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One Two
Jeff Richman Bio Guitarist/Composer Jeff Richman has performed, taught and recorded throughout Europe, Japan, Brazil and The United States as a solo artist, as well as with various name acts over the past 20 years. Jeff's most recent CD, his 12th release (hence the title 'One Two'), just released, features some of the most respected musicains in contemporary music today. Vinnie Colaiuta, Jimmy Haslip, Larry Goldings, Gary Novak, Danny Gottlieb and Brandon Fields are only some of the guests. Richman's unique writing and playing is at it's best on this brand new released produced by long time collaborater Philip Giffin. Richman's project, 'Live at the Baked Potato' Vol. #1 & #2, is still an ongoing monthly event at the world famous 'Baked Potato' in North Hollywood, California. Combining 'all star' musicians for each performance, Jeff had the evening's band recorded live for a these compilation CD's. Some of the Players included in this unique project are Vinnie Coliauta, Dave Weckl, Simon Phillips, Danny Gottlieb, Jimmy Haslip, Abe Laboriel, Gregg Bissonette, Jimmy Earl, Chad Wackerman, Mitchel Forman, Russ Ferrante, T Lavitz, Neil Stubenhaus, Tom Brechtlein, Steve Tavigilione, Brandon Fields and Peter Wolf. Both CD's are currently available on Tone Center Records. The CD 'Trio Loco', on EFA records in Europe features world class bassist Jimmy Haslip (from the Yellowjackets) and Danny Gottlieb (from the Pat Metheny group). This CD was also recorded live and captures a variety of creative improvisations and compositions. Jeff has released nine other CDs as a solo artist, some of which he is joined by players such as Vinny Coliauta, Steve Smith, Alex Acuna, Abe Laboriel, Gary Willis, Steve Lukather, John Abercrombie and Ernie Watts, to name a few. His CD 'Sand Dance', features Richman's working band with Joel Taylor on drums, Dean Taba on bass and Judd Miller on EVI. Another current project is the duo CD with fellow guitarist Wayne Johnson, tilted 'APACHE', on Miramar records. Jeff's previous solo CD 'Last Arrival', he joined world class producer, Peter Wolf, on keyboards. Peter and Jeff have shared a long term working relationship on several CD's and movie scores, as well. In addition, Richman's recorded for world renowned English pop artist, Cliff Richard. This CD featured Jeff as a soloist for the number one German hit movie, 'Irrin Ist Mannlich'. Active in the L.A. studio scene, Richman's plays on a variety of TV, CD and movie projects. He can be heard on the all the episode of the critically acclaimed NBC Television series 'Boomtown' and 'Las Vegas and the HBO series 'Carnivale'. He is also on many soundtrack Movie scores including the Tom Hanks' movie, 'That Thing You Do'. Jeff has also produced and written music for four Library Music CD's that air frequently on television and films. Additional credits include recordings/tours with T Lavitz, Alfonse Mouzon, Mark Isham, Me'shell Ndego'cello, Nancy Sinatra, Henry Mancini, Flora Purim and Airto. He performed twice at the world renown Montreux Jazz Festival in Switzerland. A regular performer with his band throughout the Los Angeles area, Jeff also teaches at the Los Angeles Music Academy (LAMA) and Musicians Institute (MI). Richman graduated from the Berklee School of Music, where he studied privately with Pat Metheny and Mick Goodrick. He also holds a Masters Degree in Music from California State University at Northridge.- Shop: odax
- Price: 27.19 EUR excl. shipping
Australian Festival
