215,164 Results for : acx0
The Blessing of Obed-edom
And the ark of God remained with the household of Obed-edom in his house three months. And the Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had.” (1 Chronicles 13:14).Admittedly, we don't know a lot about Obed-edom. He’s only mentioned a few times in the Bible. But we do know that God obviously blessed him. “The Lord blessed the household of Obed-edom and all that he had”.Have you ever really thought about that passage? What did those blessings look like? Exactly how did God bless him?In this story, you'll see what those blessings might have looked like, and what it means for you and me. in stock new Audiobook 7.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B08B2L8YRS?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/201066de/lg_image.jpg Tom Kraeuter English 784 Bill Forsythe Training Resources Fiction Fiction 4.95 EUR 1 Std. und 51 Min. 11.06.2020 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B08B2L8YRS 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B08B2L8YRS com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/201066de/bk_acx0_201066de_sample.mp3 222636 222636 294479 B004V2Bd3Q Finnen von Sinnen. Von einem, der auszog, eine finnische Frau zu heiraten Sie gehen ständig in die Sauna, haben Millionen Handys und leben mit Milliarden von Mücken. Finnen sind eigenwillig, aber Wolfram Eilenberger liebt sie. Ganz besonders eine. Deswegen zieht er mit ihr vor 14 Jahren für ein halbes Jahr nach Finnland. Mittlerweile hat er festgestellt: Sie sind wunderbar, aber irgendwie spinnen sie auch. Sie sprechen wenig und nur nach langen Denkpausen. Sie sagen niemals: Ich liebe dich', aber sie zeugen die intelligentesten Kinder der Welt. Christoph Maria Herbst liest das witzigste und unterhaltsamste Buch der Saison!- Shop: Audible
- Price: 13.95 EUR excl. shipping
Before the Bear: The History and Legacy of California Before It Joined the United States
As the spring and summer of 1848 advanced, the reports came faster and faster from the gold-mines at Sutter’s saw-mill. Stories reached us of fabulous discoveries, and spread throughout the land. Everybody was talking of “gold! gold!!” until it assumed the character of a fever. Some of our soldiers began to desert; citizens were fitting out trains of wagons and pack-mules to go to the mines. We heard of men earning fifty, five hundred, and thousands of dollars per day...” -William Tecumseh ShermanThe history of California is one that witnessed the rise and fall of several nations and peoples. From the first natives to settle the fertile lands to the encroaching foreigners from the south, east, west, and north, the land that eventually became the Golden State received them all. From across oceans, mountains, plains, and deserts, people came to take advantage of the region’s natural resources. Despite the mythology and the romantic portrayals that helped make the California Gold Rush, most of the individuals who came to make a fortune struck out instead. The gold rush was a boon to business interests, which ensured important infrastructure developments like the railroad and the construction of westward paths, but ultimately, it also meant that big business reaped most of the profits associated with mining the gold. While the Forty-Niners are often remembered for panning gold out of mountain streams, it required advanced mining technology for most to make a fortune. As the Gold Rush intensified and brought more people to California, it would officially join the Union in 1850, but even that was fraught with political turmoil. in stock new Audiobook 7.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B07MJHM7YH?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/139295de/lg_image.jpg Charles River Editors English 784 Jim D Johnston Charles River Editors History History 4.95 EUR 2 Std. und 6 Min. 03.01.2019 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B07MJHM7YH 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B07MJHM7YH com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/139295de/bk_acx0_139295de_sample.mp3 B09Khfklbs Der Pakt Zwei Jahre nach dem Höhepunkt seiner Karriere und dem gleichzeitigen Ende dieser, hat Raphael RAF Camora' Ragucci noch bei weitem nicht alles mit seinen Fans geteilt was ihm auf der Seele liegt. Mit seiner Musikerlaufbahn abgeschlossen und völlig in sich gekehrt verfasste er seine Autobiographie Der Pakt. Das Hörbuch bietet einen noch nie zuvor dagewesenen, schonungslos ehrlichen Einblick hinter die Kulissen und wirft ein Licht auf die Schattenseiten seines Weges zum Erfolg.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 16.95 EUR excl. shipping
