184 Results for : subliminals

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    Erscheinungsdatum: 09/2019, Medium: Audio-CD, Titel: Meeresrauschen, Titelzusatz: Mit heilsamen Subliminals unterlegt, Komponist: O'Neill, Dennis, Verlag: EchnAton-Verlag // EchnAton-Verlag Diana Schulz e.K., Sprache: Deutsch, Schlagworte: Musik, Rubrik: Musikstilrichtungen, Laufzeit: 75 Minuten, Gewicht: 89 gr, Verkäufer: averdo
    • Shop: averdo
    • Price: 18.29 EUR excl. shipping
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    Die Welt der Silent Subliminals ab 6.99 € als epub eBook: schwingst Du schon oder blockierst Du Dich noch?. Aus dem Bereich: eBooks, Belletristik, Erzählungen,
    • Shop: hugendubel
    • Price: 6.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    This pain relief Solfeggio Subliminals program - 417 Hz, 639 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz - was designed to assist the listener in gaining thoughts and perceptions related to relieving pain and discomfort; increasing senses of inner peace, support, and comfort; and enhancing self-healing. This listening resource uses a combination of subliminal affirmations as well as sight-specific solfeggio frequencies. Each topic tends to be associated with certain energy centers (chakras) of the body. For example, topics related to forgiveness and love tend to be related to the heart chakra. Therefore the solfeggio frequencies, induction, and affirmations of that particular program will all be related to the heart chakra. The intention of this is to give the listener an integrated healing or expanding experience within the mind, body, and spirit through sympathetic vibration. The first chapter is geared toward listeners who prefer a more interactive experience, as it features a meditative introduction, slightly audible affirmations, and a meditative conclusion. The second chapter features simply solfeggio frequencies with subliminal affirmations for those who prefer a more ambient or passive experience (to sleep, zone out to, or listen to in the background). The third and fourth chapters feature an in-depth overview of the program and specific solfeggio/chakra descriptions. The fifth, final chapter features a new sleep induction track with white noise, sure to send you off to a peaceful night's rest. When we become mindful of where we choose to place our attention, we become the masters of our own inner experiences. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the infusion of sacred sound, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology with Solfeggio Subliminals! Please note that this resource is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. Language: English. Narrator: Kev Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/062310/bk_acx0_062310_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This Cure Codependency, End Codependent Relationships Now Solfeggio Subliminals program - 639 Hz, 528 Hz, 741 Hz, 852 Hz - was designed to assist the listener in gaining thoughts and perceptions related to a healthy sense of relationship to the self and others, communicating directly, setting healthy boundaries, and expressing emotions in a healthy way. This listening resource uses a combination of subliminal affirmations as well as sight-specific solfeggio frequencies. Each topic tends to be associated with certain energy centers (chakras) of the body. For example, topics related to forgiveness and love tend to be related to the heart chakra. Therefore the solfeggio frequencies, induction, and affirmations of that particular program will all be related to the heart chakra. The intention of this is to give the listener an integrated healing or expanding experience within the mind, body, and spirit through sympathetic vibration. The first chapter is geared toward listeners who prefer a more interactive experience, as it features a meditative introduction, slightly audible affirmations, and a meditative conclusion. The second chapter features simply solfeggio frequencies with subliminal affirmations for those who prefer a more ambient or passive experience (to sleep, zone out to, or listen to in the background). The third and fourth chapters feature an in-depth overview of the program and specific solfeggio/chakra descriptions. The fifth, final chapter features a new sleep induction track with white noise, sure to send you off to a peaceful night's rest. When we become mindful of where we choose to place our attention, we become the masters of our own inner experiences. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the infusion of sacred sound, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology with Solfeggio Subliminals! Please note that this resource is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. Language: English. Narrator: Kev Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/062639/bk_acx0_062639_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    AKTIVIERUNG DER SELBSTHEILUNGSKRÄFTE! "Ich aktiviere meine heilende Lebensenergie in meinem Körper und lasse sie in jede Zelle fließen. Mein Körper ist mein Zuhause und ich achte auf seine Wünsche und Bedürfnisse. Mein Körper dankt es mir durch vitale Gesundheit und glückliches Wohlbefinden. Ich spüre, wie meine Lebenskraft täglich wächst und alle meine Zellen, Nerven und Organe regeneriert. Ja, ich bin jetzt bereit wirklich gesund zu sein! Dieses Programm wird mir dabei behilflich sein!" Die beiden Werkzeuge dieses TEPPERWEIN-Programms, Suggestionen und Subliminals, können Ihnen helfen, Ihr Unterbewusstsein neu zu programmieren und damit Ihr Leben positiv zu beeinflussen. Subliminals ist eine Technik, mit deren Hilfe man Informationen direkt und unter Umgehung des Intellekts ins Unterbewusstsein bringen kann. Subliminals sind sozusagen Affirmationen, die auf eine für den Verstand unhörbare Weise mit der Musik verschmolzen wurden. Bei der meditativen Musik handelt es sich um eine spezielle meditative Musik, die nicht den Verstand, sondern den Körper und Ihr Unterbewusstsein direkt ansprechen. Lassen Sie sich fallen und Veränderung kann geschehen.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 6.49 EUR excl. shipping
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    This Easy Meditation for Beginners, Simple Mindfulness Practice Solfeggio Subliminals program was designed to assist the listener in gaining thoughts and perceptions related to quieting the mind, increasing a sense of inner stillness and peace, and becoming more mindfully present in everyday life. This listening resource uses a combination of subliminal affirmations as well as sight-specific solfeggio frequencies. Each topic tends to be associated with certain energy centers (chakras) of the body. For example, topics related to forgiveness and love tend to be related to the heart chakra. Therefore the solfeggio frequencies, induction, and affirmations of that particular program will all be related to the heart chakra. The intention of this is to give the listener an integrated healing or expanding experience within the mind, body, and spirit through sympathetic vibration. The first chapter is geared toward listeners who prefer a more interactive experience, as it features a meditative introduction, slightly audible affirmations, and a meditative conclusion. The second chapter features simply solfeggio frequencies with subliminal affirmations for those who prefer a more ambient or passive experience (to sleep, zone out to, or listen to in the background). The third and fourth chapters feature an in-depth overview of the program and specific solfeggio/chakra descriptions. The fifth, final chapter features a new sleep induction track with white noise, sure to send you off to a peaceful night's rest. When we become mindful of where we choose to place our attention, we become the masters of our own inner experiences. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the infusion of sacred sound, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology with Solfeggio Subliminals! Please note that this resource is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. It is always advisable to seek help from a qualified health provider in the event of ment Language: English. Narrator: Kev Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/062642/bk_acx0_062642_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This Quit Smoking Solfeggio Subliminals program, 639 Hz, was designed to assist the listener in gaining thoughts and perceptions related to living a healthy, smoke-free lifestyle and releasing smoking addiction. This listening resource uses a combination of subliminal affirmations as well as sight-specific solfeggio frequencies. Each topic tends to be associated with certain energy centers (chakras) of the body. For example, topics related to forgiveness and love tend to be related to the heart chakra. Therefore the solfeggio frequencies, induction, and affirmations of that particular program will all be related to the heart chakra. The intention of this is to give the listener an integrated healing or expanding experience within the mind, body, and spirit through sympathetic vibration. The first chapter is geared toward listeners who prefer a more interactive experience, as it features a meditative introduction, slightly audible affirmations, and a meditative conclusion. The second chapter features simply solfeggio frequencies with subliminal affirmations for those who prefer a more ambient or passive experience (to sleep, zone out, or listen to in the background). The third and fourth chapters feature an in-depth overview of the program and specific solfeggio/chakra descriptions, and the fifth, final chapter features a new sleep induction track with white noise, sure to send you off to a peaceful night's rest. When we become mindful of where we choose to place our attention, we become the masters of our own inner experiences. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the infusion of sacred sound, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology with Solfeggio Subliminals! Please note that this resource is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. It is always advisable to seek help from a qualified health provider in the event of mental or physical illness. Language: English. Narrator: Kev Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/058606/bk_acx0_058606_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    This Curb Your Cravings: Appetite Reduction subliminal solfeggio program, 639 Hz, 417 Hz, was designed to assist the listener in gaining thoughts and perceptions related to curbing appetite, gaining confidence, incorporating weight loss-enhancing lifestyle behaviors, and releasing emotional eating patterns. This listening resource uses a combination of subliminal affirmations as well as sight-specific solfeggio frequencies. Each topic tends to be associated with certain energy centers (chakras) of the body. For example, topics related to forgiveness and love tend to be related to the heart chakra. Therefore the solfeggio frequencies, induction, and affirmations of that particular program will all be related to the heart chakra. The intention of this is to give the listener an integrated healing or expanding experience within the mind, body, and spirit through sympathetic vibration. The first chapter is geared toward listeners who prefer a more interactive experience, as it features a meditative introduction, slightly audible affirmations, and a meditative conclusion. The second chapter features simply solfeggio frequencies with subliminal affirmations for those who prefer a more ambient or passive experience (to sleep, zone out, or listen to in the background). The third and fourth chapter feature an in-depth overview of the program and specific solfeggio/chakra descriptions, and the fifth, final chapter features a new sleep induction track with white noise, sure to send you off to a peaceful night's rest. When we become mindful of where we choose to place our attention, we become the masters of our own inner experiences. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the infusion of sacred sound, Eastern philosophy, and Western psychology with Solfeggio Subliminals! Please note that this resource is not intended to diagnose, prevent, or treat any disease or illness. Language: English. Narrator: Kev Thompson. Audio sample: https://samples.audible.de/bk/acx0/058607/bk_acx0_058607_sample.mp3. Digital audiobook in aax.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping
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    Der Wille ist stark, doch das Fleisch ist schwach. Wer kennt es nicht? Da sind zum einen die guten Vorsätze, sich ausreichend zu bewegen und Gesund zu ernähren. Auf der anderen Seite die Verlockungen und genügend Gründe um den Sport auf morgen zu verschieben... Mittels Subliminal-Hypnose ist es nun möglich Botschaften in das Unterbewusstsein zu leiten um sie dort verarbeiten zu lassen. So haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihr Verhalten Schritt für Schritt umzustellen. Was sind Subiminals? Subliminals sind Botschaften, welche bewusst für das menschliche Gehör nicht wahrnehmbar sind. Dennoch gelangen Sie in das Unterbewusstsein und werden dort umgesetzt. In Indien heißt es: ein Mantra, welches Sie 1.000 mal wiederholen wird zur Realität. Mit Subliminals hören Sie die Suggestionen zwar nicht bewusst, nehmen Sie unbewusst aber trotzdem wahr und auf. Der Vorteil liegt auf der Hand: auch sehr kritisch veranlagte Menschen haben somit die Möglichkeit an bewusst mit ihrem Unterbewusstsein zu arbeiten. Zur Anwendung: Sie hören eine sanfte, beruhigende Melodie, in die Botschaften eingearbeitet wurden. Durch permanente Wiederholung verankern sich die Suggestionen in Ihrem Unterbewusstsein und lassen Sie so Ihr Verhalten ändern. Sie brauchen die CD nicht jedesmal zu Ende hören. Es empfiehlt sich jedoch eine Anwendung über ca. 4 Wochen täglich. Es wird mit folgenden Botschaften gearbeitet, diese werden zu Beginn gesprochen.
    • Shop: buecher
    • Price: 17.99 EUR excl. shipping
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    Ich beginne ein neues Leben und denke positiv und konstruktiv. Meine Gedanken und Taten sind auf Positives konzentriert, und ich lebe bewusst im Hier und Jetzt. Ich bin im Einklang mit mir und meiner Umwelt, und ich erreiche durch mein positives Denken alles. Ja, ich bin jetzt bereit!" Die beiden Werkzeuge dieses Tepperwein-Programms, Suggestionen und Subliminals, können Ihnen helfen, Ihr Unterbewusstsein neu zu programmieren und damit Ihr Leben positiv zu beeinflussen. Subliminals ist eine Technik, mit deren Hilfe man Informationen direkt und unter Umgehung des Intellekts ins Unterbewusstsein bringen kann. Subliminals sind sozusagen Affirmationen, die auf eine für den Verstand unhörbare Weise mit der Musik verschmolzen wurden. Bei der meditativen Musik handelt es sich um eine spezielle meditative Musik, die nicht den Verstand, sondern den Körper und Ihr Unterbewusstsein direkt ansprechen. Lassen Sie sich fallen und Veränderung kann geschehen. deutsch. Ricardo M.. https://samples.audible.de/bk/edel/000773/bk_edel_000773_sample.mp3.
    • Shop: Audible
    • Price: 9.95 EUR excl. shipping

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