Jade CDs are widely heard on national and fine music stations throughout Australia, and are recognised as a valuable resource by educational authorities as being uniquely representative of the work of Australian composers. They are manufactured in limited runs of 500 and stocks are therefore may be regarded as collectors' items! All Jade CD covers are distinctive. Most Jade CDs have an anthology format and include works by several composers. It's great to have these CDs on offer for a wider audience at CD Baby. 'AN AUSTRALIAN FESTIVAL' JADCD 1095 Works by: Tomas Luis de Victoria, Robert Allworth, Carson P. Cooman, Lawrence Bartlett, Derek Strahan, Ann Carr-Boyd. Eric Gross, Duration: 64'09' Summary: This CD displays a characteristic feature of Jade releases - a combination of sacred and secular music. The colourful cover illustration of St. George slaying a dragon, illustrates the opening 4'30' track by Allworth: Prelude for the Most Holy Name of Jesus and Saint George and The Dragon (1990) which is followed by Allworth's 6 Meditations on Early English Saints (1990). Both works are for organ and are given a vivid interpretation by US organist and composer, Carson P. Cooman, on the organ of the Harvard University Memorial Church. Two contrasting works by Cooman follow -Tenebrae Canticle (2001), exploring ideas of liturgical darkness, and the sprightly Dawning, a birthday portrait for a friend. Two historical recordings made in 1979 at Sydney's Christ Church St. Lawrence capture the ambience of this location as Colin Sapsford directs the choir in settings by Tomas Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) of Missa O Magnum Mysterium and a Good Friday Hymn. Bartlett's own Ceremonial Te Deum (1988) is heard, as sung by choir and organ at a special service of Morning Prayer, at St, Andrews Cathedral, Sydney, in the presence of the Prince and the Princess of Wales, during the 1988 Bicentennial celebrations. In secular mode, Gross contributes two works: Rondino Pastorale for flute and Plectrum Ensemble (1962), and Prefatory Sonnet (1984) one of 3 Songs for soprano or tenor, clarinet and piano, in this instance sung by Anthony Walker. Strahan's Atlantis Variations for Solo Piano, Pt. 2, (1992) is one of several works developing material for a proposed 4-opera cycle on Atlantis, this one centred around the character of Calypso, a rebellious daughter of Atlas. The CD closes with Carr-Boyd attractive miniature for piano, Maladies Of Love (1982). Track list: - with more details about each piece and the performances. Prelude and Meditations by ROBERT ALLWORTH (b.1943) Tracks 1 - 7 were recorded by CARSON P. COOMAN in the Memorial Church at Harvard University, USA on the ISHAM MEMORIAL ORGAN on the I7th of May 2002 for the 60th Birthday year of the Composer. Track 1- PRELUDE FOR THE MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS AND SAINT GEORCE AND THE DRAGON. The organ prelude,composed in 1990, is derived from two themes in the slow movement of the composer's orchestral work PLATEAU which was recorded by PATRICK THOMAS conducting the OUEENSLAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA in 1974. MEDITATIONS OF EARLY ENGLISH SAINTS (1990) Track 2 - SAINT GILES AND SAINT CHAD. Saint Ciles - ninth century, with 150 Churches dedicated in his honour, in Great Britain. He is the patron Saint of Cripples and the Indigent. Saint Chad - Bishop in Northumbria,died in 672 at Lichfield where he founded a Monastery. Track 3 -SAINT RICHARD OF CHICHESTER. Bishop l244,died at Dover, 1253. He became Chancellor of his University. SAINT THOMAS OF HEREFORD, Bishop at Hambleden in Buckinghampshire, died in 1282. Educated at Oxford and ordained a priest by Pope Innocent IV. Track 4 - SAINT DUNSTAN, Bishop, born near Glastonbury in 909. He restored monastic life at Glastonbury which had ceased to exist since the Scandinavian invasions. In 959 he was made Archbishop of Canterbury. SAINT CUTHBERT, Bishop, died 687, buried at Lindisfarne. His remains were removed after the Viking Raids. His remains were placed in Durham Cathedral. Ln 1827,the Medieval shrine was rediscovered in Durham Cathedral. Track 5 - SAINT CHARLES died in 945 at Glastonbury. A monk who had visions of the Holy Family. Many miracles of healing have