2 Results for : acception
La Crise du monde moderne (eBook, ePUB)
La Crise du monde moderne est un livre de René Guénon paru en 1927. Guénon reprit et approfondit dans l'ouvrage sa critique du monde occidental. L'ouvrage eut un grand retentissement. Présentation Si l’on dit que le monde moderne subit une crise, ce que l’on entend par là le plus habituellement, c’est qu’il est parvenu à un point critique, ou, en d’autres termes, qu’une transformation plus ou moins profonde est imminente, qu’un changement d’orientation devra inévitablement se produire à brève échéance, de gré ou de force, d’une façon plus ou moins brusque, avec ou sans catastrophe. Cette acception est parfaitement légitime et correspond bien à une partie de ce que nous pensons nous-même, mais à une partie seulement, car pour nous, et en nous plaçant à un point de vue plus général c’est toute l’époque moderne, dans son ensemble, qui représente pour le monde une période de crise ; il semble d’ailleurs que nous approchions du dénouement, et c’est ce qui rend plus sensible aujourd’hui que jamais le caractère anormal de cet état de choses qui dure depuis quelques siècles, mais dont les conséquences n’avaient pas encore été aussi visibles qu’elles le sont maintenant. C’est aussi pourquoi les événements se déroulent avec cette vitesse accélérée à laquelle nous faisions allusion tout d’abord ; sans doute, cela peut continuer ainsi quelque temps encore, mais non pas indéfiniment ; et même, sans être en mesure d’assigner une limite précise, on a l’impression que cela ne peut plus durer très longtemps...- Shop: buecher
- Price: 1.99 EUR excl. shipping
Purpose- Analyze This
TANK aka Jason Lipp began spittin back in the late 80's...Really the hip hop vibe might be said to have been born in him, as he was the dude breakdancing at the kindergarten recital when everyone else was doin somethin else. You could call that hammin up the spot or jus plain ol releasin energy.. Prolly, it's a combination of both that could predict future events. Spittin his way thru cafeteria lines, cafeteria courtyards, English classes, gym classes, science and math classes, TANK LIPP brought hip hop and rap to the high school arena early on. Shortly after the times when he was breakdancin up homecoming dances handin the DJ copies of CRAIG MACKs flava in YA EAR, and spreadin the sounds of MOBB DEEP's Shook Ones thru the hallways of Oviedo High School- TANK aka JASON LIPP- neighborhood knapsacker set up shop to spread his own flava in peoples ears..After recordin his first joints at the age of 13 with Omar Radwan and Fred Hamilton, TANK LIPP put notice out on the streets that he was serious about trying to do this rap thing. In 1997, after polishin up the craft, and maturing wiser in age- TANK LIPP and OMAR RADWAN ( back then- PHAROAH MAGNETIC) linked up with SUPER SCIENTIFIC aka DANNY D. (who is known today as UNKNOWN SUSPECT).. The three dabbled into there explorations on the techniques 1200 and triton keyboards- each finding a niche that they would later contribute to the group.. The three linked up with other emcees FARENHEIGHT and TONY MILLZ ( now TONE DA REFEREE) - forming a group back then known as TEAM EXTRAVAGANT aka TEAM ELEMENTAL aka FIFTH BREED ( which is now reffered to today as (the CALICO SILO).....TEAM EXTRAVAGANT was an immense concoction of raw talent and energy, whom spent cipher pon cipher strengthening skills day n day out, night afta night.//From rockin porches to libraries, school buses and parties, hallways, bathrooms, closets( literally to enhance mic sounds when recordin), smoked out cars, fields and meadows, beaches, the ciphas reigned hott and magnetic always. In fact, there was soo much energy surroundin this group that it was just assumed that after high school an album was gonna be put out, and just a matter of when..Well, 'when', somehow dissipated, and people moved on to different jobs and work and school, and business ventures and a strong fan base in '98 of local oviedo and orlando heads dissipated as they grew into a group that seemed like it might never reunite...The love for hip hop neva died, but the act of makin music temporarily ceased.....With the acception of freestyles TEAM EXTRAVAGANT stopped puttin out mixtapes and rockin the recordin aspects..In 2003, TANK LIPP and OMAR THE RADWAN aka ( DJ 4th Dynasty aka PHAROAH MAGNETIC established new quarters for the ol TEAM to reunite as the CALICO SILO in ( THE CALICO SILO)..Calico SILO was the name given to the studio rebirthed in 2003..The talents joinin in the festivities were TANK aka JASON LIPP, OMAR THE RADWAN aka DJ 4th DYNASTY,TONY MILLZ aka (TONE DA REFEREE) and WARREN ELLIOT.. EGGED ON by fan members such as EWDEGE STEPLORD aka MIKE EVANS and LOU 'ROCK' - the SILO pumped out an EP/ MIXTAPE sort of GIG. It neva was formally pushed into the public, but the select people that it was passed around to got outstanding reviews....From the ill cuts, to the selection of beats spit on, to the mastery of the rhymes, to the stepping up of new productions on the tritons etc.