16 Results for : speakit
German Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 140min
Ready to learn German? Whether this is your first time learning German, or if you already know some basic German and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT German course will make speaking and understanding German much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels 13. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: Speakit! Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004089/bk_acx0_004089_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Portugiesischer Sprachfuhrer | Lesen & Zuhren (52009) (Lesen- & Zuhren-Reihe) (German Edition) , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 137min
Sind Sie bereit, Portugiesisch zu lernen? Ob Sie zum ersten Mal Portugiesisch lernen oder ob Sie schon etwas Portugiesisch können und nur Ihre Fähigkeiten beim Sprechen verbessern und sich mehr Vokabular aneignen möchten, unser SPEAKIT- Portugiesisch -Sprach-Audio-Führer wird Ihnen das Sprechen und Verstehen der Portugiesischen Sprache viel leichter machen, als Sie es sich jemals vorgestellt hätten! In diesem Kurs lernen Sie grundlegende Wörter und geläufige Sätze, so dass Sie verstehen können, was die Leute zu Ihnen sagen. Und Sie lernen sogar, sich ein bisschen zu unterhalten – zumindest das Richtige zur rechten Zeit zu sagen. Das ist doch was, oder? Und wie funktioniert das? Sie wählen ein Thema – drücken auf Audioaufnahme (*) – und folgen dem Text! Klingt einfach und ist einfach zu lernen! Der Kurs ist in Themen aus dem Alltagsleben aufgeteilt, so dass sich die Inhalte nicht nur für Touristen eignen, sondern für alle, die in Standardsituationen verstehen und sich ausdrücken können wollen, ohne tiefer in die Grundlagen von Grammatik und Syntax eintauchen zu müssen. Sie hören der Sprache zu und wiederholen jedes Wort oder jeden Satz, den Sie hören – nicht nur einmal, sondern zweimal! Dadurch erhalten Sie die Gelegenheit zu lesen... aufzunehmen... und zu sprechen! Und sollte das beim ersten Mal bei Ihnen noch nicht funktionieren, dann klappt es sicher beim zweiten oder dritten Mal. Üben Sie so oft Sie wollen, wann immer Sie sich bereit fühlen! Am wichtigsten ist, dass Sie sich immer wieder vor Augen führen, dass Sie niemals Angst davor haben sollten zu sprechen. OK, andere werden dann vermuten, dass es sich nicht um Ihre Muttersprache handelt. Aber was soll's? Sprache bringt Menschen zusammen und Leute finden es immer gut, wenn Sie versuchen, deren Sprache zu sprechen, auch wenn Sie dabei Fehler machen... Jeder SPEAKIT-Sprachlernkurs umfasst die folgenden Themen: Vorwort und Einleitung 1. Dinge, die ungekürzt. deutsch. Victoria and Michelle. https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/008512/bk_acx0_008512_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Hebrew Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 136min
Ready to learn Hebrew? Whether this is your first time learning Hebrew, or if you already know some basic Hebrew and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Hebrew course will make speaking and understanding Hebrew much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels 13. Car Re ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004317/bk_acx0_004317_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Spanish Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 139min
Ready to learn Spanish? Whether this is your first time learning Spanish, or if you already know some basic Spanish and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Spanish course will make speaking and understanding Spanish much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels 13. Car Rent ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004315/bk_acx0_004315_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Chinese Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 138min
Ready to learn Chinese? Whether this is your first time learning Chinese, or if you already know some basic Chinese and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Chinese course will make speaking and understanding Chinese much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels 13. Car Rentals 14. ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004347/bk_acx0_004347_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
French Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 140min
Ready to learn French? Whether this is your first time learning French, or if you already know some basic French and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT French course will make speaking and understanding French much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels 13 ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004316/bk_acx0_004316_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Russian Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 138min
Ready to learn Russian? Whether this is your first time learning Russian, or if you already know some basic Russian and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Russian course will make speaking and understanding Russian much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels p ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004348/bk_acx0_004348_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Italian Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 141min
Ready to learn Italian? Whether this is your first time learning Italian, or if you already know some basic Italian and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Italian course will make speaking and understanding Italian much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004346/bk_acx0_004346_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Japanese Phrase Book: Read & Listen , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 139min
Ready to learn Japanese? Whether this is your first time learning Japanese, or if you already know some basic Japanese and just want to improve your speech and expand your vocabulary, our SPEAKIT Japanese course will make speaking and understanding Japanese much easier than you ever imagined! In this course, you'll learn basic words and common sentences, so that you'll be able to understand what people are saying to you and even chat a bit - or at least say the right thing at the right time. That's something, isn't it? Tell me, how does it work? Choose a topic and start listening! Simple as it sounds - simple to learn! The course is divided into topics taken from everyday life, making it suitable not only for tourists but also for all those interested in understanding and expressing themselves in basic situations without having to delve into the fundamentals of grammar and syntax. You'll listen to the language and repeat each word or sentence you hear - not just once, but twice! This gives you a chance to listen... to absorb... and to speak! And, hey, if it doesn't work for you the first time, it will work the second time or maybe the third. Practice as many times as you want, whenever you feel like it! The most important thing to remember is that you should never to be afraid to speak. OK, so others will guess it's not your native tongue. So what? Language brings people together, and people always appreciate it when you try to speak their language, even if you make a few mistakes.... Each SPEAKIT language-learning course includes the following topics: Preface and Introduction 1. Things You Need to Know 2. Starting to Speak 3. How Much, How Many? 4. Common Questions 5. Important Words 6. Adjectives 7. Numbers 8. Colors 9. Days of the Week 10. Telling the Time 11. Personal Details 12. Hotels / ungekürzt. Language: English. Narrator: PROLOG's Native Narrators. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/004349/bk_acx0_004349_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
Englischer Sprachführer [English Phrasebook] , Hörbuch, Digital, ungekürzt, 141min
Viele Menschen haben sich bereits für die Speakit.tv-Lernmethode als ihre bevorzugte Methode für das Erlernen der Grundkenntnisse in jeder neuen Sprache entschieden. Jetzt ist Ihre Chance! Ein paar Grundinformationen: 2,5 Stunden Praxis und Sie werden sich 600 nützliche Wörter und Wendungen aneignen, die in nahezu jeder Situation hilfreich sein werden. Der Kurs richtet sich sowohl an Anfänger wie auch jene, die daran interessiert sind, ihre Sprachgrundlagen zu verbessern. Jeder SPEAKIT-Sprachlernkurs umfasst die folgenden Themen: Vorwort und Einleitung 1. Dinge, die Sie wissen müssen, 2. Beginnen zu sprechen, 3. Wie viel, wie viele?, 4. Häufig gestellte Fragen, 5. Wichtige Wörter, 6. Adjektive, 7. Zahlen, 8. Farben, 9. Wochentage, 10. Zeitangaben, 11. Persönliche Angaben, 12. Hotels, 13. Autovermietung, 14. Freunde und Geschäftswesen, 15. Eine neue Sprache, 16. Telefongespräche, 17. Restaurants und Essen, 18. Taxen, 19. Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel, 20. Einkaufen Please note: This audiobook is in German. ungekürzt. deutsch. Victoria & Michelle. https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/015985/bk_acx0_015985_sample.mp3.- Shop: Audible
- Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping