48 Results for : gaslighter
Criminal Gaslighter (Personal Support Included): Toxic Others, Book 29 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 23min
Is your guy sly like a fox? Is he mischievous like Wile E. Coyote? Is he an opportunist?Most of us don’t realize it, but we have been exploited by a criminal gaslighter at one point or another in our lives. Maybe he is working with us. Maybe he was our teacher in high school. Maybe he was the pastor at our church. Some of us are sleeping next to a criminal gaslighter in our bed. You may not know this fact: Not all criminals are made. Many criminals are born to be criminals. The born criminal gaslighter, according to Lombroso’s Theory of Crime, is classified as "a mentally defective person who, from tendency and opportunity, becomes associated with the criminal class."To deny that this person has criminal tendencies because we like "bad boys" who excite us is to put us directly in the line of fire of someone who doesn’t care about harming us or the people around us that we are responsible for keeping safe (our children and aging parents). These individuals are considered "degenerates"; an immoral person, or a person with immoral behavior. They are impaired by virtue and morally perverted according to the legal system we use to imprison such individuals; many of them are never caught in their malevolence because no one can police a world with over seven billion people in it. In denying that these individuals seek to exploit and manipulate and steal and injure us, we are aiding them in their criminality and their bent toward getting ahead by malevolent means.In 1889, a book called The Criminal referred to these as people suffering from "congenital criminality". Children who were born with an especially naughty streak. Those who would not stop being criminal even if they were caught and punished severely. Those who could not stop being criminal because they....Download now to hear more. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Lora. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/200002/bk_acx0_200002_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Gaslighter: The 11th Percent, Book 5 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 1014min
Jonah has witnessed the unthinkable.The world has changed, and the new threats aren’t just ethereal. It’s no longer just about having the right spiritual powers, the right armaments, or the right allies.Just like before, when Jonah thought he had the 11th Percent figured out, just when he thought he had all the answers, he learned once again that he had no idea.Now, Jonah Rowe faces his most challenging trial yet. His faith will be tested and his beliefs challenged. And in the end, he'll find himself asking the question: Is it the world that is different or just him?Gaslighter is a stand-alone novel, and can be enjoyed even if you haven't read other books in the series. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Henry Schrader. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/176814/bk_acx0_176814_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Sweet Revenge: Gaslight the Gaslighter (Personal Support Included): Toxic Others, Book 17 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 28min
You can’t believe it! The person who is supposed to like or love you is gaslighting you. You are at your wits end with them. They are causing you to feel as though your entire world is upside down.The gaslighter makes you feel as though everyone else is out to get you. They pit everyone against you because crowds are easier to manipulate than individual people are. They drop hints and rumors so that other people believe bad things about you. Not even the truth can be heard by these sheep who stuffed cotton in their ears so far as you were concerned! They are both blind and deaf to the truth, and you are at the butt end of the joke.You can hardly see straight through their proverbial smoke screen. You want to get out, but they are always two steps ahead of you. You can’t see how you got yourself into the mess in the first place. The gaslighter had you targeted. He probably figured out all your weaknesses long before that first conversation he had with you. He had to formulate his strategy to dominate and control you after all.He must know his enemy, so he got to know you before you could know anything at all about him. Everything he portrayed to you was fake. Now, you have found yourself in some kind of a pickle that you struggle to get out of. The noose is tightening more and...Download now to hear more. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Gene Charles. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/180730/bk_acx0_180730_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Gaslighting: Inverted Reality (Personal Support Included): Toxic Others, Book 19 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 24min
If you have ever spent any time around a malevolent gaslighter, you will learn all too fast that your entire reality will be turned upside down and on its head by this skilled deceiver.The gaslighter lies about most things so that you will never know when he is lying or telling the truth. The gaslighter learns to use what he said and what he inferred to mean two very different things. The gaslighter primes and conditions an individual so that he merely has to say a phrase or infer something to get a reaction out of the victim. Then, when the victim reacts to the underlying threat and intimidation in the gaslighter’s words, he will act just as surprised as everyone else in the room at the victim’s reaction.The gaslighter will point fingers. He will convince everyone else that he doesn’t know what the victim is talking about. No one will have heard anything offensive, but he knows he conditioned her to react a certain way when he said that thing he always says under his breath. The gaslighter drops passive aggressive hints so that only she knows what he means. It is like an ongoing personal joke between the two, only she isn’t laughing.The gaslighter can instill a fear and a hesitance even in a victim who knows outwardly what tactics the gaslighter is using. The best gaslighter, a trained PSYOP/MISO soldier from the military, uses the techniques he has learned to keep his family under control.Buy the audiobook now to learn more. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: NM Saunders. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/181990/bk_acx0_181990_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Vorsicht vor Gaslighting