-it seemed like the raw talent was still there...The team just needed the time to be alloted and with everyones schedules and separate lives being led, a dope revival of an ol school dope HIP HOP movement -TEAM EXTRAVAGANT - was progressively dissipating again...In October of 2003 TANK LIPP lost his father, and the SILO known AS CALICO SILO temporarily shut down.....The spirit of TANKs' dad was moving TANK and 'O, but between grief and movin on and living life there still seemed like little time to make any dreams happen..The dreams were still there and the talks between em were inspirational and motivational..'O set out for a lil hiyadus in Egypt and when he returned TANK LIPP and OMAR 4th DYNASTY RADWAN, teamed back up with SUPER SCIENTIFIC aka UNKNOWN SUSPECT and went to town on the debut TANK album REINCARNATED which was released last APRIL 2007.. That was a meaninful rebirth on many different avenues for all three of us...The album was a very personal debut TANK album that just happened to feature a great amount of contribution from two of the original members of TEAM EXTRAVAGANT- OMAR THE RADWAN and UNKNOWN SUSPECT..The concept was to show that no matter wut struggles life hands you, that there is always a reason to keep pushin thru, whether it's losing your dad in TAKE ME TO MY DAD, or realizing that there are plenty of fish in the sea after a bad breakup in WHORE, or that every day on earth is a gift and blessing we must cherish in TODAYS A GIFT, or just to hang tough and not give up when running in circles with the same problems in RUNNING IN PLACE..Due to the personal and highly emotional at some points -content of the debut of the REINCARNATED album it was probably a little difficult for people to feel the total energy and fire in this dope TEAM EXTRAVAGANT hip hop movement renewed by TANK...Certainly, the deep insights and writing talents of TANK LIPP were appreciated regardless of the fact that it wasn't really an album packed with numerous BANGERS. The beats were hott too, but it lost some of it's HIP HOP banga swagga due to the somber moods of many of the tracks. Nonetheless it put TANK and crew back on the map, respected, and definately gave a chill supply of audio (13 tracks) fa people to sit back and ponder about life and decisions that are made and the consequences of those decisions- and ultimately that there is always a reason to push on-because what doesn't keep u down at the bottom, only makes u stronger when u rise back to the top... Instinctively realizing that REINCARNATED didn't completely captivate everything that TEAM EXTRAVAGANT always stood for over the years, including ill ass scratching, and more rugged hip hop tracks, the immediate release of REINCARNATED left TANK simultaneously back in the booth firin up new tracks...This time the goal was to simultaneously supply an answer to the 'HIP HOP IS DEAD MOVEMENT' that circulated around the nation instigated by artists such as NAS..The debate was heated and many sides, angles, and opinions to the debate were shared by a variety of well known industry artists-NAS, LUDACRIS etc... TANK had his views too, and invigorated with motivation to show OZONE and the rest of the world the natural HIP HOP fire in him, he didn't want to leave the status quo as personal from just REINCARNATED, but he wanted to embrace the status HEATED wit his own hip hop flare-from more hip hop sounding beats, doper hip hop punchlines, more raw flows and hooks, and tighter rhyme schemes combined with an ever progressive TANK sound which can only be understood if u listen to the distinctive voice that is TANK when he raps...There is a BIG POPPA swag to the voice, wit rhyme scheme mucho PUNN-IAN ( BIG PUN) lol, making TANK a pleasurable sound to underground and commercial listening ears. Unfortunately at the time of this albums recording and production phase the CALICO SILO didn't split apart in spirit and friendship, but in actual physical location-AGAIN. Omar moved back temporarily to the middle east getting high tech over in ABU DABI, and UNKNOWN SUSPECT moved out of ORLANDO and out of state to a location that needs to be left unknown :) ..( yeah that's right the beats to hott and u will want to jack him for the production-so the location can't be disclosed :) ..So the goals of giving the project that TEAM EXTRAVAGANT sound with the ill nasty cuts and scratches wasn't possible...Instead of trying to shop a style that we could distinctively create on our own-with our own scratches, there is minimal scratches on this album..Sorry to disaapoint...W- Shop: odax
- Price: 25.46 EUR excl. shipping