Elizabeth's Story
This is my story. I wrote it, instead of simply living it. And one day, I realized I needed to finish the story, write the final chapters, and re-write the earlier ones. Before it was too late. So, here it is. My story. Yes, I had help from Billy, revising and publishing and delivering a copy or two. Kathryn may have helped weave the strings and threads into a warmer and more thankful fabric. And here and there, I may have even lost track of who was telling my story. But still, it is my story. And whether fact or fiction, it is true. It is my story.” (Elizabeth)Elizabeth was a lifelong lover of literature. Hemingway, trains, adventure, food. She traveled the globe. Then settled into a silent and empty marriage in Virginia. Elizabeth’s memoir began as a complaint, late in life. At a turning point. She wrote in secret, gathering strength to break free. Her story grows as she makes her escape. And grows as her story is told.Elizabeth takes the train from Virginia to California to visit boarding school roommate Kathryn - their first reunion in 50 years. During the trip, she shares her writing with an overly curious seatmate; Billy delivers a copy of Elizabeth’s completed book in Pennsylvania and another in Denmark, and as he reads from her story, strangers contribute to the story’s telling. Coincidence and contradiction and question cradle each memory Elizabeth has recorded, adding to the whole. Elizabeth’s Story is about the key moments between the years. in stock new Audiobook 25.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B08DP44JZS?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/208238de/lg_image.jpg Morgan Phenix English 784 Morgan Phenix Morgan Phenix Fiction Fiction 9.95 EUR 10 Std. und 22 Min. 27.07.2020 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B08DP44JZS 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B08DP44JZS com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/208238de/bk_acx0_208238de_sample.mp3 B09D412Mfh Boykottiert Katar 2022!: Warum wir die Fifa stoppen müssen Dass Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften unter merkwürdigen Umständen vergeben werden, ist keine Neuigkeit - hier sei nur an die Vorgänge' um das deutsche 'Sommermärchen' erinnert. Aber als der Fußball-Weltverband Fifa die WM ins kleine, reiche Emirat Katar vergab, verstanden auch die skandalresistentesten Fußballfans die Welt nicht mehr. In Boykottiert Katar! fasst das Autorenduo Beyer/Schulze-Marmeling - anderthalb Jahre vor Start der Wüsten-WM - die Katar-Kontroverse kompakt zusammen und beleuchtet auch bis dato weniger bekannte Aspekte. Für alle, die ab jetzt mitreden wollen.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 12.95 EUR excl. shipping
Riding Horses Home: The Great Ginger Baker: The Final Reunion
Ginger was my brother, the absolute founder and energy behind Cream, my beloved band mate in Blind Faith, but beyond even that was the literal incarnation of progressive drumming upon the earth.” (Eric Clapton) The late, great Ginger Baker is, without question, the foremost drummer of his generation, having formed supergroups Cream and Blind Faith. In the early 1990s, Geoffrey Giuliano received a call from Baker asking if he would be interested in writing his autobiography. From there, a turbulent yet fruitful relationship ensued between the two. While the book they wrote has yet to be published, here, at last, are the exclusive, in-depth, upfront, and highly personal conversations the two unlikely friends recorded in a Western New York studio all those years ago.Ginger speaks his mind, holding forth on the particulars of his amazing life and work and in so doing, reveals something he has always ardently tried to hide - that he is really a lovely, caring, sensitive man. For everyone interested in the history, art, and cultural significance of the popular music of the 20th century, this series is a once in a lifetime, must have audio event. Please note: Perfect for universities and all educational media. Contains adult language and mature themes. Not recommended for children. Hosted, narrated, and authored by Geoffrey Giuliano. Produced by Fred Betschen in New York. Edited and mixed by Macc Kay in Bangkok. Project coordinator Alex Franchi in Milan. Executive in charge of production Avalon Giuliano in London. Icon intern Eden Giuliano in Delhi. Special thanks to Sanjay Khemani. in stock new Audiobook 7.