Vorsicht vor der beliebtesten Waffe der Narzissten und anderen Psychopathen 1938 sorgte das Theaterstück "Gaslighting" des britischen Dramatikers Patrick Hamilton für Aufsehen. Denn thematisiert wird eine Form des psychischen Missbrauchs, bei dem ein Mann seine Frau in den Wahnsinn treibt, indem er gezielt Dinge verschwinden lässt, die kurz danach an einem anderen Ort wieder auftauchen. Ein Thema von zeitloser Aktualität, denn Gaslighting ist die beliebteste Waffe von Narzissten und anderen Psychopathen, um ihre Opfer unter Kontrolle zu bringen. Beim Gaslighting wird die Realität verdreht, es werden Schuldgefühle beim Gegenüber erzeugt, absichtliche Täuschungen vernebeln die Wahrnehmung und Ängste werden gezielt ausgenutzt. Gaslighter suchen sich gerne Menschen mit einem niedrigen Selbstwertgefühl aus, um ihre Machtspiele zu treiben. Ob beruflich oder privat - die Beziehung zu einem Gaslighter kann schnell toxisch werden und Sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns treiben. Dieses Buch des Psychologen Emory Green richtet sich an alle Menschen, die bereits Opfer dieses emotionalen Missbrauchs sind, Angst davor haben oder sich einfach grundsätzlich über Gaslighting informieren möchten. Dabei lautet seine Botschaft: Der Weg aus dieser Psycho-Falle ist machbar und muss getan werden, da es um nichts anderes als Ihr persönliches Wohlbefinden geht. ¿Dieses Buch ist jedoch auch ein unverzichtbarer Ratgeber für Sie, wenn Sie selbst das Gefühl haben, die Tendenz zum Gaslighter zu besitzen - denn auch dann gibt es einen Ausweg:Green gibt Ihnen einen kompakten Überblick rund um alle Techniken des Gaslightings. Dabei zeigt er leicht verständlich an Praxisbeispielen aus dem persönlichen Leben und der großen Politik auf, wie gefährlich dieses Machtspiel sein kann. Einzigartige Protokolle: Der Autor hat jahrelang mit Gaslightern in seiner Praxis zu tun gehabt. Erhalten Sie einmalige und exklusive Einblicke in den Kopf eines Gaslighters und erfahren Sie hautnah, was in diesen Menschen wirklich vorgeht! Die verschiedenen Typen von Gaslightern inklusive großem Selbsttest Gaslighting ist deshalb so gefährlich, weil Sie das Spiel erst dann bemerken, wenn es zu spät ist. Tauchen Sie mit der Lektüre tief in die Methoden der Gaslighter ein und lernen Sie, wie Sie direkt die ersten Anzeichen richtig deuten. Identifizieren Sie mit dem beigefügten Fragebogen ganz gezielt einen Psychopathen. Die Rolle der Opfer: Green erklärt, dass manche Menschen anfälliger sind für Gaslighter als andere. Gehören Sie dazu? Das Leben mit einem Gaslighter ist wie eine Achterbahnfahrt in der Hölle. Lesen Sie erschütternde Fallbeispiele und die sieben Stufen des Gaslighting in einer Beziehung inklusive Love Bombing. Gaslighting in der Familie, am Arbeitsplatz, im Freundeskreis, in den sozialen Medien - informieren Sie sich über die Folgen und erhalten Sie Strategien, wie Sie mental gesund bleiben. Das Notfall-Programm, um Gaslighter direkt zu entwaffnen. Plus: So erholen Sie sich von jahrelangen toxischen Beziehungen. Gaslighting kann jeden betreffen- ob als Opfer oder Täter. Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses Buch, um sich vor den Methoden der Manipulierer effektiv zu schützen!- Shop: buecher
- Price: 16.99 EUR excl. shipping
Gaslighting: Trauma by Fire (Personal Support Included): Toxic Others, Book 27 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 27min
When you are with a gaslighter, you are subjected to trauma by fire. Everything you do and every direction you turn, you are going to get burned. The gaslighter makes everything a "no win" situation. You are in a win-lose with the competitive gaslighter.The gaslighter doesn’t have a pro-social personality. He is not vying for his own cooperation with others. He is not seeking an intimate, vulnerable, and reciprocal relationship with others. The gaslighter doesn’t relate to the world around him in this way. The gaslighter is competitive. He is always in it to win it. He plays the world strategically, and he always looks for the upper advantage over someone else.The gaslighter may look like he is an affiliative and amiable person, at first. If you look closer, you will see what we mean in that he is competitive. He has high standards. He has high expectations. His worldview and his blueprint are much different from our own. He doesn’t value vulnerability and weakness and intimacy. He values his own traits and personality and ambiguous morals.The gaslighter doesn’t march to the drum of other people in society. He marches to the beat of his own drum. He is an opportunist, and he is always on the lookout for opportunity. He sold you on the fantasy that he was pitching, but all gaslighters pitch the same fantasy to their women. All gaslighters mirror back some magical world in which only they exist.Buy the audiobook to find out more! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Mike Davis. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/180729/bk_acx0_180729_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Gaslighting: Turning the Tables to Confront a Cheater (Personal Support Included): Toxic Others, Book 9 , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 49min