been attributed to this saint. SAINT ALBAN is venerated as the First Martyr in the Island of Britain. He was martyred in 209. Track 6 - SAINT JOSEPH OF ARIMATHAEA. First century. The Apostle Paul sent Joseph to be a missionary in the Island of Britain, whose first church he founded at Glastonbury. SAINT WILLIAM OF NORWICH died at Norwich in 1144. William was venerated locally as a martyr, after his mutilated body was found in a wood outside Norwich. He was 12 years old when he died. Track 7- SAINT ROBERT OF NEWMINSTER died 1159 He was accepted by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux into the Cistercian Order and then at Newminster. SAINT PETER OF SALISBURY died in Kent in 542. He was an assistant of the Augustian Friars, founded in 520. Tracks 8/9: Two Works for organ by CARSON P. COOMAN performed by the composer on the ISHAM MEMORIAL ORGAN in the Memorial Church at Harvard University, USA. Track 8 - Tenebrae Canticle (2001) was written for Rochester Christian Reformed Church and an Advent 2001 service Of darkness. Lt is a work exploring ideas of liturgical darkness, inspired by a verse from the Psalms (I8:11): He made darkness his secret place, his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. Track 9 - Dawning (2002) for Organ was written for and is dedicated to Sandra Gay, on her birthday. The work is vibrant and vital (a personality portrait). Two fast outer sections surround a slower, more lyrical one. HISTORICAL RECORDINGS OF TWO WORKS BY TOMAS LUIS DE VICTORIA (1548-1611) MADE IN CHRIST CHURCH ST. LAWRENCE, SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. Track 10 - KYRIE ELEISON - GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO from MISSA O MAGNUM MYSTERIUM Performance: Choir of Christ Church Saint Laurence Conductor - Colin Sapsford. Soprano - Diana Sapsford, Alto - Lyn Moffat, Tenor - Charles Dale, Bass - Neil McEwan.(Track to recorded in 1979) Track 11 - GOOD FRIDAY HYMN - THE ROYAL BANNERS FORWARD GO - translated by J.M. Neale from the Latin of BISHOP VENANTIUS FORTUNATUS, 530-606.Tune: ANDERNACH from the ANDERNACH GESANGBUCH .1608. Sung by the Choir and Congregation of Christ Church St. Laurence. With Colin Sapsford at the organ. Track 12 - CREMONIAL TE DEUM (1988) by LAWRENCE BARTLETT (1933-2002) Performance: Choir of St. Andrews Cathedral conducted by Michael Deasey, Bransby Byrne, organist. Lawrence Bartlett was for many years rector of St. Michael's Anglican Church, Vaucluse, Sydney, Australia, and also preceptor at St. Andrews Cathedral, Sydney. He composed a considerable amount of fine choral and organ music, including this work which was composed as part the Australian Bicentennial celebrations of 1988. It was sung at a special service of Morning prayer, in the presence of their Royal Highesses, Prince Charles, and the late Princess Diana. Track 13 - RONDINO PASTORALE OP. 33 (1962) by ERIC GROSS (b.1926) Performance: Michael Scott, flute and the Sydney Mandolins. A brief work designed to convey a relaxed, pastorle atmosphere. Originally composed as a piece for flute and harp, and subsequently arranged by the composer for various other instrumental combinations. Track 14 - PREFATORY SONNET OP. 139/1(1984) by ERIC GROSS (b.1926) Setting of a poem by Henry Kendall Performance: Anthony Walker, tenor, Ingrid Pearson, clarinet, Peter Maddox, piano. ATLANTIS VARIATIONS FOR SOLO PIANO PART 2 (1992) by DEREK STRAHAN (b.1935) Derek Strahan, piano Composer's notes: Written in 1992, Atlantis Variations for piano (in 3 parts) is one of four works written developing material for use in a proposed 4-opera cycle dealing with antediluvian civilisations of antiquity. Musical ideas for the third opera, Calypso In Exile, are developed in Atlantis Variations Part 2, heard here. Part 1 develops ideas for the second opera, and Part 3 for the final opera in which Atlantis- Shop: odax
- Price: 19.62 EUR excl. shipping