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B081H82SLH?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/172529de/lg_image.jpg Geoffrey Giuliano English 784 Geoffrey Giuliano Author's Republic Biography & Autobiography Biography & Autobiography 4.95 EUR 1 Std. und 37 Min. 14.11.2019 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B081H82SLH 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B081H82SLH com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/172529de/bk_acx0_172529de_sample.mp3 3742410458 Max und Moritz und andere Geschichten Über 150 Jahre hat Wilhelm Buschs Geschichte über Max und Moritz nun schon auf dem Buckel, und trotzdem begeistern die kecken Reime auch heute noch Groß und Klein. Neben dem weltberühmten Klassiker über die beiden Lausbuben, die im Dorf von der Witwe Bolte bis zum Lehrer Lämpel alle in Atem halten, haben wir dem Dichter und Zeichner weitere erheiternde Geschichten zu verdanken, darunter Fipps, der Affe', 'Die Knopp-Trilogie' und 'Die fromme Helene'. Vorgelesen vom Profi entfaltet sich der Humor noch pointierter: Hörbuchpreisträger Stefan Kaminski schreit Zeter und Mordio in dieser quietschfidelen Lesung.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 6.95 EUR excl. shipping
The MindChemist: Quieting the Mind: Set Your Mind Free and Discover for Yourself
What if one day you woke up and realized that you’ve been defined so well that you haven’t even dared to question who you are? “...his awareness came from a state of deep quietness. A state beyond thought. A state of no belief. A state of freedom. Freedom to observe what is, as it is.” Much more than simple principles and clichés, The MindChemist is not only a guide through an awakening, but also an intimate memoir and a galvanizing wake-up call. The book takes the listener on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true self by describing the lessons and truths that one young man experienced as he surrendered to a voice within and embarked on his journey of self-exploration. The MindChemist is aimed at awakening and guiding, as well as activating people to seek their own sovereignty and independence, and discover the truth of themselves by themselves. “To learn about yourself from somebody else is naive. Why be a second-hand human? Discover for yourself.’’ in stock new Audiobook 20.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B08XYC8Q6X?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/241513de/lg_image.jpg Paul Ghattas English 784 Paul Ghattas Paul Ghattas Body, Mind & Spirit, Religion Body, Mind & Spirit Religion 9.95 EUR 5 Std. und 50 Min. 03.03.2021 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B08XYC8Q6X 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B08XYC8Q6X com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/241513de/bk_acx0_241513de_sample.mp3 B091352Kxm Ecos Audio - España, un país para enamorarse. 4/2021: Spanisch lernen Audio - Spanien, ein Land zum Verlieben Un país para enamorarse', ein Land zum Verlieben. Ecos Spanisch lernen Audio ruft einige grundlegende Dinge in Erinnerung, die man oft mit Spanien in Verbindung bringt: das maurische Erbe oder Begriffe wie 'siesta' und 'guerrilla'. Außerdem berühmte Maler wie El Greco, Zurbarán, Velázquez und Goya. Hinzu kommen regionale Besonderheiten: die Pfeifsprache auf Gomera, die Menschentürme in Katalonien oder baskische Sportarten wie Pelota und Steineheben. Und wenn wir schon bei den Regionen sind: Ecos gibt grundlegende Informationen zu Katalanisch, Baskisch und Galicisch, die ja in einigen Regionen neben dem Kastilischen oder Spanischen jeweils offizielle Sprachen sind.Mit der Unterscheidung von 'si no' und 'sino' wird ein grammatikalisches Problem aufgegriffen.Und aus Lateinamerika gibt es zum einen eine Nachricht über ein neues Freilichtmuseum in Barranquilla, Kolumbien, sowie den Bericht einer Leserin über ihre Reise nach Oaxaca, Mexiko.Spanisch lernen mit Ecos Audio.Inhalt: Audio-Download inkl. 25-seitigem Booklet mit allen gesprochenen Texten zum Nachlesen und zweisprachigem Glossar (PDF-Format), Sprache: Spanisch.Hören und Verstehen ist der beste Weg zum perfekten Spanisch. Das spanische Sprachtraining bietet Ihnen in ca. 60 Minuten interessante Beiträge, Interviews und Hintergrundberichte aus der gesamten spanischsprachigen Welt. Die Texte werden von Muttersprachlern vorgetragen. Ob verschiedene Dialekte oder Ausdrucksweisen - mit Ecos Audio lernen Sie ganz leicht die verschiedenen Facetten der spanischen Sprache kennen. Neben O-Ton-Interviews und Kultur-Tipps enthält jeder Audio-Download eine umfangreiche journalistische Reportage und einen sprachlichen Schwerpunkt zu spanischer Grammatik und spanischem Wortschatz.In deiner Audible-Bibliothek findest du für dieses Hörerlebnis eine PDF-Datei mit zusätzlichem Material.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 14.95 EUR excl. shipping
A Lethal Legacy
Witches of Hemlock Cove is the best witch cozy series around.” (Jules Matana, reviewer.)When Grace Angelo and her family of witches reopened their guesthouse, they could not have predicted the consequences. Or that their first guest would turn out to be a powerful warlock. Soon, the warlock’s dark influence starts to spread, and Grace and her sisters will have to combine their forces if they’re to protect their beloved New England town of Hemlock Cove. Join Grace and her friends in this fun, riveting small-town mystery. For fans of paranormal mystery, cozy mystery, and witches. in stock new Audiobook, Exclusive 15.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B07N6J726M?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/adbl/050400de/lg_image.jpg Kennedy Chase English 784 Gabra Zackman Audible Studios Fiction Fiction 9.95 EUR 3 Std. und 39 Min. 05.02.2019 Witches of Hemlock Cove (Unabridged) 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B07N6J726M 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B07N6J726M com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/050400de/bk_adbl_050400de_sample.mp3 243496 243496 301045 B07Ssdbv88 Get Your Hero up a Tree: How to Write a Movie (That Doesn't Stink) Created for the college classroom, and intended for aspiring screenwriters, Mark Achtenberg’s Get Your Hero up a Tree: How to Write a Movie (That Doesn’t Stink) is a surprisingly refreshing and entertaining how-to audiobook that tackles the medium of film. A long-time educator and respected expert in the field, Achtenberg approaches his topic from a position of deep understanding, producing a guide that at times reads like a philosophical treatise but for the healthy dose of wit and humor throughout. Indispensable for serious students of film and screenwriting, this audiobook will also prove a pleasingly insightful listen for movie aficionados and enthusiasts alike. in stock new Audiobook 7.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B07SSDBV88?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/154255de/lg_image.jpg Mark Achtenberg English 784 Eric Cator Author's Republic Language Arts & Disciplines, Performing Arts Language Arts & Disciplines Performing Arts 4.95 EUR 2 Std. und 58 Min. 31.05.2019 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B07SSDBV88 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B07SSDBV88 com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/154255de/bk_acx0_154255de_sample.mp3 120691 120691 103522 208131 208131 249018 396088818X Der Bienenhirte - Über das Führen von selbstorganisierten Teams: Ein Roman für Manager und Projektverantwortliche Mehr und mehr Organisationen setzen auf die Arbeit mit selbstorganisierten Teams. Manager müssen diese Transformation initiieren und begleiten, ohne genau zu wissen, was ihre Rolle nach dem Übergang sein wird. Und wenn sie sich selbst nicht mitverändern, können sie eher zum Hindernis als zum motivierenden Faktor werden.Dieses außergewöhnliche Managementbuch erzählt die Geschichte von Mark, einer Führungskraft in einer großen Supermarktkette, in der auf Selbstorganisation umgestellt wird. Während eines Kurzurlaubs bei seinem Großvater erfährt er von ihm, wie dieser vom Schafhirten zum Imker wurde und was er dabei gelernt hat. Seine klugen und praktischen Lektionen scheinen überraschend gut auf Marks Situation zu passen. Sie helfen ihm, seine eigenen Handlungsweisen zu überdenken und eine Liste zu erstellen, welche von ihnen er ändern bzw. abstellen muss. Denn zuallererst heißt es, zu ent-managen' und alte Gewohnheiten zu 'ent-lernen'. Dieses Buch erklärt eindrucksvoll und unterhaltsam, wie das geht.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 10.95 EUR excl. shipping
Merv: The Final Chapter
Fascinating! An intimate biography...an Insight into a whole era of entertainment!” (The Hollywood Reporter)Merv Griffin had a way with stars. They loved him, and he’d given that “big break” to countless young hopefuls who became major celebrities, including Sonny and Cher, Dick Cavett, Richard Pryor, and Tony Orlando and Dawn. Merv was one of America’s best-loved TV personalities. Millions of fans were hooked on his sincerity, intelligence, and showmanship. Merv worked hard to get to the top.Here is the true public, private, and on-stage life of the man who won the hearts of America. in stock new Audiobook 20.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B08RRRSNCB?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/230614de/lg_image.jpg Michael B. Druxman English 784 Bennett A. Rabiega Michael B. Druxman Biography & Autobiography, Performing Arts Biography & Autobiography Performing Arts 9.95 EUR 6 Std. und 40 Min. 31.12.2020 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B08RRRSNCB 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B08RRRSNCB com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/230614de/bk_acx0_230614de_sample.mp3 1469075458 The Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation This practical resource offers the foundational skills and tools needed by new coaching educators, as well as presenting an overview of the knowledge and theory base behind the practice. Established coaches will find numerous ways to deepen and refine their coaching practice. Principals and others who incorporate coaching strategies into their work will also find a wealth of resources.Aguilar offers a model for transformational coaching which could be implemented as professional development in schools or districts anywhere. Although she addresses the needs of adult learners, her model maintains a student-centered focus, with a specific lens on addressing equity issues in schools.Offers a practical resource for school coaches, principals, district leaders, and other administratorsPresents a transformational coaching model which addresses systems changePays explicit attention to surfacing and interrupting inequities in schoolsThe Art of Coaching: Effective Strategies for School Transformation offers a compendium of school coaching ideas, and the audiobook's explicit, user-friendly structure enhances the ability to access the information.PLEASE Note: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. in stock new Audiobook 21.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/1469075458?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/gdan/003333de/lg_image.jpg Elena Aguilar English 784 Emily Ellet Gildan Media Business & Economics, Education Business & Economics Education 9.95 EUR 10 Std. und 29 Min. 13.08.2019 1 5.0 9781469075457 audible://.de/pd/1469075458 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/1469075458 com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/gdan/003333de/bk_gdan_003333de_sample.mp3 117795 117795 137051 209019 209019 158605 3838794966 Think - Sie wissen, was du denkst 1-6 Folge 1-6 der psychologischen Thriller-Serie von Trent Kennedy Johnson in einem Hörbuch.Los Angeles, die Stadt der Träume: Kathy Think' Lipinski ist eine brillante Psychotherapeutin. Doch sie hat mit inneren Dämonen zu kämpfen, denn bei ihrem letzten Patienten beging sie einen schweren Fehler.Ihr neuer Job als Bewährungshelferin scheint wie für Think gemacht. Denn eine ebenso bahnbrechende wie umstrittene neue Technologie ermöglicht es der Regierung, die Gedanken von Straftätern auf Bewährung zu überwachen. Think kann dadurch die Gedanken ihrer 'Schützlinge' in ihrem Kopf hören. Die neue Technologie schafft neue Begehrlichkeiten, Ängste - und Gefahren. Und Think muss sich bald fragen, wem sie noch vertrauen kann - sich selbst eingeschlossen ... denn sie spielt ein Spiel, das viel größer ist als sie selbst!- Shop: Audible
- Price: 7.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Skin: Black Hind's Wake, Book 1