People who have been duped by a gaslighter know exactly how hard it is to discuss a problem with this person and come to a reasonable solution. The gaslighter talks you into circles. He triangulates other people against you. He hits below the belt and criticizes you. He hurts your feelings and backs you into a wall until you slink away in disgust. The gaslighter will do anything to get you off his back when you drop a perfectly reasonable argument in his lap.The truth is that the gaslighter has been doing this all his life. He is a master manipulator. It only takes about two years of being around other master manipulators during his waking hours for the gaslighter to learn how to fully manipulate others. It is more difficult to manipulate an individual person than it is to manipulate a whole group of people. If the manipulator you are dealing with is able to deceive and manipulate people individually, he will be skilled at triangulating others against you and launching an entire smear campaign to throw you down into the mud.The gaslighter will destroy your entire reputation if you let him. He is skilled at doing his homework before he ever meets you so that he knows exactly who you are and who he is dealing with. The master manipulator can anticipate your next move, and he can do things to make sure that you never get.Buy the audiobook now to find out more. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Leigh Ann Haga. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/180736/bk_acx0_180736_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Vorsicht vor Gaslighting: Der gefährlichste Gehirnwäsche-Trick der Narzissten und anderer Manipulatoren. So schaffen es Menschen unbemerkt, das Selbstbewusstsein ... ihrer Opfer zu zerstören [The Manipulative Power to Play with People’s Minds and Control Them for Life] , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 258min
Vorsicht vor der beliebtesten Waffe der Narzissten und anderen PsychopathenBeim Gaslighting wird die Realität verdreht, es werden Schuldgefühle beim Gegenüber erzeugt, absichtliche Täuschungen vernebeln die Wahrnehmung und Ängste werden gezielt ausgenutzt.Ob beruflich oder privat - die Beziehung zu einem Gaslighter kann schnell toxisch werden und Sie an den Rand des Wahnsinns treiben. Das erwartet Sie im Hörbuch:Emory Green erläutert die Techniken des Gaslightings mit leicht verständlichen Praxisbeispielen aus dem Alltag und der Politik. So gefährlich kann dieses Machtspiel sein.Erhalten Sie einmalige und exklusive Einblicke in den Kopf eines Gaslighters und erfahren Sie hautnah, was in diesen Menschen wirklich vorgeht!Großer Selbsttest - Sind Sie vielleicht ein Gaslighter?Gaslighting ist deshalb so gefährlich, weil es erst dann bemerken, wenn es zu spät ist. Wie Sie die ersten Anzeichen richtig deuten.Manche Menschen sind anfälliger für Gaslighter als andere. Gehören Sie dazu?Das Leben mit einem Gaslighter ist wie eine Achterbahnfahrt in der Hölle. Erschütternde Fallbeispiele und die sieben Stufen des Gaslighting in einer Beziehung inklusive Love Bombing.Gaslighting in der Familie, am Arbeitsplatz, im Freundeskreis, in den sozialen MedienDas Notfall-Programm, um Gaslighter direkt zu entwaffnen. Plus: So erholen Sie sich von jahrelangen toxischen Beziehungen.Gaslighting kann jeden betreffen - ob als Opfer oder Täter. Holen Sie sich jetzt dieses Buch, um sich vor den Methoden der Manipulierer effektiv zu schützen! ungekürzt. deutsch. Mario Kunze. https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/235295/bk_acx0_235295_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Gaslighting: How to Recognize Manipulative and Emotionally Abusive People and Recover from Toxic Relationships , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 243min
Discover How to Steer Clear of Gaslighters and Recover from Toxic RelationshipsFrom friends, parents, siblings to spouses, gaslighters are everywhere. Gaslighting is an insidious form of emotional and psychological manipulation that is completely damaging when left unresolved.But what does a gaslighter do that is so harmful?A gaslighter will - slowly but effectively - make you question your sanity by eroding your self-belief, confidence, decisions, and reality.A gaslighter ensures that their victim is unsure of what they are doing or saying. They keep their victims completely off balance and worried all the time.Do you want to recognize the techniques used in gaslighting? Are you looking to recover from a relationship with a gaslighter? If so, then this book is EXACTLY for you.This book will give you insight on how you can identify a gaslighter - so you can avoid such people in your life. It will show you, in a step-by-step manner, how to identify gaslighting techniques and how to tell who's a gaslighter. It is time to take charge of your life and stop being controlled by others.Here is what you will find inside:Reveal the clear signs that someone is a gaslighterLearn how to be strong and cope with gaslighting effectsGet an effective therapy for gaslighting victimsFix your life and become happy again by regaining your self-confidenceAnd much, much moreFAQQ: Have I been gaslighted?A: Many people do not recognize when they are being gaslighted. Some obvious signs that you are being gaslighted include regularly feeling unhappy and unloved, second-guessing yourself (even in small decisions), and frequently making excuses for others. Get more warning signs of been gaslighted in the book.Want to start listening? Scroll to the top of the page and click on "Buy"! ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Millie Green. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/186781/bk_acx0_186781_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping