19 Results for : aventine

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    A Monk of the Aventine ab 23.99 € als Taschenbuch: . Aus dem Bereich: Bücher, Taschenbücher, Geist & Wissen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 23.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Letzte Chance: jetzt noch günstiger buchen.
    • Shop: 12-Travel
    • Price: 698.00 EUR excl. shipping
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    Marcus Didius Falco and his friend Petronius find their local fountain has been blocked - by a severed human hand. Soon other body parts are being found in the aqueducts & sewers. The Aventine partners are commissioned to investigate. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Christian Rodska. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/bbcw/005780/bk_bbcw_005780_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Cobras are technologically-enhanced warriors bred to fight an alien menace no ordinary human can withstand. At the center of action, on the Cobra world of Aventine, is the legendary Moreau clan. While the Cobras are necessary in times of war, in times of peace, they are often reviled by those they have saved. Now, the Cobras have resisted a second invasion of the alien Troft forces, forcing the Troft to a stalemate - even converting some thoughtful Troft into uneasy allies against their kin. Yet all is not well in the human sector of the galaxy. A supposed sister empire, the Dominion of Man, threatens the Cobra worlds with what is, in effect, enslavement, as it moves to consolidate power over all of the Cobra worlds. The plan on Aventine is to extort from the Moreau family the location of the home planet of a mysterious human ally - one that may even be more powerful than the Dominion: The Qasaman Empire. Meanwhile, Cobra Merrick Moreau is on a secret mission of his own, to a world where humans are enslaved by Troft masters. It is a world of barbaric cruelty, where humans are slave chattel to Troft gamblers. There the Troft force whole villages, even children, into life and death struggles served up for Troft entertainment. But the totalitarian Dominion of Man and the Troft game-masters are in for a rude surprise: Cobras are not merely technological marvels. They are far more. For within each Cobra, bred by close family ties and hard testing in battle, there beats the heart of a warrior and the burning conviction that a Cobra will be slave to no one. Rebellion is at hand, and once again, Cobras lead the fight for freedom. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stefan Rudnicki. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/014308/bk_adbl_014308_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    I still can't believe I've put the bastard away for good! Petro muttered.' Petronius Longus, captain of the Aventine watch and Falco's oldest friend, has finally nailed one of Rome's top criminals. Under Roman law, citizens are not imprisoned but are allowed 'time to depart' into exile outside the Empire. One dark and gloomy dawn, Petro and Falco put the evil Balbinus aboard a ship. But soon after, an outbreak of robbery and murder suggests a new criminal ring has moved into Balbinus' territory. Petro and Falco must descend into the underworld of Vespasian's Rome to investigate... ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gordon Griffin. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/020286/bk_adbl_020286_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Book one of the Cobra Rebellion saga and a new entry in New York Times number-one best seller Timothy Zahn's legendary Cobra series. Cobras: technologically enhanced warriors bred to fight an alien menace no ordinary human can withstand. At the center of the action on Cobra world Aventine: the legendary Moreau clan. In times of war, the Cobras are necessary, yet in times of peace they are often reviled by those they have saved. Now the Cobras have resisted a second invasion of the alien Troft forces and forced the Troft to a stalemate--and even converted some thoughtful Troft into uneasy allies against their kin. Yet all is not well in the human sector of the galaxy. A supposed sister empire, the Dominion of Man, threatens the Cobra worlds with what is, in effect, enslavement, as it moves to consolidate power over all the Cobra worlds. The plan on Aventine: to extort from the Moreau family the location of the home planet of a mysterious human ally that may be more powerful than the Dominion: the Qasaman Empire. Meanwhile Cobra Merrick Moreau is on a secret mission of his own to a world of humans enslaved by Troft masters. It is a world of barbaric cruelty, where human are slave chattel to Troft gamblers. There the Troft force whole villages, even children, into life-and-death struggles served up for Troft entertainment. But the totalitarian Dominion of Man and the Troft game masters are in for a rude surprise: Cobras are not merely technological marvels. They are far more. For within each Cobra, bred by close family ties and hard testing in battle, there beats the heart of a warrior and the burning conviction that a Cobra will be slave to no one. Rebellion is at hand, and once again Cobras lead the fight for freedom. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Stefan Rudnicki. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/adbl/019941/bk_adbl_019941_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Lenardo, one of the most powerful Readers in the Aventine Empire, can read thoughts and sense details about objects and people miles away. His abilities are crucial, since the Empire is being attacked by savages with immense psychic powers. When he discovers that one of his former students, Galen, has turned traitor, he's sent on a mission to retrieve the turncoat. Instead, he encounters Lady Aradia, who dreams of ending the conflict. But most of the savage Adepts are allied with Lord Drakonius, whose only interest lies in conquest. Can Lenardo and Aradia find some means together to end the war? The first volume (out of seven) of The Savage Empire Series. Great fantasy adventure! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Sergei Burbank. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/015118/bk_acx0_015118_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ein halbes Jahrzehnt nach dem Dominion-Krieg und mehr als ein Jahr nach Aufstieg und Fall des Praetors Shinzon, kehrt die größte Geißel der Galaxis zurück, um der Föderation verheerenden Schaden zuzufügen - und dieses Mal besteht ihr Ziel in nichts geringerem als der vollkommenen Auslöschung. Andernorts, tief im Gamma-Quadranten, wird ein uraltes Rätsel gelöst. Ein Raumschiff der ersten Generationen der Erde, seit Jahrhunderten verschollen, wird tot und verlassen auf einem einsamen Planeten gefunden. Aber seine Entdeckung, so weit von seinem Zuhause entfernt, hat beunruhigende Fragen aufgeworfen und die Antworten greifen zurück auf einen Überlebenskampf, den einst ein Captain und ihre Mannschaft an die Grenzen ihrer Menschlichkeit gebracht hatte. Von diesem erschreckenden Unruheherd beginnt eine apokalyptische Odyssee, die Zeit und Raum umfassen, die Vergangenheit enthüllen, die Zukunft bestimmen und drei Captains - Jean-Luc Picard von der U.S.S. Enterprise, William Riker von der U.S.S. Titan und Ezri Dax von der U.S.S. Aventine - zeigen wird, dass manche Schicksale unabwendbar sind. Diese ungekürzte Hörbuch-Fassung genießt du exklusiv nur bei Audible. ungekürzt. deutsch. Lutz Riedel. https://samples.audible.de/bk/adko/000821/bk_adko_000821_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Seit fast zehn Jahren zählt Agnes Obel zu den unabhängigen und eigenwilligen Künstlern der Gegenwartsmusik. Nun meldet sie sich mit einer neuen Arbeit zurück, nach der Single "Island Of Doom" veröffentlicht sie nun die Single "Broken Sleep" aus ihrem mit Spannung erwarteten Album Myopia. Myopia erscheint am 21. Februar 2020 bei Deutsche Grammophon."Für mich ist Myopia ein Album über Vertrauen und Zweifel. Kannst du dir selbst vertrauen oder nicht? Kannst du deinem eigenen Urteil vertrauen? Kannst du darauf vertrauen, dass du das Richtige tust? Kannst du deinen Instinkten und deinen Gefühlen vertrauen? Oder sind deine Gefühle verzerrt?" Agnes ObelWie schon bei früheren Alben (Philharmonics, Aventine und Citizen Of Glass), die Agnes Obel im Alleingang in ihrem Berliner Studio schuf, zog sich die Musikerin auch für diese Arbeit in eine selbst auferlegte kreative Isolation zurück. Alle äußeren Einflüsse und Ablenkungen wollte sie ausblenden, während sie mit dem Schreiben, der Aufnahme und dem Abmischen beschäftigt war. "Sämtliche Alben, an denen ich gearbeitet habe, verlangten, dass ich eine Art Blase schaffe, in der sich alles nur noch um das Album dreht."
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    When a rampaging band of marauders sets the small village of Aventine-on-Thames afire, virginal Leta is roused by her brother and sent scampering into the nearby woods for safety. Apparently out of harm's way, she beds down under a shrub and weathers the night. As dawn breaks, Leta is torn from her cubby by Ragnar, the leader of a rowdy gang of Vikings. At once, he terrifies her, but Leta cannot deny the excitement – forbidden excitement – that this man from the North raises makes her feel. Will she run? Will she hide? Or will she give up her purity, give up her innocence, and be Bred by the Viking? Warning: This 10,000+ word wild, erotic sizzler features forbidden pleasures, danger, excitement, a reluctant maid, defloration, a first time sexual experience, a Viking warrior with a gruff exterior and a heart of gold, rough sex play, hair pulling, deep throating, explicit sexual situations, a huge internal finish, and the promise of something Leta has always wanted. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Rebecca Bedford. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/005500/bk_acx0_005500_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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