You cannot fix this world alone, Selkie.’‘I know. But when we die, all that is left are shadows of our lives preserved in the memories of those who remain. I plan on leaving an exceptionally long shadow, filled with ripples of moonlight for those I helped, and darker than the worst of nightmares for those who wronged us.How far would you go to save your skin? I’m a selkie, trapped above the waves until I can recover my skin. Humans used to call us seal-wives many years ago - before they broke the planet. I thought that fewer humans, after the warming, would mean less danger. My kind believed our world was finally recovering. We were wrong.Up here, the magic is fading and Old Ones like me are being traded as trophies for rich and powerful humans to display in collections. Without the Old Ones, the magic fades; without magic, the planet dies. Humankind has gone too far, and someone has to put a stop to it. I just wasn’t expecting it to be me.Far to the south on his enormous pleasure ship, Barge, Lord Sal hunts for missing Old Ones - with a grand plan to leave his own mark on the world. But Icidro and Prince Ulises are searching for them, too, and this is a world where money talks louder than morals. in stock new Audiobook 25.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B09QMRD54M?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/293807de/lg_image.jpg J E Hannaford English 784 Emily Mount J E Hannaford Fiction Fiction 9.95 EUR 12 Std. und 6 Min. 18.01.2022 Black Hind's Wake (Unabridged) 1 5.0 audible://.de/pd/B09QMRD54M 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B09QMRD54M com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/293807de/bk_acx0_293807de_sample.mp3 116758 125719 272225 0655674276 Gods and Demons Behind the tourist veneer of Bali and greater Indonesia: a foreign correspondent's memoir.In 2006, journalist Deborah Cassrels embarked on a personal odyssey to the Indonesian island of Bali. She was quickly enchanted by everything that most tourists find - its beauty, easy lifestyle, exotic culture, stunning beaches and striking landscapes.Three years later she moved there and became The Australian newspaper's first Bali-based correspondent, covering events throughout Indonesia. Peeling back the tourist veneer, Cassrels soon found herself caught up in a tapestry of beauty, mystery, power, corruption and violence.From the newly jailed, reeling Bali Nine drug gang and the gruesome executions of their condemned bosses, to stories of shackled people, infamous terrorists, powerful tycoons and lavish royal celebrations, Cassrels reveals a hidden side to the mystical Hindu paradise and vast Indonesian archipelago in which all is not as it seems. in stock new Audiobook 30.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/0655674276?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/boli/004951de/lg_image.jpg Deborah Cassrels British English 784 Deborah Cassrels Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd Biography & Autobiography, Political Science Biography & Autobiography Political Science 9.95 EUR 13 Std. und 48 Min. 01.06.2020 0 0.0 9780655674276 audible://.de/pd/0655674276 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/0655674276 com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/boli/004951de/bk_boli_004951de_sample.mp3 B004Uuzn76 Herbert's Wormhole Greetings. The fictional narrative enclosed within this archaic auto-entertainment device is offered for immediate consumption as a temporary diversion to your unremarkable life. Hey. This is a really cool story about our trip to the future. You're gonna love it because we're in it and it's got aliens and it's awesome. in stock new Audiobook 17.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B004UUZN76?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/harp/001870de/lg_image.jpg Peter Nelson English 784 Jonathan Davis HarperAudio Young Adult Fiction, Juvenile Fiction, Fiction, Young Adult Nonfiction Young Adult Fiction Juvenile Fiction Fiction Young Adult Nonfiction 9.95 EUR 3 Std. und 20 Min. 05.05.2009 0 0.0 9780061776281 audible://.de/pd/B004UUZN76 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B004UUZN76 com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/harp/001870de/bk_harp_001870de_sample.mp3 104113 104113 98704 182988 182988 283972 B00K7Cze66 The Comedy of Errors: Arkangel Shakespeare Chaos and confusion mount to a crescendo in a wild and fast-paced comedy of mistaken identity, one of Shakespeare's earliest plays. Young Antipholus of Syracuse is searching the world for his identical twin brother, separated from him at birth. With him is his servant Dromio, who lost his twin brother at the same time. The pair arrive in Ephesus where, unbeknownst to them, their twins are living. Antipholus of Syracuse is played by David Tennant, Antipholus of Ephesus by Brendan Coyle. Alan Cox and Jason O'Mara are the two Dromios, while Niamh and Sorcha Cusack play Adriana and Luciana. in stock new Audiobook 15.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B00K7CZE66?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/blak/006605de/lg_image.jpg William Shakespeare English 784 David Tennant, Brendan Coyle, Alan Cox, Jason O'Mara, Niamh Cusack, Sorcha Cusack Arkangel Drama, Fiction Drama Fiction 9.95 EUR 1 Std. und 27 Min. 08.05.2014 1 5.0 9781572708761 audible://.de/pd/B00K7CZE66 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B00K7CZE66 com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/blak/006605de/bk_blak_006605de_sample.mp3 119607 119607 69494 202895 202895 100085 B083748Fn5 Klangreise durch den Finsterwald: Bibi Blocksberg - Asmr Bibi geht auf entspannende Klangreise durch den friedlichen Finsterwald. Bei ihrer Wanderung durch den märchenhaften Wald lauscht sie dem Rauschen der Blätter, dem Zwitschern der Vögel und einem fröhlich plätscherndem Bächlein. Die Klangreise durch den Finsterwald' sorgt für Entspannung und führt im Nu ins Reich der Träume.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 2.95 EUR excl. shipping
The Witness Paradox: A Time Traveler Anthology
“Time is an illusion.” (Albert Einstein)“There is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it.” (H.g. Wells) “If time travel is possible, I would go back to 1967, and the birth of my first child, Robert.” (Stephen Hawking)“In some ways, we are traveling in time now. We just happened to be prisoners of the present in the eternal transition from the past to the future.” (Neil deGrasse Tyson)This anthology explores the fourth dimension by taking a step past the known into the unknown. in stock new Audiobook 20.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B0914VRPQF?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/acx0/246567de/lg_image.jpg Martin Wilsey, Ricardo Garcia, Al Carroll, Scott Ceier, Jeffrey C. Jacobs, Cameron Smith, TR Dillon, English 784 David McCord Martin Wilsey Fiction Fiction 9.95 EUR 6 Std. und 39 Min. 25.03.2021 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B0914VRPQF 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B0914VRPQF com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/246567de/bk_acx0_246567de_sample.mp3 006293418X Growing Things and Other Stories A chilling collection of psychological suspense and literary horror from the multiple award-winning author of the national best seller The Cabin at the End of the World and A Head Full of Ghosts.A masterful anthology featuring 19 pieces of short fiction, Growing Things and Other Stories is an exciting glimpse into Paul Tremblay’s fantastically fertile imagination.In “The Teacher”, a Bram Stoker Award nominee for best short story, a student is forced to watch a disturbing video that will haunt and torment her and her classmates’ lives. Four men rob a pawn shop at gunpoint only to vanish, one by one, as they speed away from the crime scene in “The Getaway”.In “Swim Wants to Know If It’s as Bad as Swim Thinks”, a meth addict kidnaps her daughter from her estranged mother as their town is terrorized by a giant monster...or not.Joining these haunting works are stories linked to Tremblay’s previous novels. The tour de force metafictional novella Notes from the Dog Walkers deconstructs horror and publishing, possibly bringing in a character from A Head Full of Ghosts, all while serving as a prequel to Disappearance at Devil’s Rock. “The Thirteenth Temple” follows another character from A Head Full of Ghosts - Merry, who has published a tell-all memoir written years after the events of the novel. And the title story, “Growing Things”, a shivery tale loosely shared between the sisters in A Head Full of Ghosts, is told here in full.From global catastrophe to the demons inside our heads, Tremblay illuminates our primal fears and darkest dreams in startlingly original fiction that leaves us unmoored. As he lowers the sky and yanks the ground from beneath our feet, we are compelled to contemplate the darkness inside our own hearts and minds. in stock new Audiobook 31.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/006293418X?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/bk/harp/008843de/lg_image.jpg Paul Tremblay English 784 Sean Crisden, Graham Halstead, Cassandra Campbell, Sarah Naughton, Michael Crouch, Caitlin Kelly HarperAudio Fiction Fiction 9.95 EUR 11 Std. und 59 Min. 02.07.2019 0 0.0 9780062934185 audible://.de/pd/006293418X 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/006293418X com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/bk/harp/008843de/bk_harp_008843de_sample.mp3 84231 84231 128307 244388 244388 148700 B0088524Lm Nail the Interview Hypnosis: Get the Job & Business Skills, Guided Meditation, Binaural Beats, Positive Affirmations Be confident and professional. Stop doubting yourself and let your talents shine. You deserve the job you are going after, so discover how to project that confidence with the help of Rachael Meddows. Let Nail the Interview Hypnosis increase your confidence level so that you can step outside of your insecurities and get any job you want. Your subconscious mind will receive hypnotic suggestions for positive change that will allow it to let go of the barriers you have that are stopping you from projecting a relatable, capable you. You know you can handle anything that is thrown at you; now let others see that too. Nail the Interview Hypnosis includes an instructional track as well as three hypnosis tracks for you to choose from: One containing a short induction that allows you to fall into a deep state of relaxation quickly. Great for those who are short on time or for those experienced in hypnosis and familiar with the induction process. Approximately 10 minutes of relaxation induction. One containing a beach induction that will lull you into a deep state of relaxation with the soothing sounds of waves hitting the shore, allowing you to let go of any mental inhibitions and be completely open to positive change. Approximately 20 minutes of relaxation induction. One containing a staircase induction that will walk you down a mental stairway into a deeply relaxed state that ends with you in a peaceful, safe place where you can feel comfortable enough to completely open up to these hypnotic suggestions. Approximately 20 minutes of relaxation induction. Bonus: Sweet Dreams included as the fifth track. in stock new Audiobook, Exclusive 18.95 EUR http://www.audible.de/pd/B0088524LM?ipRedirectOverride=true&overrideBaseCountry=true&bp_o=true http://img.audible.com/audiblewords/content/sp/sdhp/000429de/lg_image.jpg Rachael Meddows English 784 Rachael Meddows Hypnosis & Subliminal LLC Self-Help, Health & Fitness Self-Help Health & Fitness 9.95 EUR 2 Std. und 31 Min. 01.06.2012 0 0.0 audible://.de/pd/B0088524LM 379693831 Audible für iOS audible://.de/pd/B0088524LM com.audible.application Audible für Android http://samples.audible.de/sp/sdhp/000429de/sp_sdhp_000429de_sample.mp3 181536 181536 221371 B0756D557G Hertha BSC - Das Hörbuch: Mein Herz schlägt Blau-Weiß - Eine akustische Reise durch 125 Jahre Hertha BSC-Geschichte Pünktlich zum 125. Jubiläum des Hauptstadtklubs ist endlich der richtige Zeitpunkt für ein besonderes Projekt gekommen. Mit vielen exklusiven Interviews, Reportagen, Musiktiteln und O-Tönen bietet das erste und einzige Hörbuch von Hertha BSC mit 150 Minuten Spielzeit spannende und informative Unterhaltung für jeden eingefleischten Fan und jeden sportinteressierten Zuhörer. Die Texte für das Hörbuch stammen aus der Feder von Michael Jahn, der seit 25 Jahren die beliebte Hertha BSC Kolumne Ha-Ho-He für die Berliner Zeitung schreibt und als Autor von diversen Hertha-Büchern zu den gefragtesten Hertha-Kennern' der Stadt gehört. Als Sprecher begeistert die Hörer kein Geringerer als rbb- und ARD-Sportschau Kommentator Andreas Witte, der mit seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Sportreporter und seinem hohen Bekanntheitsgrad jedem Zuhörer sofort das authentische 'Hertha-Gefühl' vermittelt. 'Hertha BSC - Das Hörbuch' inklusive: Der emotionalsten Momente mit Original-Kommentaren; Exklusiv-Interviews mit Spielern, Trainern und prominenten Fans; Original-Reportagen ausgesuchter Hörfunkübertragungen; Stadionatmosphäre, Fangesängen und den beliebtesten Hertha-Songs.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 10.95 EUR excl. shipping
How to Apply the Teachings of Buddhism in the 21st Century: How to Books, Book 34 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 42min
p. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Trevor Clinger. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/065096/bk_acx0_065096_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping