to the island of Mindanao and joins other sailors and soldiers preparing for guerrilla resistance. His plans are interrupted by new orders that will unexpectedly reunite him with crewmen of his old seaplane squadron. With advancing Japanese troops only minutes away, there is one possibility for escape. It is risky, and failure will be fatal. "Highly readable narrative of personal courage from PBYs to PT boats John Floyd has done an admirable job of preserving the stories of his father-in-law in a fast-paced and highly readable narrative. Originally assigned as a Navy corpsman to a PBY patrol wing, Charles Beckner was not only on Corregidor with MacArthur, but also in the chaos of the start of the war in the Pacific he ended up in the PT-boat squadron that evacuated the general from the Philippines. Highly recommended as the story of one family’s sacrifices well told in the context of the broader war." (Walter Borneman, author of The Admirals and MacArthur at War)Winner, Arizona Authors Association 2020 L ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Phil Thron. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/221222/bk_acx0_221222_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    The powerful forces of the United States Navy (USN), Marine Corps, and Army advanced inexorably against Imperial Japan in 1944. Following massive interdiction of Japanese merchant shipping by American submarines and multiple naval victories, the Americans stood poised to liberate the Philippines, then move on to locations closer to the Japanese home islands. In early 1944, arguments raged over the best approach to the "strategic triangle" created by Formosa, Luzon, and China. Finally, on March 12th, the Joint Chiefs of Staff - consisting of Admirals William D. Leahy and Ernest J. King, and Generals George C. Marshall and Henry H. "Hap" Arnold - issued a directive picking the next target: "[T]he most feasible approach to the Formosa-Luzon-China area is by way of Marianas-Carolines-Palau-Mindanao area, and that the control of the Marianas-Carolines-Palau area is essential to the projection of our forces into the former area, and their subsequent effective employment therefrom." The Americans' plans focused on three islands near the southern end of a 15-island, north to south aligned island chain: Saipan, Tinian, and Guam. These islands, relatively large, offered space for the construction of large air bases within strategic bomber range of Japan itself, as well as closer targets. The Japanese also recognized the strategic importance of the Mariana Islands, and Saipan in particular, given its location just 1,272 miles from Tokyo itself. This would place the Japanese capital well within the 3,250 mile range of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress. With these facts in their possession and the Marianas as one of the Americans' most logical next choices, the Japanese worked to move both reinforcements and materials for new fortifications to the southern Marianas in early 1944. Nevertheless, deadly USN submarines with determined crews seriously hampered these efforts. On February 29th, the USS Trout (SS-202), a Tambor-class submarine skippered by Lie ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mark Norman. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/076289/bk_acx0_076289_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Aber dich gibt's nur einmal für mich|Adios amigo|Aloha oe|AM STRAND VON MINDANAO|Am Strande von Havanna|Am Tag als der Regen kam / Dalida|AM WEISSEN STRAND VON SOERABAYA|ANNELIESE|Anuschka|AUF CUBA SIND DIE MAEDCHEN BRAUN|Auf wiederseh'n|Banjo Boy|Blaue Nacht am Hafen|Cafe oriental|CAPITANO|Capri Fischer|CAROLIN|CINCERELLA BABY|Cindy oh Cindy|Das alte Försterhaus|Das alte Haus von Rocky Docky|Das kannst du mir nicht verbieten|Das Mädchen Carina|DAS WAR MEIN SCHOENSTER TANZ|DER LEGIONAER|Der weisse Mond von Maratonga|Die Gitarre und das Meer|Die Liebe ist ein seltsames Spiel / Francis Connie|Du bist nicht allein|DU HAST JA TRAENEN IN DEN AUGEN|EGON|EINE BLAUE ZAUBERBLUME|EINE REISE INS GLUECK|Es hängt ein Pferdehalfter an der Wand|Florentinische Nächte|FRAG DEN ABENDWIND|Frag nur dein Herz|FUER GABY TU' ICH ALLES|Ganz in weiss|Ganz Paris träumt von der Liebe / Valente Caterina|Gitarren klingen leise durch die Nacht|Goodnight my love|HAFEN ROCK|Harlekin|Hast Du alles vergessen|HEIMAT DEINE STERNE|HEIMATLOS|Heimweh|Heisser Sand|HEUTE MALE ICH DEIN BILD CINDY LOU|HINTER DEN KULISSEN VON PARIS|Ich bin ein Mann|ICH BIN EIN WANDERER|Ich hab Ehrfurcht vor schneeweissen Haaren|Ich möcht gern dein Herz klopfen hörn|Ich wär so gern bei dir|ICH WEISS WAS DIR FEHLT|Ich Will'nen Cowboy Als Mann|Ich zähle täglich meine Sorgen|IMMER WIEDER GEHT DIE SONNE AUF / Jürgens Udo|IMMER WILL ICH TREU DIR SEIN|Itsy bitsy Teenie Weenie|JEDEN TAG DA LIEB' ICH DICH EIN KLEINES BISSCHEN MEHR|JIM JONNY UND JONAS|Junge komm bald wieder|Kalkutta liegt am Ganges|KEEP SMILING|KUESSE NIE NACH MITTERNACHT|La le lu|LADY SUNSHINE UND MISTER MOON|Liebeskummer lohnt sich nicht|MACH DICH SCHOEN|MAN MUESSTE NOCH MAL ZWANZIG SEIN|Manokoora|Marmor Stein und Eisen bricht / Deutscher Drafi|MARTIN|Mein Freund der Baum|Meine Liebe zu dir|Melancholie|Merci Cherie / Jürgens Udo|MEXICANO|Mit 17 fängt das Leben erst an|Mit 17 hat man noch Träume|MITSOU|MONJA|MONSIEUR DUPONT|Moonlight|Morgen|MOTORBIENE|NUR EIN BILD VON DIR|O MEIN PAPA|OHNE KRIMI GEHT DIE MIMI NIE INS BETT|ONKEL SATCHMO'S LULLABY / Halletz Erwin|Pack die Badehose ein|PARISER TANGO|Pigalle|Quando quando quando|Ramona|ROCKY ROBBY|Romeo + Julia|Rote Lippen soll man küssen|Rote Rosen rote Lippen roter Wein|SAG WARUM WILLST DU VON MIR GEHEN|Santo Domingo|SCHENK DEINER FRAU DOCH HIN UND WIEDER ROTE ROSEN|Schöner fremder Mann|Schuett die Sorgen in ein Glaeschen Wein|Schwarze Rose Rosemarie|Seemann (Deine Heimat ist das Meer)|Sehnsucht (Das Lied der Taiga)|Shake hands|Siebentausend Rinder|Siebzehn Jahr blondes Haar / Jürgens Udo|SMOKY|SOLANG DIE STERNE GLUEHN|SPANISCH WAR DIE NACHT|Speedy Gonzales|Spiel noch einmal für mich Habanero|Steig in das Traumboot der Liebe|Sugar baby|SUKIYAKI|TEDDYBAER|TIPITIPITIPSO|Tränen in deinen Augen|Tulpen aus Amsterdam|Unter fremden Sternen (Fährt ein weisses Schiff nach Hongkong)|Va vene|VAGABUNDENLIED|Vaya con dios|VOM STADTPARK DIE LATERNEN|WARUM STRAHLEN HEUT NACHT DIE STERNE SO HELL|Weine nicht kleine Eva / Flippers|Weisse Rosen aus Athen|WEISSER HOLUNDER|Wenn|WIR KOENNEN UNS NUR BRIEFE SCHREIBEN|WO DIE SUEDSEE RAUSCHT LUANA|Wo meine Sonne scheint|ZUCKERPUPPE|Zwei kleine Italiener
    • Shop: Notenbuch
    • Price: 27.50 EUR excl. shipping
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    Even though it hарреns to be that this is not the first time the Ebola Virus has found its wау thrоugh thе shores оf Africa, іts latest development hаs bееn thаt оf аn alarming оnе. Аs іt stands nоw а handful оf West African countries hаs bееn аffесtеd nаmеlу Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal аnd Sierra Leone. It іs believed thаt Ebola fіrst emerged іn Sudan аnd Zaire іn 1976. Тhе nаmе Ebola wаs named аftеr thе Zaire River called "Ebola River". Тhе fіrst outbreak оf Ebola іs sаіd tо hаvе infected 284 people wіth а mortality rate оf 53%. Тhе second emergence оf Ebola wаs reported іn Yambuku, Zaire. Ebola-Zaire (EBOZ) recorded thе highest mortality rate оf аnу оf thе Ebola viruses (88%) infected 318 people. Тhе third strain оf Ebola, Ebola Reston (EBOR), wаs fіrst identified іn 1989 whеn infected monkeys wеrе imported іntо Reston, Virginia, frоm Mindanao іn thе Philippines. Ebola hаs fоund іts wау іn thе annals оf West Africa аnd thе Africa аt large. Тhе '2014 outbreak' оf thе Ebola hаs bееn а major threat tо nоt оnlу Africa, but thе Wоrld аt large. Ghana іn thіs regard іs nо exception tо thе threats оf Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) tаkіng іntо cognizance thаt wе аrе bounded bу neighboring Ebola stricken Countries. As thе Ebola epidemic frenzies, twо questions hаvе surface: Ноw dіd thе noxious virus escape detection fоr three months? Аnd whу hаs а mammoth global interventions fail tо соntаіn it? In Guinea, thе case started іn а small village (Meliandou) іn thе Forest region оf southern Guinea. Bush meat hаs long bееn а common source оf food fоr thіs village аnd thеу hаd іt іn bounty. Вut іn thе dying days оf December thе ordinary life іn Meliandou саmе tо аn еnd whеn thе Ebola virus gаvе а smooth landing іn thе village mоst lіkеlу іn thе body оf а fruit bat-its natural non-human reservoir, ассоrdіng tо а practical consensus аmоng scientists. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Trevor Clinger. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/039235/bk_acx0_039235_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    University of the Philippines ab 20.99 € als Taschenbuch: University of the Philippines Los Baños University of the Philippines Diliman University of the Philippines Mindanao List of University of the Philippines people List of University of the Philippines College of Law alumni. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 20.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    The Battle Of Bayan And Other Battles ab 14.99 € als Taschenbuch: Being A History Of The Moro Campaign From April 17 To Dec. 30 1902. A Record Of Events Occurring During A Period Of Eight Months' Service In The Lake Region Of Mindanao. Also Letters Of Congratulation From His Exce. Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, English, International, Englische Taschenbücher,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 14.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Lonely Planet's Philippines is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Cruise past the secluded beaches, pristine lagoons and rocky islets of the Bacuit Archipelago, join the adrenaline junkies wakeboarding, surfing, climbing and snorkelling on the Bicol peninsula, and choose which stretch of pearly white sand on which to escape the crowds; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of the Philippines and begin your journey now!Inside Lonely Planet's Philippines Travel Guide: Up-to-date information - all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020's COVID-19 outbreakNEW top experiences feature - a visually inspiring collection of the Philippines best experiences and where to have them What's new feature taps into cultural trends and helps you find fresh ideas and cool new areas NEW pull-out, passport-size 'Just Landed' card with wi-fi, ATM and transport info - all you need for a smooth journey from airport to hotelImproved planning tools for family travellers - where to go, how to save money, plus fun stuff just for kidsColour maps and images throughoutHighlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interestsInsider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spotsEssential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, websites, transit tips, pricesHonest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sightseeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks missCultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine, politicsOver 75 maps Covers Manila, Luzon, Mindoro, Boracay, Visayas, Cebu, Mindanao, PalawanThe Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet's Philippines, our most comprehensive guide to the Philippines, is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled. About Lonely Planet: Lonely Planet is a leading travel media company, providing both inspiring and trustworthy information for every kind of traveller since 1973. Over the past four decades, we've printed over 145 million guidebooks and phrasebooks for 120 languages, and grown a dedicated, passionate global community of travellers. You'll also find our content online, and in mobile apps, videos, 14 languages, armchair and lifestyle books, ebooks, and more, enabling you to explore every day. 'Lonely Planet guides are, quite simply, like no other.' - New York Times'Lonely Planet. It's on everyone's bookshelves; it's in every traveller's hands. It's on mobile phones. It's on the Internet. It's everywhere, and it's telling entire generations of people how to travel the world.' - Fairfax Media (Australia)
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Mindanao - Der Pate von Altona I: ab 5.99 €
    • Shop: ebook.de
    • Price: 5.99 EUR excl. shipping

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